import { GlIcon, GlIntersectionObserver } from '@gitlab/ui'; import MockAdapter from 'axios-mock-adapter'; import { createMockDirective, getBinding } from 'helpers/vue_mock_directive'; import { shallowMountExtended } from 'helpers/vue_test_utils_helper'; import waitForPromises from 'helpers/wait_for_promises'; import { createAlert } from '~/alert'; import { IssuableStatusText, STATUS_CLOSED, STATUS_OPEN, STATUS_REOPENED, TYPE_EPIC, TYPE_ISSUE, } from '~/issues/constants'; import IssuableApp from '~/issues/show/components/app.vue'; import DescriptionComponent from '~/issues/show/components/description.vue'; import EditedComponent from '~/issues/show/components/edited.vue'; import FormComponent from '~/issues/show/components/form.vue'; import TitleComponent from '~/issues/show/components/title.vue'; import IncidentTabs from '~/issues/show/components/incidents/incident_tabs.vue'; import PinnedLinks from '~/issues/show/components/pinned_links.vue'; import eventHub from '~/issues/show/event_hub'; import axios from '~/lib/utils/axios_utils'; import { HTTP_STATUS_OK, HTTP_STATUS_UNAUTHORIZED } from '~/lib/utils/http_status'; import { visitUrl } from '~/lib/utils/url_utility'; import { appProps, initialRequest, publishedIncidentUrl, putRequest, secondRequest, zoomMeetingUrl, } from '../mock_data/mock_data'; jest.mock('~/alert'); jest.mock('~/lib/utils/url_utility'); jest.mock('~/behaviors/markdown/render_gfm'); const REALTIME_REQUEST_STACK = [initialRequest, secondRequest]; describe('Issuable output', () => { let axiosMock; let wrapper; const findStickyHeader = () => wrapper.findByTestId('issue-sticky-header'); const findLockedBadge = () => wrapper.findByTestId('locked'); const findConfidentialBadge = () => wrapper.findByTestId('confidential'); const findHiddenBadge = () => wrapper.findByTestId('hidden'); const findTitle = () => wrapper.findComponent(TitleComponent); const findDescription = () => wrapper.findComponent(DescriptionComponent); const findEdited = () => wrapper.findComponent(EditedComponent); const findForm = () => wrapper.findComponent(FormComponent); const findPinnedLinks = () => wrapper.findComponent(PinnedLinks); const createComponent = ({ props = {}, options = {}, data = {} } = {}) => { wrapper = shallowMountExtended(IssuableApp, { directives: { GlTooltip: createMockDirective('gl-tooltip'), }, propsData: { ...appProps, ...props }, provide: { fullPath: 'gitlab-org/incidents', uploadMetricsFeatureAvailable: false, }, stubs: { HighlightBar: true, IncidentTabs: true, }, data() { return {, }; }, ...options, }); jest.advanceTimersToNextTimer(2); return waitForPromises(); }; const emitHubEvent = (event) => { eventHub.$emit(event); return waitForPromises(); }; const openForm = () => { return emitHubEvent('open.form'); }; const updateIssuable = () => { return emitHubEvent('update.issuable'); }; const advanceToNextPoll = () => { // We get new data through the HTTP request. jest.advanceTimersToNextTimer(); return waitForPromises(); }; beforeEach(() => { jest.spyOn(eventHub, '$emit'); axiosMock = new MockAdapter(axios); const endpoint = '/gitlab-org/gitlab-shell/-/issues/9/realtime_changes/realtime_changes'; axiosMock.onGet(endpoint).replyOnce(HTTP_STATUS_OK, REALTIME_REQUEST_STACK[0], { 'POLL-INTERVAL': '1', }); axiosMock.onGet(endpoint).reply(HTTP_STATUS_OK, REALTIME_REQUEST_STACK[1], { 'POLL-INTERVAL': '-1', }); axiosMock.onPut().reply(HTTP_STATUS_OK, putRequest); }); describe('update', () => { beforeEach(async () => { await createComponent(); }); it('should render a title/description/edited and update title/description/edited on update', async () => { expect(findTitle().props('titleText')).toContain(initialRequest.title_text); expect(findDescription().props('descriptionText')).toContain('this is a description'); expect(findEdited().exists()).toBe(true); expect(findEdited().props('updatedByPath')).toMatch(/\/some_user$/); expect(findEdited().props('updatedAt')).toBe(initialRequest.updated_at); expect(findDescription().props().lockVersion).toBe(initialRequest.lock_version); await advanceToNextPoll(); expect(findTitle().props('titleText')).toContain('2'); expect(findDescription().props('descriptionText')).toContain('42'); expect(findEdited().exists()).toBe(true); expect(findEdited().props('updatedByName')).toBe('Other User'); expect(findEdited().props('updatedByPath')).toMatch(/\/other_user$/); expect(findEdited().props('updatedAt')).toBe(secondRequest.updated_at); }); }); describe('with permissions', () => { beforeEach(async () => { await createComponent(); }); it('shows actions on `open.form` event', async () => { expect(findForm().exists()).toBe(false); await openForm(); expect(findForm().exists()).toBe(true); }); it('update formState if form is not open', async () => { const titleValue = initialRequest.title_text; expect(findTitle().exists()).toBe(true); expect(findTitle().props('titleText')).toBe(titleValue); await advanceToNextPoll(); // The title component has the new data, so the state was updated expect(findTitle().exists()).toBe(true); expect(findTitle().props('titleText')).toBe(secondRequest.title_text); }); it('does not update formState if form is already open', async () => { const titleValue = initialRequest.title_text; expect(findTitle().exists()).toBe(true); expect(findTitle().props('titleText')).toBe(titleValue); await openForm(); // Opening the form, the data has not changed expect(findForm().props().formState.title).toBe(titleValue); await advanceToNextPoll(); // We expect the prop value not to have changed after another API call expect(findForm().props().formState.title).toBe(titleValue); }); }); describe('without permissions', () => { beforeEach(async () => { await createComponent({ props: { canUpdate: false } }); }); it('does not show actions if permissions are incorrect', async () => { await openForm(); expect(findForm().exists()).toBe(false); }); }); describe('Pinned links propagated', () => { it.each` prop | value ${'zoomMeetingUrl'} | ${zoomMeetingUrl} ${'publishedIncidentUrl'} | ${publishedIncidentUrl} `('sets the $prop correctly on underlying pinned links', async ({ prop, value }) => { await createComponent(); expect(findPinnedLinks().props(prop)).toBe(value); }); }); describe('updating an issue', () => { beforeEach(async () => { await createComponent(); }); it('fetches new data after update', async () => { await advanceToNextPoll(); await updateIssuable(); expect(axiosMock.history.put).toHaveLength(1); // The call was made with the new data expect(axiosMock.history.put[0].data.title).toEqual(findTitle().props().title); }); it('closes the form after fetching data', async () => { await updateIssuable(); expect(eventHub.$emit).toHaveBeenCalledWith('close.form'); }); it('does not redirect if issue has not moved', async () => { axiosMock.onPut().reply(HTTP_STATUS_OK, { ...putRequest, confidential: appProps.isConfidential, }); await updateIssuable(); expect(visitUrl).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('does not redirect if issue has not moved and user has switched tabs', async () => { axiosMock.onPut().reply(HTTP_STATUS_OK, { ...putRequest, web_url: '', confidential: appProps.isConfidential, }); await updateIssuable(); expect(visitUrl).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('redirects if returned web_url has changed', async () => { const webUrl = '/testing-issue-move'; axiosMock.onPut().reply(HTTP_STATUS_OK, { ...putRequest, web_url: webUrl, confidential: appProps.isConfidential, }); await updateIssuable(); expect(visitUrl).toHaveBeenCalledWith(webUrl); }); describe('error when updating', () => { it('closes form', async () => { axiosMock.onPut().reply(HTTP_STATUS_UNAUTHORIZED); await updateIssuable(); expect(eventHub.$emit).not.toHaveBeenCalledWith('close.form'); expect(createAlert).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ message: `Error updating issue. Request failed with status code 401`, }); }); it('returns the correct error message for issuableType', async () => { axiosMock.onPut().reply(HTTP_STATUS_UNAUTHORIZED); await updateIssuable(); wrapper.setProps({ issuableType: 'merge request' }); await updateIssuable(); expect(eventHub.$emit).not.toHaveBeenCalledWith('close.form'); expect(createAlert).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ message: `Error updating merge request. Request failed with status code 401`, }); }); it('shows error message from backend if exists', async () => { const msg = 'Custom error message from backend'; axiosMock.onPut().reply(HTTP_STATUS_UNAUTHORIZED, { errors: [msg] }); await updateIssuable(); expect(createAlert).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ message: `Error updating issue. ${msg}`, }); }); }); }); describe('Locked warning', () => { beforeEach(async () => { await createComponent(); }); it('shows locked warning if form is open & data is different', async () => { await openForm(); await advanceToNextPoll(); expect(findForm().props().formState.lockedWarningVisible).toBe(true); expect(findForm().props().formState.lock_version).toBe(1); }); }); describe('sticky header', () => { beforeEach(async () => { await createComponent(); }); describe('when title is in view', () => { it('is not shown', () => { expect(findStickyHeader().exists()).toBe(false); }); }); describe('when title is not in view', () => { beforeEach(() => { wrapper.findComponent(GlIntersectionObserver).vm.