# frozen_string_literal: true desc 'Show a list of obsolete `ignored_columns`' task 'db:obsolete_ignored_columns' => :environment do list = Gitlab::Database::ObsoleteIgnoredColumns.new.execute if list.empty? puts 'No obsolete `ignored_columns` found.' else puts 'The following `ignored_columns` are obsolete and can be removed:' list.each do |name, ignored_columns| puts "#{name}:" ignored_columns.each do |column, removal| puts " - #{column.ljust(30)} Remove after #{removal.remove_after} with #{removal.remove_with}" end end puts <<~TEXT WARNING: Removing columns is tricky because running GitLab processes may still be using the columns. See also https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/development/what_requires_downtime.html#dropping-columns TEXT end end