# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Ci::Build, feature_category: :continuous_integration, factory_default: :keep do include Ci::TemplateHelpers include AfterNextHelpers let_it_be(:user) { create(:user) } let_it_be(:group, reload: true) { create_default(:group) } let_it_be(:project, reload: true) { create_default(:project, :repository, group: group) } let_it_be(:pipeline, reload: true) do create_default( :ci_pipeline, project: project, sha: project.commit.id, ref: project.default_branch, status: 'success' ) end let_it_be(:build, refind: true) { create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline) } it { is_expected.to belong_to(:runner) } it { is_expected.to belong_to(:trigger_request) } it { is_expected.to belong_to(:erased_by) } it { is_expected.to belong_to(:pipeline).inverse_of(:builds) } it { is_expected.to have_many(:needs).with_foreign_key(:build_id) } it do is_expected.to have_many(:sourced_pipelines).class_name('Ci::Sources::Pipeline').with_foreign_key(:source_job_id) .inverse_of(:build) end it { is_expected.to have_many(:job_variables).with_foreign_key(:job_id) } it { is_expected.to have_many(:report_results).with_foreign_key(:build_id) } it { is_expected.to have_many(:pages_deployments).with_foreign_key(:ci_build_id) } it { is_expected.to have_one(:deployment) } it { is_expected.to have_one(:runner_manager).through(:runner_manager_build) } it { is_expected.to have_one(:runner_session).with_foreign_key(:build_id) } it { is_expected.to have_one(:trace_metadata).with_foreign_key(:build_id) } it { is_expected.to have_one(:runtime_metadata).with_foreign_key(:build_id) } it { is_expected.to have_one(:pending_state).with_foreign_key(:build_id).inverse_of(:build) } it do is_expected.to have_one(:queuing_entry).class_name('Ci::PendingBuild').with_foreign_key(:build_id).inverse_of(:build) end it do is_expected.to have_one(:runtime_metadata).class_name('Ci::RunningBuild').with_foreign_key(:build_id) .inverse_of(:build) end it { is_expected.to have_many(:terraform_state_versions).inverse_of(:build).with_foreign_key(:ci_build_id) } it { is_expected.to validate_presence_of(:ref) } it { is_expected.to respond_to(:has_trace?) } it { is_expected.to respond_to(:trace) } it { is_expected.to respond_to(:set_cancel_gracefully) } it { is_expected.to respond_to(:cancel_gracefully?) } it { is_expected.to delegate_method(:merge_request?).to(:pipeline) } it { is_expected.to delegate_method(:merge_request_ref?).to(:pipeline) } it { is_expected.to delegate_method(:legacy_detached_merge_request_pipeline?).to(:pipeline) } shared_examples 'calling proper BuildFinishedWorker' do it 'calls Ci::BuildFinishedWorker' do expect(Ci::BuildFinishedWorker).to receive(:perform_async) subject end end describe 'associations' do it 'has a bidirectional relationship with projects' do expect(described_class.reflect_on_association(:project).has_inverse?).to eq(:builds) expect(Project.reflect_on_association(:builds).has_inverse?).to eq(:project) end end describe 'callbacks' do context 'when running after_create callback' do it 'executes hooks' do expect_next(described_class).to receive(:execute_hooks) create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline) end end end describe 'status' do context 'when transitioning to any state from running' do it 'removes runner_session' do %w(success drop cancel).each do |event| build = FactoryBot.create(:ci_build, :running, :with_runner_session, pipeline: pipeline) build.fire_events!(event) expect(build.reload.runner_session).to be_nil end end end end it_behaves_like 'has ID tokens', :ci_build it_behaves_like 'a retryable job' describe '.manual_actions' do let!(:manual_but_created) { create(:ci_build, :manual, status: :created, pipeline: pipeline) } let!(:manual_but_succeeded) { create(:ci_build, :manual, status: :success, pipeline: pipeline) } let!(:manual_action) { create(:ci_build, :manual, pipeline: pipeline) } subject { described_class.manual_actions } it { is_expected.to include(manual_action) } it { is_expected.to include(manual_but_succeeded) } it { is_expected.not_to include(manual_but_created) } end describe '.ref_protected' do subject { described_class.ref_protected } context 'when protected is true' do let!(:job) { create(:ci_build, :protected, pipeline: pipeline) } it { is_expected.to include(job) } end context 'when protected is false' do let!(:job) { create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline) } it { is_expected.not_to include(job) } end context 'when protected is nil' do let!(:job) { create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline) } before do job.update_attribute(:protected, nil) end it { is_expected.not_to include(job) } end end describe '.with_downloadable_artifacts' do subject { described_class.with_downloadable_artifacts } context 'when job does not have a downloadable artifact' do let!(:job) { create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline) } it 'does not return the job' do is_expected.not_to include(job) end end ::Ci::JobArtifact::DOWNLOADABLE_TYPES.each do |type| context "when job has a #{type} artifact" do it 'returns the job' do job = create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline) create( :ci_job_artifact, file_format: ::Ci::JobArtifact::TYPE_AND_FORMAT_PAIRS[type.to_sym], file_type: type, job: job ) is_expected.to include(job) end end end context 'when job has a non-downloadable artifact' do let!(:job) { create(:ci_build, :trace_artifact, pipeline: pipeline) } it 'does not return the job' do is_expected.not_to include(job) end end end describe '.with_erasable_artifacts' do subject { described_class.with_erasable_artifacts } context 'when job does not have any artifacts' do let!(:job) { create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline) } it 'does not return the job' do is_expected.not_to include(job) end end ::Ci::JobArtifact.erasable_file_types.each do |type| context "when job has a #{type} artifact" do it 'returns the job' do job = create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline) create( :ci_job_artifact, file_format: ::Ci::JobArtifact::TYPE_AND_FORMAT_PAIRS[type.to_sym], file_type: type, job: job ) is_expected.to include(job) end end end context 'when job has a non-erasable artifact' do let!(:job) { create(:ci_build, :trace_artifact, pipeline: pipeline) } it 'does not return the job' do is_expected.not_to include(job) end end end describe '.with_any_artifacts' do subject { described_class.with_any_artifacts } context 'when job does not have any artifacts' do it 'does not return the job' do job = create(:ci_build, project: project) is_expected.not_to include(job) end end ::Ci::JobArtifact.file_types.each_key do |type| context "when job has a #{type} artifact" do it 'returns the job' do job = create(:ci_build, project: project) create( :ci_job_artifact, file_format: ::Ci::JobArtifact::TYPE_AND_FORMAT_PAIRS[type.to_sym], file_type: type, job: job ) is_expected.to include(job) end end end end describe '.with_live_trace' do subject { described_class.with_live_trace } context 'when build has live trace' do let!(:build) { create(:ci_build, :success, :trace_live, pipeline: pipeline) } it 'selects the build' do is_expected.to eq([build]) end end context 'when build does not have live trace' do let!(:build) { create(:ci_build, :success, :trace_artifact, pipeline: pipeline) } it 'does not select the build' do is_expected.to be_empty end end end describe '.with_stale_live_trace' do subject { described_class.with_stale_live_trace } context 'when build has a stale live trace' do let!(:build) { create(:ci_build, :success, :trace_live, finished_at: 1.day.ago, pipeline: pipeline) } it 'selects the build' do is_expected.to eq([build]) end end context 'when build does not have a stale live trace' do let!(:build) { create(:ci_build, :success, :trace_live, finished_at: 1.hour.ago, pipeline: pipeline) } it 'does not select the build' do is_expected.to be_empty end end end describe '.license_management_jobs' do subject { described_class.license_management_jobs } let!(:management_build) { create(:ci_build, :success, name: :license_management, pipeline: pipeline) } let!(:scanning_build) { create(:ci_build, :success, name: :license_scanning, pipeline: pipeline) } let!(:another_build) { create(:ci_build, :success, name: :another_type, pipeline: pipeline) } it 'returns license_scanning jobs' do is_expected.to include(scanning_build) end it 'returns license_management jobs' do is_expected.to include(management_build) end it 'doesnt return filtered out jobs' do is_expected.not_to include(another_build) end end describe '.finished_before' do subject { described_class.finished_before(date) } let(:date) { 1.hour.ago } context 'when build has finished one day ago' do let!(:build) { create(:ci_build, :success, finished_at: 1.day.ago, pipeline: pipeline) } it 'selects the build' do is_expected.to eq([build]) end end context 'when build has finished 30 minutes ago' do let!(:build) { create(:ci_build, :success, finished_at: 30.minutes.ago, pipeline: pipeline) } it 'returns an empty array' do is_expected.to be_empty end end context 'when build is still running' do let!(:build) { create(:ci_build, :running, pipeline: pipeline) } it 'returns an empty array' do is_expected.to be_empty end end end describe '.with_exposed_artifacts' do subject { described_class.with_exposed_artifacts } let!(:job1) { create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline) } let!(:job2) { create(:ci_build, options: options, pipeline: pipeline) } let!(:job3) { create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline) } context 'when some jobs have exposed artifacs and some not' do let(:options) { { artifacts: { expose_as: 'test', paths: ['test'] } } } before do job1.ensure_metadata.update!(has_exposed_artifacts: nil) job3.ensure_metadata.update!(has_exposed_artifacts: false) end it 'selects only the jobs with exposed artifacts' do is_expected.to eq([job2]) end end context 'when job does not expose artifacts' do let(:options) { nil } it 'returns an empty array' do is_expected.to be_empty end end end describe '.with_artifacts' do subject(:builds) { described_class.with_artifacts(artifact_scope) } let(:artifact_scope) { Ci::JobArtifact.where(file_type: 'archive') } let!(:build_1) { create(:ci_build, :artifacts, pipeline: pipeline) } let!(:build_2) { create(:ci_build, :codequality_reports, pipeline: pipeline) } let!(:build_3) { create(:ci_build, :test_reports, pipeline: pipeline) } let!(:build_4) { create(:ci_build, :artifacts, pipeline: pipeline) } it 'returns artifacts matching the given scope' do expect(builds).to contain_exactly(build_1, build_4) end context 'when there are multiple builds containing artifacts' do before do create_list(:ci_build, 5, :success, :test_reports, pipeline: pipeline) end it 'does not execute a query for selecting job artifact one by one' do recorded = ActiveRecord::QueryRecorder.new do builds.each do |build| build.job_artifacts.map { |a| a.file.exists? } end end expect(recorded.count).to eq(2) end end end describe '.with_needs' do let!(:build) { create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline) } let!(:build_b) { create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline) } let!(:build_need_a) { create(:ci_build_need, build: build) } let!(:build_need_b) { create(:ci_build_need, build: build_b) } context 'when passing build name' do subject { described_class.with_needs(build_need_a.name) } it { is_expected.to contain_exactly(build) } end context 'when not passing any build name' do subject { described_class.with_needs } it { is_expected.to contain_exactly(build, build_b) } end context 'when not matching build name' do subject { described_class.with_needs('undefined') } it { is_expected.to be_empty } end end describe '.without_needs' do subject { described_class.without_needs } context 'when no build_need is created' do it { is_expected.to contain_exactly(build) } end context 'when a build_need is created' do let!(:need_a) { create(:ci_build_need, build: build) } it { is_expected.to be_empty } end end describe '#stick_build_if_status_changed' do it 'sticks the build if the status changed' do job = create(:ci_build, :pending, pipeline: pipeline) expect(described_class.sticking).to receive(:stick) .with(:build, job.id) job.update!(status: :running) end end describe '#enqueue' do let(:build) { create(:ci_build, :created, pipeline: pipeline) } before do allow(build).to receive(:any_unmet_prerequisites?).and_return(has_prerequisites) allow(Ci::PrepareBuildService).to receive(:perform_async) end context 'build has unmet prerequisites' do let(:has_prerequisites) { true } it 'transitions to preparing' do build.enqueue expect(build).to be_preparing end it 'does not push build to the queue' do build.enqueue expect(build.queuing_entry).not_to be_present end end context 'build has no prerequisites' do let(:has_prerequisites) { false } it 'transitions to pending' do build.enqueue expect(build).to be_pending end it 'pushes build to a queue' do build.enqueue expect(build.queuing_entry).to be_present end context 'when build status transition fails' do before do ::Ci::Build.find(build.id).update_column(:lock_version, 100) end it 'does not push build to a queue' do expect { build.enqueue! } .to raise_error(ActiveRecord::StaleObjectError) expect(build.queuing_entry).not_to be_present end end context 'when there is a queuing entry already present' do before do create(:ci_pending_build, build: build, project: build.project) end it 'does not raise an error' do expect { build.enqueue! }.not_to raise_error expect(build.reload.queuing_entry).to be_present end end context 'when both failure scenario happen at the same time' do before do ::Ci::Build.find(build.id).update_column(:lock_version, 100) create(:ci_pending_build, build: build, project: build.project) end it 'raises stale object error exception' do expect { build.enqueue! } .to raise_error(ActiveRecord::StaleObjectError) end end end end describe '#enqueue_preparing' do let(:build) { create(:ci_build, :preparing, pipeline: pipeline) } before do allow(build).to receive(:any_unmet_prerequisites?).and_return(has_unmet_prerequisites) end context 'build completed prerequisites' do let(:has_unmet_prerequisites) { false } it 'transitions to pending' do build.enqueue_preparing expect(build).to be_pending expect(build.queuing_entry).to be_present end end context 'build did not complete prerequisites' do let(:has_unmet_prerequisites) { true } it 'remains in preparing' do build.enqueue_preparing expect(build).to be_preparing expect(build.queuing_entry).not_to be_present end end end describe '#actionize' do context 'when build is a created' do before do build.update_column(:status, :created) end it 'makes build a manual action' do expect(build.actionize).to be true expect(build.reload).to be_manual end end context 'when build is not created' do before do build.update_column(:status, :pending) end it 'does not change build status' do expect(build.actionize).to be false expect(build.reload).to be_pending end end end describe '#run' do context 'when build has been just created' do let(:build) { create(:ci_build, :created, pipeline: pipeline) } it 'creates queuing entry and then removes it' do build.enqueue! expect(build.queuing_entry).to be_present build.run! expect(build.reload.queuing_entry).not_to be_present end end context 'when build status transition fails' do let(:build) { create(:ci_build, :pending, pipeline: pipeline) } before do create(:ci_pending_build, build: build, project: build.project) ::Ci::Build.find(build.id).update_column(:lock_version, 100) end it 'does not remove build from a queue' do expect { build.run! } .to raise_error(ActiveRecord::StaleObjectError) expect(build.queuing_entry).to be_present end end context 'when build has been picked by a shared runner' do let(:build) { create(:ci_build, :pending, pipeline: pipeline) } it 'creates runtime metadata entry' do build.runner = create(:ci_runner, :instance_type) build.run! expect(build.reload.runtime_metadata).to be_present end end end describe '#drop' do context 'when has a runtime tracking entry' do let(:build) { create(:ci_build, :pending, pipeline: pipeline) } it 'removes runtime tracking entry' do build.runner = create(:ci_runner, :instance_type) build.run! expect(build.reload.runtime_metadata).to be_present build.drop! expect(build.reload.runtime_metadata).not_to be_present end end context 'when a failure reason is provided' do context 'when a failure reason is a symbol' do it 'correctly sets a failure reason' do build.drop!(:script_failure) expect(build.failure_reason).to eq 'script_failure' end end context 'when a failure reason is an object' do it 'correctly sets a failure reason' do reason = ::Gitlab::Ci::Build::Status::Reason.new(build, :script_failure) build.drop!(reason) expect(build.failure_reason).to eq 'script_failure' end end end end describe '#outdated_deployment?' do subject { build.outdated_deployment? } let(:build) { create(:ci_build, :created, :with_deployment, pipeline: pipeline, environment: 'production') } context 'when build has no environment' do let(:build) { create(:ci_build, :created, pipeline: pipeline, environment: nil) } it { expect(subject).to be_falsey } end context 'when project has forward deployment disabled' do before do project.ci_cd_settings.update!(forward_deployment_enabled: false) end it { expect(subject).to be_falsey } end context 'when build is not an outdated deployment' do before do allow(build.deployment).to receive(:older_than_last_successful_deployment?).and_return(false) end it { expect(subject).to be_falsey } end context 'when build is older than the latest deployment and still pending status' do before do allow(build.deployment).to receive(:older_than_last_successful_deployment?).and_return(true) end it { expect(subject).to be_truthy } end context 'when build is older than the latest deployment but succeeded once' do let(:build) { create(:ci_build, :success, :with_deployment, pipeline: pipeline, environment: 'production') } before do allow(build.deployment).to receive(:older_than_last_successful_deployment?).and_return(true) end it 'returns false for allowing rollback' do expect(subject).to be_falsey end end end describe '#schedulable?' do subject { build.schedulable? } context 'when build is schedulable' do let(:build) { create(:ci_build, :created, :schedulable, pipeline: pipeline) } it { expect(subject).to be_truthy } end context 'when build is not schedulable' do let(:build) { create(:ci_build, :created, pipeline: pipeline) } it { expect(subject).to be_falsy } end end describe '#schedule' do subject { build.schedule } before do project.add_developer(user) end let(:build) { create(:ci_build, :created, :schedulable, user: user, pipeline: pipeline) } it 'transits to scheduled' do allow(Ci::BuildScheduleWorker).to receive(:perform_at) subject expect(build).to be_scheduled end it 'updates scheduled_at column' do allow(Ci::BuildScheduleWorker).to receive(:perform_at) subject expect(build.scheduled_at).not_to be_nil end it 'schedules BuildScheduleWorker at the right time' do freeze_time do expect(Ci::BuildScheduleWorker) .to receive(:perform_at).with(be_like_time(1.minute.since), build.id) subject end end end describe '#unschedule' do subject { build.unschedule } context 'when build is scheduled' do let(:build) { create(:ci_build, :scheduled, pipeline: pipeline) } it 'cleans scheduled_at column' do subject expect(build.scheduled_at).to be_nil end it 'transits to manual' do subject expect(build).to be_manual end end context 'when build is not scheduled' do let(:build) { create(:ci_build, :created, pipeline: pipeline) } it 'does not transit status' do subject expect(build).to be_created end end end describe '#options_scheduled_at' do subject { build.options_scheduled_at } let(:build) { build_stubbed(:ci_build, options: option, pipeline: pipeline) } context 'when start_in is 1 day' do let(:option) { { start_in: '1 day' } } it 'returns date after 1 day' do freeze_time do is_expected.to eq(1.day.since) end end end context 'when start_in is 1 week' do let(:option) { { start_in: '1 week' } } it 'returns date after 1 week' do freeze_time do is_expected.to eq(1.week.since) end end end end describe '#enqueue_scheduled' do subject { build.enqueue_scheduled } context 'when build is scheduled and the right time has not come yet' do let(:build) { create(:ci_build, :scheduled, pipeline: pipeline) } it 'does not transits the status' do subject expect(build).to be_scheduled end end context 'when build is scheduled and the right time has already come' do let(:build) { create(:ci_build, :expired_scheduled, pipeline: pipeline) } it 'cleans scheduled_at column' do subject expect(build.scheduled_at).to be_nil end it 'transits to pending' do subject expect(build).to be_pending end context 'build has unmet prerequisites' do before do allow(build).to receive(:prerequisites).and_return([double]) end it 'transits to preparing' do subject expect(build).to be_preparing end end end end describe '#any_runners_online?' do subject { build.any_runners_online? } context 'when no runners' do it { is_expected.to be_falsey } end context 'when there is a runner' do let(:runner) { create(:ci_runner, :project, projects: [build.project]) } before do runner.update!