# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' describe Mentionable do class Example include Mentionable attr_accessor :project, :message attr_mentionable :message def author nil end end describe 'references' do let(:project) { create(:project) } let(:mentionable) { Example.new } it 'excludes Jira references' do allow(project).to receive_messages(jira_tracker?: true) mentionable.project = project mentionable.message = 'JIRA-123' expect(mentionable.referenced_mentionables).to be_empty end end describe '#any_mentionable_attributes_changed?' do Message = Struct.new(:text) let(:mentionable) { Example.new } let(:changes) do msg = Message.new('test') changes = {} changes[msg] = ['', 'some message'] changes[:random_sym_key] = ['', 'some message'] changes["random_string_key"] = ['', 'some message'] changes end it 'returns true with key string' do changes["message"] = ['', 'some message'] allow(mentionable).to receive(:saved_changes).and_return(changes) expect(mentionable.send(:any_mentionable_attributes_changed?)).to be true end it 'returns false with key symbol' do changes[:message] = ['', 'some message'] allow(mentionable).to receive(:saved_changes).and_return(changes) expect(mentionable.send(:any_mentionable_attributes_changed?)).to be false end it 'returns false when no attr_mentionable keys' do allow(mentionable).to receive(:saved_changes).and_return(changes) expect(mentionable.send(:any_mentionable_attributes_changed?)).to be false end end end describe Issue, "Mentionable" do describe '#mentioned_users' do let!(:user) { create(:user, username: 'stranger') } let!(:user2) { create(:user, username: 'john') } let!(:user3) { create(:user, username: 'jim') } let(:issue) { create(:issue, description: "#{user.to_reference} mentioned") } subject { issue.mentioned_users } it { expect(subject).to contain_exactly(user) } context 'when a note on personal snippet' do let!(:note) { create(:note_on_personal_snippet, note: "#{user.to_reference} mentioned #{user3.to_reference}") } subject { note.mentioned_users } it { expect(subject).to contain_exactly(user, user3) } end end describe '#referenced_mentionables' do context 'with an issue on a private project' do let(:project) { create(:project, :public) } let(:issue) { create(:issue, project: project) } let(:public_issue) { create(:issue, project: project) } let(:private_project) { create(:project, :private) } let(:private_issue) { create(:issue, project: private_project) } let(:user) { create(:user) } def referenced_issues(current_user) issue.title = "#{private_issue.to_reference(project)} and #{public_issue.to_reference}" issue.referenced_mentionables(current_user) end context 'when the current user can see the issue' do before do private_project.add_developer(user) end it 'includes the reference' do expect(referenced_issues(user)).to contain_exactly(private_issue, public_issue) end end context 'when the current user cannot see the issue' do it 'does not include the reference' do expect(referenced_issues(user)).to contain_exactly(public_issue) end end context 'when there is no current user' do it 'does not include the reference' do expect(referenced_issues(nil)).to contain_exactly(public_issue) end end end end describe '#create_cross_references!' do let(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } let(:author) { build(:user) } let(:commit) { project.commit } let(:commit2) { project.commit } let!(:issue) do create(:issue, project: project, description: "See #{commit.to_reference}") end it 'correctly removes already-mentioned Commits' do expect(SystemNoteService).not_to receive(:cross_reference) issue.create_cross_references!(author, [commit2]) end end describe '#create_new_cross_references!' do let(:project) { create(:project) } let(:author) { create(:author) } let(:issues) { create_list(:issue, 2, project: project, author: author) } before do project.add_developer(author) end context 'before changes are persisted' do it 'ignores pre-existing references' do issue = create_issue(description: issues[0].to_reference) expect(SystemNoteService).not_to receive(:cross_reference) issue.description = 'New description' issue.create_new_cross_references! end it 'notifies new references' do issue = create_issue(description: issues[0].to_reference) expect(SystemNoteService).to receive(:cross_reference).with(issues[1], any_args) issue.description = issues[1].to_reference issue.create_new_cross_references! end end context 'after changes are persisted' do it 'ignores pre-existing