# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Gitlab::UsageDataCounters::HLLRedisCounter, :clean_gitlab_redis_shared_state do let(:entity1) { 'dfb9d2d2-f56c-4c77-8aeb-6cddc4a1f857' } let(:entity2) { '1dd9afb2-a3ee-4de1-8ae3-a405579c8584' } let(:entity3) { '34rfjuuy-ce56-sa35-ds34-dfer567dfrf2' } let(:entity4) { '8b9a2671-2abf-4bec-a682-22f6a8f7bf31' } let(:default_context) { 'default' } let(:invalid_context) { 'invalid' } around do |example| # We need to freeze to a reference time # because visits are grouped by the week number in the year # Without freezing the time, the test may behave inconsistently # depending on which day of the week test is run. # Monday 6th of June reference_time = Time.utc(2020, 6, 1) travel_to(reference_time) { example.run } end describe '.categories' do it 'gets all unique category names' do expect(described_class.categories).to contain_exactly( 'deploy_token_packages', 'user_packages', 'compliance', 'analytics', 'ide_edit', 'search', 'source_code', 'incident_management', 'incident_management_alerts', 'testing', 'issues_edit', 'ci_secrets_management', 'snippets', 'code_review', 'terraform', 'ci_templates' ) end end describe 'known_events' do let(:weekly_event) { 'g_analytics_contribution' } let(:daily_event) { 'g_analytics_search' } let(:analytics_slot_event) { 'g_analytics_contribution' } let(:compliance_slot_event) { 'g_compliance_dashboard' } let(:category_analytics_event) { 'g_analytics_search' } let(:category_productivity_event) { 'g_analytics_productivity' } let(:no_slot) { 'no_slot' } let(:different_aggregation) { 'different_aggregation' } let(:custom_daily_event) { 'g_analytics_custom' } let(:context_event) { 'context_event' } let(:global_category) { 'global' } let(:compliance_category) { 'compliance' } let(:productivity_category) { 'productivity' } let(:analytics_category) { 'analytics' } let(:other_category) { 'other' } let(:known_events) do [ { name: weekly_event, redis_slot: "analytics", category: analytics_category, expiry: 84, aggregation: "weekly" }, { name: daily_event, redis_slot: "analytics", category: analytics_category, expiry: 84, aggregation: "daily" }, { name: category_productivity_event, redis_slot: "analytics", category: productivity_category, aggregation: "weekly" }, { name: compliance_slot_event, redis_slot: "compliance", category: compliance_category, aggregation: "weekly" }, { name: no_slot, category: global_category, aggregation: "daily" }, { name: different_aggregation, category: global_category, aggregation: "monthly" }, { name: context_event, category: other_category, expiry: 6, aggregation: 'weekly' } ].map(&:with_indifferent_access) end before do allow(described_class).to receive(:known_events).and_return(known_events) end describe '.events_for_category' do it 'gets the event names for given category' do expect(described_class.events_for_category(:analytics)).to contain_exactly(weekly_event, daily_event) end end describe '.track_event' do context 'when usage_ping is disabled' do it 'does not track the event' do stub_application_setting(usage_ping_enabled: false) described_class.track_event(weekly_event, values: entity1, time: Date.current) expect(Gitlab::Redis::HLL).not_to receive(:add) end end context 'when usage_ping is enabled' do before do stub_application_setting(usage_ping_enabled: true) end it 'tracks event when using symbol' do expect(Gitlab::Redis::HLL).to receive(:add) described_class.track_event(:g_analytics_contribution, values: entity1) end it 'tracks events with multiple values' do values = [entity1, entity2] expect(Gitlab::Redis::HLL).to receive(:add).with(key: /g_{analytics}_contribution/, value: values, expiry: 84.days) described_class.track_event(:g_analytics_contribution, values: values) end it "raise error if metrics don't have same aggregation" do expect { described_class.track_event(different_aggregation, values: entity1, time: Date.current) }.to raise_error(Gitlab::UsageDataCounters::HLLRedisCounter::UnknownAggregation) end it 'raise error if metrics of unknown aggregation' do expect { described_class.track_event('unknown', values: entity1, time: Date.current) }.to raise_error(Gitlab::UsageDataCounters::HLLRedisCounter::UnknownEvent) end context 'for weekly events' do it 'sets the keys in Redis to expire automatically after the given expiry time' do described_class.track_event("g_analytics_contribution", values: entity1) Gitlab::Redis::SharedState.with do |redis| keys = redis.scan_each(match: "g_{analytics}_contribution-*").to_a expect(keys).not_to be_empty keys.each do |key| expect(redis.ttl(key)).to be_within(5.seconds).of(12.weeks) end end end it 'sets the keys in Redis to expire automatically after 6 weeks by default' do described_class.track_event("g_compliance_dashboard", values: entity1) Gitlab::Redis::SharedState.with do |redis| keys = redis.scan_each(match: "g_{compliance}_dashboard-*").to_a expect(keys).not_to be_empty keys.each do |key| expect(redis.ttl(key)).to be_within(5.seconds).of(6.weeks) end end end end context 'for daily events' do it 'sets the keys in Redis to expire after the given expiry time' do described_class.track_event("g_analytics_search", values: entity1) Gitlab::Redis::SharedState.with do |redis| keys = redis.scan_each(match: "*-g_{analytics}_search").to_a expect(keys).not_to be_empty keys.each do |key| expect(redis.ttl(key)).to be_within(5.seconds).of(84.days) end end end it 'sets the keys in Redis to expire after 29 days by default' do described_class.track_event("no_slot", values: entity1) Gitlab::Redis::SharedState.with do |redis| keys = redis.scan_each(match: "*-{no_slot}").to_a expect(keys).not_to be_empty keys.each do |key| expect(redis.ttl(key)).to be_within(5.seconds).of(29.days) end end end end end end describe '.track_event_in_context' do context 'with valid contex' do it 'increments context event counter' do expect(Gitlab::Redis::HLL).to receive(:add) do |kwargs| expect(kwargs[:key]).to match(/^#{default_context}\_.*/) end described_class.track_event_in_context(context_event, values: entity1, context: default_context) end it 'tracks events with multiple values' do values = [entity1, entity2] expect(Gitlab::Redis::HLL).to receive(:add).with(key: /g_{analytics}_contribution/, value: values, expiry: 84.days) described_class.track_event_in_context(:g_analytics_contribution, values: values, context: default_context) end end context 'with empty context' do it 'does not increment a counter' do expect(Gitlab::Redis::HLL).not_to receive(:add) described_class.track_event_in_context(context_event, values: entity1, context: '') end end context 'when sending invalid context' do it 'does not increment a counter' do expect(Gitlab::Redis::HLL).not_to receive(:add) described_class.track_event_in_context(context_event, values: entity1, context: invalid_context) end end end describe '.unique_events' do before do # events in current week, should not be counted as week is not complete described_class.track_event(weekly_event, values: entity1, time: Date.current) described_class.track_event(weekly_event, values: entity2, time: Date.current) # Events last week described_class.track_event(weekly_event, values: entity1, time: 2.days.ago) described_class.track_event(weekly_event, values: entity1, time: 2.days.ago) described_class.track_event(no_slot, values: entity1, time: 2.days.ago) # Events 2 weeks ago described_class.track_event(weekly_event, values: entity1, time: 2.weeks.ago) # Events 4 weeks ago described_class.track_event(weekly_event, values: entity3, time: 4.weeks.ago) described_class.track_event(weekly_event, values: entity4, time: 29.days.ago) # events in current day should be counted in daily aggregation described_class.track_event(daily_event, values: entity1, time: Date.current) described_class.track_event(daily_event, values: entity2, time: Date.current) # Events last week described_class.track_event(daily_event, values: entity1, time: 2.days.ago) described_class.track_event(daily_event, values: entity1, time: 2.days.ago) # Events 2 weeks ago described_class.track_event(daily_event, values: entity1, time: 14.days.ago) # Events 4 weeks ago described_class.track_event(daily_event, values: entity3, time: 28.days.ago) described_class.track_event(daily_event, values: entity4, time: 29.days.ago) end it 'raise error if metrics are not in the same slot' do expect do described_class.unique_events(event_names: [compliance_slot_event, analytics_slot_event], start_date: 4.weeks.ago, end_date: Date.current) end.to raise_error(Gitlab::UsageDataCounters::HLLRedisCounter::SlotMismatch) end it 'raise error if metrics are not in the same category' do expect do described_class.unique_events(event_names: [category_analytics_event, category_productivity_event], start_date: 4.weeks.ago, end_date: Date.current) end.to raise_error(Gitlab::UsageDataCounters::HLLRedisCounter::CategoryMismatch) end it "raise error if metrics don't have same aggregation" do expect do described_class.unique_events(event_names: [daily_event, weekly_event], start_date: 4.weeks.ago, end_date: Date.current) end.to raise_error(Gitlab::UsageDataCounters::HLLRedisCounter::AggregationMismatch) end context 'when data for the last complete week' do it { expect(described_class.unique_events(event_names: [weekly_event], start_date: 1.week.ago, end_date: Date.current)).to eq(1) } end context 'when data for the last 4 complete weeks' do it { expect(described_class.unique_events(event_names: [weekly_event], start_date: 4.weeks.ago, end_date: Date.current)).to eq(2) } end context 'when data for the week 4 weeks ago' do it { expect(described_class.unique_events(event_names: [weekly_event], start_date: 4.weeks.ago, end_date: 3.weeks.ago)).to eq(1) } end context 'when using symbol as parameter' do it { expect(described_class.unique_events(event_names: [weekly_event.to_sym], start_date: 4.weeks.ago, end_date: 3.weeks.ago)).to eq(1) } end context 'when using daily aggregation' do it { expect(described_class.unique_events(event_names: [daily_event], start_date: 7.days.ago, end_date: Date.current)).to eq(2) } it { expect(described_class.unique_events(event_names: [daily_event], start_date: 28.days.ago, end_date: Date.current)).to eq(3) } it { expect(described_class.unique_events(event_names: [daily_event], start_date: 28.days.ago, end_date: 21.days.ago)).to eq(1) } end context 'when no slot is set' do it { expect(described_class.unique_events(event_names: [no_slot], start_date: 7.days.ago, end_date: Date.current)).to eq(1) } end context 'when data crosses into new year' do it 'does not raise error' do expect { described_class.unique_events(event_names: [weekly_event], start_date: DateTime.parse('2020-12-26'), end_date: DateTime.parse('2021-02-01')) } .not_to raise_error end end end end describe '.weekly_redis_keys' do using RSpec::Parameterized::TableSyntax let(:weekly_event) { 'g_compliance_dashboard' } let(:redis_event) { described_class.send(:event_for, weekly_event) } subject(:weekly_redis_keys) { described_class.send(:weekly_redis_keys, events: [redis_event], start_date: DateTime.parse(start_date), end_date: DateTime.parse(end_date)) } where(:start_date, :end_date, :keys) do '2020-12-21' | '2020-12-21' | [] '2020-12-21' | '2020-12-20' | [] '2020-12-21' | '2020-11-21' | [] '2021-01-01' | '2020-12-28' | [] '2020-12-21' | '2020-12-28' | ['g_{compliance}_dashboard-2020-52'] '2020-12-21' | '2021-01-01' | ['g_{compliance}_dashboard-2020-52'] '2020-12-27' | '2021-01-01' | ['g_{compliance}_dashboard-2020-52'] '2020-12-26' | '2021-01-04' | ['g_{compliance}_dashboard-2020-52', 'g_{compliance}_dashboard-2020-53'] '2020-12-26' | '2021-01-11' | ['g_{compliance}_dashboard-2020-52', 'g_{compliance}_dashboard-2020-53', 'g_{compliance}_dashboard-2021-01'] '2020-12-26' | '2021-01-17' | ['g_{compliance}_dashboard-2020-52', 'g_{compliance}_dashboard-2020-53', 'g_{compliance}_dashboard-2021-01'] '2020-12-26' | '2021-01-18' | ['g_{compliance}_dashboard-2020-52', 'g_{compliance}_dashboard-2020-53', 'g_{compliance}_dashboard-2021-01', 'g_{compliance}_dashboard-2021-02'] end with_them do it "returns the correct keys" do expect(subject).to match(keys) end end it 'returns 1 key for last for week' do expect(described_class.send(:weekly_redis_keys, events: [redis_event], start_date: 7.days.ago.to_date, end_date: Date.current).size).to eq 1 end it 'returns 4 key for last for weeks' do expect(described_class.send(:weekly_redis_keys, events: [redis_event], start_date: 4.weeks.ago.to_date, end_date: Date.current).size).to eq 4 end end describe 'context level tracking' do using RSpec::Parameterized::TableSyntax let(:known_events) do [ { name: 'event_name_1', redis_slot: 'event', category: 'category1', aggregation: "weekly" }, { name: 'event_name_2', redis_slot: 'event', category: 'category1', aggregation: "weekly" }, { name: 'event_name_3', redis_slot: 'event', category: 'category1', aggregation: "weekly" } ].map(&:with_indifferent_access) end before do allow(described_class).to receive(:known_events).and_return(known_events) allow(described_class).to receive(:categories).and_return(%w(category1 category2)) described_class.track_event_in_context('event_name_1', values: [entity1, entity3], context: default_context, time: 2.days.ago) described_class.track_event_in_context('event_name_1', values: entity3, context: default_context, time: 2.days.ago) described_class.track_event_in_context('event_name_1', values: entity3, context: invalid_context, time: 2.days.ago) described_class.track_event_in_context('event_name_2', values: [entity1, entity2], context: '', time: 2.weeks.ago) end subject(:unique_events) { described_class.unique_events(event_names: event_names, start_date: 4.weeks.ago, end_date: Date.current, context: context) } context 'with correct arguments' do where(:event_names, :context, :value) do ['event_name_1'] | 'default' | 2 ['event_name_1'] | '' | 0 ['event_name_2'] | '' | 0 end with_them do it { is_expected.to eq value } end end context 'with invalid context' do it 'raise error' do expect { described_class.unique_events(event_names: 'event_name_1', start_date: 4.weeks.ago, end_date: Date.current, context: invalid_context) }.to raise_error(Gitlab::UsageDataCounters::HLLRedisCounter::InvalidContext) end end end describe 'unique_events_data' do let(:known_events) do [ { name: 'event1_slot', redis_slot: "slot", category: 'category1', aggregation: "weekly" }, { name: 'event2_slot', redis_slot: "slot", category: 'category1', aggregation: "weekly" }, { name: 'event3', category: 'category2', aggregation: "weekly" }, { name: 'event4', category: 'category2', aggregation: "weekly" } ].map(&:with_indifferent_access) end before do allow(described_class).to receive(:known_events).and_return(known_events) allow(described_class).to receive(:categories).and_return(%w(category1 category2)) described_class.track_event('event1_slot', values: entity1, time: 2.days.ago) described_class.track_event('event2_slot', values: entity2, time: 2.days.ago) described_class.track_event('event2_slot', values: entity3, time: 2.weeks.ago) # events in different slots described_class.track_event('event3', values: entity2, time: 2.days.ago) described_class.track_event('event4', values: entity2, time: 2.days.ago) end it 'returns the number of unique events for all known