namespace :ci do desc 'GitLab | Import and migrate CI database' task migrate: :environment do warn_user_is_not_gitlab configure_cron_mode unless ENV['force'] == 'yes' puts 'This will remove all CI related data and restore it from the provided backup.' ask_to_continue puts '' end # disable CI for time of migration enable_ci(false) # unpack archives migrate = migrate.unpack Rake::Task['ci:migrate:db'].invoke Rake::Task['ci:migrate:builds'].invoke Rake::Task['ci:migrate:tags'].invoke Rake::Task['ci:migrate:services'].invoke # enable CI for time of migration enable_ci(true) migrate.cleanup end namespace :migrate do desc 'GitLab | Import CI database' task db: :environment do configure_cron_mode $progress.puts 'Restoring database ... '.blue $progress.puts 'done'.green end desc 'GitLab | Import CI builds' task builds: :environment do configure_cron_mode $progress.puts 'Restoring builds ... '.blue $progress.puts 'done'.green end desc 'GitLab | Migrate CI tags' task tags: :environment do configure_cron_mode $progress.puts 'Migrating tags ... '.blue $progress.puts 'done'.green end desc 'GitLab | Migrate CI auto-increments' task autoincrements: :environment do c = ActiveRecord::Base.connection { |t| t.start_with?('ci_') }.each do |table| result = c.select_one("SELECT id FROM #{table} ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1") if result ai_val = result['id'].to_i + 1 puts "Resetting auto increment ID for #{table} to #{ai_val}" if c.adapter_name == 'PostgreSQL' c.execute("ALTER SEQUENCE #{table}_id_seq RESTART WITH #{ai_val}") else c.execute("ALTER TABLE #{table} AUTO_INCREMENT = #{ai_val}") end end end end desc 'GitLab | Migrate CI services' task services: :environment do $progress.puts 'Migrating services ... '.blue c = ActiveRecord::Base.connection c.execute("UPDATE ci_services SET type=CONCAT('Ci::', type) WHERE type NOT LIKE 'Ci::%'") $progress.puts 'done'.green end end def enable_ci(enabled) settings = ApplicationSetting.current || ApplicationSetting.create_from_defaults settings.ci_enabled = enabled! end end