%ul.nav.nav-sidebar = nav_link do = link_to ci_root_path, title: 'Back to CI projects', data: {placement: 'right'}, class: 'back-link' do = icon('caret-square-o-left fw') %span= 'Back to CI projects' %li.separate-item = nav_link path: ['projects#show', 'commits#show', 'builds#show'] do = link_to ci_project_path(@project) do = icon('list-alt fw') %span Commits %span.count= @project.commits.count - if can?(current_user, :admin_project, gl_project) = nav_link path: 'charts#show' do = link_to ci_project_charts_path(@project) do = icon('bar-chart fw') %span Charts = nav_link path: ['runners#index', 'runners#show', 'runners#edit'] do = link_to ci_project_runners_path(@project) do = icon('cog fw') %span Runners = nav_link path: 'variables#show' do = link_to ci_project_variables_path(@project) do = icon('code fw') %span Variables = nav_link path: 'web_hooks#index' do = link_to ci_project_web_hooks_path(@project) do = icon('link fw') %span Web Hooks = nav_link path: 'triggers#index' do = link_to ci_project_triggers_path(@project) do = icon('retweet fw') %span Triggers = nav_link path: ['services#index', 'services#edit'] do = link_to ci_project_services_path(@project) do = icon('share fw') %span Services = nav_link path: 'events#index' do = link_to ci_project_events_path(@project) do = icon('book fw') %span Events %li.separate-item = nav_link path: 'projects#edit' do = link_to edit_ci_project_path(@project) do = icon('cogs fw') %span Settings