(contacted_at: 1.second.ago) end it { is_expected.to be_truthy } context 'that is inactive' do before do runner.update!(active: false) end it { is_expected.to be_falsey } end context 'that is not online' do before do runner.update!(contacted_at: nil) end it { is_expected.to be_falsey } end context 'that cannot handle build' do before do expect_any_instance_of(Gitlab::Ci::Matching::RunnerMatcher).to receive(:matches?).with(build.build_matcher).and_return(false) end it { is_expected.to be_falsey } end end it 'caches the result in Redis' do expect(Rails.cache).to receive(:fetch).with(['has-online-runners', build.id], expires_in: 1.minute) build.any_runners_online? end end describe '#any_runners_available?' do subject { build.any_runners_available? } context 'when no runners' do it { is_expected.to be_falsey } end context 'when there are runners' do let!(:runner) { create(:ci_runner, :project, projects: [build.project]) } it { is_expected.to be_truthy } end it 'caches the result in Redis' do expect(Rails.cache).to receive(:fetch).with(['has-available-runners', build.project.id], expires_in: 1.minute) build.any_runners_available? end end describe '#artifacts?' do subject { build.artifacts? } context 'when new artifacts are used' do context 'artifacts archive does not exist' do let(:build) { create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline) } it { is_expected.to be_falsy } end context 'artifacts archive exists' do let(:build) { create(:ci_build, :artifacts, pipeline: pipeline) } it { is_expected.to be_truthy } context 'is expired' do let(:build) { create(:ci_build, :artifacts, :expired, pipeline: pipeline) } it { is_expected.to be_falsy } end end end end describe '#locked_artifacts?' do subject(:locked_artifacts) { build.locked_artifacts? } context 'when pipeline is artifacts_locked' do let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, locked: :artifacts_locked) } context 'artifacts archive does not exist' do let(:build) { create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline) } it { is_expected.to be_falsy } end context 'artifacts archive exists' do let(:build) { create(:ci_build, :artifacts, pipeline: pipeline) } it { is_expected.to be_truthy } end end context 'when pipeline is unlocked' do let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, locked: :unlocked) } context 'artifacts archive does not exist' do let(:build) { create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline) } it { is_expected.to be_falsy } end context 'artifacts archive exists' do let(:build) { create(:ci_build, :artifacts, pipeline: pipeline) } it { is_expected.to be_falsy } end end end describe '#available_artifacts?' do let(:build) { create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline) } subject { build.available_artifacts? } context 'when artifacts are not expired' do before do build.artifacts_expire_at = Date.tomorrow end context 'when artifacts exist' do before do create(:ci_job_artifact, :archive, job: build) end it { is_expected.to be_truthy } end context 'when artifacts do not exist' do it { is_expected.to be_falsey } end end context 'when artifacts are expired' do before do build.artifacts_expire_at = Date.yesterday end context 'when artifacts are not locked' do before do build.pipeline.locked = :unlocked end it { is_expected.to be_falsey } end context 'when artifacts are locked' do before do build.pipeline.locked = :artifacts_locked end context 'when artifacts exist' do before do create(:ci_job_artifact, :archive, job: build) end it { is_expected.to be_truthy } end context 'when artifacts do not exist' do it { is_expected.to be_falsey } end end end end describe '#browsable_artifacts?' do subject { build.browsable_artifacts? } context 'artifacts metadata does exists' do let(:build) { create(:ci_build, :artifacts, pipeline: pipeline) } it { is_expected.to be_truthy } end end describe '#artifacts_public?' do subject { build.artifacts_public? } context 'artifacts with defaults' do let(:build) { create(:ci_build, :artifacts, pipeline: pipeline) } it { is_expected.to be_truthy } end context 'non public artifacts' do let(:build) { create(:ci_build, :artifacts, :with_private_artifacts_config, pipeline: pipeline) } it { is_expected.to be_falsey } end end describe '#artifacts_expired?' do subject { build.artifacts_expired? } context 'is expired' do before do build.update!(artifacts_expire_at: Time.current - 7.days) end it { is_expected.to be_truthy } end context 'is not expired' do before do build.update!(artifacts_expire_at: Time.current + 7.days) end it { is_expected.to be_falsey } end end describe '#artifacts_metadata?' do subject { build.artifacts_metadata? } context 'artifacts metadata does not exist' do it { is_expected.to be_falsy } end context 'artifacts archive is a zip file and metadata exists' do let(:build) { create(:ci_build, :artifacts, pipeline: pipeline) } it { is_expected.to be_truthy } end end describe '#artifacts_expire_in' do subject { build.artifacts_expire_in } it { is_expected.to be_nil } context 'when artifacts_expire_at is specified' do let(:expire_at) { Time.current + 7.days } before do build.artifacts_expire_at = expire_at end it { is_expected.to be_within(5).of(expire_at - Time.current) } end end describe '#artifacts_expire_in=' do subject { build.artifacts_expire_in } it 'when assigning valid duration' do build.artifacts_expire_in = '7 days' is_expected.to be_within(10).of(7.days.to_i) end it 'when assigning invalid duration' do expect { build.artifacts_expire_in = '7 elephants' }.to raise_error(ChronicDuration::DurationParseError) is_expected.to be_nil end it 'when resetting value' do build.artifacts_expire_in = nil is_expected.to be_nil end it 'when setting to 0' do build.artifacts_expire_in = '0' is_expected.to be_nil end end describe '#commit' do it 'returns commit pipeline has been created for' do expect(build.commit).to eq project.commit end end describe '#cache' do let(:options) do { cache: [{ key: "key", paths: ["public"], policy: "pull-push" }] } end let(:options_with_fallback_keys) do { cache: [ { key: "key", paths: ["public"], policy: "pull-push", fallback_keys: %w(key1 key2) } ] } end subject { build.cache } context 'when build has cache' do before do allow(build).to receive(:options).and_return(options) end context 'when build has multiple caches' do let(:options) do { cache: [ { key: "key", paths: ["public"], policy: "pull-push" }, { key: "key2", paths: ["public"], policy: "pull-push" } ] } end let(:options_with_fallback_keys) do { cache: [ { key: "key", paths: ["public"], policy: "pull-push", fallback_keys: %w(key3 key4) }, { key: "key2", paths: ["public"], policy: "pull-push", fallback_keys: %w(key5 key6) } ] } end before do allow_any_instance_of(Project).to receive(:jobs_cache_index).and_return(1) end it { is_expected.to match([a_hash_including(key: 'key-1-non_protected'), a_hash_including(key: 'key2-1-non_protected')]) } context 'when pipeline is on a protected ref' do before do allow(build.pipeline).to receive(:protected_ref?).and_return(true) end context 'without the `unprotect` option' do it do is_expected.to all(a_hash_including(key: a_string_matching(/-protected$/))) end context 'and the caches have fallback keys' do let(:options) { options_with_fallback_keys } it do is_expected.to all(a_hash_including({ key: a_string_matching(/-protected$/), fallback_keys: array_including(a_string_matching(/-protected$/)) })) end end end context 'and the cache has the `unprotect` option' do let(:options) do { cache: [ { key: "key", paths: ["public"], policy: "pull-push", unprotect: true }, { key: "key2", paths: ["public"], policy: "pull-push", unprotect: true } ] } end it do is_expected.to all(a_hash_including(key: a_string_matching(/-non_protected$/))) end context 'and the caches have fallback keys' do let(:options) do options_with_fallback_keys[:cache].each { |entry| entry[:unprotect] = true } options_with_fallback_keys end it do is_expected.to all(a_hash_including({ key: a_string_matching(/-non_protected$/), fallback_keys: array_including(a_string_matching(/-non_protected$/)) })) end end end end context 'when pipeline is not on a protected ref' do before do allow(build.pipeline).to receive(:protected_ref?).and_return(false) end it do is_expected.to all(a_hash_including(key: a_string_matching(/-non_protected$/))) end context 'and the caches have fallback keys' do let(:options) { options_with_fallback_keys } it do is_expected.to all(a_hash_including({ key: a_string_matching(/-non_protected$/), fallback_keys: array_including(a_string_matching(/-non_protected$/)) })) end end end context 'when separated caches are disabled' do before do allow_any_instance_of(Project).to receive(:ci_separated_caches).and_return(false) end context 'running on protected ref' do before do allow(build.pipeline).to receive(:protected_ref?).and_return(true) end it 'is expected to have no type suffix' do is_expected.to match([a_hash_including(key: 'key-1'), a_hash_including(key: 'key2-1')]) end context 'and the caches have fallback keys' do let(:options) { options_with_fallback_keys } it do is_expected.to match([ a_hash_including({ key: 'key-1', fallback_keys: %w(key3-1 key4-1) }), a_hash_including({ key: 'key2-1', fallback_keys: %w(key5-1 key6-1) }) ]) end end end context 'running on not protected ref' do before do allow(build.pipeline).to receive(:protected_ref?).and_return(false) end it 'is expected to have no type suffix' do is_expected.to match([a_hash_including(key: 'key-1'), a_hash_including(key: 'key2-1')]) end context 'and the caches have fallback keys' do let(:options) { options_with_fallback_keys } it do is_expected.to match([ a_hash_including({ key: 'key-1', fallback_keys: %w(key3-1 key4-1) }), a_hash_including({ key: 'key2-1', fallback_keys: %w(key5-1 key6-1) }) ]) end end end end end context 'when project has jobs_cache_index' do before do allow_any_instance_of(Project).to receive(:jobs_cache_index).and_return(1) end it { is_expected.to be_an(Array).and all(include(key: a_string_matching(/^key-1-(?>protected|non_protected)/))) } context 'and the cache have fallback keys' do let(:options) { options_with_fallback_keys } it do is_expected.to be_an(Array).and all(include({ key: a_string_matching(/^key-1-(?>protected|non_protected)/), fallback_keys: array_including(a_string_matching(/^key\d-1-(?>protected|non_protected)/)) })) end end end context 'when project does not have jobs_cache_index' do before do allow_any_instance_of(Project).to receive(:jobs_cache_index).and_return(nil) end it do is_expected.to eq(options[:cache].map { |entry| entry.merge(key: "#{entry[:key]}-non_protected") }) end context 'and the cache have fallback keys' do let(:options) { options_with_fallback_keys } it do is_expected.to eq( options[:cache].map do |entry| entry[:key] = "#{entry[:key]}-non_protected" entry[:fallback_keys].map! { |key| "#{key}-non_protected" } entry end ) end end end end context 'when build does not have cache' do before do allow(build).to receive(:options).and_return({}) end it { is_expected.to be_empty } end end describe '#fallback_cache_keys_defined?' do subject { build } it 'returns false when fallback keys are not defined' do expect(subject.fallback_cache_keys_defined?).to be false end context "with fallbacks keys" do before do allow(build).to receive(:options).and_return({ cache: [{ key: "key1", fallback_keys: %w(key2) }] }) end it 'returns true when fallback keys are defined' do expect(subject.fallback_cache_keys_defined?).to be true end end end describe '#triggered_by?' do subject { build.triggered_by?(user) } context 'when user is owner' do let(:build) { create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline, user: user) } it { is_expected.to be_truthy } end context 'when user is not owner' do let(:another_user) { create(:user) } let(:build) { create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline, user: another_user) } it { is_expected.to be_falsy } end end describe '#detailed_status' do it 'returns a detailed status' do expect(build.detailed_status(user)) .to be_a Gitlab::Ci::Status::Build::Cancelable end end describe '#update_coverage' do context "regarding coverage_regex's value," do before do build.coverage_regex = '\(\d+.\d+\%\) covered' build.trace.set('Coverage 1033 / 1051 LOC (98.29%) covered') end it "saves the correct extracted coverage value" do expect(build.update_coverage).to be(true) expect(build.coverage).to eq(98.29) end end end describe '#trace' do subject { build.trace } it { is_expected.to be_a(Gitlab::Ci::Trace) } end describe '#has_trace?' do subject { build.has_trace? } it "expect to call exist? method" do expect_any_instance_of(Gitlab::Ci::Trace).to receive(:exist?) .and_return(true) is_expected.to be(true) end end describe '#has_live_trace?' do subject { build.has_live_trace? } let(:build) { create(:ci_build, :trace_live, pipeline: pipeline) } it { is_expected.to be_truthy } context 'when build does not have live trace' do let(:build) { create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline) } it { is_expected.to be_falsy } end end describe '#has_archived_trace?' do subject { build.has_archived_trace? } let(:build) { create(:ci_build, :trace_artifact, pipeline: pipeline) } it { is_expected.to be_truthy } context 'when build does not have archived trace' do let(:build) { create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline) } it { is_expected.to be_falsy } end end describe '#has_job_artifacts?' do subject { build.has_job_artifacts? } context 'when build has a job artifact' do let(:build) { create(:ci_build, :artifacts, pipeline: pipeline) } it { is_expected.to be_truthy } end end describe '#has_test_reports?' do subject { build.has_test_reports? } context 'when build has a test report' do let(:build) { create(:ci_build, :test_reports, pipeline: pipeline) } it { is_expected.to be_truthy } end context 'when build does not have a test report' do let(:build) { create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline) } it { is_expected.to be_falsey } end end describe '#hide_secrets' do let(:metrics) { spy('metrics') } let(:subject) { build.hide_secrets(data) } context 'hide runners token' do let(:data) { "new #{project.runners_token} data" } it { is_expected.to match(/^new x+ data$/) } it 'increments trace mutation metric' do build.hide_secrets(data, metrics) expect(metrics) .to have_received(:increment_trace_operation) .with(operation: :mutated) end end context 'hide build token' do let_it_be(:build) { FactoryBot.build(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline) } let(:data) { "new #{build.token} data" } it { is_expected.to match(/^new x+ data$/) } it 'increments trace mutation metric' do build.hide_secrets(data, metrics) expect(metrics) .to have_received(:increment_trace_operation) .with(operation: :mutated) end end context 'when build does not include secrets' do let(:data) { 'my build log' } it 'does not mutate trace' do trace = build.hide_secrets(data) expect(trace).to eq data end it 'does not increment trace mutation metric' do build.hide_secrets(data, metrics) expect(metrics) .not_to have_received(:increment_trace_operation) .with(operation: :mutated) end end end describe 'state transition metrics' do using RSpec::Parameterized::TableSyntax subject { build.send(event) } where(:state, :report_count, :trait) do :success! | 1 | :sast :cancel! | 1 | :sast :drop! | 2 | :multiple_report_artifacts :success! | 0 | :allowed_to_fail :skip! | 0 | :pending end with_them do let(:build) { create(:ci_build, trait, pipeline: pipeline) } let(:event) { state } context "when transitioning to #{params[:state]}", :saas do it 'increments build_completed_report_type metric' do expect( ::Gitlab::Ci::Artifacts::Metrics ).to receive( :build_completed_report_type_counter ).exactly(report_count).times.and_call_original subject end end end end describe 'state transition as a deployable' do subject { build.send(event) } let!(:build) { create(:ci_build, :with_deployment, :start_review_app, pipeline: pipeline) } let(:deployment) { build.deployment } let(:environment) { deployment.environment } before do allow(Deployments::LinkMergeRequestWorker).to receive(:perform_async) allow(Deployments::HooksWorker).to receive(:perform_async) end it 'has deployments record with created status' do expect(deployment).to be_created expect(environment.name).to eq('review/master') end shared_examples_for 'avoid deadlock' do it 'executes UPDATE in the right order' do recorded = with_cross_database_modification_prevented do ActiveRecord::QueryRecorder.new { subject } end index_for_build = recorded.log.index { |l| l.include?("UPDATE #{described_class.quoted_table_name}") } index_for_deployment = recorded.log.index { |l| l.include?("UPDATE \"deployments\"") } expect(index_for_build).to be < index_for_deployment end end context 'when transits to running' do let(:event) { :run! } it_behaves_like 'avoid deadlock' it 'transits deployment status to running' do with_cross_database_modification_prevented do subject end expect(deployment).to be_running end context 'when deployment is already running state' do before do build.deployment.success! end it 'does not change deployment status and tracks an error' do expect(Gitlab::ErrorTracking) .to receive(:track_exception).with( instance_of(Deployment::StatusSyncError), deployment_id: deployment.id, build_id: build.id) with_cross_database_modification_prevented do expect { subject }.not_to change { deployment.reload.status } end end end end context 'when transits to success' do let(:event) { :success! } before do allow(Deployments::UpdateEnvironmentWorker).to receive(:perform_async) allow(Deployments::HooksWorker).to receive(:perform_async) end it_behaves_like 'avoid deadlock' it_behaves_like 'calling proper BuildFinishedWorker' it 'transits deployment status to success' do with_cross_database_modification_prevented do subject end expect(deployment).to be_success end end context 'when transits to failed' do let(:event) { :drop! } it_behaves_like 'avoid deadlock' it_behaves_like 'calling proper BuildFinishedWorker' it 'transits deployment status to failed' do with_cross_database_modification_prevented do subject end expect(deployment).to be_failed end end context 'when transits to skipped' do let(:event) { :skip! } it_behaves_like 'avoid deadlock' it 'transits deployment status to skipped' do with_cross_database_modification_prevented do subject end expect(deployment).to be_skipped end end context 'when transits to canceled' do let(:event) { :cancel! } it_behaves_like 'avoid deadlock' it_behaves_like 'calling proper BuildFinishedWorker' it 'transits deployment status to canceled' do with_cross_database_modification_prevented do subject end expect(deployment).to be_canceled end end # Mimic playing a manual job that needs another job. # `needs + when:manual` scenario, see: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/347502 context 'when transits from skipped to created to running' do before do build.skip! end context 'during skipped to created' do let(:event) { :process! } it 'transitions to created' do subject expect(deployment).to be_created end end context 'during created to running' do let(:event) { :run! } before do build.process! build.enqueue! end it 'transitions to running and calls webhook' do freeze_time do expect(Deployments::HooksWorker) .to receive(:perform_async).with(hash_including({ 'deployment_id' => deployment.id, 'status' => 'running', 'status_changed_at' => Time.current.to_s })) subject end expect(deployment).to be_running end end end end describe '#on_stop' do subject { build.on_stop } context 'when a job has a specification that it can be stopped from the other job' do let(:build) { create(:ci_build, :start_review_app, pipeline: pipeline) } it 'returns the other job name' do is_expected.to eq('stop_review_app') end end context 'when a job does not have environment information' do let(:build) { create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline) } it 'returns nil' do is_expected.to be_nil end end end describe '#environment_tier_from_options' do subject { build.environment_tier_from_options } let(:build) { described_class.new(options: options) } let(:options) { { environment: { deployment_tier: 'production' } } } it { is_expected.to eq('production') } context 'when options does not include deployment_tier' do let(:options) { { environment: { name: 'production' } } } it { is_expected.to be_nil } end end describe '#environment_tier' do subject { build.environment_tier } let(:options) { { environment: { deployment_tier: 'production' } } } let!