$emit('disappear'); }); it('shows with title', () => { expect(findStickyHeader().text()).toContain(initialRequest.title_text); }); it('shows with title for an epic', async () => { await wrapper.setProps({ issuableType: 'epic' }); expect(findStickyHeader().text()).toContain(' this is a title'); }); it.each` issuableType | issuableStatus | statusIcon ${TYPE_ISSUE} | ${STATUS_OPEN} | ${'issues'} ${TYPE_ISSUE} | ${STATUS_CLOSED} | ${'issue-closed'} ${TYPE_EPIC} | ${STATUS_OPEN} | ${'epic'} ${TYPE_EPIC} | ${STATUS_CLOSED} | ${'epic-closed'} `( 'shows with state icon "$statusIcon" for $issuableType when status is $issuableStatus', async ({ issuableType, issuableStatus, statusIcon }) => { await wrapper.setProps({ issuableType, issuableStatus }); expect(findStickyHeader().findComponent(GlIcon).props('name')).toBe(statusIcon); }, ); it.each` title | state ${'shows with Open when status is opened'} | ${STATUS_OPEN} ${'shows with Closed when status is closed'} | ${STATUS_CLOSED} ${'shows with Open when status is reopened'} | ${STATUS_REOPENED} `('$title', async ({ state }) => { await wrapper.setProps({ issuableStatus: state }); expect(findStickyHeader().text()).toContain(IssuableStatusText[state]); }); it.each` title | isConfidential ${'does not show confidential badge when issue is not confidential'} | ${false} ${'shows confidential badge when issue is confidential'} | ${true} `('$title', async ({ isConfidential }) => { await wrapper.setProps({ isConfidential }); const confidentialEl = findConfidentialBadge(); expect(confidentialEl.exists()).toBe(isConfidential); if (isConfidential) { expect(confidentialEl.props()).toMatchObject({ workspaceType: 'project', issuableType: 'issue', }); } }); it.each` title | isLocked ${'does not show locked badge when issue is not locked'} | ${false} ${'shows locked badge when issue is locked'} | ${true} `('$title', async ({ isLocked }) => { await wrapper.setProps({ isLocked }); expect(findLockedBadge().exists()).toBe(isLocked); }); it.each` title | isHidden ${'does not show hidden badge when issue is not hidden'} | ${false} ${'shows hidden badge when issue is hidden'} | ${true} `('$title', async ({ isHidden }) => { await wrapper.setProps({ isHidden }); const hiddenBadge = findHiddenBadge(); expect(hiddenBadge.exists()).toBe(isHidden); if (isHidden) { expect(hiddenBadge.attributes('title')).toBe( 'This issue is hidden because its author has been banned', ); expect(getBinding(hiddenBadge.element, 'gl-tooltip')).not.toBeUndefined(); } }); }); }); describe('Composable description component', () => { beforeEach(async () => { await createComponent(); }); const findIncidentTabs = () => wrapper.findComponent(IncidentTabs); const borderClass = 'gl-border-b-1 gl-border-b-gray-100 gl-border-b-solid gl-mb-6'; describe('when using description component', () => { it('renders the description component', () => { expect(findDescription().exists()).toBe(true); }); it('does not render incident tabs', () => { expect(findIncidentTabs().exists()).toBe(false); }); it('adds a border below the header', () => { expect(findPinnedLinks().attributes('class')).toContain(borderClass); }); }); describe('when using incident tabs description wrapper', () => { beforeEach(async () => { await createComponent({ props: { descriptionComponent: IncidentTabs, showTitleBorder: false, }, options: { mocks: { $apollo: { queries: { alert: { loading: false, }, }, }, }, }, }); }); it('does not the description component', () => { expect(findDescription().exists()).toBe(false); }); it('renders incident tabs', () => { expect(findIncidentTabs().exists()).toBe(true); }); it('does not add a border below the header', () => { expect(findPinnedLinks().attributes('class')).not.toContain(borderClass); }); }); }); describe('taskListUpdateStarted', () => { beforeEach(async () => { await createComponent(); }); it('stops polling', async () => { expect(findTitle().props().titleText).toBe(initialRequest.title_text); findDescription().vm.$emit('taskListUpdateStarted'); await advanceToNextPoll(); expect(findTitle().props().titleText).toBe(initialRequest.title_text); }); }); describe('taskListUpdateSucceeded', () => { beforeEach(async () => { await createComponent(); findDescription().vm.$emit('taskListUpdateStarted'); }); it('enables polling', async () => { // Ensure that polling is not working before expect(findTitle().props().titleText).toBe(initialRequest.title_text); await advanceToNextPoll(); expect(findTitle().props().titleText).toBe(initialRequest.title_text); // Enable Polling an move forward findDescription().vm.$emit('taskListUpdateSucceeded'); await advanceToNextPoll(); // Title has changed: polling works! expect(findTitle().props().titleText).toBe(secondRequest.title_text); }); }); describe('taskListUpdateFailed', () => { beforeEach(async () => { await createComponent(); findDescription().vm.$emit('taskListUpdateStarted'); }); it('enables polling and calls updateStoreState', async () => { // Ensure that polling is not working before expect(findTitle().props().titleText).toBe(initialRequest.title_text); await advanceToNextPoll(); expect(findTitle().props().titleText).toBe(initialRequest.title_text); // Enable Polling an move forward findDescription().vm.$emit('taskListUpdateFailed'); await advanceToNextPoll(); // Title has changed: polling works! expect(findTitle().props().titleText).toBe(secondRequest.title_text); }); }); describe('saveDescription event', () => { beforeEach(async () => { await createComponent(); }); it('makes request to update issue', async () => { const description = 'I have been updated!'; findDescription().vm.$emit('saveDescription', description); await waitForPromises(); expect(axiosMock.history.put[0].data).toContain(description); }); }); });