%html{ lang: "en" } %head %meta{ content: "text/html; charset=utf-8", "http-equiv" => "Content-Type" } %title GitLab - if Feature.enabled?(:enhanced_notify_css) = stylesheet_link_tag 'notify_enhanced' %style{ type: 'text/css', 'data-premailer': 'ignore' } -# The MUA automatically turns some text into links. -# Match the color of explicit links ($blue-600 from typography.scss). a { color: #1068bf; } - else = stylesheet_link_tag 'notify' = yield :head %body .content = html_header_message = yield .footer{ style: "margin-top: 10px;" } %p — %br - if @target_url - if @reply_by_email = _('Reply to this email directly or %{view_it_on_gitlab}.').html_safe % { view_it_on_gitlab: link_to(_("view it on GitLab"), @target_url) } - else #{link_to _("View it on GitLab"), @target_url}. %br = notification_reason_text(reason: @reason, show_manage_notifications_link: !@labels_url, show_help_link: true, manage_label_subscriptions_url: @labels_url, unsubscribe_url: @unsubscribe_url, format: :html) = email_action @target_url = render_if_exists 'layouts/email_additional_text' = html_footer_message