(:environment) { create(:environment, name: 'production', tier: 'development', project: project) } let(:build) { described_class.new(options: options, environment: 'production', project: project) } it { is_expected.to eq('production') } context 'when options does not include deployment_tier' do let(:options) { { environment: { name: 'production' } } } it 'uses tier from environment' do is_expected.to eq('development') end context 'when persisted environment is absent' do let(:environment) { nil } it { is_expected.to be_nil } end end end describe 'environment' do describe '#has_environment_keyword?' do subject { build.has_environment_keyword? } context 'when environment is defined' do before do build.update!(environment: 'review') end it { is_expected.to be_truthy } end context 'when environment is not defined' do before do build.update!(environment: nil) end it { is_expected.to be_falsey } end end describe '#expanded_environment_name' do subject { build.expanded_environment_name } context 'when environment uses $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME' do let(:build) do create( :ci_build, ref: 'master', environment: 'review/$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME', pipeline: pipeline ) end it { is_expected.to eq('review/master') } end context 'when environment uses yaml_variables containing symbol keys' do let(:build) do create( :ci_build, yaml_variables: [{ key: :APP_HOST, value: 'host' }], environment: 'review/$APP_HOST', pipeline: pipeline ) end it 'returns an expanded environment name with a list of variables' do is_expected.to eq('review/host') end context 'when build metadata has already persisted the expanded environment name' do before do build.metadata.expanded_environment_name = 'review/foo' end it 'returns a persisted expanded environment name without a list of variables' do expect(build).not_to receive(:simple_variables) is_expected.to eq('review/foo') end end end context 'when using persisted variables' do let(:build) do create(:ci_build, environment: 'review/x$CI_JOB_ID', pipeline: pipeline) end it { is_expected.to eq('review/x') } end context 'when FF `ci_remove_legacy_predefined_variables` is disabled' do before do stub_feature_flags(ci_remove_legacy_predefined_variables: false) end context 'when using persisted variables' do let(:build) do create(:ci_build, environment: 'review/x$CI_BUILD_ID', pipeline: pipeline) end it { is_expected.to eq('review/x') } end end context 'when environment name uses a nested variable' do let(:yaml_variables) do [ { key: 'ENVIRONMENT_NAME', value: '${CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME}' } ] end let(:build) do create( :ci_build, ref: 'master', yaml_variables: yaml_variables, environment: 'review/$ENVIRONMENT_NAME', pipeline: pipeline ) end it { is_expected.to eq('review/master') } end end describe '#expanded_kubernetes_namespace' do let(:build) { create(:ci_build, environment: environment, options: options, pipeline: pipeline) } subject { build.expanded_kubernetes_namespace } context 'environment and namespace are not set' do let(:environment) { nil } let(:options) { nil } it { is_expected.to be_nil } end context 'environment is specified' do let(:environment) { 'production' } context 'namespace is not set' do let(:options) { nil } it { is_expected.to be_nil } end context 'namespace is provided' do let(:options) do { environment: { name: environment, kubernetes: { namespace: namespace } } } end context 'with a static value' do let(:namespace) { 'production' } it { is_expected.to eq namespace } end context 'with a dynamic value' do let(:namespace) { 'deploy-$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME' } it { is_expected.to eq 'deploy-master' } end end end end describe '#deployment_job?' do subject { build.deployment_job? } context 'when environment is defined' do before do build.update!(environment: 'review') end context 'no action is defined' do it { is_expected.to be_truthy } end context 'and start action is defined' do before do build.update!(options: { environment: { action: 'start' } }) end it { is_expected.to be_truthy } end end context 'when environment is not defined' do before do build.update!(environment: nil) end it { is_expected.to be_falsey } end end describe '#stops_environment?' do subject { build.stops_environment? } context 'when environment is defined' do before do build.update!(environment: 'review') end context 'no action is defined' do it { is_expected.to be_falsey } end context 'and stop action is defined' do before do build.update!(options: { environment: { action: 'stop' } }) end it { is_expected.to be_truthy } end end context 'when environment is not defined' do before do build.update!(environment: nil) end it { is_expected.to be_falsey } end end end describe 'erasable build' do shared_examples 'erasable' do it 'removes artifact file' do expect(build.artifacts_file.present?).to be_falsy end it 'removes artifact metadata file' do expect(build.artifacts_metadata.present?).to be_falsy end it 'removes all job_artifacts' do expect(build.job_artifacts.count).to eq(0) end it 'erases build trace in trace file' do expect(build).not_to have_trace end it 'sets erased to true' do expect(build.erased?).to be true end it 'sets erase date' do expect(build.erased_at).not_to be_falsy end end context 'build is not erasable' do let!(:build) { create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline) } describe '#erasable?' do subject { build.erasable? } it { is_expected.to eq false } end end context 'build is erasable' do context 'new artifacts' do let!(:build) { create(:ci_build, :test_reports, :trace_artifact, :success, :artifacts, pipeline: pipeline) } describe '#erasable?' do subject { build.erasable? } it { is_expected.to be_truthy } end describe '#erased?' do let!(:build) { create(:ci_build, :trace_artifact, :success, :artifacts, pipeline: pipeline) } subject { build.erased? } context 'job has not been erased' do it { is_expected.to be_falsey } end context 'job has been erased' do before do build.update!(erased_at: 1.minute.ago) end it { is_expected.to be_truthy } end end end end end describe 'flags' do describe '#cancelable?' do subject { build } context 'when build is cancelable' do context 'when build is pending' do it { is_expected.to be_cancelable } end context 'when build is running' do before do build.run! end it { is_expected.to be_cancelable } end context 'when build is created' do let(:build) { create(:ci_build, :created, pipeline: pipeline) } it { is_expected.to be_cancelable } end context 'when build is waiting for resource' do let(:build) { create(:ci_build, :waiting_for_resource, pipeline: pipeline) } it { is_expected.to be_cancelable } end end context 'when build is not cancelable' do context 'when build is successful' do before do build.success! end it { is_expected.not_to be_cancelable } end context 'when build is failed' do before do build.drop! end it { is_expected.not_to be_cancelable } end end end describe '#action?' do before do build.update!(when: value) end subject { build.action? } context 'when is set to manual' do let(:value) { 'manual' } it { is_expected.to be_truthy } end context 'when is set to delayed' do let(:value) { 'delayed' } it { is_expected.to be_truthy } end context 'when set to something else' do let(:value) { 'something else' } it { is_expected.to be_falsey } end end end describe '#runner_manager' do let_it_be(:runner) { create(:ci_runner) } let_it_be(:runner_manager) { create(:ci_runner_machine, runner: runner) } let_it_be(:build) { create(:ci_build, runner_manager: runner_manager) } subject(:build_runner_manager) { described_class.find(build.id).runner_manager } it { is_expected.to eq(runner_manager) } end describe '#tag_list' do let_it_be(:build) { create(:ci_build, tag_list: ['tag'], pipeline: pipeline) } context 'when tags are preloaded' do it 'does not trigger queries' do build_with_tags = described_class.eager_load_tags.id_in([build]).to_a.first expect { build_with_tags.tag_list }.not_to exceed_all_query_limit(0) expect(build_with_tags.tag_list).to eq(['tag']) end end context 'when tags are not preloaded' do it { expect(described_class.find(build.id).tag_list).to eq(['tag']) } end end describe '#save_tags' do let(:build) { create(:ci_build, tag_list: ['tag'], pipeline: pipeline) } it 'saves tags' do build.save! expect(build.tags.count).to eq(1) expect(build.tags.first.name).to eq('tag') end it 'strips tags' do build.tag_list = [' taga', 'tagb ', ' tagc '] build.save! expect(build.tags.map(&:name)).to match_array(%w[taga tagb tagc]) end context 'with BulkInsertableTags.with_bulk_insert_tags' do it 'does not save_tags' do Ci::BulkInsertableTags.with_bulk_insert_tags do build.save! end expect(build.tags).to be_empty end end end describe '#has_tags?' do context 'when build has tags' do subject { create(:ci_build, tag_list: ['tag'], pipeline: pipeline) } it { is_expected.to have_tags } end context 'when build does not have tags' do subject { create(:ci_build, tag_list: [], pipeline: pipeline) } it { is_expected.not_to have_tags } end end describe 'build auto retry feature' do context 'with deployment job' do let(:build) do create( :ci_build, :deploy_to_production, :with_deployment, user: user, pipeline: pipeline, project: project ) end before do project.add_developer(user) allow(build).to receive(:auto_retry_allowed?) { true } end it 'creates a deployment when a build is dropped' do expect { build.drop!(:script_failure) }.to change { Deployment.count }.by(1) retried_deployment = Deployment.last expect(build.deployment.environment).to eq(retried_deployment.environment) expect(build.deployment.ref).to eq(retried_deployment.ref) expect(build.deployment.sha).to eq(retried_deployment.sha) expect(build.deployment.tag).to eq(retried_deployment.tag) expect(build.deployment.user).to eq(retried_deployment.user) expect(build.deployment).to be_failed expect(retried_deployment).to be_created end end describe '#retries_count' do subject { create(:ci_build, name: 'test', pipeline: pipeline) } context 'when build has been retried several times' do before do create(:ci_build, :retried, name: 'test', pipeline: pipeline) create(:ci_build, :retried, name: 'test', pipeline: pipeline) end it 'reports a correct retry count value' do expect(subject.retries_count).to eq 2 end end context 'when build has not been retried' do it 'returns zero' do expect(subject.retries_count).to eq 0 end end end end describe '.keep_artifacts!' do let!(:build) { create(:ci_build, artifacts_expire_at: Time.current + 7.days, pipeline: pipeline) } let!(:builds_for_update) do Ci::Build.where(id: create_list(:ci_build, 3, artifacts_expire_at: Time.current + 7.days, pipeline: pipeline).map(&:id)) end it 'resets expire_at' do builds_for_update.keep_artifacts! builds_for_update.each do |build| expect(build.reload.artifacts_expire_at).to be_nil end end it 'does not reset expire_at for other builds' do builds_for_update.keep_artifacts! expect(build.reload.artifacts_expire_at).to be_present end context 'when having artifacts files' do let!(:artifact) { create(:ci_job_artifact, job: build, expire_in: '7 days') } let!(:artifacts_for_update) do builds_for_update.map do |build| create(:ci_job_artifact, job: build, expire_in: '7 days') end end it 'resets dependent objects' do builds_for_update.keep_artifacts! artifacts_for_update.each do |artifact| expect(artifact.reload.expire_at).to be_nil end end it 'does not reset dependent object for other builds' do builds_for_update.keep_artifacts! expect(artifact.reload.expire_at).to be_present end end end describe '#keep_artifacts!' do let(:build) { create(:ci_build, artifacts_expire_at: Time.current + 7.days, pipeline: pipeline) } subject { build.keep_artifacts! } it 'to reset expire_at' do subject expect(build.artifacts_expire_at).to be_nil end context 'when having artifacts files' do let!(:artifact) { create(:ci_job_artifact, job: build, expire_in: '7 days') } it 'to reset dependent objects' do subject expect(artifact.reload.expire_at).to be_nil end end end describe '#auto_retry_expected?' do subject { create(:ci_build, :failed, pipeline: pipeline) } context 'when build is failed and auto retry is configured' do before do allow(subject) .to receive(:auto_retry_allowed?) .and_return(true) end it 'expects auto-retry to happen' do expect(subject.auto_retry_expected?).to be true end end context 'when build failed by auto retry is not configured' do it 'does not expect auto-retry to happen' do expect(subject.auto_retry_expected?).to be false end end end describe '#artifact_for_type' do let(:build) { create(:ci_build) } let!(:archive) { create(:ci_job_artifact, :archive, job: build) } let!(:codequality) { create(:ci_job_artifact, :codequality, job: build) } let(:file_type) { :archive } subject { build.artifact_for_type(file_type) } it { is_expected.to eq(archive) } end describe '#merge_request' do let_it_be(:merge_request) { create(:merge_request, source_project: project) } subject { pipeline.builds.take.merge_request } context 'on a branch pipeline' do let!(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, :with_job, project: project, ref: 'fix') } context 'with no merge request' do it { is_expected.to be_nil } end context 'with an open merge request from the same ref name' do let!(:merge_request) { create(:merge_request, source_project: project, source_branch: 'fix') } # If no diff exists, the pipeline commit was not part of the merge # request and may have simply incidentally used the same ref name. context 'without a merge request diff containing the pipeline commit' do it { is_expected.to be_nil } end # If the merge request was truly opened from the branch that the # pipeline ran on, that head sha will be present in a diff. context 'with a merge request diff containing the pipeline commit' do let!(:mr_diff) { create(:merge_request_diff, merge_request: merge_request) } let!(:mr_diff_commit) { create(:merge_request_diff_commit, sha: build.sha, merge_request_diff: mr_diff) } it { is_expected.to eq(merge_request) } end end context 'with multiple open merge requests' do let!(:merge_request) { create(:merge_request, source_project: project, source_branch: 'fix') } let!(:mr_diff) { create(:merge_request_diff, merge_request: merge_request) } let!(:mr_diff_commit) { create(:merge_request_diff_commit, sha: build.sha, merge_request_diff: mr_diff) } let!(:new_merge_request) { create(:merge_request, source_project: project, source_branch: 'fix', target_branch: 'staging') } let!(:new_mr_diff) { create(:merge_request_diff, merge_request: new_merge_request) } let!(:new_mr_diff_commit) { create(:merge_request_diff_commit, sha: build.sha, merge_request_diff: new_mr_diff) } it 'returns the first merge request' do expect(subject).to eq(merge_request) end end end context 'on a detached merged request pipeline' do let(:pipeline) do create(:ci_pipeline, :detached_merge_request_pipeline, :with_job, merge_request: merge_request) end it { is_expected.to eq(pipeline.merge_request) } end context 'on a legacy detached merged request pipeline' do let(:pipeline) do create(:ci_pipeline, :legacy_detached_merge_request_pipeline, :with_job, merge_request: merge_request) end it { is_expected.to eq(pipeline.merge_request) } end context 'on a pipeline for merged results' do let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, :merged_result_pipeline, :with_job, merge_request: merge_request) } it { is_expected.to eq(pipeline.merge_request) } end end describe '#options' do let(:options) do { image: "image:1.0", services: ["postgres"], script: ["ls -a"] } end it 'contains options' do expect(build.options).to eq(options.symbolize_keys) end it 'allows to access with symbolized keys' do expect(build.options[:image]).to eq('image:1.0') end it 'rejects access with string keys' do expect(build.options['image']).to be_nil end it 'persist data in build metadata' do expect(build.metadata.read_attribute(:config_options)).to eq(options.symbolize_keys) end it 'does not persist data in build' do expect(build.read_attribute(:options)).to be_nil end context 'when options include artifacts:expose_as' do let(:build) { create(:ci_build, options: { artifacts: { expose_as: 'test' } }, pipeline: pipeline) } it 'saves the presence of expose_as into build metadata' do expect(build.metadata).to have_exposed_artifacts end end end describe '#other_manual_actions' do let(:build) { create(:ci_build, :manual, pipeline: pipeline) } let!(:other_build) { create(:ci_build, :manual, pipeline: pipeline, name: 'other action') } subject { build.other_manual_actions } before do project.add_developer(user) end it 'returns other actions' do is_expected.to contain_exactly(other_build) end context 'when build is retried' do let!(:new_build) { Ci::RetryJobService.new(project, user).execute(build)[:job] } it 'does not return any of them' do is_expected.not_to include(build, new_build) end end end describe '#other_scheduled_actions' do let(:build) { create(:ci_build, :scheduled, pipeline: pipeline) } subject { build.other_scheduled_actions } before do project.add_developer(user) end context "when other build's status is success" do let!(:other_build) { create(:ci_build, :schedulable, :success, pipeline: pipeline, name: 'other action') } it 'returns other actions' do is_expected.to contain_exactly(other_build) end end context "when other build's status is failed" do let!(:other_build) { create(:ci_build, :schedulable, :failed, pipeline: pipeline, name: 'other action') } it 'returns other actions' do is_expected.to contain_exactly(other_build) end end context "when other build's status is running" do let!(:other_build) { create(:ci_build, :schedulable, :running, pipeline: pipeline, name: 'other action') } it 'does not return other actions' do is_expected.to be_empty end end context "when other build's status is scheduled" do let!(:other_build) { create(:ci_build, :scheduled, pipeline: pipeline, name: 'other action') } it 'does not return other actions' do is_expected.to contain_exactly(other_build) end end end describe '#persisted_environment' do let!(:environment) do create(:environment, project: project, name: "foo-#{project.default_branch}") end subject { build.persisted_environment } context 'when referenced literally' do let(:build) do create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline, environment: "foo-#{project.default_branch}") end it { is_expected.to eq(environment) } end context 'when referenced with a variable' do let(:build) do create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline, environment: "foo-$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME") end it { is_expected.to eq(environment) } end context 'when there is no environment' do it { is_expected.to be_nil } end context 'when build has a stop environment' do let(:build) { create(:ci_build, :stop_review_app, pipeline: pipeline, environment: "foo-#{project.default_branch}") } it 'expands environment name' do expect(build).to receive(:expanded_environment_name).and_call_original is_expected.to eq(environment) end end end describe '#play' do let(:build) { create(:ci_build, :manual, pipeline: pipeline) } before do project.add_developer(user) end it 'enqueues the build' do expect(build.play(user)).to be_pending end end describe '#playable?' do context 'when build is a manual action' do context 'when build has been skipped' do subject { build_stubbed(:ci_build, :manual, status: :skipped, pipeline: pipeline) } it { is_expected.not_to be_playable } end context 'when build has been canceled' do subject { build_stubbed(:ci_build, :manual, status: :canceled, pipeline: pipeline) } it { is_expected.to be_playable } end context 'when build is successful' do subject { build_stubbed(:ci_build, :manual, status: :success, pipeline: pipeline) } it { is_expected.to be_playable } end context 'when build has failed' do subject { build_stubbed(:ci_build, :manual, status: :failed, pipeline: pipeline) } it { is_expected.to be_playable } end context 'when build is a manual untriggered action' do subject { build_stubbed(:ci_build, :manual, status: :manual, pipeline: pipeline) } it { is_expected.to be_playable } end context 'when build is a manual and degenerated' do subject { build_stubbed(:ci_build, :manual, :degenerated, status: :manual, pipeline: pipeline) } it { is_expected.not_to be_playable } end end context 'when build is scheduled' do subject { build_stubbed(:ci_build, :scheduled, pipeline: pipeline) } it { is_expected.to be_playable } end context 'when build is not a manual action' do subject { build_stubbed(:ci_build, :success, pipeline: pipeline) } it { is_expected.not_to be_playable } end context 'when build is waiting for deployment approval' do subject { build_stubbed(:ci_build, :manual, environment: 'production', pipeline: pipeline) } before do create(:deployment, :blocked, deployable: subject) end it { is_expected.not_to be_playable } end end describe 'project settings' do describe '#allow_git_fetch' do it 'return project allow_git_fetch configuration' do expect(build.allow_git_fetch).to eq(project.build_allow_git_fetch) end end end describe '#project' do subject { build.project } it { is_expected.to eq(pipeline.project) } end describe '#project_id' do subject { build.project_id } it { is_expected.to eq(pipeline.project_id) } end describe '#project_name' do subject { build.project_name } it { is_expected.to eq(project.name) } end describe '#ref_slug' do using RSpec::Parameterized::TableSyntax where(:ref, :slug) do 'master' | 'master' '1-foo' | '1-foo' 'fix/1-foo' | 'fix-1-foo' 'fix-1-foo' | 'fix-1-foo' 'a' * 63 | 'a' * 63 'a' * 64 | 'a' * 63 'FOO' | 'foo' '-' + 'a' * 61 + '-' | 'a' * 61 '-' + 'a' * 62 + '-' | 'a' * 62 '-' + 'a' * 63 + '-' | 'a' * 62 'a' * 62 + ' ' | 'a' * 62 end with_them do it "transforms ref to slug" do build.ref = ref expect(build.ref_slug).to eq(slug) end end end describe '#repo_url' do subject { build.repo_url } context 'when token is set' do before do build.ensure_token end it { is_expected.to be_a(String) } it { is_expected.to end_with(".git") } it { is_expected.to start_with(project.web_url[0..6]) } it { is_expected.to include(build.token) } it { is_expected.to include('gitlab-ci-token') } it { is_expected.to include(project.web_url[7..]) } end context 'when token is empty' do before do build.update_columns(token_encrypted: nil) end it { is_expected.to be_nil } end end describe '#stuck?' do subject { build.stuck? } context "when commit_status.status is pending" do before do build.status = 'pending' end it { is_expected.to be_truthy } context "and there is a project runner" do let!