import { CI_CONFIG_STATUS_INVALID, CI_CONFIG_STATUS_VALID } from '~/pipeline_editor/constants'; import { unwrapStagesWithNeeds } from '~/pipelines/components/unwrapping_utils'; export const mockProjectNamespace = 'user1'; export const mockProjectPath = 'project1'; export const mockProjectFullPath = `${mockProjectNamespace}/${mockProjectPath}`; export const mockDefaultBranch = 'main'; export const mockNewBranch = 'new-branch'; export const mockNewMergeRequestPath = '/-/merge_requests/new'; export const mockCommitSha = 'aabbccdd'; export const mockCommitNextSha = 'eeffgghh'; export const mockIncludesHelpPagePath = '/-/includes/help'; export const mockLintHelpPagePath = '/-/lint-help'; export const mockLintUnavailableHelpPagePath = '/-/pipeline-editor/troubleshoot'; export const mockYmlHelpPagePath = '/-/yml-help'; export const mockCommitMessage = 'My commit message'; export const mockCiConfigPath = '.gitlab-ci.yml'; export const mockCiYml = ` stages: - test - build job_test_1: stage: test script: - echo "test 1" job_test_2: stage: test script: - echo "test 2" job_build: stage: build script: - echo "build" needs: ["job_test_2"] `; export const mockCiTemplateQueryResponse = { data: { project: { id: 'project-1', ciTemplate: { content: mockCiYml, }, }, }, }; export const mockBlobContentQueryResponse = { data: { project: { id: 'project-1', repository: { blobs: { nodes: [{ id: 'blob-1', rawBlob: mockCiYml }] } }, }, }, }; export const mockBlobContentQueryResponseNoCiFile = { data: { project: { id: 'project-1', repository: { blobs: { nodes: [] } } }, }, }; export const mockBlobContentQueryResponseEmptyCiFile = { data: { project: { id: 'project-1', repository: { blobs: { nodes: [{ rawBlob: '' }] } } }, }, }; const mockJobFields = { beforeScript: [], afterScript: [], environment: null, allowFailure: false, tags: [], when: 'on_success', only: { refs: ['branches', 'tags'], __typename: 'CiJobLimitType' }, except: null, needs: { nodes: [], __typename: 'CiConfigNeedConnection' }, __typename: 'CiConfigJob', }; export const mockIncludesWithBlob = { location: 'test-include.yml', type: 'local', blob: 'http://gdk.test:3000/root/upstream/-/blob/dd54f00bb3645f8ddce7665d2ffb3864540399cb/test-include.yml', raw: 'http://gdk.test:3000/root/upstream/-/raw/dd54f00bb3645f8ddce7665d2ffb3864540399cb/test-include.yml', __typename: 'CiConfigInclude', }; export const mockDefaultIncludes = { location: 'npm.gitlab-ci.yml', type: 'template', blob: null, raw: '', __typename: 'CiConfigInclude', }; export const mockIncludes = [ mockDefaultIncludes, mockIncludesWithBlob, { location: 'a_really_really_long_name_for_includes_file.yml', type: 'local', blob: 'http://gdk.test:3000/root/upstream/-/blob/dd54f00bb3645f8ddce7665d2ffb3864540399cb/a_really_really_long_name_for_includes_file.yml', raw: 'http://gdk.test:3000/root/upstream/-/raw/dd54f00bb3645f8ddce7665d2ffb3864540399cb/a_really_really_long_name_for_includes_file.yml', __typename: 'CiConfigInclude', }, ]; // Mock result of the graphql query at: // app/assets/javascripts/pipeline_editor/graphql/queries/ci_config.graphql export const mockCiConfigQueryResponse = { data: { ciConfig: { errors: [], includes: mockIncludes, mergedYaml: mockCiYml, status: CI_CONFIG_STATUS_VALID, stages: { __typename: 'CiConfigStageConnection', nodes: [ { name: 'test', groups: { nodes: [ { id: 'group-1', name: 'job_test_1', size: 1, jobs: { nodes: [ { name: 'job_test_1', script: ['echo "test 1"'], ...mockJobFields, }, ], __typename: 'CiConfigJobConnection', }, __typename: 'CiConfigGroup', }, { id: 'group-2', name: 'job_test_2', size: 1, jobs: { nodes: [ { name: 'job_test_2', script: ['echo "test 2"'], ...mockJobFields, }, ], __typename: 'CiConfigJobConnection', }, __typename: 'CiConfigGroup', }, ], __typename: 'CiConfigGroupConnection', }, __typename: 'CiConfigStage', }, { name: 'build', groups: { nodes: [ { name: 'job_build', size: 1, jobs: { nodes: [ { name: 'job_build', script: ['echo "build"'], ...mockJobFields, }, ], __typename: 'CiConfigJobConnection', }, __typename: 'CiConfigGroup', }, ], __typename: 'CiConfigGroupConnection', }, __typename: 'CiConfigStage', }, ], }, __typename: 'CiConfig', }, }, }; export const mergeUnwrappedCiConfig = (mergedConfig) => { const { ciConfig } =; return { ...ciConfig, stages: unwrapStagesWithNeeds(ciConfig.stages.nodes), ...mergedConfig, }; }; export const mockCommitShaResults = { data: { project: { id: '1', repository: { tree: { lastCommit: { id: 'commit-1', sha: mockCommitSha, }, }, }, }, }, }; export const mockNewCommitShaResults = { data: { project: { id: '1', repository: { tree: { lastCommit: { id: 'commit-1', sha: 'eeff1122', }, }, }, }, }, }; export const mockEmptyCommitShaResults = { data: { project: { id: '1', repository: { tree: { lastCommit: { id: 'commit-1', sha: '', }, }, }, }, }, }; export const mockProjectBranches = { data: { project: { id: '1', repository: { branchNames: [ 'main', 'develop', 'production', 'test', 'better-feature', 'feature-abc', 'update-ci', 'mock-feature', 'test-merge-request', 'staging', ], }, }, }, }; export const mockTotalBranchResults =; export const mockSearchBranches = { data: { project: { id: '1', repository: { branchNames: ['test', 'better-feature', 'update-ci', 'test-merge-request'], }, }, }, }; export const mockTotalSearchResults =; export const mockEmptySearchBranches = { data: { project: { id: '1', repository: { branchNames: [], }, }, }, }; export const mockBranchPaginationLimit = 10; export const mockTotalBranches = 20; // must be greater than mockBranchPaginationLimit to test pagination export const mockProjectPipeline = ({ hasStages = true } = {}) => { const stages = hasStages ? { edges: [ { node: { id: 'gid://gitlab/Ci::Stage/605', name: 'prepare', status: 'success', detailedStatus: { detailsPath: '/root/sample-ci-project/-/pipelines/268#prepare', group: 'success', hasDetails: true, icon: 'status_success', id: 'success-605-605', label: 'passed', text: 'passed', tooltip: 'passed', }, }, }, ], } : null; return { id: '1', pipeline: { id: 'gid://gitlab/Ci::Pipeline/118', iid: '28', shortSha: mockCommitSha, status: 'SUCCESS', commit: { id: 'commit-1', title: 'Update .gitlabe-ci.yml', webPath: '/-/commit/aabbccdd', }, detailedStatus: { id: 'status-1', detailsPath: '/root/sample-ci-project/-/pipelines/118', group: 'success', icon: 'status_success', text: 'passed', }, stages, }, }; }; export const mockLinkedPipelines = ({ hasDownstream = true, hasUpstream = true } = {}) => { let upstream = null; let downstream = { nodes: [], __typename: 'PipelineConnection', }; if (hasDownstream) { downstream = { nodes: [ { id: 'gid://gitlab/Ci::Pipeline/612', path: '/root/job-log-sections/-/pipelines/612', project: { name: 'job-log-sections', __typename: 'Project' }, detailedStatus: { group: 'success', icon: 'status_success', label: 'passed', __typename: 'DetailedStatus', }, __typename: 'Pipeline', }, ], __typename: 'PipelineConnection', }; } if (hasUpstream) { upstream = { id: 'gid://gitlab/Ci::Pipeline/610', path: '/root/trigger-downstream/-/pipelines/610', project: { name: 'trigger-downstream', __typename: 'Project' }, detailedStatus: { group: 'success', icon: 'status_success', label: 'passed', __typename: 'DetailedStatus', }, __typename: 'Pipeline', }; } return { data: { project: { pipeline: { path: '/root/ci-project/-/pipelines/790', downstream, upstream, }, __typename: 'Project', }, }, }; }; export const mockLintResponse = { valid: true, mergedYaml: mockCiYml, status: CI_CONFIG_STATUS_VALID, errors: [], warnings: [], jobs: [ { name: 'job_1', stage: 'test', before_script: ["echo 'before script 1'"], script: ["echo 'script 1'"], after_script: ["echo 'after script 1"], tag_list: ['tag 1'], environment: 'prd', when: 'on_success', allow_failure: false, only: null, except: { refs: ['main@gitlab-org/gitlab', '/^release/.*$/@gitlab-org/gitlab'] }, }, { name: 'job_2', stage: 'test', before_script: ["echo 'before script 2'"], script: ["echo 'script 2'"], after_script: ["echo 'after script 2"], tag_list: ['tag 2'], environment: 'stg', when: 'on_success', allow_failure: true, only: { refs: ['web', 'chat', 'pushes'] }, except: { refs: ['main@gitlab-org/gitlab', '/^release/.*$/@gitlab-org/gitlab'] }, }, ], }; export const mockLintResponseWithoutMerged = { valid: false, status: CI_CONFIG_STATUS_INVALID, errors: ['error'], warnings: [], jobs: [], }; export const mockJobs = [ { name: 'job_1', stage: 'build', beforeScript: [], script: ["echo 'Building'"], afterScript: [], tagList: [], environment: null, when: 'on_success', allowFailure: true, only: { refs: ['web', 'chat', 'pushes'] }, except: null, }, { name: 'multi_project_job', stage: 'test', beforeScript: [], script: [], afterScript: [], tagList: [], environment: null, when: 'on_success', allowFailure: false, only: { refs: ['branches', 'tags'] }, except: null, }, { name: 'job_2', stage: 'test', beforeScript: ["echo 'before script'"], script: ["echo 'script'"], afterScript: ["echo 'after script"], tagList: [], environment: null, when: 'on_success', allowFailure: false, only: { refs: ['branches@gitlab-org/gitlab'] }, except: { refs: ['main@gitlab-org/gitlab', '/^release/.*$/@gitlab-org/gitlab'] }, }, ]; export const mockErrors = [ '"job_1 job: chosen stage does not exist; available stages are .pre, build, test, deploy, .post"', ]; export const mockWarnings = [ '"jobs:multi_project_job may allow multiple pipelines to run for a single action due to `rules:when` clause with no `workflow:rules` - read more:"', ]; export const mockCommitCreateResponse = { data: { commitCreate: { __typename: 'CommitCreatePayload', errors: [], commit: { __typename: 'Commit', id: 'commit-1', sha: mockCommitNextSha, }, commitPipelinePath: '', }, }, }; export const mockCommitCreateResponseNewEtag = { data: { commitCreate: { __typename: 'CommitCreatePayload', errors: [], commit: { __typename: 'Commit', id: 'commit-2', sha: mockCommitNextSha, }, commitPipelinePath: '/api/graphql:pipelines/sha/550ceace1acd373c84d02bd539cb9d4614f786db', }, }, };