import { issuableTypes } from '~/boards/constants'; import * as types from '~/boards/stores/mutation_types'; import mutations from '~/boards/stores/mutations'; import defaultState from '~/boards/stores/state'; import { mockLists, rawIssue, mockIssue, mockIssue2, mockGroupProjects, labels, } from '../mock_data'; const expectNotImplemented = (action) => { it('is not implemented', () => { expect(action).toThrow(new Error('Not implemented!')); }); }; describe('Board Store Mutations', () => { let state; const initialBoardListsState = { 'gid://gitlab/List/1': mockLists[0], 'gid://gitlab/List/2': mockLists[1], }; beforeEach(() => { state = defaultState(); }); describe('SET_INITIAL_BOARD_DATA', () => { it('Should set initial Boards data to state', () => { const boardId = 1; const fullPath = 'gitlab-org'; const boardType = 'group'; const disabled = false; const boardConfig = { milestoneTitle: 'Milestone 1', }; const issuableType = issuableTypes.issue; mutations[types.SET_INITIAL_BOARD_DATA](state, { boardId, fullPath, boardType, disabled, boardConfig, issuableType, }); expect(state.boardId).toEqual(boardId); expect(state.fullPath).toEqual(fullPath); expect(state.boardType).toEqual(boardType); expect(state.disabled).toEqual(disabled); expect(state.boardConfig).toEqual(boardConfig); expect(state.issuableType).toEqual(issuableType); }); }); describe('RECEIVE_BOARD_LISTS_SUCCESS', () => { it('Should set boardLists to state', () => { mutations[types.RECEIVE_BOARD_LISTS_SUCCESS](state, initialBoardListsState); expect(state.boardLists).toEqual(initialBoardListsState); }); }); describe('RECEIVE_BOARD_LISTS_FAILURE', () => { it('Should set error in state', () => { mutations[types.RECEIVE_BOARD_LISTS_FAILURE](state); expect(state.error).toEqual( 'An error occurred while fetching the board lists. Please reload the page.', ); }); }); describe('SET_ACTIVE_ID', () => { const expected = { id: 1, sidebarType: '' }; beforeEach(() => { mutations.SET_ACTIVE_ID(state, expected); }); it('updates activeListId to be the value that is passed', () => { expect(state.activeId).toBe(; }); it('updates sidebarType to be the value that is passed', () => { expect(state.sidebarType).toBe(expected.sidebarType); }); }); describe('SET_FILTERS', () => { it('updates filterParams to be the value that is passed', () => { const filterParams = { labelName: 'label' }; mutations.SET_FILTERS(state, filterParams); expect(state.filterParams).toBe(filterParams); }); }); describe('CREATE_LIST_FAILURE', () => { it('sets error message', () => { mutations.CREATE_LIST_FAILURE(state); expect(state.error).toEqual('An error occurred while creating the list. Please try again.'); }); }); describe('RECEIVE_LABELS_REQUEST', () => { it('sets labelsLoading on state', () => { mutations.RECEIVE_LABELS_REQUEST(state); expect(state.labelsLoading).toEqual(true); }); }); describe('RECEIVE_LABELS_SUCCESS', () => { it('sets labels on state', () => { mutations.RECEIVE_LABELS_SUCCESS(state, labels); expect(state.labels).toEqual(labels); expect(state.labelsLoading).toEqual(false); }); }); describe('RECEIVE_LABELS_FAILURE', () => { it('sets error message', () => { mutations.RECEIVE_LABELS_FAILURE(state); expect(state.error).toEqual( 'An error occurred while fetching labels. Please reload the page.', ); expect(state.labelsLoading).toEqual(false); }); }); describe('GENERATE_DEFAULT_LISTS_FAILURE', () => { it('sets error message', () => { mutations.GENERATE_DEFAULT_LISTS_FAILURE(state); expect(state.error).toEqual( 'An error occurred while generating lists. Please reload the page.', ); }); }); describe('REQUEST_ADD_LIST', () => { expectNotImplemented(mutations.REQUEST_ADD_LIST); }); describe('RECEIVE_ADD_LIST_SUCCESS', () => { it('adds list to boardLists state', () => { mutations.RECEIVE_ADD_LIST_SUCCESS(state, mockLists[0]); expect(state.boardLists).toEqual({ [mockLists[0].id]: mockLists[0], }); }); }); describe('RECEIVE_ADD_LIST_ERROR', () => { expectNotImplemented(mutations.RECEIVE_ADD_LIST_ERROR); }); describe('MOVE_LIST', () => { it('updates boardLists state with reordered lists', () => { state = { ...state, boardLists: initialBoardListsState, }; mutations.MOVE_LIST(state, { movedList: mockLists[0], listAtNewIndex: mockLists[1], }); expect(state.boardLists).toEqual({ 'gid://gitlab/List/2': mockLists[1], 'gid://gitlab/List/1': mockLists[0], }); }); }); describe('UPDATE_LIST_FAILURE', () => { it('updates boardLists state with previous order and sets error message', () => { state = { ...state, boardLists: { 'gid://gitlab/List/2': mockLists[1], 'gid://gitlab/List/1': mockLists[0], }, error: undefined, }; mutations.UPDATE_LIST_FAILURE(state, initialBoardListsState); expect(state.boardLists).toEqual(initialBoardListsState); expect(state.error).toEqual('An error occurred while updating the list. Please try again.'); }); }); describe('TOGGLE_LIST_COLLAPSED', () => { it('updates collapsed attribute of list in boardLists state', () => { const listId = 'gid://gitlab/List/1'; state = { ...state, boardLists: { [listId]: mockLists[0], }, }; expect(state.boardLists[listId].collapsed).toEqual(false); mutations.TOGGLE_LIST_COLLAPSED(state, { listId, collapsed: true }); expect(state.boardLists[listId].collapsed).toEqual(true); }); }); describe('REMOVE_LIST', () => { it('removes list from boardLists', () => { const [list, secondList] = mockLists; const expected = { []: secondList, }; state = { ...state, boardLists: { ...initialBoardListsState }, }; mutations[types.REMOVE_LIST](state,; expect(state.boardLists).toEqual(expected); }); }); describe('REMOVE_LIST_FAILURE', () => { it('restores lists from backup', () => { const backupLists = { ...initialBoardListsState }; mutations[types.REMOVE_LIST_FAILURE](state, backupLists); expect(state.boardLists).toEqual(backupLists); }); it('sets error state', () => { const backupLists = { ...initialBoardListsState }; state = { ...state, error: undefined, }; mutations[types.REMOVE_LIST_FAILURE](state, backupLists); expect(state.error).toEqual('An error occurred while removing the list. Please try again.'); }); }); describe('RESET_ISSUES', () => { it('should remove issues from boardItemsByListId state', () => { const boardItemsByListId = { 'gid://gitlab/List/1': [], }; state = { ...state, boardItemsByListId, }; mutations[types.RESET_ISSUES](state); expect(state.boardItemsByListId).toEqual({ 'gid://gitlab/List/1': [] }); }); }); describe('RECEIVE_ITEMS_FOR_LIST_SUCCESS', () => { it('updates boardItemsByListId and issues on state', () => { const listIssues = { 'gid://gitlab/List/1': [], }; const issues = { 1: mockIssue, }; state = { ...state, boardItemsByListId: { 'gid://gitlab/List/1': [], }, boardItems: {}, boardLists: initialBoardListsState, }; const listPageInfo = { 'gid://gitlab/List/1': { endCursor: '', hasNextPage: false, }, }; mutations.RECEIVE_ITEMS_FOR_LIST_SUCCESS(state, { listItems: { listData: listIssues, boardItems: issues }, listPageInfo, listId: 'gid://gitlab/List/1', }); expect(state.boardItemsByListId).toEqual(listIssues); expect(state.boardItems).toEqual(issues); }); }); describe('RECEIVE_ITEMS_FOR_LIST_FAILURE', () => { it('sets error message', () => { state = { ...state, boardLists: initialBoardListsState, error: undefined, }; const listId = 'gid://gitlab/List/1'; mutations.RECEIVE_ITEMS_FOR_LIST_FAILURE(state, listId); expect(state.error).toEqual( 'An error occurred while fetching the board issues. Please reload the page.', ); }); }); describe('REQUEST_ADD_ISSUE', () => { expectNotImplemented(mutations.REQUEST_ADD_ISSUE); }); describe('UPDATE_ISSUE_BY_ID', () => { const issueId = '1'; const prop = 'id'; const value = '2'; const issue = { [issueId]: { id: 1, title: 'Issue' } }; beforeEach(() => { state = { ...state, error: undefined, boardItems: { ...issue, }, }; }); describe('when the issue is in state', () => { it('updates the property of the correct issue', () => { mutations.UPDATE_ISSUE_BY_ID(state, { issueId, prop, value, }); expect(state.boardItems[issueId]).toEqual({ ...issue[issueId], id: '2' }); }); }); describe('when the issue is not in state', () => { it('throws an error', () => { expect(() => { mutations.UPDATE_ISSUE_BY_ID(state, { issueId: '3', prop, value, }); }).toThrow(new Error('No issue found.')); }); }); }); describe('RECEIVE_ADD_ISSUE_SUCCESS', () => { expectNotImplemented(mutations.RECEIVE_ADD_ISSUE_SUCCESS); }); describe('RECEIVE_ADD_ISSUE_ERROR', () => { expectNotImplemented(mutations.RECEIVE_ADD_ISSUE_ERROR); }); describe('MOVE_ISSUE', () => { it('updates boardItemsByListId, moving issue between lists', () => { const listIssues = { 'gid://gitlab/List/1': [,], 'gid://gitlab/List/2': [], }; const issues = { 1: mockIssue, 2: mockIssue2, }; state = { ...state, boardItemsByListId: listIssues, boardLists: initialBoardListsState, boardItems: issues, }; mutations.MOVE_ISSUE(state, { originalIssue: mockIssue2, fromListId: 'gid://gitlab/List/1', toListId: 'gid://gitlab/List/2', }); const updatedListIssues = { 'gid://gitlab/List/1': [], 'gid://gitlab/List/2': [], }; expect(state.boardItemsByListId).toEqual(updatedListIssues); }); }); describe('MOVE_ISSUE_SUCCESS', () => { it('updates issue in issues state', () => { const issues = { 436: { id: }, }; state = { ...state, boardItems: issues, }; mutations.MOVE_ISSUE_SUCCESS(state, { issue: rawIssue, }); expect(state.boardItems).toEqual({ 436: { ...mockIssue, id: 436 } }); }); }); describe('MOVE_ISSUE_FAILURE', () => { it('updates boardItemsByListId, reverting moving issue between lists, and sets error message', () => { const listIssues = { 'gid://gitlab/List/1': [], 'gid://gitlab/List/2': [], }; state = { ...state, boardItemsByListId: listIssues, boardLists: initialBoardListsState, }; mutations.MOVE_ISSUE_FAILURE(state, { originalIssue: mockIssue2, fromListId: 'gid://gitlab/List/1', toListId: 'gid://gitlab/List/2', originalIndex: 1, }); const updatedListIssues = { 'gid://gitlab/List/1': [,], 'gid://gitlab/List/2': [], }; expect(state.boardItemsByListId).toEqual(updatedListIssues); expect(state.error).toEqual('An error occurred while moving the issue. Please try again.'); }); }); describe('REQUEST_UPDATE_ISSUE', () => { expectNotImplemented(mutations.REQUEST_UPDATE_ISSUE); }); describe('RECEIVE_UPDATE_ISSUE_SUCCESS', () => { expectNotImplemented(mutations.RECEIVE_UPDATE_ISSUE_SUCCESS); }); describe('RECEIVE_UPDATE_ISSUE_ERROR', () => { expectNotImplemented(mutations.RECEIVE_UPDATE_ISSUE_ERROR); }); describe('CREATE_ISSUE_FAILURE', () => { it('sets error message on state', () => { mutations.CREATE_ISSUE_FAILURE(state); expect(state.error).toBe('An error occurred while creating the issue. Please try again.'); }); }); describe('ADD_ISSUE_TO_LIST', () => { it('adds issue to issues state and issue id in list in boardItemsByListId', () => { const listIssues = { 'gid://gitlab/List/1': [], }; const issues = { 1: mockIssue, }; state = { ...state, boardItemsByListId: listIssues, boardItems: issues, boardLists: initialBoardListsState, }; expect(state.boardLists['gid://gitlab/List/1'].issuesCount).toBe(1); mutations.ADD_ISSUE_TO_LIST(state, { list: mockLists[0], issue: mockIssue2 }); expect(state.boardItemsByListId['gid://gitlab/List/1']).toContain(; expect(state.boardItems[]).toEqual(mockIssue2); expect(state.boardLists['gid://gitlab/List/1'].issuesCount).toBe(2); }); }); describe('ADD_ISSUE_TO_LIST_FAILURE', () => { it('removes issue id from list in boardItemsByListId and sets error message', () => { const listIssues = { 'gid://gitlab/List/1': [,], }; const issues = { 1: mockIssue, 2: mockIssue2, }; state = { ...state, boardItemsByListId: listIssues, boardItems: issues, boardLists: initialBoardListsState, }; mutations.ADD_ISSUE_TO_LIST_FAILURE(state, { list: mockLists[0], issueId: }); expect(state.boardItemsByListId['gid://gitlab/List/1']).not.toContain(; expect(state.error).toBe('An error occurred while creating the issue. Please try again.'); }); }); describe('REMOVE_ISSUE_FROM_LIST', () => { it('removes issue id from list in boardItemsByListId and deletes issue from state', () => { const listIssues = { 'gid://gitlab/List/1': [,], }; const issues = { 1: mockIssue, 2: mockIssue2, }; state = { ...state, boardItemsByListId: listIssues, boardItems: issues, boardLists: initialBoardListsState, }; mutations.ADD_ISSUE_TO_LIST_FAILURE(state, { list: mockLists[0], issueId: }); expect(state.boardItemsByListId['gid://gitlab/List/1']).not.toContain(; expect(state.boardItems).not.toContain(mockIssue2); }); }); describe('SET_ASSIGNEE_LOADING', () => { it('sets isSettingAssignees to the value passed', () => { mutations.SET_ASSIGNEE_LOADING(state, true); expect(state.isSettingAssignees).toBe(true); }); }); describe('SET_CURRENT_PAGE', () => { expectNotImplemented(mutations.SET_CURRENT_PAGE); }); describe('TOGGLE_EMPTY_STATE', () => { expectNotImplemented(mutations.TOGGLE_EMPTY_STATE); }); describe('REQUEST_GROUP_PROJECTS', () => { it('Should set isLoading in groupProjectsFlags to true in state when fetchNext is false', () => { mutations[types.REQUEST_GROUP_PROJECTS](state, false); expect(state.groupProjectsFlags.isLoading).toBe(true); }); it('Should set isLoading in groupProjectsFlags to true in state when fetchNext is true', () => { mutations[types.REQUEST_GROUP_PROJECTS](state, true); expect(state.groupProjectsFlags.isLoadingMore).toBe(true); }); }); describe('RECEIVE_GROUP_PROJECTS_SUCCESS', () => { it('Should set groupProjects and pageInfo to state and isLoading in groupProjectsFlags to false', () => { mutations[types.RECEIVE_GROUP_PROJECTS_SUCCESS](state, { projects: mockGroupProjects, pageInfo: { hasNextPage: false }, }); expect(state.groupProjects).toEqual(mockGroupProjects); expect(state.groupProjectsFlags.isLoading).toBe(false); expect(state.groupProjectsFlags.pageInfo).toEqual({ hasNextPage: false }); }); it('Should merge projects in groupProjects in state when fetchNext is true', () => { state = { ...state, groupProjects: [mockGroupProjects[0]], }; mutations[types.RECEIVE_GROUP_PROJECTS_SUCCESS](state, { projects: [mockGroupProjects[1]], fetchNext: true, }); expect(state.groupProjects).toEqual(mockGroupProjects); }); }); describe('RECEIVE_GROUP_PROJECTS_FAILURE', () => { it('Should set error in state and isLoading in groupProjectsFlags to false', () => { mutations[types.RECEIVE_GROUP_PROJECTS_FAILURE](state); expect(state.error).toEqual( 'An error occurred while fetching group projects. Please try again.', ); expect(state.groupProjectsFlags.isLoading).toBe(false); }); }); describe('SET_SELECTED_PROJECT', () => { it('Should set selectedProject to state', () => { mutations[types.SET_SELECTED_PROJECT](state, mockGroupProjects[0]); expect(state.selectedProject).toEqual(mockGroupProjects[0]); }); }); describe('ADD_BOARD_ITEM_TO_SELECTION', () => { it('Should add boardItem to selectedBoardItems state', () => { expect(state.selectedBoardItems).toEqual([]); mutations[types.ADD_BOARD_ITEM_TO_SELECTION](state, mockIssue); expect(state.selectedBoardItems).toEqual([mockIssue]); }); }); describe('REMOVE_BOARD_ITEM_FROM_SELECTION', () => { it('Should remove boardItem to selectedBoardItems state', () => { state.selectedBoardItems = [mockIssue]; mutations[types.REMOVE_BOARD_ITEM_FROM_SELECTION](state, mockIssue); expect(state.selectedBoardItems).toEqual([]); }); }); describe('RESET_BOARD_ITEM_SELECTION', () => { it('Should reset selectedBoardItems state', () => { state.selectedBoardItems = [mockIssue]; mutations[types.RESET_BOARD_ITEM_SELECTION](state, mockIssue); expect(state.selectedBoardItems).toEqual([]); }); }); });