(:runner) { create(:ci_runner, :project, projects: [build.project], contacted_at: 1.second.ago) } it { is_expected.to be_falsey } end end %w[success failed canceled running].each do |state| context "when commit_status.status is #{state}" do before do build.status = state end it { is_expected.to be_falsey } end end end describe '#has_expired_locked_archive_artifacts?' do subject { build.has_expired_locked_archive_artifacts? } context 'when build does not have artifacts' do it { is_expected.to eq(nil) } end context 'when build has artifacts' do before do create(:ci_job_artifact, :archive, job: build) end context 'when artifacts are unlocked' do before do build.pipeline.unlocked! end it { is_expected.to eq(false) } end context 'when artifacts are locked' do before do build.pipeline.artifacts_locked! end context 'when artifacts do not expire' do it { is_expected.to eq(false) } end context 'when artifacts expire in the future' do before do build.update!(artifacts_expire_at: 1.day.from_now) end it { is_expected.to eq(false) } end context 'when artifacts expired in the past' do before do build.update!(artifacts_expire_at: 1.day.ago) end it { is_expected.to eq(true) } end end end end describe '#has_expiring_archive_artifacts?' do context 'when artifacts have expiration date set' do before do build.update!(artifacts_expire_at: 1.day.from_now) end context 'and job artifacts archive record exists' do let!(:archive) { create(:ci_job_artifact, :archive, job: build) } it 'has expiring artifacts' do expect(build).to have_expiring_archive_artifacts end end context 'and job artifacts archive record does not exist' do it 'does not have expiring artifacts' do expect(build).not_to have_expiring_archive_artifacts end end end context 'when artifacts do not have expiration date set' do before do build.update!(artifacts_expire_at: nil) end it 'does not have expiring artifacts' do expect(build).not_to have_expiring_archive_artifacts end end end describe '#variables' do let(:container_registry_enabled) { false } before do stub_container_registry_config(enabled: container_registry_enabled, host_port: 'registry.example.com') stub_config(dependency_proxy: { enabled: true }) end subject { build.variables } context 'returns variables' do let(:predefined_variables) do [ { key: 'CI_PIPELINE_ID', value: pipeline.id.to_s, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_PIPELINE_URL', value: project.web_url + "/-/pipelines/#{pipeline.id}", public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_JOB_ID', value: build.id.to_s, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_JOB_URL', value: project.web_url + "/-/jobs/#{build.id}", public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_JOB_TOKEN', value: 'my-token', public: false, masked: true }, { key: 'CI_JOB_STARTED_AT', value: build.started_at&.iso8601, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_REGISTRY_USER', value: 'gitlab-ci-token', public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD', value: 'my-token', public: false, masked: true }, { key: 'CI_REPOSITORY_URL', value: build.repo_url, public: false, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_DEPENDENCY_PROXY_USER', value: 'gitlab-ci-token', public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_DEPENDENCY_PROXY_PASSWORD', value: 'my-token', public: false, masked: true }, { key: 'CI_JOB_JWT', value: 'ci.job.jwt', public: false, masked: true }, { key: 'CI_JOB_JWT_V1', value: 'ci.job.jwt', public: false, masked: true }, { key: 'CI_JOB_JWT_V2', value: 'ci.job.jwtv2', public: false, masked: true }, { key: 'CI_JOB_NAME', value: 'test', public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_JOB_NAME_SLUG', value: 'test', public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_JOB_STAGE', value: 'test', public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_NODE_TOTAL', value: '1', public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI', value: 'true', public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'GITLAB_CI', value: 'true', public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_SERVER_URL', value: Gitlab.config.gitlab.url, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_SERVER_HOST', value: Gitlab.config.gitlab.host, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_SERVER_PORT', value: Gitlab.config.gitlab.port.to_s, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_SERVER_PROTOCOL', value: Gitlab.config.gitlab.protocol, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_SERVER_SHELL_SSH_HOST', value: Gitlab.config.gitlab_shell.ssh_host.to_s, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_SERVER_SHELL_SSH_PORT', value: Gitlab.config.gitlab_shell.ssh_port.to_s, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_SERVER_NAME', value: 'GitLab', public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_SERVER_VERSION', value: Gitlab::VERSION, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_SERVER_VERSION_MAJOR', value: Gitlab.version_info.major.to_s, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_SERVER_VERSION_MINOR', value: Gitlab.version_info.minor.to_s, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_SERVER_VERSION_PATCH', value: Gitlab.version_info.patch.to_s, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_SERVER_REVISION', value: Gitlab.revision, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'GITLAB_FEATURES', value: project.licensed_features.join(','), public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_PROJECT_ID', value: project.id.to_s, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_PROJECT_NAME', value: project.path, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_PROJECT_TITLE', value: project.title, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_PROJECT_DESCRIPTION', value: project.description, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_PROJECT_PATH', value: project.full_path, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_PROJECT_PATH_SLUG', value: project.full_path_slug, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_PROJECT_NAMESPACE', value: project.namespace.full_path, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_PROJECT_NAMESPACE_ID', value: project.namespace.id.to_s, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_PROJECT_ROOT_NAMESPACE', value: project.namespace.root_ancestor.path, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_PROJECT_URL', value: project.web_url, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_PROJECT_VISIBILITY', value: 'private', public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_PROJECT_REPOSITORY_LANGUAGES', value: project.repository_languages.map(&:name).join(',').downcase, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_PROJECT_CLASSIFICATION_LABEL', value: project.external_authorization_classification_label, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH', value: project.default_branch, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_CONFIG_PATH', value: project.ci_config_path_or_default, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_PAGES_DOMAIN', value: Gitlab.config.pages.host, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_PAGES_URL', value: project.pages_url, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_DEPENDENCY_PROXY_SERVER', value: Gitlab.host_with_port, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_DEPENDENCY_PROXY_GROUP_IMAGE_PREFIX', value: "#{Gitlab.host_with_port}/#{project.namespace.root_ancestor.path.downcase}#{DependencyProxy::URL_SUFFIX}", public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_DEPENDENCY_PROXY_DIRECT_GROUP_IMAGE_PREFIX', value: "#{Gitlab.host_with_port}/#{project.namespace.full_path.downcase}#{DependencyProxy::URL_SUFFIX}", public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_API_V4_URL', value: 'http://localhost/api/v4', public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_API_GRAPHQL_URL', value: 'http://localhost/api/graphql', public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_TEMPLATE_REGISTRY_HOST', value: template_registry_host, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_PIPELINE_IID', value: pipeline.iid.to_s, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE', value: pipeline.source, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_PIPELINE_CREATED_AT', value: pipeline.created_at.iso8601, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_COMMIT_SHA', value: build.sha, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA', value: build.short_sha, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_COMMIT_BEFORE_SHA', value: build.before_sha, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME', value: build.ref, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG', value: build.ref_slug, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_COMMIT_BRANCH', value: build.ref, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_COMMIT_MESSAGE', value: pipeline.git_commit_message, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_COMMIT_TITLE', value: pipeline.git_commit_title, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_COMMIT_DESCRIPTION', value: pipeline.git_commit_description, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_COMMIT_REF_PROTECTED', value: (!!pipeline.protected_ref?).to_s, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_COMMIT_TIMESTAMP', value: pipeline.git_commit_timestamp, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_COMMIT_AUTHOR', value: pipeline.git_author_full_text, public: true, masked: false } ] end # Remove this definition when FF `ci_remove_legacy_predefined_variables` is removed let(:predefined_with_legacy_variables) do [ { key: 'CI_PIPELINE_ID', value: pipeline.id.to_s, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_PIPELINE_URL', value: project.web_url + "/-/pipelines/#{pipeline.id}", public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_JOB_ID', value: build.id.to_s, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_JOB_URL', value: project.web_url + "/-/jobs/#{build.id}", public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_JOB_TOKEN', value: 'my-token', public: false, masked: true }, { key: 'CI_JOB_STARTED_AT', value: build.started_at&.iso8601, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_BUILD_ID', value: build.id.to_s, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_BUILD_TOKEN', value: 'my-token', public: false, masked: true }, { key: 'CI_REGISTRY_USER', value: 'gitlab-ci-token', public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD', value: 'my-token', public: false, masked: true }, { key: 'CI_REPOSITORY_URL', value: build.repo_url, public: false, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_DEPENDENCY_PROXY_USER', value: 'gitlab-ci-token', public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_DEPENDENCY_PROXY_PASSWORD', value: 'my-token', public: false, masked: true }, { key: 'CI_JOB_JWT', value: 'ci.job.jwt', public: false, masked: true }, { key: 'CI_JOB_JWT_V1', value: 'ci.job.jwt', public: false, masked: true }, { key: 'CI_JOB_JWT_V2', value: 'ci.job.jwtv2', public: false, masked: true }, { key: 'CI_JOB_NAME', value: 'test', public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_JOB_NAME_SLUG', value: 'test', public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_JOB_STAGE', value: 'test', public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_NODE_TOTAL', value: '1', public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_BUILD_NAME', value: 'test', public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_BUILD_STAGE', value: 'test', public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI', value: 'true', public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'GITLAB_CI', value: 'true', public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_SERVER_URL', value: Gitlab.config.gitlab.url, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_SERVER_HOST', value: Gitlab.config.gitlab.host, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_SERVER_PORT', value: Gitlab.config.gitlab.port.to_s, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_SERVER_PROTOCOL', value: Gitlab.config.gitlab.protocol, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_SERVER_SHELL_SSH_HOST', value: Gitlab.config.gitlab_shell.ssh_host.to_s, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_SERVER_SHELL_SSH_PORT', value: Gitlab.config.gitlab_shell.ssh_port.to_s, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_SERVER_NAME', value: 'GitLab', public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_SERVER_VERSION', value: Gitlab::VERSION, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_SERVER_VERSION_MAJOR', value: Gitlab.version_info.major.to_s, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_SERVER_VERSION_MINOR', value: Gitlab.version_info.minor.to_s, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_SERVER_VERSION_PATCH', value: Gitlab.version_info.patch.to_s, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_SERVER_REVISION', value: Gitlab.revision, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'GITLAB_FEATURES', value: project.licensed_features.join(','), public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_PROJECT_ID', value: project.id.to_s, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_PROJECT_NAME', value: project.path, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_PROJECT_TITLE', value: project.title, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_PROJECT_DESCRIPTION', value: project.description, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_PROJECT_PATH', value: project.full_path, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_PROJECT_PATH_SLUG', value: project.full_path_slug, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_PROJECT_NAMESPACE', value: project.namespace.full_path, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_PROJECT_NAMESPACE_ID', value: project.namespace.id.to_s, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_PROJECT_ROOT_NAMESPACE', value: project.namespace.root_ancestor.path, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_PROJECT_URL', value: project.web_url, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_PROJECT_VISIBILITY', value: 'private', public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_PROJECT_REPOSITORY_LANGUAGES', value: project.repository_languages.map(&:name).join(',').downcase, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_PROJECT_CLASSIFICATION_LABEL', value: project.external_authorization_classification_label, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH', value: project.default_branch, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_CONFIG_PATH', value: project.ci_config_path_or_default, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_PAGES_DOMAIN', value: Gitlab.config.pages.host, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_PAGES_URL', value: project.pages_url, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_DEPENDENCY_PROXY_SERVER', value: Gitlab.host_with_port, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_DEPENDENCY_PROXY_GROUP_IMAGE_PREFIX', value: "#{Gitlab.host_with_port}/#{project.namespace.root_ancestor.path.downcase}#{DependencyProxy::URL_SUFFIX}", public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_DEPENDENCY_PROXY_DIRECT_GROUP_IMAGE_PREFIX', value: "#{Gitlab.host_with_port}/#{project.namespace.full_path.downcase}#{DependencyProxy::URL_SUFFIX}", public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_API_V4_URL', value: 'http://localhost/api/v4', public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_API_GRAPHQL_URL', value: 'http://localhost/api/graphql', public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_TEMPLATE_REGISTRY_HOST', value: template_registry_host, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_PIPELINE_IID', value: pipeline.iid.to_s, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE', value: pipeline.source, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_PIPELINE_CREATED_AT', value: pipeline.created_at.iso8601, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_COMMIT_SHA', value: build.sha, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA', value: build.short_sha, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_COMMIT_BEFORE_SHA', value: build.before_sha, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME', value: build.ref, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG', value: build.ref_slug, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_COMMIT_BRANCH', value: build.ref, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_COMMIT_MESSAGE', value: pipeline.git_commit_message, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_COMMIT_TITLE', value: pipeline.git_commit_title, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_COMMIT_DESCRIPTION', value: pipeline.git_commit_description, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_COMMIT_REF_PROTECTED', value: (!!pipeline.protected_ref?).to_s, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_COMMIT_TIMESTAMP', value: pipeline.git_commit_timestamp, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_COMMIT_AUTHOR', value: pipeline.git_author_full_text, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_BUILD_REF', value: build.sha, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_BUILD_BEFORE_SHA', value: build.before_sha, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_BUILD_REF_NAME', value: build.ref, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_BUILD_REF_SLUG', value: build.ref_slug, public: true, masked: false } ] end before do allow(Gitlab::Ci::Jwt).to receive(:for_build).and_return('ci.job.jwt') allow(Gitlab::Ci::JwtV2).to receive(:for_build).and_return('ci.job.jwtv2') build.set_token('my-token') build.yaml_variables = [] end it { is_expected.to be_instance_of(Gitlab::Ci::Variables::Collection) } it { expect(subject.to_runner_variables).to eq(predefined_variables) } context 'when FF `ci_remove_legacy_predefined_variables` is disabled' do before do stub_feature_flags(ci_remove_legacy_predefined_variables: false) end it { expect(subject.to_runner_variables).to eq(predefined_with_legacy_variables) } end it 'excludes variables that require an environment or user' do environment_based_variables_collection = subject.filter do |variable| %w[ YAML_VARIABLE CI_ENVIRONMENT_NAME CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG CI_ENVIRONMENT_ACTION CI_ENVIRONMENT_URL ].include?