import { flatten } from 'lodash'; import { useLocalStorageSpy } from 'helpers/local_storage_helper'; import { keysFor, getCustomizations, keybindingGroups, TOGGLE_PERFORMANCE_BAR, HIDE_APPEARING_CONTENT, LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY, BOLD_TEXT, } from '~/behaviors/shortcuts/keybindings'; describe('~/behaviors/shortcuts/keybindings', () => { useLocalStorageSpy(); const setupCustomizations = (customizationsAsString) => { localStorage.clear(); if (customizationsAsString) { localStorage.setItem(LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY, customizationsAsString); } getCustomizations.cache.clear(); }; describe('keybinding definition errors', () => { beforeEach(() => { setupCustomizations(); }); it('has no duplicate group IDs', () => { const allGroupIds = =>; expect(allGroupIds).toHaveLength(new Set(allGroupIds).size); }); it('has no duplicate commands IDs', () => { const allCommandIds = flatten( => =>, ); expect(allCommandIds).toHaveLength(new Set(allCommandIds).size); }); }); describe('when a command has not been customized', () => { beforeEach(() => { setupCustomizations('{}'); }); it('returns the default keybindings for the command', () => { expect(keysFor(TOGGLE_PERFORMANCE_BAR)).toEqual(['p b']); }); }); describe('when a command has been customized', () => { const customization = ['p b a r']; beforeEach(() => { setupCustomizations(JSON.stringify({ []: customization })); }); it('returns the custom keybindings for the command', () => { expect(keysFor(TOGGLE_PERFORMANCE_BAR)).toEqual(customization); }); }); describe('when a command is marked as non-customizable', () => { const customization = ['mod+shift+c']; beforeEach(() => { setupCustomizations(JSON.stringify({ []: customization })); }); it('returns the default keybinding for the command', () => { expect(keysFor(BOLD_TEXT)).toEqual(['mod+b']); }); }); describe("when the localStorage entry isn't valid JSON", () => { beforeEach(() => { setupCustomizations('{'); }); it('returns the default keybinding for the command', () => { expect(keysFor(TOGGLE_PERFORMANCE_BAR)).toEqual(['p b']); }); }); describe(`when localStorage doesn't contain the ${LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY} key`, () => { beforeEach(() => { setupCustomizations(); }); it('returns the default keybinding for the command', () => { expect(keysFor(TOGGLE_PERFORMANCE_BAR)).toEqual(['p b']); }); }); describe('when tooltips or popovers are visible', () => { beforeEach(() => { setupCustomizations(); }); it('returns the default keybinding for the command', () => { expect(keysFor(HIDE_APPEARING_CONTENT)).toEqual(['esc']); }); }); });