# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe FeatureFlags::UpdateService do let_it_be(:project) { create(:project) } let_it_be(:developer) { create(:user) } let_it_be(:reporter) { create(:user) } let(:user) { developer } let(:feature_flag) { create(:operations_feature_flag, project: project, active: true) } before_all do project.add_developer(developer) project.add_reporter(reporter) end describe '#execute' do subject { described_class.new(project, user, params).execute(feature_flag) } let(:params) { { name: 'new_name' } } let(:audit_event_message) do AuditEvent.last.details[:custom_message] end it 'returns success status' do expect(subject[:status]).to eq(:success) end context 'the feature flag is disabled' do before do stub_feature_flags(jira_sync_feature_flags: false) end it 'does not sync the feature flag to Jira' do expect(::JiraConnect::SyncFeatureFlagsWorker).not_to receive(:perform_async) subject end end it 'syncs the feature flag to Jira' do expect(::JiraConnect::SyncFeatureFlagsWorker).to receive(:perform_async).with(Integer, Integer) subject end it 'creates audit event with correct message' do name_was = feature_flag.name expect { subject }.to change { AuditEvent.count }.by(1) expect(audit_event_message).to( eq("Updated feature flag new_name. "\ "Updated name from \"#{name_was}\" "\ "to \"new_name\".") ) end context 'with invalid params' do let(:params) { { name: nil } } it 'returns error status' do expect(subject[:status]).to eq(:error) expect(subject[:http_status]).to eq(:bad_request) end it 'returns error messages' do expect(subject[:message]).to include("Name can't be blank") end it 'does not create audit event' do expect { subject }.not_to change { AuditEvent.count } end it 'does not sync the feature flag to Jira' do expect(::JiraConnect::SyncFeatureFlagsWorker).not_to receive(:perform_async) subject end end context 'when user is reporter' do let(:user) { reporter } it 'returns error status' do expect(subject[:status]).to eq(:error) expect(subject[:message]).to eq('Access Denied') end end context 'when nothing is changed' do let(:params) { {} } it 'returns success status' do expect(subject[:status]).to eq(:success) end it 'does not create audit event' do expect { subject }.not_to change { AuditEvent.count } end end context 'description is being changed' do let(:params) { { description: 'new description' } } it 'creates audit event with changed description' do expect { subject }.to change { AuditEvent.count }.by(1) expect(audit_event_message).to( include("Updated description from \"\""\ " to \"new description\".") ) end end context 'when flag active state is changed' do let(:params) do { active: false } end it 'creates audit event about changing active state' do expect { subject }.to change { AuditEvent.count }.by(1) expect(audit_event_message).to( include('Updated active from "true" to "false".') ) end it 'executes hooks' do hook = create(:project_hook, :all_events_enabled, project: project) expect(WebHookWorker).to receive(:perform_async).with(hook.id, an_instance_of(Hash), 'feature_flag_hooks') subject end end context 'when scope active state is changed' do let(:params) do { scopes_attributes: [{ id: feature_flag.scopes.first.id, active: false }] } end it 'creates audit event about changing active state' do expect { subject }.to change { AuditEvent.count }.by(1) expect(audit_event_message).to( include("Updated rule * active state "\ "from true to false.") ) end end context 'when scope is renamed' do let(:changed_scope) { feature_flag.scopes.create!(environment_scope: 'review', active: true) } let(:params) do { scopes_attributes: [{ id: changed_scope.id, environment_scope: 'staging' }] } end it 'creates audit event with changed name' do expect { subject }.to change { AuditEvent.count }.by(1) expect(audit_event_message).to( include("Updated rule staging environment scope "\ "from review to staging.") ) end context 'when scope can not be updated' do let(:params) do { scopes_attributes: [{ id: changed_scope.id, environment_scope: '' }] } end it 'returns error status' do expect(subject[:status]).to eq(:error) end it 'returns error messages' do expect(subject[:message]).to include("Scopes environment scope can't be blank") end it 'does not create audit event' do expect { subject }.not_to change { AuditEvent.count } end end end context 'when scope is deleted' do let(:deleted_scope) { feature_flag.scopes.create!(environment_scope: 'review', active: true) } let(:params) do { scopes_attributes: [{ id: deleted_scope.id, '_destroy': true }] } end it 'creates audit event with deleted scope' do expect { subject }.to change { AuditEvent.count }.by(1) expect(audit_event_message).to include("Deleted rule review.") end context 'when scope can not be deleted' do before do allow(deleted_scope).to receive(:destroy).and_return(false) end it 'does not create audit event' do expect do subject end.to not_change { AuditEvent.count }.and raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotDestroyed) end end end context 'when new scope is being added' do let(:new_environment_scope) { 'review' } let(:params) do { scopes_attributes: [{ environment_scope: new_environment_scope, active: true }] } end it 'creates audit event with new scope' do expected = 'Created rule review and set it as active '\ 'with strategies [{"name"=>"default", "parameters"=>{}}].' subject expect(audit_event_message).to include(expected) end context 'when scope can not be created' do let(:new_environment_scope) { '' } it 'returns error status' do expect(subject[:status]).to eq(:error) end it 'returns error messages' do expect(subject[:message]).to include("Scopes environment scope can't be blank") end it 'does not create audit event' do expect { subject }.not_to change { AuditEvent.count } end end end context 'when the strategy is changed' do let(:scope) do create(:operations_feature_flag_scope, feature_flag: feature_flag, environment_scope: 'sandbox', strategies: [{ name: "default", parameters: {} }]) end let(:params) do { scopes_attributes: [{ id: scope.id, environment_scope: 'sandbox', strategies: [{ name: 'gradualRolloutUserId', parameters: { groupId: 'mygroup', percentage: "40" } }] }] } end it 'creates an audit event' do expected = %r{Updated rule sandbox strategies from .* to .*.} expect { subject }.to change { AuditEvent.count }.by(1) expect(audit_event_message).to match(expected) end end end end