# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Packages::UpdatePackageFileService, feature_category: :package_registry do let_it_be(:another_package) { create(:package) } let_it_be(:old_file_name) { 'old_file_name.txt' } let_it_be(:new_file_name) { 'new_file_name.txt' } let(:package) { package_file.package } let(:params) { { package_id: another_package.id, file_name: new_file_name } } let(:service) { described_class.new(package_file, params) } describe '#execute' do subject { service.execute } shared_examples 'updating package file with valid parameters' do context 'with both parameters set' do it 'updates the package file accordingly' do expect { subject } .to change { package.package_files.count }.from(1).to(0) .and change { another_package.package_files.count }.from(0).to(1) .and change { package_file.package_id }.from(package.id).to(another_package.id) .and change { package_file.file_name }.from(old_file_name).to(new_file_name) end end context 'with only file_name set' do let(:params) { { file_name: new_file_name } } it 'updates the package file accordingly' do expect { subject } .to not_change { package.package_files.count } .and not_change { another_package.package_files.count } .and not_change { package_file.package_id } .and change { package_file.file_name }.from(old_file_name).to(new_file_name) end end context 'with only package_id set' do let(:params) { { package_id: another_package.id } } it 'updates the package file accordingly' do expect { subject } .to change { package.package_files.count }.from(1).to(0) .and change { another_package.package_files.count }.from(0).to(1) .and change { package_file.package_id }.from(package.id).to(another_package.id) .and not_change { package_file.file_name } end end end shared_examples 'not updating package with invalid parameters' do context 'with blank parameters' do let(:params) { {} } it 'raise an argument error' do expect { subject }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, 'package_id and file_name are blank') end end context 'with non persisted package file' do let(:package_file) { build(:package_file) } it 'raise an argument error' do expect { subject }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, 'package_file not persisted') end end end context 'with object storage disabled' do let(:package_file) { create(:package_file, file_name: old_file_name) } before do stub_package_file_object_storage(enabled: false) end it_behaves_like 'updating package file with valid parameters' do before do expect(package_file).to receive(:remove_previously_stored_file).and_call_original expect(package_file).not_to receive(:move_in_object_storage) end end it_behaves_like 'not updating package with invalid parameters' end context 'with object storage enabled' do let(:package_file) do create( :package_file, file_name: old_file_name, file: CarrierWaveStringFile.new_file( file_content: 'content', filename: old_file_name, content_type: 'text/plain' ), file_store: ::Packages::PackageFileUploader::Store::REMOTE ) end before do stub_package_file_object_storage(enabled: true) end it_behaves_like 'updating package file with valid parameters' do before do expect(package_file).not_to receive(:remove_previously_stored_file) expect(package_file).to receive(:move_in_object_storage).and_call_original end end it_behaves_like 'not updating package with invalid parameters' do before do expect(package_file.file.file).not_to receive(:copy_to) end end end end end