module Ci class ProjectsController < Ci::ApplicationController PROJECTS_BATCH = 100 before_action :authenticate_user!, except: [:build, :badge, :index, :show] before_action :authenticate_public_page!, only: :show before_action :project, only: [:build, :integration, :show, :badge, :edit, :update, :destroy, :toggle_shared_runners, :dumped_yaml] before_action :authorize_access_project!, except: [:build, :badge, :index, :show, :new, :create, :disabled] before_action :authorize_manage_project!, only: [:edit, :integration, :update, :destroy, :toggle_shared_runners, :dumped_yaml] before_action :authenticate_token!, only: [:build] before_action :no_cache, only: [:badge] skip_before_action :check_enable_flag!, only: [:disabled] protect_from_forgery except: :build layout 'ci/project', except: [:index, :disabled] def disabled end def index @limit, @offset = (params[:limit] || PROJECTS_BATCH).to_i, (params[:offset] || 0).to_i @page = @offset == 0 ? 1 : (@offset / @limit + 1) if current_user @projects =, params[:search]) @projects = @total_count = @projects.size end respond_to do |format| format.json do pager_json("ci/projects/index", @total_count) end format.html end end def show @ref = params[:ref] @commits = @project.commits.reverse_order @commits = @commits.where(ref: @ref) if @ref @commits =[:page]).per(20) end def integration end def create project_data =["project"])) unless can?(current_user, :admin_project, ::Project.find( return redirect_to ci_root_path, alert: 'You have to have at least master role to enable CI for this project' end @project =, project_data) if @project.persisted? redirect_to ci_project_path(@project, show_guide: true), notice: 'Project was successfully created.' else redirect_to :back, alert: 'Cannot save project' end end def edit end def update if project.update_attributes(project_params), project) redirect_to :back, notice: 'Project was successfully updated.' else render action: "edit" end end def destroy project.gl_project.gitlab_ci_service.update_attributes(active: false) project.destroy, project) redirect_to ci_projects_url end # Project status badge # Image with build status for sha or ref def badge image =, params) send_file image.path, filename:, disposition: 'inline', type:"image/svg+xml" end def toggle_shared_runners project.toggle!(:shared_runners_enabled) redirect_to :back end def dumped_yaml send_data @project.generated_yaml_config, filename: '.gitlab-ci.yml' end protected def project @project ||= Ci::Project.find(params[:id]) end def no_cache response.headers["Cache-Control"] = "no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate" response.headers["Pragma"] = "no-cache" response.headers["Expires"] = "Fri, 01 Jan 1990 00:00:00 GMT" end def project_params params.require(:project).permit(:path, :timeout, :timeout_in_minutes, :default_ref, :always_build, :polling_interval, :public, :ssh_url_to_repo, :allow_git_fetch, :email_recipients, :email_add_pusher, :email_only_broken_builds, :coverage_regex, :shared_runners_enabled, :token, { variables_attributes: [:id, :key, :value, :_destroy] }) end end end