# frozen_string_literal: true # WARNING: This finder does not check permissions! # # Arguments: # params: # project: Project model - Find deployments for this project # updated_after: DateTime # updated_before: DateTime # finished_after: DateTime # finished_before: DateTime # environment: String (name) or Integer (ID) # status: String or Array (see Deployment.statuses) # order_by: String (see ALLOWED_SORT_VALUES constant) # sort: String (asc | desc) class DeploymentsFinder include UpdatedAtFilter attr_reader :params # Warning: # These const are directly used in Deployment Rest API, thus # modifying these values could implicity change the API interface or introduce a breaking change. # Also, if you add a sort value, make sure that the new query will stay # performant with the other filtering/sorting parameters. # The composed query could be significantly slower when the filtering and sorting columns are different. # See https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/325627 for example. ALLOWED_SORT_VALUES = %w[id iid created_at updated_at ref finished_at].freeze DEFAULT_SORT_VALUE = 'id' ALLOWED_SORT_DIRECTIONS = %w[asc desc].freeze DEFAULT_SORT_DIRECTION = 'asc' InefficientQueryError = Class.new(StandardError) def initialize(params = {}) @params = params @params[:status] = Array(@params[:status]).map(&:to_s) if @params[:status] validate! end def execute items = init_collection items = by_updated_at(items) items = by_finished_at(items) items = by_environment(items) items = by_status(items) items = preload_associations(items) sort(items) end private def validate! if filter_by_updated_at? && filter_by_finished_at? raise InefficientQueryError, 'Both `updated_at` filter and `finished_at` filter can not be specified' end # Currently, the inefficient parameters are allowed in order to avoid breaking changes in Deployment API. # We'll switch to a hard error in https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/328500. if filter_by_updated_at? && !order_by_updated_at? error = InefficientQueryError.new('`updated_at` filter requires `updated_at` sort') Gitlab::ErrorTracking.log_exception(error) # We are adding a Feature Flag to introduce the breaking change indicated in # https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/328500 # We are also adding a way to override this flag for special case users that # are running into large volume of errors when the flag is enabled. # These Feature Flags must be removed by 16.1 if Feature.enabled?(:deployments_raise_updated_at_inefficient_error) && Feature.disabled?(:deployments_raise_updated_at_inefficient_error_override, params[:project]) raise error end end if filter_by_finished_at? && !order_by_finished_at? raise InefficientQueryError, '`finished_at` filter requires `finished_at` sort.' end if order_by_finished_at? && !(filter_by_finished_at? || filter_by_finished_statuses?) raise InefficientQueryError, '`finished_at` sort requires `finished_at` filter or a filter with at least one of the finished statuses.' end if filter_by_finished_at? && !filter_by_successful_deployment? raise InefficientQueryError, '`finished_at` filter must be combined with `success` status filter.' end if filter_by_environment_name? && !params[:project].present? raise InefficientQueryError, '`environment` name filter must be combined with `project` scope.' end if filter_by_finished_statuses? && filter_by_upcoming_statuses? raise InefficientQueryError, 'finished statuses and upcoming statuses must be separately queried.' end end def init_collection if params[:project].present? params[:project].deployments elsif params[:group].present? ::Deployment.for_projects(params[:group].all_projects) elsif filter_by_environment_id? ::Deployment.for_environment(params[:environment]) else ::Deployment.none end end def sort(items) sort_params = build_sort_params optimize_sort_params!(sort_params) items.order(sort_params) # rubocop: disable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord end def by_finished_at(items) items = items.finished_before(params[:finished_before]) if params[:finished_before].present? items = items.finished_after(params[:finished_after]) if params[:finished_after].present? items end def by_environment(items) if params[:project].present? && filter_by_environment_name? items.for_environment_name(params[:project], params[:environment]) else items end end def by_status(items) return items unless params[:status].present? unless Deployment.statuses.keys.intersection(params[:status]) == params[:status] raise ArgumentError, "The deployment status #{params[:status]} is invalid" end items.for_status(params[:status]) end def build_sort_params order_by = ALLOWED_SORT_VALUES.include?(params[:order_by]) ? params[:order_by] : DEFAULT_SORT_VALUE order_direction = ALLOWED_SORT_DIRECTIONS.include?(params[:sort]) ? params[:sort] : DEFAULT_SORT_DIRECTION { order_by => order_direction } end def optimize_sort_params!(sort_params) sort_direction = sort_params.each_value.first # Implicitly enforce the ordering when filtered by `updated_at` column for performance optimization. # See https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/325627#note_552417509. # We remove this in https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/328500. if filter_by_updated_at? sort_params.replace('updated_at' => sort_direction) end if sort_params['created_at'] || sort_params['iid'] # Sorting by `id` produces the same result as sorting by `created_at` or `iid` sort_params.replace(id: sort_direction) elsif sort_params['updated_at'] # This adds the order as a tie-breaker when multiple rows have the same updated_at value. # See https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/20848. sort_params.merge!(id: sort_direction) end end def filter_by_updated_at? params[:updated_before].present? || params[:updated_after].present? end def filter_by_finished_at? params[:finished_before].present? || params[:finished_after].present? end def filter_by_successful_deployment? params[:status].present? && params[:status].count == 1 && params[:status].first.to_s == 'success' end def filter_by_finished_statuses? params[:status].present? && Deployment::FINISHED_STATUSES.map(&:to_s).intersection(params[:status]).any? end def filter_by_upcoming_statuses? params[:status].present? && Deployment::UPCOMING_STATUSES.map(&:to_s).intersection(params[:status]).any? end def filter_by_environment_name? params[:environment].present? && params[:environment].is_a?(String) end def filter_by_environment_id? params[:environment].present? && params[:environment].is_a?(Integer) end def order_by_updated_at? params[:order_by].to_s == 'updated_at' end def order_by_finished_at? params[:order_by].to_s == 'finished_at' end # rubocop: disable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord def preload_associations(scope) scope.includes( :user, environment: [], deployable: { job_artifacts: [], user: [], metadata: [], pipeline: { project: { route: [], namespace: :route } }, project: { namespace: :route } } ) end # rubocop: enable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord end