# frozen_string_literal: true module Ci class Processable < ::CommitStatus include Gitlab::Utils::StrongMemoize has_many :needs, class_name: 'Ci::BuildNeed', foreign_key: :build_id, inverse_of: :build accepts_nested_attributes_for :needs enum scheduling_type: { stage: 0, dag: 1 }, _prefix: true scope :preload_needs, -> { preload(:needs) } scope :with_needs, -> (names = nil) do needs = Ci::BuildNeed.scoped_build.select(1) needs = needs.where(name: names) if names where('EXISTS (?)', needs).preload(:needs) end scope :without_needs, -> (names = nil) do needs = Ci::BuildNeed.scoped_build.select(1) needs = needs.where(name: names) if names where('NOT EXISTS (?)', needs) end def self.select_with_aggregated_needs(project) return all unless Feature.enabled?(:ci_dag_support, project, default_enabled: true) aggregated_needs_names = Ci::BuildNeed .scoped_build .select("ARRAY_AGG(name)") .to_sql all.select( '*', "(#{aggregated_needs_names}) as aggregated_needs_names" ) end # Old processables may have scheduling_type as nil, # so we need to ensure the data exists before using it. def self.populate_scheduling_type! needs = Ci::BuildNeed.scoped_build.select(1) where(scheduling_type: nil).update_all( "scheduling_type = CASE WHEN (EXISTS (#{needs.to_sql})) THEN #{scheduling_types[:dag]} ELSE #{scheduling_types[:stage]} END" ) end validates :type, presence: true validates :scheduling_type, presence: true, on: :create, if: :validate_scheduling_type? def aggregated_needs_names read_attribute(:aggregated_needs_names) end def schedulable? raise NotImplementedError end def action? raise NotImplementedError end def when read_attribute(:when) || 'on_success' end def expanded_environment_name raise NotImplementedError end def scoped_variables_hash raise NotImplementedError end # Overriding scheduling_type enum's method for nil `scheduling_type`s def scheduling_type_dag? super || find_legacy_scheduling_type == :dag end # scheduling_type column of previous builds/bridges have not been populated, # so we calculate this value on runtime when we need it. def find_legacy_scheduling_type strong_memoize(:find_legacy_scheduling_type) do needs.exists? ? :dag : :stage end end private def validate_scheduling_type? !importing? && Feature.enabled?(:validate_scheduling_type_of_processables, project) end end end