# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Ci::JobArtifacts::CreateService do let_it_be(:project) { create(:project) } let(:service) { described_class.new(job) } let(:job) { create(:ci_build, project: project) } let(:artifacts_sha256) { '0' * 64 } let(:metadata_file) { nil } let(:artifacts_file) do file_to_upload('spec/fixtures/ci_build_artifacts.zip', sha256: artifacts_sha256) end let(:params) do { 'artifact_type' => 'archive', 'artifact_format' => 'zip' }.with_indifferent_access end def file_to_upload(path, params = {}) upload = Tempfile.new('upload') FileUtils.copy(path, upload.path) # This is a workaround for https://github.com/docker/for-linux/issues/1015 FileUtils.touch(upload.path) UploadedFile.new(upload.path, **params) end describe '#execute' do subject { service.execute(artifacts_file, params, metadata_file: metadata_file) } context 'when artifacts file is uploaded' do it 'logs the created artifact' do expect(Gitlab::Ci::Artifacts::Logger) .to receive(:log_created) .with(an_instance_of(Ci::JobArtifact)) subject end it 'returns artifact in the response' do response = subject new_artifact = job.job_artifacts.last expect(response[:artifact]).to eq(new_artifact) end it 'saves artifact for the given type' do expect { subject }.to change { Ci::JobArtifact.count }.by(1) new_artifact = job.job_artifacts.last expect(new_artifact.project).to eq(job.project) expect(new_artifact.file).to be_present expect(new_artifact.file_type).to eq(params['artifact_type']) expect(new_artifact.file_format).to eq(params['artifact_format']) expect(new_artifact.file_sha256).to eq(artifacts_sha256) expect(new_artifact.locked).to eq(job.pipeline.locked) end it 'sets accessibility level by default to public' do expect { subject }.to change { Ci::JobArtifact.count }.by(1) new_artifact = job.job_artifacts.last expect(new_artifact).to be_public_accessibility end context 'when accessibility level passed as private' do before do params.merge!('accessibility' => 'private') end it 'sets accessibility level to private' do expect { subject }.to change { Ci::JobArtifact.count }.by(1) new_artifact = job.job_artifacts.last expect(new_artifact).to be_private_accessibility end end context 'when accessibility passed as public' do before do params.merge!('accessibility' => 'public') end it 'sets accessibility to public level' do expect { subject }.to change { Ci::JobArtifact.count }.by(1) new_artifact = job.job_artifacts.last expect(new_artifact).to be_public_accessibility end end context 'when accessibility passed as invalid value' do before do params.merge!('accessibility' => 'invalid_value') end it 'fails with argument error' do expect { subject }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end context 'when metadata file is also uploaded' do let(:metadata_file) do file_to_upload('spec/fixtures/ci_build_artifacts_metadata.gz', sha256: artifacts_sha256) end before do stub_application_setting(default_artifacts_expire_in: '1 day') end it 'saves metadata artifact' do expect { subject }.to change { Ci::JobArtifact.count }.by(2) new_artifact = job.job_artifacts.last expect(new_artifact.project).to eq(job.project) expect(new_artifact.file).to be_present expect(new_artifact.file_type).to eq('metadata') expect(new_artifact.file_format).to eq('gzip') expect(new_artifact.file_sha256).to eq(artifacts_sha256) expect(new_artifact.locked).to eq(job.pipeline.locked) end it 'sets accessibility by default to public' do expect { subject }.to change { Ci::JobArtifact.count }.by(2) new_artifact = job.job_artifacts.last expect(new_artifact).to be_public_accessibility end context 'when accessibility level passed as private' do before do params.merge!('accessibility' => 'private') end it 'sets accessibility to private level' do expect { subject }.to change { Ci::JobArtifact.count }.by(2) new_artifact = job.job_artifacts.last expect(new_artifact).to be_private_accessibility end end context 'when accessibility passed as public' do before do params.merge!