import MockAdapter from 'axios-mock-adapter'; import testAction from 'helpers/vuex_action_helper'; import Api from '~/api'; import { createAlert } from '~/alert'; import * as logger from '~/lib/logger'; import axios from '~/lib/utils/axios_utils'; import { HTTP_STATUS_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, HTTP_STATUS_OK } from '~/lib/utils/http_status'; import * as urlUtils from '~/lib/utils/url_utility'; import * as actions from '~/search/store/actions'; import { GROUPS_LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY, PROJECTS_LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY, SIDEBAR_PARAMS, } from '~/search/store/constants'; import * as types from '~/search/store/mutation_types'; import createState from '~/search/store/state'; import * as storeUtils from '~/search/store/utils'; import { MOCK_QUERY, MOCK_GROUPS, MOCK_PROJECT, MOCK_PROJECTS, MOCK_GROUP, FRESH_STORED_DATA, MOCK_FRESH_DATA_RES, PRELOAD_EXPECTED_MUTATIONS, PROMISE_ALL_EXPECTED_MUTATIONS, MOCK_NAVIGATION_DATA, MOCK_NAVIGATION_ACTION_MUTATION, MOCK_ENDPOINT_RESPONSE, MOCK_RECEIVE_AGGREGATIONS_SUCCESS_MUTATION, MOCK_RECEIVE_AGGREGATIONS_ERROR_MUTATION, MOCK_AGGREGATIONS, } from '../mock_data'; jest.mock('~/alert'); jest.mock('~/lib/utils/url_utility', () => ({ setUrlParams: jest.fn(), joinPaths: jest.fn().mockReturnValue(''), visitUrl: jest.fn(), })); jest.mock('~/lib/logger', () => ({ logError: jest.fn(), })); describe('Global Search Store Actions', () => { let mock; let state; const alertCallback = (callCount) => { expect(createAlert).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(callCount); createAlert.mockClear(); }; beforeEach(() => { state = createState({ query: MOCK_QUERY }); mock = new MockAdapter(axios); }); afterEach(() => { state = null; mock.restore(); }); describe.each` action | axiosMock | type | expectedMutations | alertCallCount ${actions.fetchGroups} | ${{ method: 'onGet', code: HTTP_STATUS_OK, res: MOCK_GROUPS }} | ${'success'} | ${[{ type: types.REQUEST_GROUPS }, { type: types.RECEIVE_GROUPS_SUCCESS, payload: MOCK_GROUPS }]} | ${0} ${actions.fetchGroups} | ${{ method: 'onGet', code: HTTP_STATUS_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, res: null }} | ${'error'} | ${[{ type: types.REQUEST_GROUPS }, { type: types.RECEIVE_GROUPS_ERROR }]} | ${1} ${actions.fetchProjects} | ${{ method: 'onGet', code: HTTP_STATUS_OK, res: MOCK_PROJECTS }} | ${'success'} | ${[{ type: types.REQUEST_PROJECTS }, { type: types.RECEIVE_PROJECTS_SUCCESS, payload: MOCK_PROJECTS }]} | ${0} ${actions.fetchProjects} | ${{ method: 'onGet', code: HTTP_STATUS_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, res: null }} | ${'error'} | ${[{ type: types.REQUEST_PROJECTS }, { type: types.RECEIVE_PROJECTS_ERROR }]} | ${1} `(`axios calls`, ({ action, axiosMock, type, expectedMutations, alertCallCount }) => { describe(, () => { describe(`on ${type}`, () => { beforeEach(() => { mock[axiosMock.method]().replyOnce(axiosMock.code, axiosMock.res); }); it(`should dispatch the correct mutations`, () => { return testAction({ action, state, expectedMutations }).then(() => alertCallback(alertCallCount), ); }); }); }); }); describe.each` action | axiosMock | type | expectedMutations | alertCallCount ${actions.loadFrequentGroups} | ${{ method: 'onGet', code: HTTP_STATUS_OK }} | ${'success'} | ${[PROMISE_ALL_EXPECTED_MUTATIONS.resGroups]} | ${0} ${actions.loadFrequentGroups} | ${{ method: 'onGet', code: HTTP_STATUS_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR }} | ${'error'} | ${[]} | ${1} ${actions.loadFrequentProjects} | ${{ method: 'onGet', code: HTTP_STATUS_OK }} | ${'success'} | ${[PROMISE_ALL_EXPECTED_MUTATIONS.resProjects]} | ${0} ${actions.loadFrequentProjects} | ${{ method: 'onGet', code: HTTP_STATUS_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR }} | ${'error'} | ${[]} | ${1} `('Promise.all calls', ({ action, axiosMock, type, expectedMutations, alertCallCount }) => { describe(, () => { describe(`on ${type}`, () => { beforeEach(() => { state.frequentItems = { [GROUPS_LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY]: FRESH_STORED_DATA, [PROJECTS_LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY]: FRESH_STORED_DATA, }; mock[axiosMock.method]().reply(axiosMock.code, MOCK_FRESH_DATA_RES); }); it(`should