import { shallowMount } from '@vue/test-utils'; import DivergenceGraph from '~/branches/components/divergence_graph.vue'; import GraphBar from '~/branches/components/graph_bar.vue'; let vm; function factory(propsData = {}) { vm = shallowMount(DivergenceGraph, { propsData }); } describe('Branch divergence graph component', () => { afterEach(() => { vm.destroy(); }); it('renders ahead and behind count', () => { factory({ defaultBranch: 'master', aheadCount: 10, behindCount: 10, maxCommits: 100, }); expect(vm.findAll(GraphBar).length).toBe(2); expect(vm.element).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('sets title for ahead and behind count', () => { factory({ defaultBranch: 'master', aheadCount: 10, behindCount: 10, maxCommits: 100, }); expect(vm.attributes('title')).toBe('10 commits behind master, 10 commits ahead'); }); it('renders distance count', () => { factory({ defaultBranch: 'master', aheadCount: 0, behindCount: 0, distance: 900, maxCommits: 100, }); expect(vm.findAll(GraphBar).length).toBe(1); expect(vm.element).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it.each` distance | titleText ${900} | ${'900'} ${1100} | ${'999+'} `('sets title for $distance as $titleText', ({ distance, titleText }) => { factory({ defaultBranch: 'master', aheadCount: 0, behindCount: 0, distance, maxCommits: 100, }); expect(vm.attributes('title')).toBe(`More than ${titleText} commits different with master`); }); });