extends: - plugin:@gitlab/default - plugin:@gitlab/i18n - plugin:no-jquery/slim - plugin:no-jquery/deprecated-3.4 - ./tooling/eslint-config/conditionally_ignore_ee.js globals: __webpack_public_path__: true gl: false gon: false localStorage: false IS_EE: false plugins: - no-jquery settings: import/resolver: webpack: config: './config/webpack.config.js' rules: import/no-commonjs: error import/no-default-export: off no-underscore-dangle: - error - allow: - __ - _links import/no-unresolved: - error # Disabled for now, to make the airbnb-base 12.1.0 -> 13.1.0 update smoother no-else-return: - error - allowElseIf: true lines-between-class-members: off # Disabled for now, to make the plugin-vue 4.5 -> 5.0 update smoother vue/no-confusing-v-for-v-if: error vue/no-use-v-if-with-v-for: off vue/no-v-html: error vue/use-v-on-exact: off # all offenses of no-jquery/no-animate-toggle are false positives ( $toast.show() ) no-jquery/no-animate-toggle: off no-jquery/no-event-shorthand: off no-jquery/no-serialize: error promise/always-return: off promise/no-callback-in-promise: off '@gitlab/no-global-event-off': error no-param-reassign: - error - props: true ignorePropertyModificationsFor: - acc - accumulator - el - element - state ignorePropertyModificationsForRegex: - '^draft' import/order: - error - groups: - builtin - external - internal - parent - sibling - index pathGroups: - pattern: ~/** group: internal - pattern: emojis/** group: internal - pattern: '{ee_,}empty_states/**' group: internal - pattern: '{ee_,}icons/**' group: internal - pattern: '{ee_,}images/**' group: internal - pattern: vendor/** group: internal - pattern: shared_queries/** group: internal - pattern: '{ee_,}spec/**' group: internal - pattern: '{ee_,}jest/**' group: internal - pattern: ee_else_ce/** group: internal - pattern: ee/** group: internal - pattern: ee_component/** group: internal - pattern: '{test_,}helpers/**' group: internal - pattern: test_fixtures/** group: internal alphabetize: order: asc overrides: - files: - '**/spec/**/*' rules: '@gitlab/require-i18n-strings': off '@gitlab/no-runtime-template-compiler': off - files: - 'config/**/*' - 'scripts/**/*' - '*.config.js' - '*.config.*.js' rules: '@gitlab/require-i18n-strings': off import/no-extraneous-dependencies: off import/no-commonjs: off import/no-nodejs-modules: off filenames/match-regex: off no-console: off