(variable[:key]) end expect(environment_based_variables_collection).to be_empty end context 'when CI_JOB_JWT generation fails' do [ OpenSSL::PKey::RSAError, Gitlab::Ci::Jwt::NoSigningKeyError ].each do |reason_to_fail| it 'CI_JOB_JWT is not included' do expect(Gitlab::Ci::Jwt).to receive(:for_build).and_raise(reason_to_fail) expect(Gitlab::ErrorTracking).to receive(:track_exception) expect { subject }.not_to raise_error expect(subject.pluck(:key)).not_to include('CI_JOB_JWT') end end end describe 'variables ordering' do context 'when variables hierarchy is stubbed' do let(:build_pre_var) { { key: 'build', value: 'value', public: true, masked: false } } let(:project_pre_var) { { key: 'project', value: 'value', public: true, masked: false } } let(:pipeline_pre_var) { { key: 'pipeline', value: 'value', public: true, masked: false } } let(:build_yaml_var) { { key: 'yaml', value: 'value', public: true, masked: false } } let(:dependency_proxy_var) { { key: 'dependency_proxy', value: 'value', public: true, masked: false } } let(:job_jwt_var) { { key: 'CI_JOB_JWT', value: 'ci.job.jwt', public: false, masked: true } } let(:job_jwt_var_v1) { { key: 'CI_JOB_JWT_V1', value: 'ci.job.jwt', public: false, masked: true } } let(:job_jwt_var_v2) { { key: 'CI_JOB_JWT_V2', value: 'ci.job.jwtv2', public: false, masked: true } } let(:job_dependency_var) { { key: 'job_dependency', value: 'value', public: true, masked: false } } before do allow_next_instance_of(Gitlab::Ci::Variables::Builder) do |builder| pipeline_variables_builder = double( ::Gitlab::Ci::Variables::Builder::Pipeline, predefined_variables: [pipeline_pre_var] ) allow(builder).to receive(:predefined_variables) { [build_pre_var] } allow(builder).to receive(:pipeline_variables_builder) { pipeline_variables_builder } end allow(build).to receive(:yaml_variables) { [build_yaml_var] } allow(build).to receive(:persisted_variables) { [] } allow(build).to receive(:job_jwt_variables) { [job_jwt_var] } allow(build).to receive(:dependency_variables) { [job_dependency_var] } allow(build).to receive(:dependency_proxy_variables) { [dependency_proxy_var] } allow(build.pipeline.project) .to receive(:predefined_variables) { [project_pre_var] } project.variables.create!(key: 'secret', value: 'value') end it 'returns variables in order depending on resource hierarchy' do expect(subject.to_runner_variables).to eq( [dependency_proxy_var, job_jwt_var, build_pre_var, project_pre_var, pipeline_pre_var, build_yaml_var, job_dependency_var, { key: 'secret', value: 'value', public: false, masked: false }]) end end context 'when build has environment and user-provided variables' do let(:expected_variables) do predefined_variables.map { |variable| variable.fetch(:key) } + %w[YAML_VARIABLE CI_ENVIRONMENT_NAME CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG CI_ENVIRONMENT_ACTION CI_ENVIRONMENT_TIER CI_ENVIRONMENT_URL] end before do create(:environment, project: build.project, name: 'staging') build.yaml_variables = [{ key: 'YAML_VARIABLE', value: 'var', public: true }] build.environment = 'staging' # CI_ENVIRONMENT_NAME is set in predefined_variables when job environment is provided predefined_variables.insert(18, { key: 'CI_ENVIRONMENT_NAME', value: 'staging', public: true, masked: false }) end it 'matches explicit variables ordering' do received_variables = subject.map { |variable| variable[:key] } expect(received_variables).to eq expected_variables end describe 'CI_ENVIRONMENT_ACTION' do let(:enviroment_action_variable) { subject.find { |variable| variable[:key] == 'CI_ENVIRONMENT_ACTION' } } shared_examples 'defaults value' do it 'value matches start' do expect(enviroment_action_variable[:value]).to eq('start') end end it_behaves_like 'defaults value' context 'when options is set' do before do build.update!(options: options) end context 'when options is empty' do let(:options) { {} } it_behaves_like 'defaults value' end context 'when options is nil' do let(:options) { nil } it_behaves_like 'defaults value' end context 'when options environment is specified' do let(:options) { { environment: {} } } it_behaves_like 'defaults value' end context 'when options environment action specified' do let(:options) { { environment: { action: 'stop' } } } it 'matches the specified action' do expect(enviroment_action_variable[:value]).to eq('stop') end end end end end context 'when FF `ci_remove_legacy_predefined_variables` is disabled' do before do stub_feature_flags(ci_remove_legacy_predefined_variables: false) end context 'when build has environment and user-provided variables' do let(:expected_variables) do predefined_with_legacy_variables.map { |variable| variable.fetch(:key) } + %w[YAML_VARIABLE CI_ENVIRONMENT_NAME CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG CI_ENVIRONMENT_ACTION CI_ENVIRONMENT_TIER CI_ENVIRONMENT_URL] end before do create(:environment, project: build.project, name: 'staging') build.yaml_variables = [{ key: 'YAML_VARIABLE', value: 'var', public: true }] build.environment = 'staging' # CI_ENVIRONMENT_NAME is set in predefined_variables when job environment is provided predefined_with_legacy_variables.insert(20, { key: 'CI_ENVIRONMENT_NAME', value: 'staging', public: true, masked: false }) end it 'matches explicit variables ordering' do received_variables = subject.map { |variable| variable[:key] } expect(received_variables).to eq expected_variables end describe 'CI_ENVIRONMENT_ACTION' do let(:enviroment_action_variable) { subject.find { |variable| variable[:key] == 'CI_ENVIRONMENT_ACTION' } } shared_examples 'defaults value' do it 'value matches start' do expect(enviroment_action_variable[:value]).to eq('start') end end it_behaves_like 'defaults value' context 'when options is set' do before do build.update!(options: options) end context 'when options is empty' do let(:options) { {} } it_behaves_like 'defaults value' end context 'when options is nil' do let(:options) { nil } it_behaves_like 'defaults value' end context 'when options environment is specified' do let(:options) { { environment: {} } } it_behaves_like 'defaults value' end context 'when options environment action specified' do let(:options) { { environment: { action: 'stop' } } } it 'matches the specified action' do expect(enviroment_action_variable[:value]).to eq('stop') end end end end end end end context 'when the build has ID tokens' do before do build.update!( id_tokens: { 'TEST_ID_TOKEN' => { 'aud' => 'https://client.test' } } ) end it 'includes the tokens and excludes the predefined JWT variables' do runner_vars = subject.to_runner_variables.pluck(:key) expect(runner_vars).to include('TEST_ID_TOKEN') expect(runner_vars).not_to include('CI_JOB_JWT') expect(runner_vars).not_to include('CI_JOB_JWT_V1') expect(runner_vars).not_to include('CI_JOB_JWT_V2') end end end context 'when build has user' do let(:user_variables) do [ { key: 'GITLAB_USER_ID', value: user.id.to_s, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'GITLAB_USER_EMAIL', value: user.email, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'GITLAB_USER_LOGIN', value: user.username, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'GITLAB_USER_NAME', value: user.name, public: true, masked: false } ] end before do build.update!(user: user) end it { user_variables.each { |v| is_expected.to include(v) } } end context 'when build belongs to a pipeline for merge request' do let(:merge_request) { create(:merge_request, :with_detached_merge_request_pipeline, source_branch: 'improve/awesome') } let(:pipeline) { merge_request.all_pipelines.first } let(:build) { create(:ci_build, ref: pipeline.ref, pipeline: pipeline) } it 'returns values based on source ref' do is_expected.to include( { key: 'CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME', value: 'improve/awesome', public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG', value: 'improve-awesome', public: true, masked: false } ) end end context 'when build has an environment' do let(:environment_variables) do [ { key: 'CI_ENVIRONMENT_NAME', value: 'production', public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG', value: 'prod-slug', public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_ENVIRONMENT_TIER', value: 'production', public: true, masked: false } ] end let!(:environment) do create( :environment, project: build.project, name: 'production', slug: 'prod-slug', tier: 'production', external_url: '' ) end before do build.update!(environment: 'production') end shared_examples 'containing environment variables' do it { is_expected.to include(*environment_variables) } end context 'when no URL was set' do it_behaves_like 'containing environment variables' it 'does not have CI_ENVIRONMENT_URL' do keys = subject.pluck(:key) expect(keys).not_to include('CI_ENVIRONMENT_URL') end end context 'when an URL was set' do let(:url) { 'http://host/test' } before do environment_variables << { key: 'CI_ENVIRONMENT_URL', value: url, public: true, masked: false } end context 'when the URL was set from the job' do before do build.update!(options: { environment: { url: url } }) end it_behaves_like 'containing environment variables' context 'when variables are used in the URL, it does not expand' do let(:url) { 'http://$CI_PROJECT_NAME-$CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG' } it_behaves_like 'containing environment variables' it 'puts $CI_ENVIRONMENT_URL in the last so all other variables are available to be used when runners are trying to expand it' do expect(subject.to_runner_variables.last).to eq(environment_variables.last) end end end context 'when the URL was not set from the job, but environment' do before do environment.update!(external_url: url) end it_behaves_like 'containing environment variables' end end context 'when environment_tier is updated in options' do before do build.update!(options: { environment: { name: 'production', deployment_tier: 'development' } }) end it 'uses tier from options' do is_expected.to include({ key: 'CI_ENVIRONMENT_TIER', value: 'development', public: true, masked: false }) end end context 'when project has an environment specific variable' do let(:environment_specific_variable) do { key: 'MY_STAGING_ONLY_VARIABLE', value: 'environment_specific_variable', public: false, masked: false } end before do create(:ci_variable, environment_specific_variable.slice(:key, :value) .merge(project: project, environment_scope: 'stag*')) end it_behaves_like 'containing environment variables' context 'when environment scope does not match build environment' do it { is_expected.not_to include(environment_specific_variable) } end context 'when environment scope matches build environment' do before do create(:environment, name: 'staging', project: project) build.update!(environment: 'staging') end it { is_expected.to include(environment_specific_variable) } end end end context 'when build started manually' do before do build.update!(when: :manual) end let(:manual_variable) do { key: 'CI_JOB_MANUAL', value: 'true', public: true, masked: false } end it { is_expected.to include(manual_variable) } end context 'when job variable is defined' do let(:job_variable) { { key: 'first', value: 'first', public: false, masked: false } } before do create(:ci_job_variable, job_variable.slice(:key, :value).merge(job: build)) end it { is_expected.to include(job_variable) } end context 'when build is for branch' do let(:branch_variable) do { key: 'CI_COMMIT_BRANCH', value: 'master', public: true, masked: false } end before do build.update!(tag: false) pipeline.update!(tag: false) end it { is_expected.to include(branch_variable) } end context 'when build is for tag' do let(:tag_name) { project.repository.tags.first.name } let(:tag_message) { project.repository.tags.first.message } let!(:pipeline) do create( :ci_pipeline, project: project, sha: project.commit.id, ref: tag_name, status: 'success' ) end let!(:build) { create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline, ref: tag_name) } let(:tag_variable) do { key: 'CI_COMMIT_TAG', value: tag_name, public: true, masked: false } end let(:tag_message_variable) do { key: 'CI_COMMIT_TAG_MESSAGE', value: tag_message, public: true, masked: false } end before do build.update!(tag: true) pipeline.update!(tag: true) end it do build.reload expect(subject).to include(tag_variable, tag_message_variable) end end context 'when CI variable is defined' do let(:ci_variable) do { key: 'SECRET_KEY', value: 'secret_value', public: false, masked: false } end before do create(:ci_variable, ci_variable.slice(:key, :value).merge(project: project)) end it { is_expected.to include(ci_variable) } end context 'when protected variable is defined' do let(:ref) { Gitlab::Git::BRANCH_REF_PREFIX + build.ref } let(:protected_variable) do { key: 'PROTECTED_KEY', value: 'protected_value', public: false, masked: false } end before do create(:ci_variable, :protected, protected_variable.slice(:key, :value).merge(project: project)) end context 'when the branch is protected' do before do allow(build.pipeline.project).to receive(:protected_for?).with(ref).and_return(true) end it { is_expected.to include(protected_variable) } end context 'when the tag is protected' do before do allow(build.pipeline.project).to receive(:protected_for?).with(ref).and_return(true) end it { is_expected.to include(protected_variable) } end context 'when the ref is not protected' do it { is_expected.not_to include(protected_variable) } end end context 'when group CI variable is defined' do let(:ci_variable) do { key: 'SECRET_KEY', value: 'secret_value', public: false, masked: false } end before do create(:ci_group_variable, ci_variable.slice(:key, :value).merge(group: group)) end it { is_expected.to include(ci_variable) } end context 'when group protected variable is defined' do let(:ref) { Gitlab::Git::BRANCH_REF_PREFIX + build.ref } let(:protected_variable) do { key: 'PROTECTED_KEY', value: 'protected_value', public: false, masked: false } end before do create(:ci_group_variable, :protected, protected_variable.slice(:key, :value).merge(group: group)) end context 'when the branch is protected' do before do allow(build.pipeline.project).to receive(:protected_for?).with(ref).and_return(true) end it { is_expected.to include(protected_variable) } end context 'when the tag is protected' do before do allow(build.pipeline.project).to receive(:protected_for?).with(ref).and_return(true) end it { is_expected.to include(protected_variable) } end context 'when the ref is not protected' do before do build.update_column(:ref, 'some/feature') end it { is_expected.not_to include(protected_variable) } end end context 'when build is for triggers' do let(:trigger) { create(:ci_trigger, project: project) } let(:trigger_request) { create(:ci_trigger_request, pipeline: pipeline, trigger: trigger) } let(:predefined_trigger_variable) do { key: 'CI_PIPELINE_TRIGGERED', value: 'true', public: true, masked: false } end before do build.trigger_request = trigger_request end it { is_expected.to include(predefined_trigger_variable) } end context 'when pipeline has a variable' do let!(:pipeline_variable) { create(:ci_pipeline_variable, pipeline: pipeline) } it { is_expected.to include(key: pipeline_variable.key, value: pipeline_variable.value, public: false, masked: false) } end context 'when a job was triggered by a pipeline schedule' do let(:pipeline_schedule) { create(:ci_pipeline_schedule, project: project) } let!(:pipeline_schedule_variable) do create(:ci_pipeline_schedule_variable, key: 'SCHEDULE_VARIABLE_KEY', pipeline_schedule: pipeline_schedule) end before do pipeline_schedule.pipelines << pipeline.reload pipeline_schedule.reload end it { is_expected.to include(key: pipeline_schedule_variable.key, value: pipeline_schedule_variable.value, public: false, masked: false) } end context 'when container registry is enabled' do let_it_be_with_reload(:project) { create(:project, :public, :repository, group: group) } let_it_be_with_reload(:pipeline) do create(:ci_pipeline, project: project, sha: project.commit.id, ref: project.default_branch, status: 'success') end let_it_be_with_refind(:build) { create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline) } let(:container_registry_enabled) { true } let(:ci_registry) do { key: 'CI_REGISTRY', value: 'registry.example.com', public: true, masked: false } end let(:ci_registry_image) do { key: 'CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE', value: project.container_registry_url, public: true, masked: false } end context 'and is disabled for project' do before do project.project_feature.update_column(:container_registry_access_level, ProjectFeature::DISABLED) end it { is_expected.to include(ci_registry) } it { is_expected.not_to include(ci_registry_image) } end context 'and is enabled for project' do before do project.project_feature.update_column(:container_registry_access_level, ProjectFeature::ENABLED) end it { is_expected.to include(ci_registry) } it { is_expected.to include(ci_registry_image) } end context 'and is private for project' do before do project.project_feature.update_column(:container_registry_access_level, ProjectFeature::PRIVATE) end it { is_expected.to include(ci_registry) } it { is_expected.to include(ci_registry_image) } end end context 'when runner is assigned to build' do let(:runner) { create(:ci_runner, description: 'description', tag_list: %w(docker linux)) } before do build.update!(runner: runner) end it { is_expected.to include({ key: 'CI_RUNNER_ID', value: runner.id.to_s, public: true, masked: false }) } it { is_expected.to include({ key: 'CI_RUNNER_DESCRIPTION', value: 'description', public: true, masked: false }) } it { is_expected.to include({ key: 'CI_RUNNER_TAGS', value: 'docker, linux', public: true, masked: false }) } end context 'when build is for a deployment' do let(:deployment_variable) { { key: 'KUBERNETES_TOKEN', value: 'TOKEN', public: false, masked: false } } before do build.environment = 'production' allow_any_instance_of(Project) .to receive(:deployment_variables) .and_return([deployment_variable]) end it { is_expected.to include(deployment_variable) } end context 'when project has default CI config path' do let(:ci_config_path) { { key: 'CI_CONFIG_PATH', value: '.gitlab-ci.yml', public: true, masked: false } } it { is_expected.to include(ci_config_path) } end context 'when project has custom CI config path' do let(:ci_config_path) { { key: 'CI_CONFIG_PATH', value: 'custom', public: true, masked: false } } before do project.update!(ci_config_path: 'custom') end it { is_expected.to include(ci_config_path) } end context 'when pipeline variable overrides build variable' do let(:build) do create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline, yaml_variables: [{ key: 'MYVAR', value: 'myvar', public: true }]) end before do pipeline.variables.build(key: 'MYVAR', value: 'pipeline value') end it 'overrides YAML variable using a pipeline variable' do variables = subject.to_runner_variables.reverse.uniq { |variable| variable[:key] }.reverse expect(variables) .not_to include(key: 'MYVAR', value: 'myvar', public: true, masked: false) expect(variables) .to include(key: 'MYVAR', value: 'pipeline value', public: false, masked: false) end end context 'when build is parallelized' do shared_examples 'parallelized jobs config' do let(:index) { 3 } let(:total) { 5 } before do build.options[:parallel] = config build.options[:instance] = index end it 'includes CI_NODE_INDEX' do is_expected.to include( { key: 'CI_NODE_INDEX', value: index.to_s, public: true, masked: false } ) end it 'includes correct CI_NODE_TOTAL' do is_expected.to include( { key: 'CI_NODE_TOTAL', value: total.to_s, public: true, masked: false } ) end end context 'when parallel is a number' do let(:config) { 5 } it_behaves_like 'parallelized jobs config' end context 'when parallel is hash with the total key' do let(:config) { { total: 5 } } it_behaves_like 'parallelized jobs config' end context 'when parallel is nil' do let(:config) {} it_behaves_like 'parallelized jobs config' do let(:total) { 1 } end end end context 'when build has not been persisted yet' do let(:build) do described_class.new( name: 'rspec', stage: 'test', ref: 'feature', project: project, pipeline: pipeline ) end let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, project: project, ref: 'feature') } it 'returns static predefined variables' do expect(build.variables.size).to be >= 28 expect(build.variables) .to include(key: 'CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME', value: 'feature', public: true, masked: false) expect(build).not_to be_persisted end end context 'for deploy tokens' do let(:deploy_token) { create(:deploy_token, :gitlab_deploy_token) } let(:deploy_token_variables) do [ { key: 'CI_DEPLOY_USER', value: deploy_token.username, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'CI_DEPLOY_PASSWORD', value: deploy_token.token, public: false, masked: true } ] end context 'when gitlab-deploy-token exists for project' do before do project.deploy_tokens << deploy_token end it 'includes deploy token variables' do is_expected.to include(*deploy_token_variables) end end context 'when gitlab-deploy-token does not exist for project' do it 'does not include deploy token variables' do expect(subject.find { |v| v[:key] == 'CI_DEPLOY_USER' }).to be_nil expect(subject.find { |v| v[:key] == 'CI_DEPLOY_PASSWORD' }).to be_nil end context 'when gitlab-deploy-token exists for group' do before do group.deploy_tokens << deploy_token end it 'includes deploy token variables' do is_expected.to include(*deploy_token_variables) end end end end context 'for harbor integration' do let(:harbor_integration) { create(:harbor_integration) } let(:harbor_variables) do [ { key: 'HARBOR_URL', value: harbor_integration.url, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'HARBOR_PROJECT', value: harbor_integration.project_name, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'HARBOR_USERNAME', value: harbor_integration.username, public: true, masked: false }, { key: 'HARBOR_PASSWORD', value: harbor_integration.password, public: false, masked: true } ] end context 'when harbor_integration exists' do before do build.project.update!