# frozen_string_literal: true class AwarenessChannel < ApplicationCable::Channel # rubocop:disable Gitlab/NamespacedClass REFRESH_INTERVAL = ENV.fetch("GITLAB_AWARENESS_REFRESH_INTERVAL_SEC", 60) private_constant :REFRESH_INTERVAL # Produces a refresh interval value, based of the # GITLAB_AWARENESS_REFRESH_INTERVAL_SEC environment variable or the given # default. Makes sure, that the interval after a jitter is applied, is never # less than half the predefined interval. def self.refresh_interval(range: -10..10) min = REFRESH_INTERVAL / 2.to_f [min.to_i, REFRESH_INTERVAL.to_i + rand(range)].max.seconds end private_class_method :refresh_interval # keep clients updated about session membership periodically every: self.refresh_interval do transmit payload end def subscribed reject unless valid_subscription? return if subscription_rejected? stream_for session, coder: ActiveSupport::JSON session.join(current_user) AwarenessChannel.broadcast_to(session, payload) end def unsubscribed return if subscription_rejected? session.leave(current_user) AwarenessChannel.broadcast_to(session, payload) end # Allows a client to let the server know they are still around. This is not # like a heartbeat mechanism. This can be triggered by any action that results # in a meaningful "presence" update. Like scrolling the screen (debounce), # window becoming active, user starting to type in a text field, etc. def touch session.touch!(current_user) transmit payload end private def valid_subscription? current_user.present? && path.present? end def payload { collaborators: collaborators } end def collaborators session.online_users_with_last_activity.map do |user, last_activity| collaborator(user, last_activity) end end def collaborator(user, last_activity) { id: user.id, name: user.name, avatar_url: user.avatar_url(size: 36), last_activity: last_activity, last_activity_humanized: ActionController::Base.helpers.distance_of_time_in_words( Time.zone.now, last_activity ) } end def session @session ||= AwarenessSession.for(path) end def path params[:path] end end