dispatch the correct mutations`, () => { return testAction({ action, state, expectedMutations }).then(() => { alertCallback(alertCallCount); }); }); }); }); }); describe('getGroupsData', () => { const mockCommit = () => {}; beforeEach(() => { jest.spyOn(Api, 'groups').mockResolvedValue(MOCK_GROUPS); }); it('calls Api.groups with order_by set to similarity', () => { actions.fetchGroups({ commit: mockCommit }, 'test'); expect(Api.groups).toHaveBeenCalledWith('test', { order_by: 'similarity' }); }); }); describe('getProjectsData', () => { const mockCommit = () => {}; beforeEach(() => { jest.spyOn(Api, 'groupProjects').mockResolvedValue(MOCK_PROJECTS); jest.spyOn(Api, 'projects').mockResolvedValue(MOCK_PROJECT); }); describe('when groupId is set', () => { it('calls Api.groupProjects with expected parameters', () => { actions.fetchProjects({ commit: mockCommit, state }, undefined); expect(Api.groupProjects).toHaveBeenCalledWith(state.query.group_id,, { order_by: 'similarity', include_subgroups: true, with_shared: false, }); expect(Api.projects).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe('when groupId is not set', () => { beforeEach(() => { state = createState({ query: { group_id: null } }); }); it('calls Api.projects', () => { actions.fetchProjects({ commit: mockCommit, state }); expect(Api.groupProjects).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(Api.projects).toHaveBeenCalledWith(, { order_by: 'similarity', }); }); }); }); describe.each` payload | isDirty | isDirtyMutation ${{ key: SIDEBAR_PARAMS[0], value: 'test' }} | ${false} | ${[{ type: types.SET_SIDEBAR_DIRTY, payload: false }]} ${{ key: SIDEBAR_PARAMS[0], value: 'test' }} | ${true} | ${[{ type: types.SET_SIDEBAR_DIRTY, payload: true }]} ${{ key: SIDEBAR_PARAMS[1], value: 'test' }} | ${false} | ${[{ type: types.SET_SIDEBAR_DIRTY, payload: false }]} ${{ key: SIDEBAR_PARAMS[1], value: 'test' }} | ${true} | ${[{ type: types.SET_SIDEBAR_DIRTY, payload: true }]} ${{ key: 'non-sidebar', value: 'test' }} | ${false} | ${[]} ${{ key: 'non-sidebar', value: 'test' }} | ${true} | ${[]} `('setQuery', ({ payload, isDirty, isDirtyMutation }) => { describe(`when filter param is ${payload.key} and utils.isSidebarDirty returns ${isDirty}`, () => { const expectedMutations = [{ type: types.SET_QUERY, payload }].concat(isDirtyMutation); beforeEach(() => { storeUtils.isSidebarDirty = jest.fn().mockReturnValue(isDirty); }); it(`should dispatch the correct mutations`, () => { return testAction({ action: actions.setQuery, payload, state, expectedMutations }); }); }); }); describe('applyQuery', () => { it('calls visitUrl and setParams with the state.query', () => { return testAction(actions.applyQuery, null, state, [], [], () => { expect(urlUtils.setUrlParams).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ ...state.query, page: null }); expect(urlUtils.visitUrl).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); }); describe('resetQuery', () => { it('calls visitUrl and setParams with empty values', () => { return testAction(actions.resetQuery, null, state, [], [], () => { expect(urlUtils.setUrlParams).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ ...state.query, page: null, state: null, confidential: null, }); expect(urlUtils.visitUrl).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); }); describe('preloadStoredFrequentItems', () => { beforeEach(() => { storeUtils.loadDataFromLS = jest.fn().mockReturnValue(FRESH_STORED_DATA); }); it('calls preloadStoredFrequentItems for both groups and projects and commits LOAD_FREQUENT_ITEMS', async () => { await testAction({ action: actions.preloadStoredFrequentItems, state, expectedMutations: PRELOAD_EXPECTED_MUTATIONS, }); expect(storeUtils.loadDataFromLS).