(harbor_integration: harbor_integration) end it 'includes harbor variables' do is_expected.to include(*harbor_variables) end end context 'when harbor_integration does not exist' do it 'does not include harbor variables' do expect(subject.find { |v| v[:key] == 'HARBOR_URL' }).to be_nil expect(subject.find { |v| v[:key] == 'HARBOR_PROJECT_NAME' }).to be_nil expect(subject.find { |v| v[:key] == 'HARBOR_USERNAME' }).to be_nil expect(subject.find { |v| v[:key] == 'HARBOR_PASSWORD' }).to be_nil end end end context 'for the apple_app_store integration' do let_it_be(:apple_app_store_integration) { create(:apple_app_store_integration) } let(:apple_app_store_variables) do [ { key: 'APP_STORE_CONNECT_API_KEY_ISSUER_ID', value: apple_app_store_integration.app_store_issuer_id, masked: true, public: false }, { key: 'APP_STORE_CONNECT_API_KEY_KEY', value: Base64.encode64(apple_app_store_integration.app_store_private_key), masked: true, public: false }, { key: 'APP_STORE_CONNECT_API_KEY_KEY_ID', value: apple_app_store_integration.app_store_key_id, masked: true, public: false }, { key: 'APP_STORE_CONNECT_API_KEY_IS_KEY_CONTENT_BASE64', value: "true", masked: false, public: false } ] end context 'when the apple_app_store exists' do context 'when a build is protected' do before do allow(build.pipeline).to receive(:protected_ref?).and_return(true) build.project.update!(apple_app_store_integration: apple_app_store_integration) end it 'includes apple_app_store variables' do is_expected.to include(*apple_app_store_variables) end end context 'when a build is not protected' do before do allow(build.pipeline).to receive(:protected_ref?).and_return(false) build.project.update!(apple_app_store_integration: apple_app_store_integration) end it 'does not include the apple_app_store variables' do expect(subject.find { |v| v[:key] == 'APP_STORE_CONNECT_API_KEY_ISSUER_ID' }).to be_nil expect(subject.find { |v| v[:key] == 'APP_STORE_CONNECT_API_KEY_KEY' }).to be_nil expect(subject.find { |v| v[:key] == 'APP_STORE_CONNECT_API_KEY_KEY_ID' }).to be_nil expect(subject.find { |v| v[:key] == 'APP_STORE_CONNECT_API_KEY_IS_KEY_CONTENT_BASE64' }).to be_nil end end end context 'when the apple_app_store integration does not exist' do it 'does not include apple_app_store variables' do expect(subject.find { |v| v[:key] == 'APP_STORE_CONNECT_API_KEY_ISSUER_ID' }).to be_nil expect(subject.find { |v| v[:key] == 'APP_STORE_CONNECT_API_KEY_KEY' }).to be_nil expect(subject.find { |v| v[:key] == 'APP_STORE_CONNECT_API_KEY_KEY_ID' }).to be_nil expect(subject.find { |v| v[:key] == 'APP_STORE_CONNECT_API_KEY_IS_KEY_CONTENT_BASE64' }).to be_nil end end end context 'for the google_play integration' do let_it_be(:google_play_integration) { create(:google_play_integration) } let(:google_play_variables) do [ { key: 'SUPPLY_JSON_KEY_DATA', value: google_play_integration.service_account_key, masked: true, public: false } ] end context 'when the google_play integration exists' do context 'when a build is protected' do before do allow(build.pipeline).to receive(:protected_ref?).and_return(true) build.project.update!(google_play_integration: google_play_integration) end it 'includes google_play variables' do is_expected.to include(*google_play_variables) end end context 'when a build is not protected' do before do allow(build.pipeline).to receive(:protected_ref?).and_return(false) build.project.update!(google_play_integration: google_play_integration) end it 'does not include the google_play variable' do expect(subject[:key] == 'SUPPLY_JSON_KEY_DATA').to eq(false) end end end context 'when the googel_play integration does not exist' do it 'does not include google_play variable' do expect(subject[:key] == 'SUPPLY_JSON_KEY_DATA').to eq(false) end end end context 'when build has dependency which has dotenv variable' do let!(:prepare) { create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline, stage_idx: 0) } let!(:build) { create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline, stage_idx: 1, options: { dependencies: [prepare.name] }) } let!(:job_variable) { create(:ci_job_variable, :dotenv_source, job: prepare) } it { is_expected.to include(key: job_variable.key, value: job_variable.value, public: false, masked: false) } end context 'when ID tokens are defined on the build' do before do rsa_key = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.generate(3072).to_s stub_application_setting(ci_jwt_signing_key: rsa_key) build.metadata.update!(id_tokens: { 'ID_TOKEN_1' => { aud: 'developers' }, 'ID_TOKEN_2' => { aud: 'maintainers' } }) build.runner = build_stubbed(:ci_runner) end subject(:runner_vars) { build.variables.to_runner_variables } it 'includes the ID token variables' do expect(runner_vars).to include( a_hash_including(key: 'ID_TOKEN_1', public: false, masked: true), a_hash_including(key: 'ID_TOKEN_2', public: false, masked: true) ) id_token_var_1 = runner_vars.find { |var| var[:key] == 'ID_TOKEN_1' } id_token_var_2 = runner_vars.find { |var| var[:key] == 'ID_TOKEN_2' } id_token_1 = JWT.decode(id_token_var_1[:value], nil, false).first id_token_2 = JWT.decode(id_token_var_2[:value], nil, false).first expect(id_token_1['aud']).to eq('developers') expect(id_token_2['aud']).to eq('maintainers') end context 'when a NoSigningKeyError is raised' do it 'does not include the ID token variables' do allow(::Gitlab::Ci::JwtV2).to receive(:for_build).and_raise(::Gitlab::Ci::Jwt::NoSigningKeyError) expect(runner_vars.map { |var| var[:key] }).not_to include('ID_TOKEN_1', 'ID_TOKEN_2') end end context 'when a RSAError is raised' do it 'does not include the ID token variables' do allow(::Gitlab::Ci::JwtV2).to receive(:for_build).and_raise(::OpenSSL::PKey::RSAError) expect(runner_vars.map { |var| var[:key] }).not_to include('ID_TOKEN_1', 'ID_TOKEN_2') end end end end describe '#scoped_variables' do it 'records a prometheus metric' do histogram = double(:histogram) expect(::Gitlab::Ci::Pipeline::Metrics).to receive(:pipeline_builder_scoped_variables_histogram) .and_return(histogram) expect(histogram).to receive(:observe) .with({}, a_kind_of(ActiveSupport::Duration)) build.scoped_variables end shared_examples 'calculates scoped_variables' do context 'when build has not been persisted yet' do let(:build) do described_class.new( name: 'rspec', stage: 'test', ref: 'feature', project: project, pipeline: pipeline, scheduling_type: :stage ) end let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, project: project, ref: 'feature') } it 'does not persist the build' do expect(build).to be_valid expect(build).not_to be_persisted build.scoped_variables expect(build).not_to be_persisted end it 'returns static predefined variables' do keys = %w[CI_JOB_NAME CI_COMMIT_SHA CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG CI_JOB_STAGE] variables = build.scoped_variables variables.map { |env| env[:key] }.tap do |names| expect(names).to include(*keys) end expect(variables) .to include(key: 'CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME', value: 'feature', public: true, masked: false) end it 'does not return prohibited variables' do keys = %w[CI_JOB_ID CI_JOB_URL CI_JOB_TOKEN CI_REGISTRY_USER CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD CI_REPOSITORY_URL CI_ENVIRONMENT_URL CI_DEPLOY_USER CI_DEPLOY_PASSWORD] build.scoped_variables.map { |env| env[:key] }.tap do |names| expect(names).not_to include(*keys) end end context 'when FF `ci_remove_legacy_predefined_variables` is disabled' do before do stub_feature_flags(ci_remove_legacy_predefined_variables: false) end it 'does not return prohibited variables' do keys = %w[CI_JOB_ID CI_JOB_URL CI_JOB_TOKEN CI_BUILD_ID CI_BUILD_TOKEN CI_REGISTRY_USER CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD CI_REPOSITORY_URL CI_ENVIRONMENT_URL CI_DEPLOY_USER CI_DEPLOY_PASSWORD] build.scoped_variables.map { |env| env[:key] }.tap do |names| expect(names).not_to include(*keys) end end end end context 'with dependency variables' do let!(:prepare) { create(:ci_build, name: 'prepare', pipeline: pipeline, stage_idx: 0) } let!(:build) { create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline, stage_idx: 1, options: { dependencies: ['prepare'] }) } let!(:job_variable) { create(:ci_job_variable, :dotenv_source, job: prepare) } it 'inherits dependent variables' do expect(build.scoped_variables.to_hash).to include(job_variable.key => job_variable.value) end end end it_behaves_like 'calculates scoped_variables' it 'delegates to the variable builders' do expect_next_instance_of(Gitlab::Ci::Variables::Builder) do |builder| expect(builder) .to receive(:scoped_variables).with(build, hash_including(:environment, :dependencies)) .and_call_original expect(builder).to receive(:predefined_variables).and_call_original end build.scoped_variables end end describe '#simple_variables_without_dependencies' do it 'does not load dependencies' do expect(build).not_to receive(:dependency_variables) build.simple_variables_without_dependencies end end describe '#any_unmet_prerequisites?' do let(:build) { create(:ci_build, :created, pipeline: pipeline) } subject { build.any_unmet_prerequisites? } before do allow(build).to receive(:prerequisites).and_return(prerequisites) end context 'build has prerequisites' do let(:prerequisites) { [double] } it { is_expected.to be_truthy } end context 'build does not have prerequisites' do let(:prerequisites) { [] } it { is_expected.to be_falsey } end end describe '#yaml_variables' do let(:build) { create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline, yaml_variables: variables) } let(:variables) do [ { 'key' => :VARIABLE, 'value' => 'my value' }, { 'key' => 'VARIABLE2', 'value' => 'my value 2' } ] end shared_examples 'having consistent representation' do it 'allows to access using symbols' do expect(build.reload.yaml_variables.first[:key]).to eq('VARIABLE') expect(build.reload.yaml_variables.first[:value]).to eq('my value') expect(build.reload.yaml_variables.second[:key]).to eq('VARIABLE2') expect(build.reload.yaml_variables.second[:value]).to eq('my value 2') end end it_behaves_like 'having consistent representation' it 'persist data in build metadata' do expect(build.metadata.read_attribute(:config_variables)).not_to be_nil end it 'does not persist data in build' do expect(build.read_attribute(:yaml_variables)).to be_nil end end describe '#dependency_variables' do subject { build.dependency_variables } context 'when using dependencies' do let!(:prepare1) { create(:ci_build, name: 'prepare1', pipeline: pipeline, stage_idx: 0) } let!(:prepare2) { create(:ci_build, name: 'prepare2', pipeline: pipeline, stage_idx: 0) } let!(:build) { create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline, stage_idx: 1, options: { dependencies: ['prepare1'] }) } let!(:job_variable_1) { create(:ci_job_variable, :dotenv_source, job: prepare1) } let!(:job_variable_2) { create(:ci_job_variable, job: prepare1) } let!(:job_variable_3) { create(:ci_job_variable, :dotenv_source, job: prepare2) } it 'inherits only dependent variables' do expect(subject.to_hash).to eq(job_variable_1.key => job_variable_1.value) end end context 'when using needs' do let!(:prepare1) { create(:ci_build, name: 'prepare1', pipeline: pipeline, stage_idx: 0) } let!(:prepare2) { create(:ci_build, name: 'prepare2', pipeline: pipeline, stage_idx: 0) } let!(:prepare3) { create(:ci_build, name: 'prepare3', pipeline: pipeline, stage_idx: 0) } let!(:build) { create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline, stage_idx: 1, scheduling_type: 'dag') } let!(:build_needs_prepare1) { create(:ci_build_need, build: build, name: 'prepare1', artifacts: true) } let!(:build_needs_prepare2) { create(:ci_build_need, build: build, name: 'prepare2', artifacts: false) } let!(:job_variable_1) { create(:ci_job_variable, :dotenv_source, job: prepare1) } let!(:job_variable_2) { create(:ci_job_variable, :dotenv_source, job: prepare2) } let!(:job_variable_3) { create(:ci_job_variable, :dotenv_source, job: prepare3) } it 'inherits only needs with artifacts variables' do expect(subject.to_hash).to eq(job_variable_1.key => job_variable_1.value) end end end describe 'state transition: any => [:preparing]' do let(:build) { create(:ci_build, :created, pipeline: pipeline) } before do allow(build).to receive(:prerequisites).and_return([double]) end it 'queues BuildPrepareWorker' do expect(Ci::BuildPrepareWorker).to receive(:perform_async).with(build.id) build.enqueue end end describe 'when the build is waiting for deployment approval' do let(:build) { create(:ci_build, :manual, environment: 'production', pipeline: pipeline) } before do create(:deployment, :blocked, deployable: build) end it 'does not allow the build to be enqueued' do expect { build.enqueue! }.to raise_error(StateMachines::InvalidTransition) end end describe 'state transition: any => [:pending]' do let(:build) { create(:ci_build, :created, pipeline: pipeline) } it 'queues BuildQueueWorker' do expect(BuildQueueWorker).to receive(:perform_async).with(build.id) build.enqueue end it 'executes hooks' do expect(build).to receive(:execute_hooks) build.enqueue end it 'assigns the token' do expect { build.enqueue }.to change(build, :token).from(nil).to(an_instance_of(String)) end end describe 'state transition: pending: :running' do let_it_be_with_reload(:runner) { create(:ci_runner) } let_it_be_with_reload(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, project: project) } let(:job) { create(:ci_build, :pending, runner: runner, pipeline: pipeline) } before do job.project.update_attribute(:build_timeout, 1800) end def run_job_without_exception job.run! rescue StateMachines::InvalidTransition end context 'for pipeline ref existence' do it 'ensures pipeline ref creation' do expect(job.pipeline).to receive(:ensure_persistent_ref).once.and_call_original expect(job.pipeline.persistent_ref).to receive(:create).once run_job_without_exception end it 'ensures that it is not run in database transaction' do expect(job.pipeline.persistent_ref).to receive(:create) do expect(ApplicationRecord).not_to be_inside_transaction end run_job_without_exception end end shared_examples 'saves data on transition' do it 'saves timeout' do expect { job.run! }.to change { job.reload.ensure_metadata.timeout }.from(nil).to(expected_timeout) end it 'saves timeout_source' do expect { job.run! }.to change { job.reload.ensure_metadata.timeout_source }.from('unknown_timeout_source').to(expected_timeout_source) end context 'when Ci::BuildMetadata#update_timeout_state fails update' do before do allow_any_instance_of(Ci::BuildMetadata).to receive(:update_timeout_state).and_return(false) end it "doesn't save timeout" do expect { run_job_without_exception }.not_to change { job.reload.ensure_metadata.timeout } end it "doesn't save timeout_source" do expect { run_job_without_exception }.not_to change { job.reload.ensure_metadata.timeout_source } end end end context 'when runner timeout overrides project timeout' do let(:expected_timeout) { 900 } let(:expected_timeout_source) { 'runner_timeout_source' } before do runner.update_attribute(:maximum_timeout, 900) end it_behaves_like 'saves data on transition' end context "when runner timeout doesn't override project timeout" do let(:expected_timeout) { 1800 } let(:expected_timeout_source) { 'project_timeout_source' } before do runner.update_attribute(:maximum_timeout, 3600) end it_behaves_like 'saves data on transition' end end describe '#has_valid_build_dependencies?' do shared_examples 'validation is active' do context 'when depended job has not been completed yet' do let!(:pre_stage_job) { create(:ci_build, :manual, pipeline: pipeline, name: 'test', stage_idx: 0) } it { expect(job).to have_valid_build_dependencies } end context 'when artifacts of depended job has been expired' do let!(:pre_stage_job) { create(:ci_build, :success, :expired, pipeline: pipeline, name: 'test', stage_idx: 0) } context 'when pipeline is not locked' do before do build.pipeline.unlocked! end it { expect(job).not_to have_valid_build_dependencies } end context 'when pipeline is locked' do before do build.pipeline.artifacts_locked! end it { expect(job).to have_valid_build_dependencies } end end context 'when artifacts of depended job has been erased' do let!(:pre_stage_job) do create(:ci_build, :success, pipeline: pipeline, name: 'test', stage_idx: 0, erased_at: 1.minute.ago) end it { expect(job).not_to have_valid_build_dependencies } end end shared_examples 'validation is not active' do context 'when depended job has not been completed yet' do let!(:pre_stage_job) { create(:ci_build, :manual, pipeline: pipeline, name: 'test', stage_idx: 0) } it { expect(job).to have_valid_build_dependencies } end context 'when artifacts of depended job has been expired' do let!(:pre_stage_job) { create(:ci_build, :success, :expired, pipeline: pipeline, name: 'test', stage_idx: 0) } it { expect(job).to have_valid_build_dependencies } end context 'when artifacts of depended job has been erased' do let!(:pre_stage_job) { create(:ci_build, :success, pipeline: pipeline, name: 'test', stage_idx: 0, erased_at: 1.minute.ago) } it { expect(job).to have_valid_build_dependencies } end end let!(:job) { create(:ci_build, :pending, pipeline: pipeline, stage_idx: 1, options: options) } let!(:pre_stage_job) { create(:ci_build, :success, pipeline: pipeline, name: 'test', stage_idx: 0) } context 'when "dependencies" keyword is not defined' do let(:options) { {} } it { expect(job).to have_valid_build_dependencies } end context 'when "dependencies" keyword is empty' do let(:options) { { dependencies: [] } } it { expect(job).to have_valid_build_dependencies } end context 'when "dependencies" keyword is specified' do let(:options) { { dependencies: ['test'] } } it_behaves_like 'validation is active' end end describe 'state transition when build fails' do let(:service) { ::MergeRequests::AddTodoWhenBuildFailsService.new(project: project, current_user: user) } before do allow(::MergeRequests::AddTodoWhenBuildFailsService).to receive(:new).and_return(service) allow(service).to receive(:close) end context 'when build is configured to be retried' do subject { create(:ci_build, :running, options: { script: ["ls -al"], retry: 3 }, pipeline: pipeline, user: user) } it 'retries build and assigns the same user to it' do expect_next_instance_of(::Ci::RetryJobService) do |service| expect(service).to receive(:execute).with(subject) end subject.drop! end it 'does not try to create a todo' do project.add_developer(user) expect(service).not_to receive(:pipeline_merge_requests) subject.drop! end context 'when retry service raises Gitlab::Access::AccessDeniedError exception' do let(:retry_service) { Ci::RetryJobService.new(subject.project, subject.user) } before do allow_any_instance_of(Ci::RetryJobService) .to receive(:execute) .with(subject) .and_raise(Gitlab::Access::AccessDeniedError) allow(Gitlab::AppLogger).to receive(:error) end it 'handles raised exception' do expect { subject.drop! }.not_to raise_error end it 'logs the error' do subject.drop! expect(Gitlab::AppLogger) .to have_received(:error) .with(a_string_matching("Unable to auto-retry job #{subject.id}")) end it 'fails the job' do subject.drop! expect(subject.failed?).to be_truthy end end end context 'when build is not configured to be retried' do subject { create(:ci_build, :running, pipeline: pipeline, user: user) } let(:pipeline) do create(:ci_pipeline, project: project, ref: 'feature', sha: merge_request.diff_head_sha, merge_requests_as_head_pipeline: [merge_request]) end let(:merge_request) do create(:merge_request, :opened, source_branch: 'feature', source_project: project, target_branch: 'master', target_project: project) end it 'does not retry build' do expect(described_class).not_to receive(:retry) subject.drop! end it 'does not count retries when not necessary' do expect(described_class).not_to receive(:retry) expect_any_instance_of(described_class) .not_to receive(:retries_count) subject.drop! end it 'creates a todo async', :sidekiq_inline do project.add_developer(user) expect_next_instance_of(TodoService) do |todo_service| expect(todo_service) .to receive(:merge_request_build_failed).with(merge_request) end subject.drop! end end context 'when associated deployment failed to update its status' do let(:build) { create(:ci_build, :running, pipeline: pipeline) } let!