('accessibility' => 'public') end it 'sets accessibility level to public' do expect { subject }.to change { Ci::JobArtifact.count }.by(2) new_artifact = job.job_artifacts.last expect(new_artifact).to be_public_accessibility end end it 'sets expiration date according to application settings' do expected_expire_at = 1.day.from_now expect(subject).to match(a_hash_including(status: :success, artifact: anything)) archive_artifact, metadata_artifact = job.job_artifacts.last(2) expect(job.artifacts_expire_at).to be_within(1.minute).of(expected_expire_at) expect(archive_artifact.expire_at).to be_within(1.minute).of(expected_expire_at) expect(metadata_artifact.expire_at).to be_within(1.minute).of(expected_expire_at) end context 'when expire_in params is set to a specific value' do before do params.merge!('expire_in' => '2 hours') end it 'sets expiration date according to the parameter' do expected_expire_at = 2.hours.from_now expect(subject).to match(a_hash_including(status: :success, artifact: anything)) archive_artifact, metadata_artifact = job.job_artifacts.last(2) expect(job.artifacts_expire_at).to be_within(1.minute).of(expected_expire_at) expect(archive_artifact.expire_at).to be_within(1.minute).of(expected_expire_at) expect(metadata_artifact.expire_at).to be_within(1.minute).of(expected_expire_at) end end context 'when expire_in params is set to `never`' do before do params.merge!('expire_in' => 'never') end it 'sets expiration date according to the parameter' do expected_expire_at = nil expect(subject).to be_truthy archive_artifact, metadata_artifact = job.job_artifacts.last(2) expect(job.artifacts_expire_at).to eq(expected_expire_at) expect(archive_artifact.expire_at).to eq(expected_expire_at) expect(metadata_artifact.expire_at).to eq(expected_expire_at) end end end end context 'when artifacts file already exists' do let!(:existing_artifact) do create(:ci_job_artifact, :archive, file_sha256: existing_sha256, job: job) end context 'when sha256 of uploading artifact is the same of the existing one' do let(:existing_sha256) { artifacts_sha256 } it 'ignores the changes' do expect { subject }.not_to change { Ci::JobArtifact.count } expect(subject).to match(a_hash_including(status: :success)) end end context 'when sha256 of uploading artifact is different than the existing one' do let(:existing_sha256) { '1' * 64 } it 'returns error status' do expect(Gitlab::ErrorTracking).to receive(:track_exception).and_call_original expect { subject }.not_to change { Ci::JobArtifact.count } expect(subject).to match( a_hash_including( http_status: :bad_request, message: 'another artifact of the same type already exists', status: :error)) end end end context 'when artifact type is dotenv' do let(:artifacts_file) do file_to_upload('spec/fixtures/build.env.gz', sha256: artifacts_sha256) end let(:params) do { 'artifact_type' => 'dotenv', 'artifact_format' => 'gzip' }.with_indifferent_access end it 'calls parse service' do expect_any_instance_of(Ci::ParseDotenvArtifactService) do |service| expect(service).to receive(:execute).once.and_call_original end expect(subject[:status]).to eq(:success) expect(job.job_variables.as_json(only: [:key, :value, :source])).to contain_exactly( hash_including('key' => 'KEY1', 'value' => 'VAR1', 'source' => 'dotenv'), hash_including('key' => 'KEY2', 'value' => 'VAR2', 'source' => 'dotenv')) end end context 'with job partitioning', :ci_partitionable do let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, project: project, partition_id: ci_testing_partition_id) } let(:job) { create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline) } it 'sets partition_id on artifacts' do expect { subject }.to change { Ci::JobArtifact.count } artifacts_partitions = job.job_artifacts.map(&:partition_id).uniq expect(artifacts_partitions).to eq([ci_testing_partition_id]) end end shared_examples 'rescues object storage error' do |klass, message, expected_message| it "handles #{klass}" do allow_next_instance_of(JobArtifactUploader) do |uploader| allow(uploader).to receive(:store!).and_raise(klass, message) end expect(Gitlab::ErrorTracking) .to receive(:track_exception) .and_call_original expect(subject).to match( a_hash_including( http_status: :service_unavailable, message: expected_message || message, status: :error)) end end it_behaves_like 'rescues object storage error', Errno::EIO, 'some/path', 'Input/output error - some/path' it_behaves_like 'rescues object storage error', Google::Apis::ServerError, 'Server error' it_behaves_like 'rescues object storage error', Signet::RemoteServerError, 'The service is currently unavailable' end end