# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' describe IssuablesHelper do let(:label) { build_stubbed(:label) } let(:label2) { build_stubbed(:label) } describe '#users_dropdown_label' do let(:user) { build_stubbed(:user) } let(:user2) { build_stubbed(:user) } it 'returns unassigned' do expect(users_dropdown_label([])).to eq('Unassigned') end it 'returns selected user\'s name' do expect(users_dropdown_label([user])).to eq(user.name) end it 'returns selected user\'s name and counter' do expect(users_dropdown_label([user, user2])).to eq("#{user.name} + 1 more") end end describe '#group_dropdown_label' do let(:group) { create(:group) } let(:default) { 'default label' } it 'returns default group label when group_id is nil' do expect(group_dropdown_label(nil, default)).to eq('default label') end it 'returns "any group" when group_id is 0' do expect(group_dropdown_label('0', default)).to eq('Any group') end it 'returns group full path when a group was found for the provided id' do expect(group_dropdown_label(group.id, default)).to eq(group.full_name) end it 'returns default label when a group was not found for the provided id' do expect(group_dropdown_label(9999, default)).to eq('default label') end end describe '#issuable_labels_tooltip' do let(:label_entity) { LabelEntity.represent(label).as_json } let(:label2_entity) { LabelEntity.represent(label2).as_json } it 'returns label text with no labels' do expect(issuable_labels_tooltip([])).to eq(_('Labels')) end it 'returns label text with labels within max limit' do expect(issuable_labels_tooltip([label_entity])).to eq(label[:title]) end it 'returns label text with labels exceeding max limit' do expect(issuable_labels_tooltip([label_entity, label2_entity], limit: 1)).to eq("#{label[:title]}, and 1 more") end end describe '#issuables_state_counter_text' do let(:user) { create(:user) } describe 'state text' do before do allow(helper).to receive(:issuables_count_for_state).and_return(42) end it 'returns "Open" when state is :opened' do expect(helper.issuables_state_counter_text(:issues, :opened, true)) .to eq('Open 42') end it 'returns "Closed" when state is :closed' do expect(helper.issuables_state_counter_text(:issues, :closed, true)) .to eq('Closed 42') end it 'returns "Merged" when state is :merged' do expect(helper.issuables_state_counter_text(:merge_requests, :merged, true)) .to eq('Merged 42') end it 'returns "All" when state is :all' do expect(helper.issuables_state_counter_text(:merge_requests, :all, true)) .to eq('All 42') end end end describe '#issuable_reference' do context 'when show_full_reference truthy' do it 'display issuable full reference' do assign(:show_full_reference, true) issue = build_stubbed(:issue) expect(helper.issuable_reference(issue)).to eql(issue.to_reference(full: true)) end end context 'when show_full_reference falsey' do context 'when @group present' do it 'display issuable reference to @group' do project = build_stubbed(:project) assign(:show_full_reference, nil) assign(:group, project.namespace) issue = build_stubbed(:issue) expect(helper.issuable_reference(issue)).to eql(issue.to_reference(project.namespace)) end end context 'when @project present' do it 'display issuable reference to @project' do project = build_stubbed(:project) assign(:show_full_reference, nil) assign(:group, nil) assign(:project, project) issue = build_stubbed(:issue) expect(helper.issuable_reference(issue)).to eql(issue.to_reference(project)) end end end end describe '#updated_at_by' do let(:user) { create(:user) } let(:unedited_issuable) { create(:issue) } let(:edited_issuable) { create(:issue, last_edited_by: user, created_at: 3.days.ago, updated_at: 1.day.ago, last_edited_at: 2.days.ago) } let(:edited_updated_at_by) do { updatedAt: edited_issuable.last_edited_at.to_time.iso8601, updatedBy: { name: user.name, path: user_path(user) } } end it { expect(helper.updated_at_by(unedited_issuable)).to eq({}) } it { expect(helper.updated_at_by(edited_issuable)).to eq(edited_updated_at_by) } context 'when updated by a deleted user' do let(:edited_updated_at_by) do { updatedAt: edited_issuable.last_edited_at.to_time.iso8601, updatedBy: { name: User.ghost.name, path: user_path(User.ghost) } } end before do user.destroy end it 'returns "Ghost user" as edited_by' do expect(helper.updated_at_by(edited_issuable.reload)).to eq(edited_updated_at_by) end end end describe '#issuable_initial_data' do let(:user) { create(:user) } before do allow(helper).to receive(:current_user).and_return(user) allow(helper).to receive(:can?).and_return(true) stub_commonmark_sourcepos_disabled end it 'returns the correct data for an issue' do issue = create(:issue, author: user, description: 'issue text') @project = issue.project expected_data = { endpoint: "/#{@project.full_path}/issues/#{issue.iid}", updateEndpoint: "/#{@project.full_path}/issues/#{issue.iid}.json", canUpdate: true, canDestroy: true, issuableRef: "##{issue.iid}", markdownPreviewPath: "/#{@project.full_path}/preview_markdown", markdownDocsPath: '/help/user/markdown', lockVersion: issue.lock_version, projectPath: @project.path, projectNamespace: @project.namespace.path, initialTitleHtml: issue.title, initialTitleText: issue.title, initialDescriptionHtml: '
issue text
', initialDescriptionText: 'issue text', initialTaskStatus: '0 of 0 tasks completed' } expect(helper.issuable_initial_data(issue)).to match(hash_including(expected_data)) end describe '#sentryIssueIdentifier' do let(:issue) { create(:issue, author: user) } before do assign(:project, issue.project) end it 'sets sentryIssueIdentifier to nil with no sentry issue ' do expect(helper.issuable_initial_data(issue)[:sentryIssueIdentifier]) .to be_nil end it 'sets sentryIssueIdentifier to sentry_issue_identifier' do sentry_issue = create(:sentry_issue, issue: issue) expect(helper.issuable_initial_data(issue)[:sentryIssueIdentifier]) .to eq(sentry_issue.sentry_issue_identifier) end end describe '#zoomMeetingUrl in issue' do let(:issue) { create(:issue, author: user) } before do assign(:project, issue.project) end shared_examples 'sets zoomMeetingUrl to nil' do specify do expect(helper.issuable_initial_data(issue)[:zoomMeetingUrl]) .to be_nil end end context 'with no "added" zoom mettings' do it_behaves_like 'sets zoomMeetingUrl to nil' context 'with multiple removed meetings' do before do create(:zoom_meeting, issue: issue, issue_status: :removed) create(:zoom_meeting, issue: issue, issue_status: :removed) end it_behaves_like 'sets zoomMeetingUrl to nil' end end context 'with "added" zoom meeting' do before do create(:zoom_meeting, issue: issue) end shared_examples 'sets zoomMeetingUrl to canonical meeting url' do specify do expect(helper.issuable_initial_data(issue)) .to include(zoomMeetingUrl: 'https://zoom.us/j/123456789') end end it_behaves_like 'sets zoomMeetingUrl to canonical meeting url' context 'with muliple "removed" zoom meetings' do before do create(:zoom_meeting, issue: issue, issue_status: :removed) create(:zoom_meeting, issue: issue, issue_status: :removed) end it_behaves_like 'sets zoomMeetingUrl to canonical meeting url' end end end end describe '#assignee_sidebar_data' do let(:user) { create(:user) } let(:merge_request) { nil } subject { helper.assignee_sidebar_data(user, merge_request: merge_request) } it 'returns hash of assignee data' do is_expected.to eql({ avatar_url: user.avatar_url, name: user.name, username: user.username }) end context 'with merge_request' do let(:merge_request) { build_stubbed(:merge_request) } where(can_merge: [true, false]) with_them do before do allow(merge_request).to receive(:can_be_merged_by?).and_return(can_merge) end it { is_expected.to include({ can_merge: can_merge })} end end end end