import { nextTick } from 'vue';
import AxiosMockAdapter from 'axios-mock-adapter';
import $ from 'jquery';
import { TEST_HOST, FIXTURES_PATH } from 'spec/test_constants';
import axios from '~/lib/utils/axios_utils';
import MarkdownField from '~/vue_shared/components/markdown/field.vue';
import { mountExtended } from 'helpers/vue_test_utils_helper';
const markdownPreviewPath = `${TEST_HOST}/preview`;
const markdownDocsPath = `${TEST_HOST}/docs`;
const textareaValue = 'testing\n123';
const uploadsPath = 'test/uploads';
function assertMarkdownTabs(isWrite, writeLink, previewLink, wrapper) {
expect(wrapper.find('.md-preview-holder') ? 'none' : '');
describe('Markdown field component', () => {
let axiosMock;
let subject;
beforeEach(() => {
axiosMock = new AxiosMockAdapter(axios);
// window.uploads_path is needed for dropzone to initialize
window.uploads_path = uploadsPath;
afterEach(() => {
function createSubject(lines = []) {
// We actually mount a wrapper component so that we can force Vue to rerender classes in order to test a regression
// caused by mixing Vanilla JS and Vue.
subject = mountExtended(
components: {
props: {
wrapperClasses: {
type: String,
required: false,
default: '',
template: `
markdown preview
`; let previewLink; let writeLink; let dropzoneSpy; beforeEach(() => { dropzoneSpy = jest.fn(); createSubject(); findDropzone().element.addEventListener('click', dropzoneSpy); }); it('renders textarea inside backdrop', () => { expect(subject.find('.zen-backdrop textarea').element).not.toBeNull(); }); describe('markdown preview', () => { beforeEach(() => { axiosMock.onPost(markdownPreviewPath).reply(200, { body: previewHTML }); }); it('sets preview link as active', async () => { previewLink = getPreviewLink(); previewLink.vm.$emit('click', { target: {} }); await nextTick(); expect(previewLink.element.children[0].classList.contains('active')).toBe(true); }); it('shows preview loading text', async () => { previewLink = getPreviewLink(); previewLink.vm.$emit('click', { target: {} }); await nextTick(); expect(subject.find('.md-preview-holder').element.textContent.trim()).toContain('Loading…'); }); it('renders markdown preview and GFM', async () => { const renderGFMSpy = jest.spyOn($.fn, 'renderGFM'); previewLink = getPreviewLink(); previewLink.vm.$emit('click', { target: {} }); await axios.waitFor(markdownPreviewPath); expect(subject.find('.md-preview-holder').element.innerHTML).toContain(previewHTML); expect(renderGFMSpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('calls video.pause() on comment input when isSubmitting is changed to true', async () => { previewLink = getPreviewLink(); previewLink.vm.$emit('click', { target: {} }); await axios.waitFor(markdownPreviewPath); const video = getVideo(); const callPause = jest.spyOn(video.element, 'pause').mockImplementation(() => true); subject.setProps({ isSubmitting: true }); await nextTick(); expect(callPause).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('clicking already active write or preview link does nothing', async () => { writeLink = getWriteLink(); previewLink = getPreviewLink(); writeLink.vm.$emit('click', { target: {} }); await nextTick(); assertMarkdownTabs(true, writeLink, previewLink, subject); writeLink.vm.$emit('click', { target: {} }); await nextTick(); assertMarkdownTabs(true, writeLink, previewLink, subject); previewLink.vm.$emit('click', { target: {} }); await nextTick(); assertMarkdownTabs(false, writeLink, previewLink, subject); previewLink.vm.$emit('click', { target: {} }); await nextTick(); assertMarkdownTabs(false, writeLink, previewLink, subject); }); }); describe('markdown buttons', () => { it('converts single words', async () => { const textarea = subject.find('textarea').element; textarea.setSelectionRange(0, 7); const markdownButton = getMarkdownButton(); markdownButton.trigger('click'); await nextTick(); expect(textarea.value).toContain('**testing**'); }); it('converts a line', async () => { const textarea = subject.find('textarea').element; textarea.setSelectionRange(0, 0); const markdownButton = getAllMarkdownButtons().wrappers[5]; markdownButton.trigger('click'); await nextTick(); expect(textarea.value).toContain('- testing'); }); it('converts multiple lines', async () => { const textarea = subject.find('textarea').element; textarea.setSelectionRange(0, 50); const markdownButton = getAllMarkdownButtons().wrappers[5]; markdownButton.trigger('click'); await nextTick(); expect(textarea.value).toContain('- testing\n- 123'); }); }); it('should render attach a file button', () => { expect(getAttachButton().text()).toBe('Attach a file'); }); it('should trigger dropzone when attach button is clicked', () => { expect(dropzoneSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); clickAttachButton(); expect(dropzoneSpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); describe('when textarea has changed', () => { beforeEach(async () => { // Do something to trigger rerendering the class subject.setProps({ wrapperClasses: 'foo' }); await nextTick(); }); it('should have rerendered classes and kept gfm-form', () => { expect(subject.classes()).toEqual(expect.arrayContaining(['gfm-form', 'foo'])); }); it('should trigger dropzone when attach button is clicked', () => { expect(dropzoneSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); clickAttachButton(); expect(dropzoneSpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); describe('mentioning all users', () => { const users = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11].map((i) => `user_${i}`); it('shows warning on mention of all users', async () => { axiosMock.onPost(markdownPreviewPath).reply(200, { references: { users } }); subject.setProps({ textareaValue: 'hello @all' }); await axios.waitFor(markdownPreviewPath).then(() => { expect(subject.text()).toContain( 'You are about to add 11 people to the discussion. They will all receive a notification.', ); }); }); it('removes warning when all mention is removed', async () => { axiosMock.onPost(markdownPreviewPath).reply(200, { references: { users } }); subject.setProps({ textareaValue: 'hello @all' }); await axios.waitFor(markdownPreviewPath); jest.spyOn(axios, 'post'); subject.setProps({ textareaValue: 'hello @allan' }); await nextTick(); expect(; expect(subject.text()).not.toContain( 'You are about to add 11 people to the discussion. They will all receive a notification.', ); }); }); }); }); describe('suggestions', () => { it('escapes new line characters', () => { createSubject([{ rich_text: 'hello world\\n' }]); expect(subject.find('[data-testid="markdownHeader"]').props('lineContent')).toBe( 'hello world%br', ); }); }); });