import { GlButton } from '@gitlab/ui'; import { mount } from '@vue/test-utils'; import { nextTick } from 'vue'; import initCopyToClipboard, { CLIPBOARD_SUCCESS_EVENT, CLIPBOARD_ERROR_EVENT, I18N_ERROR_MESSAGE, } from '~/behaviors/copy_to_clipboard'; import ClipboardButton from '~/vue_shared/components/clipboard_button.vue'; jest.mock('lodash/uniqueId', () => (prefix) => (prefix ? `${prefix}1` : 1)); describe('clipboard button', () => { let wrapper; const createWrapper = (propsData, options = {}) => { wrapper = mount(ClipboardButton, { propsData, ...options, }); }; const findButton = () => wrapper.find(GlButton); const expectConfirmationTooltip = async ({ event, message }) => { const title = 'Copy this value'; createWrapper({ text: 'copy me', title, }); wrapper.vm.$root.$emit = jest.fn(); const button = findButton(); expect(button.attributes()).toMatchObject({ title, 'aria-label': title, }); await button.trigger(event); expect(wrapper.vm.$root.$emit).toHaveBeenCalledWith('bv::show::tooltip', 'clipboard-button-1'); expect(button.attributes()).toMatchObject({ title: message, 'aria-label': message, }); jest.runAllTimers(); await nextTick(); expect(button.attributes()).toMatchObject({ title, 'aria-label': title, }); expect(wrapper.vm.$root.$emit).toHaveBeenCalledWith('bv::hide::tooltip', 'clipboard-button-1'); }; afterEach(() => { wrapper.destroy(); wrapper = null; }); describe('without gfm', () => { beforeEach(() => { createWrapper({ text: 'copy me', title: 'Copy this value', cssClass: 'btn-danger', }); }); it('renders a button for clipboard', () => { expect(findButton().exists()).toBe(true); expect(wrapper.attributes('data-clipboard-text')).toBe('copy me'); }); it('should have a tooltip with default values', () => { expect(wrapper.attributes('title')).toBe('Copy this value'); }); it('should render provided classname', () => { expect(wrapper.classes()).toContain('btn-danger'); }); }); describe('with gfm', () => { it('sets data-clipboard-text with gfm', () => { createWrapper({ text: 'copy me', gfm: '`path/to/file`', title: 'Copy this value', cssClass: 'btn-danger', }); expect(wrapper.attributes('data-clipboard-text')).toBe( '{"text":"copy me","gfm":"`path/to/file`"}', ); }); }); it('renders default slot as button text', () => { createWrapper( { text: 'copy me', title: 'Copy this value', }, { slots: { default: 'Foo bar', }, }, ); expect(findButton().text()).toBe('Foo bar'); }); it('re-emits button events', () => { const onClick = jest.fn(); createWrapper( { text: 'copy me', title: 'Copy this value', }, { listeners: { click: onClick } }, ); findButton().trigger('click'); expect(onClick).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('passes the category and variant props to the GlButton', () => { const category = 'tertiary'; const variant = 'confirm'; createWrapper({ title: '', text: '', category, variant }); expect(findButton().props('category')).toBe(category); expect(findButton().props('variant')).toBe(variant); }); describe('confirmation tooltip', () => { it('adds `id` and `data-clipboard-handle-tooltip` attributes to button', () => { createWrapper({ text: 'copy me', title: 'Copy this value', }); expect(findButton().attributes()).toMatchObject({ id: 'clipboard-button-1', 'data-clipboard-handle-tooltip': 'false', 'aria-live': 'polite', }); }); it('shows success tooltip after successful copy', () => { expectConfirmationTooltip({ event: CLIPBOARD_SUCCESS_EVENT, message: ClipboardButton.i18n.copied, }); }); it('shows error tooltip after failed copy', () => { expectConfirmationTooltip({ event: CLIPBOARD_ERROR_EVENT, message: I18N_ERROR_MESSAGE }); }); }); describe('integration', () => { it('actually copies to clipboard', () => { initCopyToClipboard(); document.execCommand = () => {}; jest.spyOn(document, 'execCommand').mockImplementation(() => true); createWrapper( { text: 'copy me', title: 'Copy this value', }, { attachTo: document.body }, ); findButton().trigger('click'); expect(document.execCommand).toHaveBeenCalledWith('copy'); }); }); });