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); expect(storeUtils.loadDataFromLS).toHaveBeenCalledWith(GROUPS_LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY); expect(storeUtils.loadDataFromLS).toHaveBeenCalledWith(PROJECTS_LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY); }); }); describe('setFrequentGroup', () => { beforeEach(() => { storeUtils.setFrequentItemToLS = jest.fn().mockReturnValue(FRESH_STORED_DATA); }); it(`calls setFrequentItemToLS with ${GROUPS_LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY} and item data then commits LOAD_FREQUENT_ITEMS`, async () => { await testAction({ action: actions.setFrequentGroup, expectedMutations: [ { type: types.LOAD_FREQUENT_ITEMS, payload: { key: GROUPS_LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY, data: FRESH_STORED_DATA }, }, ], payload: MOCK_GROUP, state, }); expect(storeUtils.setFrequentItemToLS).toHaveBeenCalledWith( GROUPS_LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY, state.frequentItems, MOCK_GROUP, ); }); }); describe('setFrequentProject', () => { beforeEach(() => { storeUtils.setFrequentItemToLS = jest.fn().mockReturnValue(FRESH_STORED_DATA); }); it(`calls setFrequentItemToLS with ${PROJECTS_LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY} and item data`, async () => { await testAction({ action: actions.setFrequentProject, expectedMutations: [ { type: types.LOAD_FREQUENT_ITEMS, payload: { key: PROJECTS_LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY, data: FRESH_STORED_DATA }, }, ], payload: MOCK_PROJECT, state, }); expect(storeUtils.setFrequentItemToLS).toHaveBeenCalledWith( PROJECTS_LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY, state.frequentItems, MOCK_PROJECT, ); }); }); describe.each` action | axiosMock | type | scope | expectedMutations | errorLogs ${actions.fetchSidebarCount} | ${{ method: 'onGet', code: HTTP_STATUS_OK }} | ${'success'} | ${'issues'} | ${[MOCK_NAVIGATION_ACTION_MUTATION]} | ${0} ${actions.fetchSidebarCount} | ${{ method: null, code: 0 }} | ${'error'} | ${'projects'} | ${[]} | ${1} ${actions.fetchSidebarCount} | ${{ method: 'onGet', code: HTTP_STATUS_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR }} | ${'error'} | ${'issues'} | ${[]} | ${1} `('fetchSidebarCount', ({ action, axiosMock, type, expectedMutations, scope, errorLogs }) => { describe(`on ${type}`, () => { beforeEach(() => { state.navigation = MOCK_NAVIGATION_DATA; state.urlQuery = { scope, }; if (axiosMock.method) { mock[axiosMock.method]().reply(axiosMock.code, MOCK_ENDPOINT_RESPONSE); } }); it(`should ${expectedMutations.length === 0 ? 'NOT' : ''} dispatch ${ expectedMutations.length === 0 ? '' : 'the correct' } mutations for ${scope}`, () => { return testAction({ action, state, expectedMutations }).then(() => { expect(logger.logError).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(errorLogs); }); }); }); }); describe.each` action | axiosMock | type | expectedMutations | errorLogs ${actions.fetchLanguageAggregation} | ${{ method: 'onGet', code: HTTP_STATUS_OK }} | ${'success'} | ${MOCK_RECEIVE_AGGREGATIONS_SUCCESS_MUTATION} | ${0} ${actions.fetchLanguageAggregation} | ${{ method: 'onPut', code: 0 }} | ${'error'} | ${MOCK_RECEIVE_AGGREGATIONS_ERROR_MUTATION} | ${1} ${actions.fetchLanguageAggregation} | ${{ method: 'onGet', code: HTTP_STATUS_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR }} | ${'error'} | ${MOCK_RECEIVE_AGGREGATIONS_ERROR_MUTATION} | ${1} `('fetchLanguageAggregation', ({ action, axiosMock, type, expectedMutations, errorLogs }) => { describe(`on ${type}`, () => { beforeEach(() => { if (axiosMock.method) { mock[axiosMock.method]().reply( axiosMock.code, axiosMock.code === HTTP_STATUS_OK ? MOCK_AGGREGATIONS : [], ); } }); it(`should ${type === 'error' ? 'NOT ' : ''}dispatch ${ type === 'error' ? '' : 'the correct ' }mutations`, () => { return testAction({ action, state, expectedMutations }).then(() => { expect(logger.logError).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(errorLogs); }); }); }); }); describe('resetLanguageQueryWithRedirect', () => { it('calls visitUrl and setParams with the state.query', () => { return testAction(actions.resetLanguageQueryWithRedirect, null, state, [], [], () => { expect(urlUtils.setUrlParams).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ ...state.query, page: null }); expect(urlUtils.visitUrl).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); }); describe('resetLanguageQuery', () => { it('calls commit SET_QUERY with value []', () => { state = { ...state, query: { ...state.query, language: ['YAML', 'Text', 'Markdown'] } }; return testAction( actions.resetLanguageQuery, null, state, [{ type: types.SET_QUERY, payload: { key: 'language', value: [] } }], [], ); }); }); });