# frozen_string_literal: true module Gitlab module BackgroundMigration module BatchingStrategies # This strategy provides an efficient way to iterate over columns with non-distinct values. # A common use case would be iterating over a foreign key columns, for example issues.project_id class LooseIndexScanBatchingStrategy < BaseStrategy include Gitlab::Database::DynamicModelHelpers # Finds and returns the next batch in the table. # # table_name - The table to batch over # column_name - The column to batch over # batch_min_value - The minimum value which the next batch will start at # batch_size - The size of the next batch # job_arguments - The migration job arguments # job_class - The migration job class def next_batch(table_name, column_name, batch_min_value:, batch_size:, job_arguments:, job_class: nil) model_class = define_batchable_model(table_name, connection: connection) quoted_column_name = model_class.connection.quote_column_name(column_name) relation = model_class.where("#{quoted_column_name} >= ?", batch_min_value) next_batch_bounds = nil relation.distinct_each_batch(of: batch_size, column: column_name) do |batch| # rubocop:disable Lint/UnreachableLoop next_batch_bounds = batch.pluck(Arel.sql("MIN(#{quoted_column_name}), MAX(#{quoted_column_name})")).first break end next_batch_bounds end end end end end