(:deployment) { create(:deployment, deployable: build) } before do allow_any_instance_of(Deployment) .to receive(:drop!).and_raise('Unexpected error') end it 'can drop the build' do expect(Gitlab::ErrorTracking).to receive(:track_exception) expect { build.drop! }.not_to raise_error expect(build).to be_failed end end end describe '.matches_tag_ids' do let_it_be(:build, reload: true) { create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline, user: user) } let(:tag_ids) { ::ActsAsTaggableOn::Tag.named_any(tag_list).ids } subject { described_class.where(id: build).matches_tag_ids(tag_ids) } before do build.update!(tag_list: build_tag_list) end context 'when have different tags' do let(:build_tag_list) { %w(A B) } let(:tag_list) { %w(C D) } it "does not match a build" do is_expected.not_to contain_exactly(build) end end context 'when have a subset of tags' do let(:build_tag_list) { %w(A B) } let(:tag_list) { %w(A B C D) } it "does match a build" do is_expected.to contain_exactly(build) end end context 'when build does not have tags' do let(:build_tag_list) { [] } let(:tag_list) { %w(C D) } it "does match a build" do is_expected.to contain_exactly(build) end end context 'when does not have a subset of tags' do let(:build_tag_list) { %w(A B C) } let(:tag_list) { %w(C D) } it "does not match a build" do is_expected.not_to contain_exactly(build) end end end describe '.matches_tags' do let_it_be(:build, reload: true) { create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline, user: user) } subject { described_class.where(id: build).with_any_tags } before do build.update!(tag_list: tag_list) end context 'when does have tags' do let(:tag_list) { %w(A B) } it "does match a build" do is_expected.to contain_exactly(build) end end context 'when does not have tags' do let(:tag_list) { [] } it "does not match a build" do is_expected.not_to contain_exactly(build) end end end describe 'pages deployments' do let_it_be(:build, reload: true) { create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline, user: user) } context 'when job is "pages"' do before do build.name = 'pages' end context 'when pages are enabled' do before do allow(Gitlab.config.pages).to receive_messages(enabled: true) end it 'is marked as pages generator' do expect(build).to be_pages_generator end context 'job succeeds' do it "calls pages worker" do expect(PagesWorker).to receive(:perform_async).with(:deploy, build.id) build.success! end end context 'job fails' do it "does not call pages worker" do expect(PagesWorker).not_to receive(:perform_async) build.drop! end end end context 'when pages are disabled' do before do allow(Gitlab.config.pages).to receive_messages(enabled: false) end it 'is not marked as pages generator' do expect(build).not_to be_pages_generator end context 'job succeeds' do it "does not call pages worker" do expect(PagesWorker).not_to receive(:perform_async) build.success! end end end end context 'when job is not "pages"' do before do build.name = 'other-job' end it 'is not marked as pages generator' do expect(build).not_to be_pages_generator end context 'job succeeds' do it "does not call pages worker" do expect(PagesWorker).not_to receive(:perform_async) build.success end end end end describe '#has_terminal?' do let(:states) { described_class.state_machines[:status].states.keys - [:running] } subject { build.has_terminal? } it 'returns true if the build is running and it has a runner_session_url' do build.build_runner_session(url: 'whatever') build.status = :running expect(subject).to be_truthy end context 'returns false' do it 'when runner_session_url is empty' do build.status = :running expect(subject).to be_falsey end context 'unless the build is running' do before do build.build_runner_session(url: 'whatever') end it do states.each do |state| build.status = state is_expected.to be_falsey end end end end end describe '#collect_test_reports!' do subject(:test_reports) { build.collect_test_reports!(Gitlab::Ci::Reports::TestReport.new) } it { expect(test_reports.get_suite(build.name).total_count).to eq(0) } context 'when build has a test report' do context 'when there is a JUnit test report from rspec test suite' do before do create(:ci_job_artifact, :junit, job: build, project: build.project) end it 'parses blobs and add the results to the test suite' do expect { subject }.not_to raise_error expect(test_reports.get_suite(build.name).total_count).to eq(4) expect(test_reports.get_suite(build.name).success_count).to be(2) expect(test_reports.get_suite(build.name).failed_count).to be(2) end end context 'when there is a JUnit test report from java ant test suite' do before do create(:ci_job_artifact, :junit_with_ant, job: build, project: build.project) end it 'parses blobs and add the results to the test suite' do expect { subject }.not_to raise_error expect(test_reports.get_suite(build.name).total_count).to eq(3) expect(test_reports.get_suite(build.name).success_count).to be(3) expect(test_reports.get_suite(build.name).failed_count).to be(0) end end context 'when there is a corrupted JUnit test report' do before do create(:ci_job_artifact, :junit_with_corrupted_data, job: build, project: build.project) end it 'returns no test data and includes a suite_error message' do expect { subject }.not_to raise_error expect(test_reports.get_suite(build.name).total_count).to eq(0) expect(test_reports.get_suite(build.name).success_count).to eq(0) expect(test_reports.get_suite(build.name).failed_count).to eq(0) expect(test_reports.get_suite(build.name).suite_error).to eq('JUnit XML parsing failed: 1:1: FATAL: Document is empty') end end end end describe '#collect_accessibility_reports!' do subject { build.collect_accessibility_reports!(accessibility_report) } let(:accessibility_report) { Gitlab::Ci::Reports::AccessibilityReports.new } it { expect(accessibility_report.urls).to eq({}) } context 'when build has an accessibility report' do context 'when there is an accessibility report with errors' do before do create(:ci_job_artifact, :accessibility, job: build, project: build.project) end it 'parses blobs and add the results to the accessibility report' do expect { subject }.not_to raise_error expect(accessibility_report.urls.keys).to match_array(['https://about.gitlab.com/']) expect(accessibility_report.errors_count).to eq(10) expect(accessibility_report.scans_count).to eq(1) expect(accessibility_report.passes_count).to eq(0) end end context 'when there is an accessibility report without errors' do before do create(:ci_job_artifact, :accessibility_without_errors, job: build, project: build.project) end it 'parses blobs and add the results to the accessibility report' do expect { subject }.not_to raise_error expect(accessibility_report.urls.keys).to match_array(['https://pa11y.org/']) expect(accessibility_report.errors_count).to eq(0) expect(accessibility_report.scans_count).to eq(1) expect(accessibility_report.passes_count).to eq(1) end end context 'when there is an accessibility report with an invalid url' do before do create(:ci_job_artifact, :accessibility_with_invalid_url, job: build, project: build.project) end it 'parses blobs and add the results to the accessibility report' do expect { subject }.not_to raise_error expect(accessibility_report.urls).to be_empty expect(accessibility_report.errors_count).to eq(0) expect(accessibility_report.scans_count).to eq(0) expect(accessibility_report.passes_count).to eq(0) end end end end describe '#collect_codequality_reports!' do subject(:codequality_report) { build.collect_codequality_reports!(Gitlab::Ci::Reports::CodequalityReports.new) } it { expect(codequality_report.degradations).to eq({}) } context 'when build has a codequality report' do context 'when there is a codequality report' do before do create(:ci_job_artifact, :codequality, job: build, project: build.project) end it 'parses blobs and add the results to the codequality report' do expect { codequality_report }.not_to raise_error expect(codequality_report.degradations_count).to eq(3) end end context 'when there is an codequality report without errors' do before do create(:ci_job_artifact, :codequality_without_errors, job: build, project: build.project) end it 'parses blobs and add the results to the codequality report' do expect { codequality_report }.not_to raise_error expect(codequality_report.degradations_count).to eq(0) end end end end describe '#collect_terraform_reports!' do let(:terraform_reports) { Gitlab::Ci::Reports::TerraformReports.new } it 'returns an empty hash' do expect(build.collect_terraform_reports!(terraform_reports).plans).to eq({}) end context 'when build has a terraform report' do context 'when there is a valid tfplan.json' do before do create(:ci_job_artifact, :terraform, job: build, project: build.project) end it 'parses blobs and add the results to the terraform report' do expect { build.collect_terraform_reports!(terraform_reports) }.not_to raise_error terraform_reports.plans.each do |key, hash_value| expect(hash_value.keys).to match_array(%w[create delete job_id job_name job_path update]) end expect(terraform_reports.plans).to match( a_hash_including( build.id.to_s => a_hash_including( 'create' => 0, 'update' => 1, 'delete' => 0, 'job_name' => build.name ) ) ) end end context 'when there is an invalid tfplan.json' do before do create(:ci_job_artifact, :terraform_with_corrupted_data, job: build, project: build.project) end it 'adds invalid plan report' do expect { build.collect_terraform_reports!(terraform_reports) }.not_to raise_error terraform_reports.plans.each do |key, hash_value| expect(hash_value.keys).to match_array(%w[job_id job_name job_path tf_report_error]) end expect(terraform_reports.plans).to match( a_hash_including( build.id.to_s => a_hash_including( 'tf_report_error' => :invalid_json_format ) ) ) end end end end describe '#each_report' do let(:report_types) { Ci::JobArtifact.file_types_for_report(:coverage) } let!(:codequality) { create(:ci_job_artifact, :codequality, job: build) } let!(:coverage) { create(:ci_job_artifact, :coverage_gocov_xml, job: build) } let!(:junit) { create(:ci_job_artifact, :junit, job: build) } it 'yields job artifact blob that matches the type' do expect { |b| build.each_report(report_types, &b) }.to yield_with_args(coverage.file_type, String, coverage) end end describe '#report_artifacts' do subject { build.report_artifacts } context 'when the build has reports' do let!(:report) { create(:ci_job_artifact, :codequality, job: build) } it 'returns the artifacts with reports' do expect(subject).to contain_exactly(report) end end end describe '#artifacts_metadata_entry' do let_it_be(:build) { create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline) } let(:path) { 'other_artifacts_0.1.2/another-subdirectory/banana_sample.gif' } around do |example| freeze_time { example.run } end before do allow(build).to receive(:execute_hooks) stub_artifacts_object_storage end subject { build.artifacts_metadata_entry(path) } context 'when using local storage' do let!(:metadata) { create(:ci_job_artifact, :metadata, job: build) } context 'for existing file' do it 'does exist' do is_expected.to be_exists end end context 'for non-existing file' do let(:path) { 'invalid-file' } it 'does not exist' do is_expected.not_to be_exists end end end context 'when using remote storage' do include HttpIOHelpers let!(:metadata) { create(:ci_job_artifact, :remote_store, :metadata, job: build) } let(:file_path) { expand_fixture_path('ci_build_artifacts_metadata.gz') } before do stub_remote_url_206(metadata.file.url, file_path) end context 'for existing file' do it 'does exist' do is_expected.to be_exists end end context 'for non-existing file' do let(:path) { 'invalid-file' } it 'does not exist' do is_expected.not_to be_exists end end end end describe '#publishes_artifacts_reports?' do let(:build) { create(:ci_build, options: options, pipeline: pipeline) } subject { build.publishes_artifacts_reports? } context 'when artifacts reports are defined' do let(:options) do { artifacts: { reports: { junit: "junit.xml" } } } end it { is_expected.to be_truthy } end context 'when artifacts reports missing defined' do let(:options) do { artifacts: { paths: ["file.txt"] } } end it { is_expected.to be_falsey } end context 'when options are missing' do let(:options) { nil } it { is_expected.to be_falsey } end end describe '#runner_required_feature_names' do let(:build) { create(:ci_build, options: options, pipeline: pipeline) } subject { build.runner_required_feature_names } context 'when artifacts reports are defined' do let(:options) do { artifacts: { reports: { junit: "junit.xml" } } } end it { is_expected.to include(:upload_multiple_artifacts) } end context 'when artifacts exclude is defined' do let(:options) do { artifacts: { exclude: %w[something] } } end it { is_expected.to include(:artifacts_exclude) } end end describe '#supported_runner?' do let_it_be_with_refind(:build) { create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline) } subject { build.supported_runner?(runner_features) } context 'when `upload_multiple_artifacts` feature is required by build' do before do expect(build).to receive(:runner_required_feature_names) do [:upload_multiple_artifacts] end end context 'when runner provides given feature' do let(:runner_features) do { upload_multiple_artifacts: true } end it { is_expected.to be_truthy } end context 'when runner does not provide given feature' do let(:runner_features) do {} end it { is_expected.to be_falsey } end end context 'when `refspecs` feature is required by build' do before do allow(build).to receive(:merge_request_ref?) { true } end context 'when runner provides given feature' do let(:runner_features) { { refspecs: true } } it { is_expected.to be_truthy } end context 'when runner does not provide given feature' do let(:runner_features) { {} } it { is_expected.to be_falsey } end end context 'when `multi_build_steps` feature is required by build' do before do expect(build).to receive(:runner_required_feature_names) do [:multi_build_steps] end end context 'when runner provides given feature' do let(:runner_features) { { multi_build_steps: true } } it { is_expected.to be_truthy } end context 'when runner does not provide given feature' do let(:runner_features) { {} } it { is_expected.to be_falsey } end end context 'when `return_exit_code` feature is required by build' do let(:options) { { allow_failure_criteria: { exit_codes: [1] } } } before do build.update!(options: options) end context 'when runner provides given feature' do let(:runner_features) { { return_exit_code: true } } it { is_expected.to be_truthy } end context 'when runner does not provide given feature' do let(:runner_features) { {} } it { is_expected.to be_falsey } end context 'when the runner does not provide all of the required features' do let(:options) do { allow_failure_criteria: { exit_codes: [1] }, artifacts: { reports: { junit: "junit.xml" } } } end let(:runner_features) { { return_exit_code: true } } it 'requires `upload_multiple_artifacts` too' do is_expected.to be_falsey end end end end describe '#deployment_status' do before do allow_any_instance_of(described_class).to receive(:create_deployment) end context 'when build is a last deployment' do let(:build) { create(:ci_build, :success, environment: 'production', pipeline: pipeline) } let(:environment) { create(:environment, name: 'production', project: build.project) } let!(:deployment) { create(:deployment, :success, environment: environment, project: environment.project, deployable: build) } it { expect(build.deployment_status).to eq(:last) } end context 'when there is a newer build with deployment' do let(:build) { create(:ci_build, :success, environment: 'production', pipeline: pipeline) } let(:environment) { create(:environment, name: 'production', project: build.project) } let!(:deployment) { create(:deployment, :success, environment: environment, project: environment.project, deployable: build) } let!(:last_deployment) { create(:deployment, :success, environment: environment, project: environment.project) } it { expect(build.deployment_status).to eq(:out_of_date) } end context 'when build with deployment has failed' do let(:build) { create(:ci_build, :failed, environment: 'production', pipeline: pipeline) } let(:environment) { create(:environment, name: 'production', project: build.project) } let!(:deployment) { create(:deployment, :success, environment: environment, project: environment.project, deployable: build) } it { expect(build.deployment_status).to eq(:failed) } end context 'when build with deployment is running' do let(:build) { create(:ci_build, environment: 'production', pipeline: pipeline) } let(:environment) { create(:environment, name: 'production', project: build.project) } let!(:deployment) { create(:deployment, :success, environment: environment, project: environment.project, deployable: build) } it { expect(build.deployment_status).to eq(:creating) } end end describe '#degenerated?' do context 'when build is degenerated' do subject { create(:ci_build, :degenerated, pipeline: pipeline) } it { is_expected.to be_degenerated } end context 'when build is valid' do subject { create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline) } it { is_expected.not_to be_degenerated } context 'and becomes degenerated' do before do subject.degenerate! end it { is_expected.to be_degenerated } end end end describe 'degenerate!' do let(:build) { create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline) } subject { build.degenerate! } before do build.ensure_metadata build.needs.create!(name: 'another-job') end it 'drops metadata' do subject expect(build.reload).to be_degenerated expect(build.metadata).to be_nil expect(build.needs).to be_empty end end describe '#archived?' do context 'when build is degenerated' do subject { create(:ci_build, :degenerated, pipeline: pipeline) } it { is_expected.to be_archived } end context 'for old build' do subject { create(:ci_build, created_at: 1.day.ago, pipeline: pipeline) } context 'when archive_builds_in is set' do before do stub_application_setting(archive_builds_in_seconds: 3600) end it { is_expected.to be_archived } end context 'when archive_builds_in is not set' do before do stub_application_setting(archive_builds_in_seconds: nil) end it { is_expected.not_to be_archived } end end end describe '#read_metadata_attribute' do let(:build) { create(:ci_build, :degenerated, pipeline: pipeline) } let(:build_options) { { key: "build" } } let(:metadata_options) { { key: "metadata" } } let(:default_options) { { key: "default" } } subject { build.send(:read_metadata_attribute, :options, :config_options, default_options) } context 'when build and metadata options is set' do before do build.write_attribute(:options, build_options) build.ensure_metadata.write_attribute(:config_options, metadata_options) end it 'prefers build options' do is_expected.to eq(build_options) end end context 'when only metadata options is set' do before do build.write_attribute(:options, nil) build.ensure_metadata.write_attribute(:config_options, metadata_options) end it 'returns metadata options' do is_expected.to eq(metadata_options) end end context 'when none is set' do it 'returns default value' do is_expected.to eq(default_options) end end end describe '#write_metadata_attribute' do let(:build) { create(:ci_build, :degenerated, pipeline: pipeline) } let(:options) { { key: "new options" } } let(:existing_options) { { key: "existing options" } } subject { build.send(:write_metadata_attribute, :options, :config_options, options) } context 'when data in build is already set' do before do build.write_attribute(:options, existing_options) end it 'does set metadata options' do subject expect(build.metadata.read_attribute(:config_options)).to eq(options) end it 'does reset build options' do subject expect(build.read_attribute(:options)).to be_nil end end end describe '#invalid_dependencies' do let!(:pre_stage_job_valid) { create(:ci_build, :manual, pipeline: pipeline, name: 'test1', stage_idx: 0) } let!(:pre_stage_job_invalid) { create(:ci_build, :success, :expired, pipeline: pipeline, name: 'test2', stage_idx: 1) } let!