# frozen_string_literal: true # Representation of a payload of an alert. Defines a constant # API so that payloads from various sources can be treated # identically. Subclasses should define how to parse payload # based on source of alert. module Gitlab module AlertManagement module Payload class Base include ActiveModel::Model include Gitlab::Utils::StrongMemoize include Gitlab::Routing attr_accessor :project, :payload, :integration # Any attribute expected to be specifically read from # or derived from an alert payload should be defined. EXPECTED_PAYLOAD_ATTRIBUTES = [ :alert_markdown, :alert_title, :annotations, :description, :ends_at, :environment, :environment_name, :full_query, :generator_url, :gitlab_alert, :gitlab_fingerprint, :gitlab_prometheus_alert_id, :gitlab_y_label, :has_required_attributes?, :hosts, :metric_id, :metrics_dashboard_url, :monitoring_tool, :resolved?, :runbook, :service, :severity, :starts_at, :status, :title ].freeze private_constant :EXPECTED_PAYLOAD_ATTRIBUTES # Define expected API for a payload EXPECTED_PAYLOAD_ATTRIBUTES.each do |key| define_method(key) {} end SEVERITY_MAPPING = { 'critical' => :critical, 'high' => :high, 'medium' => :medium, 'low' => :low, 'info' => :info }.freeze # Handle an unmapped severity value the same way we treat missing values # so we can fallback to alert's default severity `critical`. UNMAPPED_SEVERITY = nil # Defines a method which allows access to a given # value within an alert payload # # @param key [Symbol] Name expected to be used to reference value # @param paths [String, Array, Array>,] # List of (nested) keys at value can be found, the # first to yield a result will be used # @param type [Symbol] If value should be converted to another type, # that should be specified here # @param fallback [Proc] Block to be executed to yield a value if # a value cannot be idenitied at any provided paths # Example) # attribute :title # paths: [['title'], # ['details', 'title']] # fallback: Proc.new { 'New Alert' } # # The above sample definition will define a method # called #title which will return the value from the # payload under the key `title` if available, otherwise # looking under `details.title`. If neither returns a # value, the return value will be `'New Alert'` def self.attribute(key, paths:, type: nil, fallback: -> { nil }) define_method(key) do strong_memoize(key) do paths = Array(paths).first.is_a?(String) ? [Array(paths)] : paths value = value_for_paths(paths) value = parse_value(value, type) if value value.presence || fallback.call end end end # Attributes of an AlertManagement::Alert as read # directly from a payload. Prefer accessing # AlertManagement::Alert directly for read operations. def alert_params { description: description&.truncate(::AlertManagement::Alert::DESCRIPTION_MAX_LENGTH), ended_at: ends_at, environment: environment, fingerprint: gitlab_fingerprint, hosts: truncate_hosts(Array(hosts).flatten), monitoring_tool: monitoring_tool&.truncate(::AlertManagement::Alert::TOOL_MAX_LENGTH), payload: payload, project_id: project.id, prometheus_alert: gitlab_alert, service: service&.truncate(::AlertManagement::Alert::SERVICE_MAX_LENGTH), severity: severity, started_at: starts_at, title: title&.truncate(::AlertManagement::Alert::TITLE_MAX_LENGTH) }.transform_values(&:presence).compact end def gitlab_fingerprint strong_memoize(:gitlab_fingerprint) do next unless plain_gitlab_fingerprint Gitlab::AlertManagement::Fingerprint.generate(plain_gitlab_fingerprint) end end def environment strong_memoize(:environment) do next unless environment_name EnvironmentsFinder .new(project, nil, { name: environment_name }) .find .first end end def resolved? status == 'resolved' end def has_required_attributes? true end def severity severity_mapping.fetch(severity_raw.to_s.downcase, UNMAPPED_SEVERITY) end private def plain_gitlab_fingerprint end def severity_raw end def severity_mapping SEVERITY_MAPPING end def truncate_hosts(hosts) return hosts if hosts.join.length <= ::AlertManagement::Alert::HOSTS_MAX_LENGTH hosts.inject([]) do |new_hosts, host| remaining_length = ::AlertManagement::Alert::HOSTS_MAX_LENGTH - new_hosts.join.length break new_hosts unless remaining_length > 0 new_hosts << host.to_s.truncate(remaining_length, omission: '') end end # Overriden in EE::Gitlab::AlertManagement::Payload::Generic def value_for_paths(paths) target_path = paths.find { |path| payload&.dig(*path) } payload&.dig(*target_path) if target_path end def parse_value(value, type) case type when :time parse_time(value) when :integer parse_integer(value) else value end end def parse_time(value) Time.parse(value).utc rescue ArgumentError end def parse_integer(value) Integer(value) rescue ArgumentError, TypeError end end end end end