# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe ExceedQueryLimitHelpers do before do stub_const('TestQueries', Class.new(ActiveRecord::Base)) stub_const('TestMatcher', Class.new) TestQueries.class_eval do self.table_name = 'schema_migrations' end TestMatcher.class_eval do include ExceedQueryLimitHelpers def expected ActiveRecord::QueryRecorder.new do 2.times { TestQueries.count } end end end end describe '#diff_query_group_message' do it 'prints a group helpfully' do test_matcher = TestMatcher.new suffixes = { 'WHERE x = z' => [1, 1], 'WHERE x = y' => [1, 2], 'LIMIT 1' => [1, 0] } message = test_matcher.diff_query_group_message('SELECT * FROM foo', suffixes) expect(message).to eq(<<~MSG.chomp) SELECT * FROM foo... -- (expected: 1, got: 1) WHERE x = z -- (expected: 1, got: 2) WHERE x = y -- (expected: 1, got: 0) LIMIT 1 MSG end end describe '#diff_query_counts' do let(:expected) do ActiveRecord::QueryRecorder.new do TestQueries.where(version: 'foobar').to_a TestQueries.where(version: 'also foobar and baz').to_a TestQueries.count TestQueries.first TestQueries.where(version: 'foobar').to_a TestQueries.where(version: 'x').update_all(version: 'y') TestQueries.where(version: 'foobar').count TestQueries.where(version: 'z').delete_all end end let(:actual) do ActiveRecord::QueryRecorder.new do TestQueries.where(version: 'foobar').to_a TestQueries.where(version: 'also foobar and baz').to_a TestQueries.count TestQueries.create!(version: 'x') TestQueries.where(version: 'foobar').to_a TestQueries.where(version: 'x').update_all(version: 'y') TestQueries.where(version: 'foobar').count TestQueries.count TestQueries.where(version: 'y').update_all(version: 'z') TestQueries.where(version: 'z').delete_all end end it 'merges two query counts' do test_matcher = TestMatcher.new diff = test_matcher.diff_query_counts( test_matcher.count_queries(expected), test_matcher.count_queries(actual) ) expect(diff).to eq({ "SELECT \"schema_migrations\".* FROM \"schema_migrations\"" => { "ORDER BY \"schema_migrations\".\"version\" ASC LIMIT 1" => [1, 0] }, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM \"schema_migrations\"" => { "" => [1, 2] }, "UPDATE \"schema_migrations\"" => { "SET \"version\" = 'z' WHERE \"schema_migrations\".\"version\" = 'y'" => [0, 1] }, "SAVEPOINT active_record_1" => { "" => [0, 1] }, "INSERT INTO \"schema_migrations\" (\"version\")" => { "VALUES ('x') RETURNING \"version\"" => [0, 1] }, "RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1" => { "" => [0, 1] } }) end it 'can show common queries if so desired' do test_matcher = TestMatcher.new.show_common_queries diff = test_matcher.diff_query_counts( test_matcher.count_queries(expected), test_matcher.count_queries(actual) ) expect(diff).to eq({ "SELECT \"schema_migrations\".* FROM \"schema_migrations\"" => { "WHERE \"schema_migrations\".\"version\" = 'foobar'" => [2, 2], "WHERE \"schema_migrations\".\"version\" = 'also foobar and baz'" => [1, 1], "ORDER BY \"schema_migrations\".\"version\" ASC LIMIT 1" => [1, 0] }, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM \"schema_migrations\"" => { "" => [1, 2], "WHERE \"schema_migrations\".\"version\" = 'foobar'" => [1, 1] }, "UPDATE \"schema_migrations\"" => { "SET \"version\" = 'y' WHERE \"schema_migrations\".\"version\" = 'x'" => [1, 1], "SET \"version\" = 'z' WHERE \"schema_migrations\".\"version\" = 'y'" => [0, 1] }, "DELETE FROM \"schema_migrations\"" => { "WHERE \"schema_migrations\".