(:job) { create(:ci_build, :pending, pipeline: pipeline, stage_idx: 2, options: { dependencies: %w(test1 test2) }) } context 'when pipeline is locked' do before do build.pipeline.unlocked! end it 'returns invalid dependencies when expired' do expect(job.invalid_dependencies).to eq([pre_stage_job_invalid]) end end context 'when pipeline is not locked' do before do build.pipeline.artifacts_locked! end it 'returns no invalid dependencies when expired' do expect(job.invalid_dependencies).to eq([]) end end end describe '#execute_hooks' do before do build.clear_memoization(:build_data) end context 'with project hooks' do let(:build_data) { double(:BuildData, dup: double(:DupedData)) } before do create(:project_hook, project: project, job_events: true) end it 'calls project.execute_hooks(build_data, :job_hooks)' do expect(::Gitlab::DataBuilder::Build) .to receive(:build).with(build).and_return(build_data) expect(build.project) .to receive(:execute_hooks).with(build_data.dup, :job_hooks) build.execute_hooks end context 'with blocked users' do before do allow(build).to receive(:user) { FactoryBot.build(:user, :blocked) } end it 'does not call project.execute_hooks' do expect(build.project).not_to receive(:execute_hooks) build.execute_hooks end end end context 'without project hooks' do it 'does not call project.execute_hooks' do expect(build.project).not_to receive(:execute_hooks) build.execute_hooks end end context 'with project services' do before do create(:integration, active: true, job_events: true, project: project) end it 'executes services' do allow_next_found_instance_of(Integration) do |integration| expect(integration).to receive(:async_execute) end build.execute_hooks end end context 'without relevant project services' do before do create(:integration, active: true, job_events: false, project: project) end it 'does not execute services' do allow_next_found_instance_of(Integration) do |integration| expect(integration).not_to receive(:async_execute) end build.execute_hooks end end end describe '#environment_auto_stop_in' do subject { build.environment_auto_stop_in } context 'when build option has environment auto_stop_in' do let(:build) do create(:ci_build, options: { environment: { name: 'test', auto_stop_in: '1 day' } }, pipeline: pipeline) end it { is_expected.to eq('1 day') } end context 'when build option does not have environment auto_stop_in' do let(:build) { create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline) } it { is_expected.to be_nil } end end describe '#degradation_threshold' do subject { build.degradation_threshold } context 'when threshold variable is defined' do before do build.yaml_variables = [ { key: 'SOME_VAR_1', value: 'SOME_VAL_1' }, { key: 'DEGRADATION_THRESHOLD', value: '5' }, { key: 'SOME_VAR_2', value: 'SOME_VAL_2' } ] end it { is_expected.to eq(5) } end context 'when threshold variable is not defined' do before do build.yaml_variables = [ { key: 'SOME_VAR_1', value: 'SOME_VAL_1' }, { key: 'SOME_VAR_2', value: 'SOME_VAL_2' } ] end it { is_expected.to be_nil } end end describe '#run_on_status_commit' do it 'runs provided hook after status commit' do action = spy('action') build.run_on_status_commit { action.perform! } build.success! expect(action).to have_received(:perform!).once end it 'does not run hooks when status has not changed' do action = spy('action') build.run_on_status_commit { action.perform! } build.save! expect(action).not_to have_received(:perform!) end end describe '#debug_mode?' do subject { build.debug_mode? } context 'when CI_DEBUG_TRACE=true is in variables' do ['true', 1, 'y'].each do |value| it 'reflects instance variables' do create(:ci_instance_variable, key: 'CI_DEBUG_TRACE', value: value) is_expected.to eq true end it 'reflects group variables' do create(:ci_group_variable, key: 'CI_DEBUG_TRACE', value: value, group: project.group) is_expected.to eq true end it 'reflects pipeline variables' do create(:ci_pipeline_variable, key: 'CI_DEBUG_TRACE', value: value, pipeline: pipeline) is_expected.to eq true end it 'reflects project variables' do create(:ci_variable, key: 'CI_DEBUG_TRACE', value: value, project: project) is_expected.to eq true end it 'reflects job variables' do create(:ci_job_variable, key: 'CI_DEBUG_TRACE', value: value, job: build) is_expected.to eq true end it 'when in yaml variables' do build.update!(yaml_variables: [{ key: :CI_DEBUG_TRACE, value: value.to_s }]) is_expected.to eq true end end end context 'when CI_DEBUG_TRACE is not in variables' do it { is_expected.to eq false } end context 'when CI_DEBUG_SERVICES=true is in variables' do ['true', 1, 'y'].each do |value| it 'reflects instance variables' do create(:ci_instance_variable, key: 'CI_DEBUG_SERVICES', value: value) is_expected.to eq true end it 'reflects group variables' do create(:ci_group_variable, key: 'CI_DEBUG_SERVICES', value: value, group: project.group) is_expected.to eq true end it 'reflects pipeline variables' do create(:ci_pipeline_variable, key: 'CI_DEBUG_SERVICES', value: value, pipeline: pipeline) is_expected.to eq true end it 'reflects project variables' do create(:ci_variable, key: 'CI_DEBUG_SERVICES', value: value, project: project) is_expected.to eq true end it 'reflects job variables' do create(:ci_job_variable, key: 'CI_DEBUG_SERVICES', value: value, job: build) is_expected.to eq true end it 'when in yaml variables' do build.update!(yaml_variables: [{ key: :CI_DEBUG_SERVICES, value: value.to_s }]) is_expected.to eq true end end end context 'when CI_DEBUG_SERVICES is not in variables' do it { is_expected.to eq false } end context 'when metadata has debug_trace_enabled true' do before do build.metadata.update!(debug_trace_enabled: true) end it { is_expected.to eq true } end context 'when metadata has debug_trace_enabled false' do before do build.metadata.update!(debug_trace_enabled: false) end it { is_expected.to eq false } end end describe '#drop_with_exit_code!' do let(:exit_code) { 1 } let(:options) { {} } before do build.options.merge!(options) build.save! end subject(:drop_with_exit_code) do build.drop_with_exit_code!(:unknown_failure, exit_code) end shared_examples 'drops the build without changing allow_failure' do it 'does not change allow_failure' do expect { drop_with_exit_code } .not_to change { build.reload.allow_failure } end it 'drops the build' do expect { drop_with_exit_code } .to change { build.reload.failed? } end end context 'when exit_codes are not defined' do it_behaves_like 'drops the build without changing allow_failure' end context 'when allow_failure_criteria is nil' do let(:options) { { allow_failure_criteria: nil } } it_behaves_like 'drops the build without changing allow_failure' end context 'when exit_codes is nil' do let(:options) do { allow_failure_criteria: { exit_codes: nil } } end it_behaves_like 'drops the build without changing allow_failure' end context 'when exit_codes do not match' do let(:options) do { allow_failure_criteria: { exit_codes: [2, 3, 4] } } end it_behaves_like 'drops the build without changing allow_failure' end context 'with matching exit codes' do let(:options) do { allow_failure_criteria: { exit_codes: [1, 2, 3] } } end it 'changes allow_failure' do expect { drop_with_exit_code } .to change { build.reload.allow_failure } end it 'drops the build' do expect { drop_with_exit_code } .to change { build.reload.failed? } end context 'when exit_code is nil' do let(:exit_code) {} it_behaves_like 'drops the build without changing allow_failure' end end context 'when build is configured to be retried' do let(:options) { { retry: 3 } } context 'when there is an MR attached to the pipeline and a failed job todo for that MR' do let!(:merge_request) { create(:merge_request, source_project: project, author: user, head_pipeline: pipeline) } let!(:todo) { create(:todo, :build_failed, user: user, project: project, author: user, target: merge_request) } before do build.update!(user: user) project.add_developer(user) end it 'resolves the todo for the old failed build' do expect do drop_with_exit_code end.to change { todo.reload.state }.from('pending').to('done') end end end end describe '#exit_codes_defined?' do let(:options) { {} } before do build.options.merge!(options) end subject(:exit_codes_defined) do build.exit_codes_defined? end context 'without allow_failure_criteria' do it { is_expected.to be_falsey } end context 'when exit_codes is nil' do let(:options) do { allow_failure_criteria: { exit_codes: nil } } end it { is_expected.to be_falsey } end context 'when exit_codes is an empty array' do let(:options) do { allow_failure_criteria: { exit_codes: [] } } end it { is_expected.to be_falsey } end context 'when exit_codes are defined' do let(:options) do { allow_failure_criteria: { exit_codes: [5, 6] } } end it { is_expected.to be_truthy } end end describe '.build_matchers' do let_it_be(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, :protected, project: project) } subject(:matchers) { pipeline.builds.build_matchers(pipeline.project) } context 'when the pipeline is empty' do it 'does not throw errors' do is_expected.to eq([]) end end context 'when the pipeline has builds' do let_it_be(:build_without_tags) do create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline) end let_it_be(:build_with_tags) do create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline, tag_list: %w[tag1 tag2]) end let_it_be(:other_build_with_tags) do create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline, tag_list: %w[tag2 tag1]) end it { expect(matchers.size).to eq(2) } it 'groups build ids' do expect(matchers.map(&:build_ids)).to match_array( [ [build_without_tags.id], match_array([build_with_tags.id, other_build_with_tags.id]) ]) end it { expect(matchers.map(&:tag_list)).to match_array([[], %w[tag1 tag2]]) } it { expect(matchers.map(&:protected?)).to all be_falsey } context 'when the builds are protected' do before do pipeline.builds.update_all(protected: true) end it { expect(matchers).to all be_protected } end end end describe '#build_matcher' do let_it_be(:build) do build_stubbed(:ci_build, tag_list: %w[tag1 tag2], pipeline: pipeline) end subject(:matcher) { build.build_matcher } it { expect(matcher.build_ids).to eq([build.id]) } it { expect(matcher.tag_list).to match_array(%w[tag1 tag2]) } it { expect(matcher.protected?).to eq(build.protected?) } it { expect(matcher.project).to eq(build.project) } end describe '#shared_runner_build?' do context 'when build does not have a runner assigned' do it 'is not a shared runner build' do expect(build.runner).to be_nil expect(build).not_to be_shared_runner_build end end context 'when build has a project runner assigned' do before do build.runner = create(:ci_runner, :project) end it 'is not a shared runner build' do expect(build).not_to be_shared_runner_build end end context 'when build has an instance runner assigned' do before do build.runner = create(:ci_runner, :instance_type) end it 'is a shared runner build' do expect(build).to be_shared_runner_build end end end describe '.with_project_and_metadata' do it 'does not join across databases' do with_cross_joins_prevented do ::Ci::Build.with_project_and_metadata.to_a end end end describe '.without_coverage' do let!(:build_with_coverage) { create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline, coverage: 100.0) } it 'returns builds without coverage values' do expect(described_class.without_coverage).to eq([build]) end end describe '.with_coverage_regex' do let!(:build_with_coverage_regex) { create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline, coverage_regex: '\d') } it 'returns builds with coverage regex values' do expect(described_class.with_coverage_regex).to eq([build_with_coverage_regex]) end end describe '#ensure_trace_metadata!' do it 'delegates to Ci::BuildTraceMetadata' do expect(Ci::BuildTraceMetadata) .to receive(:find_or_upsert_for!) .with(build.id, build.partition_id) build.ensure_trace_metadata! end end describe '#doom!' do subject { build.doom! } let(:traits) { [] } let(:build) { create(:ci_build, *traits, pipeline: pipeline) } it 'updates status and failure_reason', :aggregate_failures do subject expect(build.status).to eq("failed") expect(build.failure_reason).to eq("data_integrity_failure") end it 'logs a message' do expect(Gitlab::AppLogger) .to receive(:info) .with(a_hash_including(message: 'Build doomed', class: build.class.name, build_id: build.id)) .and_call_original subject end context 'with deployment' do let(:environment) { create(:environment) } let(:build) { create(:ci_build, :with_deployment, environment: environment.name, pipeline: pipeline) } it 'updates the deployment status', :aggregate_failures do expect(build.deployment).to receive(:sync_status_with).with(build).and_call_original subject expect(build.deployment.reload.status).to eq("failed") end end context 'with queued builds' do let(:traits) { [:queued] } it 'drops associated pending build' do subject expect(build.reload.queuing_entry).not_to be_present end end context 'with running builds' do let(:traits) { [:picked] } it 'drops associated runtime metadata' do subject expect(build.reload.runtime_metadata).not_to be_present end end end it 'does not generate cross DB queries when a record is created via FactoryBot' do with_cross_database_modification_prevented do create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline) end end describe '#runtime_runner_features' do subject do build.save! build.cancel_gracefully? end let(:build) { create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline) } it 'cannot cancel gracefully' do expect(subject).to be false end it 'can cancel gracefully' do build.set_cancel_gracefully expect(subject).to be true end end it_behaves_like 'it has loose foreign keys' do let(:factory_name) { :ci_build } end it_behaves_like 'cleanup by a loose foreign key' do let!(:model) { create(:ci_build, user: create(:user), pipeline: pipeline) } let!(:parent) { model.user } end describe '#clone' do let_it_be(:user) { create(:user) } context 'when given new job variables' do context 'when the cloned build has an action' do it 'applies the new job variables' do build = create(:ci_build, :actionable, pipeline: pipeline) create(:ci_job_variable, job: build, key: 'TEST_KEY', value: 'old value') create(:ci_job_variable, job: build, key: 'OLD_KEY', value: 'i will not live for long') new_build = build.clone(current_user: user, new_job_variables_attributes: [ { key: 'TEST_KEY', value: 'new value' }, { key: 'NEW_KEY', value: 'exciting new value' } ]) new_build.save! expect(new_build.job_variables.count).to be(2) expect(new_build.job_variables.pluck(:key)).to contain_exactly('TEST_KEY', 'NEW_KEY') expect(new_build.job_variables.map(&:value)).to contain_exactly('new value', 'exciting new value') end end context 'when the cloned build does not have an action' do it 'applies the old job variables' do build = create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline) create(:ci_job_variable, job: build, key: 'TEST_KEY', value: 'old value') new_build = build.clone( current_user: user, new_job_variables_attributes: [{ key: 'TEST_KEY', value: 'new value' }] ) new_build.save! expect(new_build.job_variables.count).to be(1) expect(new_build.job_variables.pluck(:key)).to contain_exactly('TEST_KEY') expect(new_build.job_variables.map(&:value)).to contain_exactly('old value') end end end context 'when not given new job variables' do it 'applies the old job variables' do build = create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline) create(:ci_job_variable, job: build, key: 'TEST_KEY', value: 'old value') new_build = build.clone(current_user: user) new_build.save! expect(new_build.job_variables.count).to be(1) expect(new_build.job_variables.pluck(:key)).to contain_exactly('TEST_KEY') expect(new_build.job_variables.map(&:value)).to contain_exactly('old value') end end end describe '#test_suite_name' do let(:build) { create(:ci_build, name: 'test', pipeline: pipeline) } it 'uses the group name for test suite name' do expect(build.test_suite_name).to eq('test') end context 'when build is part of parallel build' do let(:build) { create(:ci_build, name: 'build 1/2', pipeline: pipeline) } it 'uses the group name for test suite name' do expect(build.test_suite_name).to eq('build') end end context 'when build is part of matrix build' do let!(:matrix_build) { create(:ci_build, :matrix, pipeline: pipeline) } it 'uses the job name for the test suite' do expect(matrix_build.test_suite_name).to eq(matrix_build.name) end end end describe '#runtime_hooks' do let(:build1) do FactoryBot.build( :ci_build, options: { hooks: { pre_get_sources_script: ["echo 'hello pre_get_sources_script'"] } }, pipeline: pipeline ) end subject(:runtime_hooks) { build1.runtime_hooks } it 'returns an array of hook objects' do expect(runtime_hooks.size).to eq(1) expect(runtime_hooks[0].name).to eq('pre_get_sources_script') expect(runtime_hooks[0].script).to eq(["echo 'hello pre_get_sources_script'"]) end end describe 'partitioning', :ci_partitionable do include Ci::PartitioningHelpers let(:new_pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, project: project) } let(:ci_build) { FactoryBot.build(:ci_build, pipeline: new_pipeline) } before do stub_current_partition_id end it 'assigns partition_id to job variables successfully', :aggregate_failures do ci_build.job_variables_attributes = [ { key: 'TEST_KEY', value: 'new value' }, { key: 'NEW_KEY', value: 'exciting new value' } ] ci_build.save! expect(ci_build.job_variables.count).to eq(2) expect(ci_build.job_variables.first.partition_id).to eq(ci_testing_partition_id) expect(ci_build.job_variables.second.partition_id).to eq(ci_testing_partition_id) end end describe 'assigning token', :ci_partitionable do include Ci::PartitioningHelpers let(:new_pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, project: project) } let(:ci_build) { create(:ci_build, pipeline: new_pipeline) } before do stub_current_partition_id end it 'includes partition_id as a token prefix' do prefix = ci_build.token.split('_').first.to_i(16) expect(prefix).to eq(ci_testing_partition_id) end end describe '#remove_token!' do it 'removes the token' do expect(build.token).to be_present build.remove_token! expect(build.token).to be_nil expect(build.changes).to be_empty end end describe 'metadata partitioning', :ci_partitionable do let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, project: project, partition_id: ci_testing_partition_id) } let(:build) do FactoryBot.build(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline) end it 'creates the metadata record and assigns its partition' do # The record is initialized by the factory calling metadatable setters build.metadata = nil expect(build.metadata).to be_nil expect(build.save!).to be_truthy expect(build.metadata).to be_present expect(build.metadata).to be_valid expect(build.metadata.partition_id).to eq(ci_testing_partition_id) end end describe 'secrets management id_tokens usage data' do context 'when ID tokens are defined' do context 'on create' do let(:ci_build) { FactoryBot.build(:ci_build, user: user, id_tokens: { 'ID_TOKEN_1' => { aud: 'developers' } }) } it 'tracks RedisHLL event with user_id' do expect(::Gitlab::UsageDataCounters::HLLRedisCounter).to receive(:track_event) .with('i_ci_secrets_management_id_tokens_build_created', values: user.id) ci_build.save! end it 'tracks Snowplow event with RedisHLL context' do params = { category: described_class.to_s, action: 'create_id_tokens', namespace: ci_build.namespace, user: user, label: 'redis_hll_counters.ci_secrets_management.i_ci_secrets_management_id_tokens_build_created_monthly', ultimate_namespace_id: ci_build.namespace.root_ancestor.id, context: [Gitlab::Tracking::ServicePingContext.new( data_source: :redis_hll, event: 'i_ci_secrets_management_id_tokens_build_created' ).to_context.to_json] } ci_build.save! expect_snowplow_event(**params) end end context 'on update' do let_it_be(:ci_build) { create(:ci_build, user: user, id_tokens: { 'ID_TOKEN_1' => { aud: 'developers' } }) } it 'does not track RedisHLL event' do expect(Gitlab::UsageDataCounters::HLLRedisCounter).not_to receive(:track_event) ci_build.success end it 'does not track Snowplow event' do ci_build.success expect_no_snowplow_event end end end context 'when ID tokens are not defined' do let(:ci_build) { FactoryBot.build(:ci_build, user: user) } context 'on create' do it 'does not track RedisHLL event' do expect(Gitlab::UsageDataCounters::HLLRedisCounter).not_to receive(:track_event) ci_build.save! end it 'does not track Snowplow event' do ci_build.save! expect_no_snowplow_event end end end end describe 'job artifact associations' do Ci::JobArtifact.file_types.each do |type, _| method = "job_artifacts_#{type}" describe "##{method}" do subject { build.send(method) } context "when job has an artifact of type #{type}" do let!(:artifact) do create( :ci_job_artifact, job: build, file_type: type, file_format: Ci::JobArtifact::TYPE_AND_FORMAT_PAIRS[type.to_sym] ) end it { is_expected.to eq(artifact) } end context "when job has no artifact of type #{type}" do it { is_expected.to be_nil } end end end end describe 'token format for builds transiting into pending' do let(:partition_id) { 100 } let(:ci_build) { described_class.new(partition_id: partition_id) } context 'when build is initialized without a token and transits to pending' do let(:partition_id_prefix_in_16_bit_encode) { partition_id.to_s(16) + '_' } it 'generates a token' do expect { ci_build.enqueue } .to change { ci_build.token }.from(nil).to(a_string_starting_with(partition_id_prefix_in_16_bit_encode)) end end context 'when build is initialized with a token and transits to pending' do let(:token) { 'an_existing_secret_token' } before do ci_build.set_token(token) end it 'does not change the existing token' do expect { ci_build.enqueue } .not_to change { ci_build.token }.from(token) end end end end