references' do issue = create_issue(description: issues[0].to_reference) expect(SystemNoteService).not_to receive(:cross_reference) issue.update(description: 'New description') issue.create_new_cross_references! end it 'notifies new references' do issue = create_issue(description: issues[0].to_reference) expect(SystemNoteService).to receive(:cross_reference).with(issues[1], any_args) issue.update(description: issues[1].to_reference) issue.create_new_cross_references! end it 'notifies new references from project snippet note' do snippet = create(:snippet, project: project) note = create(:note, note: issues[0].to_reference, noteable: snippet, project: project, author: author) expect(SystemNoteService).to receive(:cross_reference).with(issues[1], any_args) note.update(note: issues[1].to_reference) note.create_new_cross_references! end end def create_issue(description:) create(:issue, project: project, description: description, author: author) end end describe '#store_mentions!' do it_behaves_like 'mentions in description', :issue it_behaves_like 'mentions in notes', :issue do let(:note) { create(:note_on_issue) } let(:mentionable) { note.noteable } end end describe 'load mentions' do it_behaves_like 'load mentions from DB', :issue do let(:note) { create(:note_on_issue) } let(:mentionable) { note.noteable } end end end describe Commit, 'Mentionable' do let(:project) { create(:project, :public, :repository) } let(:commit) { project.commit } describe '#matches_cross_reference_regex?' do it "is false when message doesn't reference anything" do allow(commit.raw).to receive(:message).and_return "WIP: Do something" expect(commit.matches_cross_reference_regex?).to be_falsey end it 'is true if issue #number mentioned in title' do allow(commit.raw).to receive(:message).and_return "#1" expect(commit.matches_cross_reference_regex?).to be_truthy end it 'is true if references an MR' do allow(commit.raw).to receive(:message).and_return "See merge request !12" expect(commit.matches_cross_reference_regex?).to be_truthy end it 'is true if references a commit' do allow(commit.raw).to receive(:message).and_return "a1b2c3d4" expect(commit.matches_cross_reference_regex?).to be_truthy end it 'is true if issue referenced by url' do issue = create(:issue, project: project) allow(commit.raw).to receive(:message).and_return Gitlab::UrlBuilder.build(issue) expect(commit.matches_cross_reference_regex?).to be_truthy end context 'with external issue tracker' do let(:project) { create(:jira_project, :repository) } it 'is true if external issues referenced' do allow(commit.raw).to receive(:message).and_return 'JIRA-123' expect(commit.matches_cross_reference_regex?).to be_truthy end it 'is true if internal issues referenced' do allow(commit.raw).to receive(:message).and_return '#123' expect(commit.matches_cross_reference_regex?).to be_truthy end end end describe '#store_mentions!' do it_behaves_like 'mentions in notes', :commit do let(:note) { create(:note_on_commit) } let(:mentionable) { note.noteable } end end describe 'load mentions' do it_behaves_like 'load mentions from DB', :commit do let(:note) { create(:note_on_commit) } let(:mentionable) { note.noteable } end end end describe MergeRequest, 'Mentionable' do describe '#store_mentions!' do it_behaves_like 'mentions in description', :merge_request it_behaves_like 'mentions in notes', :merge_request do let(:project) { create(:project) } let(:merge_request) { create(:merge_request, source_project: project, target_project: project) } let(:note) { create(:note_on_merge_request, noteable: merge_request, project: merge_request.project) } let(:mentionable) { note.noteable } end end describe 'load mentions' do it_behaves_like 'load mentions from DB', :merge_request do let(:project) { create(:project) } let(:merge_request) { create(:merge_request, source_project: project, target_project: project) } let(:note) { create(:note_on_merge_request, noteable: merge_request, project: merge_request.project) } let(:mentionable) { note.noteable } end end end describe Snippet, 'Mentionable' do describe '#store_mentions!' do it_behaves_like 'mentions in description', :project_snippet it_behaves_like 'mentions in notes', :project_snippet do let(:note) { create(:note_on_project_snippet) } let(:mentionable) { note.noteable } end end describe 'load mentions' do it_behaves_like 'load mentions from DB', :project_snippet do let(:note) { create(:note_on_project_snippet) } let(:mentionable) { note.noteable } end end end