\"version\" = 'z'" => [1, 1] }, "SAVEPOINT active_record_1" => { "" => [0, 1] }, "INSERT INTO \"schema_migrations\" (\"version\")" => { "VALUES ('x') RETURNING \"version\"" => [0, 1] }, "RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1" => { "" => [0, 1] } }) end end describe '#count_queries' do it 'handles queries with suffixes over multiple lines' do test_matcher = TestMatcher.new recorder = ActiveRecord::QueryRecorder.new do TestQueries.find_by(version: %w(foo bar baz).join("\n")) TestQueries.find_by(version: %w(foo biz baz).join("\n")) TestQueries.find_by(version: %w(foo bar baz).join("\n")) end recorder.count expect(test_matcher.count_queries(recorder)).to eq({ 'SELECT "schema_migrations".* FROM "schema_migrations"' => { %Q[WHERE "schema_migrations"."version" = 'foo\nbar\nbaz' LIMIT 1] => 2, %Q[WHERE "schema_migrations"."version" = 'foo\nbiz\nbaz' LIMIT 1] => 1 } }) end it 'can aggregate queries' do test_matcher = TestMatcher.new recorder = ActiveRecord::QueryRecorder.new do TestQueries.where(version: 'foobar').to_a TestQueries.where(version: 'also foobar and baz').to_a TestQueries.count TestQueries.create!(version: 'x') TestQueries.first TestQueries.where(version: 'foobar').to_a TestQueries.where(version: 'x').update_all(version: 'y') TestQueries.where(version: 'foobar').count TestQueries.count TestQueries.where(version: 'y').update_all(version: 'z') TestQueries.where(version: 'z').delete_all end recorder.count expect(test_matcher.count_queries(recorder)).to eq({ 'SELECT "schema_migrations".* FROM "schema_migrations"' => { %q[WHERE "schema_migrations"."version" = 'foobar'] => 2, %q[WHERE "schema_migrations"."version" = 'also foobar and baz'] => 1, %q[ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC LIMIT 1] => 1 }, 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "schema_migrations"' => { "" => 2, %q[WHERE "schema_migrations"."version" = 'foobar'] => 1 }, 'SAVEPOINT active_record_1' => { "" => 1 }, 'INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("version")' => { %q[VALUES ('x') RETURNING "version"] => 1 }, 'RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1' => { "" => 1 }, 'UPDATE "schema_migrations"' => { %q[SET "version" = 'y' WHERE "schema_migrations"."version" = 'x'] => 1, %q[SET "version" = 'z' WHERE "schema_migrations"."version" = 'y'] => 1 }, 'DELETE FROM "schema_migrations"' => { %q[WHERE "schema_migrations"."version" = 'z'] => 1 } }) end end it 'can count queries' do test_matcher = TestMatcher.new test_matcher.verify_count do TestQueries.where(version: 'foobar').to_a TestQueries.where(version: 'also foobar and baz').to_a TestQueries.first TestQueries.count end expect(test_matcher.actual_count).to eq(4) end it 'can select specific queries' do test_matcher = TestMatcher.new.for_query(/foobar/) test_matcher.verify_count do TestQueries.where(version: 'foobar').to_a TestQueries.where(version: 'also foobar and baz').to_a TestQueries.first TestQueries.count end expect(test_matcher.actual_count).to eq(2) end it 'can ignore specific queries' do test_matcher = TestMatcher.new.ignoring(/foobar/) test_matcher.verify_count do TestQueries.where(version: 'foobar').to_a TestQueries.where(version: 'also foobar and baz').to_a TestQueries.first end expect(test_matcher.actual_count).to eq(1) end it 'can perform inclusion and exclusion' do test_matcher = TestMatcher.new.for_query(/foobar/).ignoring(/baz/) test_matcher.verify_count do TestQueries.where(version: 'foobar').to_a TestQueries.where(version: 'also foobar and baz').to_a TestQueries.first TestQueries.count end expect(test_matcher.actual_count).to eq(1) end it 'does not contain marginalia annotations' do test_matcher = TestMatcher.new test_matcher.verify_count do 2.times { TestQueries.count } TestQueries.first end aggregate_failures do expect(test_matcher.log_message) .to match(%r{ORDER BY.*#{TestQueries.table_name}.*LIMIT 1}) expect(test_matcher.log_message) .not_to match(%r{\/\*.*correlation_id.*\*\/}) end end end