# frozen_string_literal: true require_relative '../../migration_helpers' module RuboCop module Cop module Migration # Cop that prevents adding columns to wide tables. class AddColumnsToWideTables < RuboCop::Cop::Cop include MigrationHelpers MSG = '`%s` is a wide table with several columns, adding more should be avoided unless absolutely necessary.' \ ' Consider storing the column in a different table or creating a new one.' BLACKLISTED_METHODS = %i[ add_column add_reference add_timestamps_with_timezone ].freeze def on_send(node) return unless in_migration?(node) method_name = node.children[1] table_name = node.children[2] return unless offense?(method_name, table_name) add_offense(node, location: :selector, message: format(MSG, table_name.value)) end private def offense?(method_name, table_name) wide_table?(table_name) && BLACKLISTED_METHODS.include?(method_name) end def wide_table?(table_name) table_name && table_name.type == :sym && WIDE_TABLES.include?(table_name.value) end end end end end