# frozen_string_literal: true require 'fast_spec_helper' require_relative '../../../../scripts/lib/glfm/shared' RSpec.describe Glfm::Shared do let(:instance) do Class.new do include Glfm::Shared end.new end describe '#write_file' do it 'works' do filename = Dir::Tmpname.create('basename') do |path| instance.write_file(path, 'test') end expect(File.read(filename)).to eq 'test' end end describe '#run_external_cmd' do it 'works' do expect(instance.run_external_cmd('echo "hello"')).to eq("hello\n") end context 'when command fails' do it 'raises error' do invalid_cmd = 'ls nonexistent_file' expect(instance).to receive(:warn).with(/Error running command `#{invalid_cmd}`/) expect(instance).to receive(:warn).with(/nonexistent_file.*no such file/i) expect { instance.run_external_cmd(invalid_cmd) }.to raise_error(RuntimeError) end end end describe '#dump_yaml_with_formatting' do it 'works' do hash = { a: 'b' } yaml = instance.dump_yaml_with_formatting(hash, literal_scalars: true) expect(yaml).to eq("---\na: |-\n b\n") end end describe '#output' do # NOTE: The #output method is normally always mocked, to prevent output while the specs are # running. However, in order to provide code coverage for the method, we have to invoke # it at least once. it 'has code coverage' do allow(instance).to receive(:puts) instance.output('') end end end