import { shallowMount } from '@vue/test-utils'; import DataframeOutput from '~/notebook/cells/output/dataframe.vue'; import JSONTable from '~/behaviors/components/json_table.vue'; import { outputWithDataframe } from '../../mock_data'; describe('~/notebook/cells/output/DataframeOutput', () => { let wrapper; function createComponent(rawCode) { wrapper = shallowMount(DataframeOutput, { propsData: { rawCode, count: 0, index: 0, }, }); } const findTable = () => wrapper.findComponent(JSONTable); describe('with valid dataframe', () => { beforeEach(() => createComponent(['text/html'].join(''))); it('mounts the table', () => { expect(findTable().exists()).toBe(true); }); it('table caption is empty', () => { expect(findTable().props().caption).toEqual(''); }); it('allows filtering', () => { expect(findTable().props().hasFilter).toBe(true); }); it('sets the correct fields', () => { expect(findTable().props().fields).toEqual([ { key: 'index0', label: '', sortable: true, class: 'gl-font-weight-bold' }, { key: 'column0', label: 'column_1', sortable: true, class: '' }, { key: 'column1', label: 'column_2', sortable: true, class: '' }, ]); }); it('sets the correct items', () => { expect(findTable().props().items).toEqual([ { index0: '0', column0: 'abc de f', column1: 'a' }, { index0: '1', column0: 'True', column1: '0.1' }, ]); }); }); describe('invalid dataframe', () => { it('still displays the table', () => { createComponent('dataframe'); expect(findTable().exists()).toBe(true); }); }); });