# frozen_string_literal: true describe QA::Git::Repository do include Helpers::StubENV shared_context 'git directory' do let(:repository) { described_class.new } let(:tmp_git_dir) { Dir.mktmpdir } let(:tmp_netrc_dir) { Dir.mktmpdir } before do stub_env('GITLAB_USERNAME', 'root') cd_empty_temp_directory set_bad_uri allow(repository).to receive(:tmp_home_dir).and_return(tmp_netrc_dir) end after do # Switch to a safe dir before deleting tmp dirs to avoid dir access errors FileUtils.cd __dir__ FileUtils.remove_entry_secure(tmp_git_dir, true) FileUtils.remove_entry_secure(tmp_netrc_dir, true) end def cd_empty_temp_directory FileUtils.cd tmp_git_dir end def set_bad_uri repository.uri = 'http://foo/bar.git' end end context 'with default credentials' do include_context 'git directory' do before do repository.use_default_credentials end end describe '#clone' do it 'is unable to resolve host' do expect { repository.clone }.to raise_error(described_class::RepositoryCommandError, /The command .* failed \(128\) with the following output/) end end describe '#push_changes' do before do `git init` # need a repo to push from end it 'fails to push changes' do expect { repository.push_changes }.to raise_error(described_class::RepositoryCommandError, /The command .* failed \(1\) with the following output/) end end describe '#git_protocol=' do [0, 1, 2].each do |version| it "configures git to use protocol version #{version}" do expect(repository).to receive(:run).with("git config protocol.version #{version}") repository.git_protocol = version end end it 'raises an error if the version is unsupported' do expect { repository.git_protocol = 'foo' }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, "Please specify the protocol you would like to use: 0, 1, or 2") end end describe '#fetch_supported_git_protocol' do Result = Struct.new(:response) it "reports the detected version" do expect(repository).to receive(:run).and_return(Result.new("packet: git< version 2")) expect(repository.fetch_supported_git_protocol).to eq('2') end it 'reports unknown if version is unknown' do expect(repository).to receive(:run).and_return(Result.new("packet: git< version -1")) expect(repository.fetch_supported_git_protocol).to eq('unknown') end it 'reports unknown if content does not identify a version' do expect(repository).to receive(:run).and_return(Result.new("foo")) expect(repository.fetch_supported_git_protocol).to eq('unknown') end end describe '#use_default_credentials' do it 'adds credentials to .netrc' do expect(File.read(File.join(tmp_netrc_dir, '.netrc'))) .to eq("machine foo login #{QA::Runtime::User.default_username} password #{QA::Runtime::User.default_password}\n") end end end context 'with specific credentials' do include_context 'git directory' context 'before setting credentials' do it 'does not add credentials to .netrc' do expect(repository).not_to receive(:save_netrc_content) end end describe '#password=' do it 'raises an error if no username was given' do expect { repository.password = 'foo' } .to raise_error(QA::Git::Repository::InvalidCredentialsError, "Please provide a username when setting a password") end it 'adds credentials to .netrc' do repository.username = 'user' repository.password = 'foo' expect(File.read(File.join(tmp_netrc_dir, '.netrc'))) .to eq("machine foo login user password foo\n") end it 'adds credentials with special characters' do password = %q[!"#$%&')(*+,-./:;<=>?] repository.username = 'user' repository.password = password expect(File.read(File.join(tmp_netrc_dir, '.netrc'))) .to eq("machine foo login user password #{password}\n") end end end end