import { GlSprintf, GlIntersperse, GlTab } from '@gitlab/ui'; import { createWrapper, ErrorWrapper } from '@vue/test-utils'; import { shallowMountExtended } from 'helpers/vue_test_utils_helper'; import TimeAgo from '~/vue_shared/components/time_ago_tooltip.vue'; import { useFakeDate } from 'helpers/fake_date'; import { ACCESS_LEVEL_REF_PROTECTED, ACCESS_LEVEL_NOT_PROTECTED } from '~/runner/constants'; import RunnerDetails from '~/runner/components/runner_details.vue'; import RunnerDetail from '~/runner/components/runner_detail.vue'; import RunnerGroups from '~/runner/components/runner_groups.vue'; import RunnersJobs from '~/runner/components/runner_jobs.vue'; import RunnerTags from '~/runner/components/runner_tags.vue'; import RunnerTag from '~/runner/components/runner_tag.vue'; import { runnerData, runnerWithGroupData } from '../mock_data'; const mockRunner =; const mockGroupRunner =; describe('RunnerDetails', () => { let wrapper; const mockNow = '2021-01-15T12:00:00Z'; const mockOneHourAgo = '2021-01-15T11:00:00Z'; useFakeDate(mockNow); /** * Find the definition (
) that corresponds to this term (
) * @param {string} dtLabel - Label for this value * @returns Wrapper */ const findDd = (dtLabel) => { const dt = wrapper.findByText(dtLabel).element; const dd = dt.nextElementSibling; if (dt.tagName === 'DT' && dd.tagName === 'DD') { return createWrapper(dd, {}); } return ErrorWrapper(dtLabel); }; const findDetailGroups = () => wrapper.findComponent(RunnerGroups); const findRunnersJobs = () => wrapper.findComponent(RunnersJobs); const findJobCountBadge = () => wrapper.findByTestId('job-count-badge'); const createComponent = ({ props = {}, mountFn = shallowMountExtended, stubs } = {}) => { wrapper = mountFn(RunnerDetails, { propsData: { ...props, }, stubs: { RunnerDetail, ...stubs, }, }); }; afterEach(() => { wrapper.destroy(); }); it('when no runner is present, no contents are shown', () => { createComponent({ props: { runner: null, }, }); expect(wrapper.text()).toBe(''); }); describe('Details tab', () => { describe.each` field | runner | expectedValue ${'Description'} | ${{ description: 'My runner' }} | ${'My runner'} ${'Description'} | ${{ description: null }} | ${'None'} ${'Last contact'} | ${{ contactedAt: mockOneHourAgo }} | ${'1 hour ago'} ${'Last contact'} | ${{ contactedAt: null }} | ${'Never contacted'} ${'Version'} | ${{ version: '12.3' }} | ${'12.3'} ${'Version'} | ${{ version: null }} | ${'None'} ${'Executor'} | ${{ executorName: 'shell' }} | ${'shell'} ${'Architecture'} | ${{ architectureName: 'amd64' }} | ${'amd64'} ${'Platform'} | ${{ platformName: 'darwin' }} | ${'darwin'} ${'IP Address'} | ${{ ipAddress: '' }} | ${''} ${'IP Address'} | ${{ ipAddress: null }} | ${'None'} ${'Configuration'} | ${{ accessLevel: ACCESS_LEVEL_REF_PROTECTED, runUntagged: true }} | ${'Protected, Runs untagged jobs'} ${'Configuration'} | ${{ accessLevel: ACCESS_LEVEL_REF_PROTECTED, runUntagged: false }} | ${'Protected'} ${'Configuration'} | ${{ accessLevel: ACCESS_LEVEL_NOT_PROTECTED, runUntagged: true }} | ${'Runs untagged jobs'} ${'Configuration'} | ${{ accessLevel: ACCESS_LEVEL_NOT_PROTECTED, runUntagged: false }} | ${'None'} ${'Maximum job timeout'} | ${{ maximumTimeout: null }} | ${'None'} ${'Maximum job timeout'} | ${{ maximumTimeout: 0 }} | ${'0 seconds'} ${'Maximum job timeout'} | ${{ maximumTimeout: 59 }} | ${'59 seconds'} ${'Maximum job timeout'} | ${{ maximumTimeout: 10 * 60 + 5 }} | ${'10 minutes 5 seconds'} `('"$field" field', ({ field, runner, expectedValue }) => { beforeEach(() => { createComponent({ props: { runner: { ...mockRunner, ...runner, }, }, stubs: { GlIntersperse, GlSprintf, TimeAgo, }, }); }); it(`displays expected value "${expectedValue}"`, () => { expect(findDd(field).text()).toBe(expectedValue); }); }); describe('"Tags" field', () => { const stubs = { RunnerTags, RunnerTag }; it('displays expected value "tag-1 tag-2"', () => { createComponent({ props: { runner: { ...mockRunner, tagList: ['tag-1', 'tag-2'] }, }, stubs, }); expect(findDd('Tags').text().replace(/\s+/g, ' ')).toBe('tag-1 tag-2'); }); it('displays "None" when runner has no tags', () => { createComponent({ props: { runner: { ...mockRunner, tagList: [] }, }, stubs, }); expect(findDd('Tags').text().replace(/\s+/g, ' ')).toBe('None'); }); }); describe('Group runners', () => { beforeEach(() => { createComponent({ props: { runner: mockGroupRunner, }, }); }); it('Shows a group runner details', () => { expect(findDetailGroups().props('runner')).toEqual(mockGroupRunner); }); }); }); describe('Jobs tab', () => { const stubs = { GlTab }; it('without a runner, shows no jobs', () => { createComponent({ props: { runner: null }, stubs, }); expect(findJobCountBadge().exists()).toBe(false); expect(findRunnersJobs().exists()).toBe(false); }); it('without a job count, shows no jobs count', () => { createComponent({ props: { runner: { ...mockRunner, jobCount: undefined }, }, stubs, }); expect(findJobCountBadge().exists()).toBe(false); }); it('with a job count, shows jobs count', () => { const runner = { ...mockRunner, jobCount: 3 }; createComponent({ props: { runner }, stubs, }); expect(findJobCountBadge().text()).toBe('3'); expect(findRunnersJobs().props('runner')).toBe(runner); }); }); });