events' do results = { "category1" => { "event1_slot_weekly" => 1, "event1_slot_monthly" => 1, "event2_slot_weekly" => 1, "event2_slot_monthly" => 2, "category1_total_unique_counts_weekly" => 2, "category1_total_unique_counts_monthly" => 3 }, "category2" => { "event3_weekly" => 1, "event3_monthly" => 1, "event4_weekly" => 1, "event4_monthly" => 1 } } expect(subject.unique_events_data).to eq(results) end end context 'aggregated_metrics_data' do let(:known_events) do [ { name: 'event1_slot', redis_slot: "slot", category: 'category1', aggregation: "weekly" }, { name: 'event2_slot', redis_slot: "slot", category: 'category2', aggregation: "weekly" }, { name: 'event3_slot', redis_slot: "slot", category: 'category3', aggregation: "weekly" }, { name: 'event5_slot', redis_slot: "slot", category: 'category4', aggregation: "weekly" }, { name: 'event4', category: 'category2', aggregation: "weekly" } ].map(&:with_indifferent_access) end before do allow(described_class).to receive(:known_events).and_return(known_events) end shared_examples 'aggregated_metrics_data' do context 'no aggregated metrics is defined' do it 'returns empty hash' do allow(described_class).to receive(:aggregated_metrics).and_return([]) expect(aggregated_metrics_data).to eq({}) end end context 'there are aggregated metrics defined' do before do allow(described_class).to receive(:aggregated_metrics).and_return(aggregated_metrics) end context 'with AND operator' do let(:aggregated_metrics) do [ { name: 'gmau_1', events: %w[event1_slot event2_slot], operator: "AND" }, { name: 'gmau_2', events: %w[event1_slot event2_slot event3_slot], operator: "AND" }, { name: 'gmau_3', events: %w[event1_slot event2_slot event3_slot event5_slot], operator: "AND" }, { name: 'gmau_4', events: %w[event4], operator: "AND" } ].map(&:with_indifferent_access) end it 'returns the number of unique events for all known events' do results = { 'gmau_1' => 3, 'gmau_2' => 2, 'gmau_3' => 1, 'gmau_4' => 3 } expect(aggregated_metrics_data).to eq(results) end end context 'with OR operator' do let(:aggregated_metrics) do [ { name: 'gmau_1', events: %w[event3_slot event5_slot], operator: "OR" }, { name: 'gmau_2', events: %w[event1_slot event2_slot event3_slot event5_slot], operator: "OR" }, { name: 'gmau_3', events: %w[event4], operator: "OR" } ].map(&:with_indifferent_access) end it 'returns the number of unique events for all known events' do results = { 'gmau_1' => 2, 'gmau_2' => 3, 'gmau_3' => 3 } expect(aggregated_metrics_data).to eq(results) end end context 'hidden behind feature flag' do let(:enabled_feature_flag) { 'test_ff_enabled' } let(:disabled_feature_flag) { 'test_ff_disabled' } let(:aggregated_metrics) do [ # represents stable aggregated metrics that has been fully released { name: 'gmau_without_ff', events: %w[event3_slot event5_slot], operator: "OR" }, # represents new aggregated metric that is under performance testing on gitlab.com { name: 'gmau_enabled', events: %w[event4], operator: "AND", feature_flag: enabled_feature_flag }, # represents aggregated metric that is under development and shouldn't be yet collected even on gitlab.com { name: 'gmau_disabled', events: %w[event4], operator: "AND", feature_flag: disabled_feature_flag } ].map(&:with_indifferent_access) end it 'returns the number of unique events for all known events' do skip_feature_flags_yaml_validation stub_feature_flags(enabled_feature_flag => true, disabled_feature_flag => false) expect(aggregated_metrics_data).to eq('gmau_without_ff' => 2, 'gmau_enabled' => 3) end end end end describe '.aggregated_metrics_weekly_data' do subject(:aggregated_metrics_data) { described_class.aggregated_metrics_weekly_data } before do described_class.track_event('event1_slot', values: entity1, time: 2.days.ago) described_class.track_event('event1_slot', values: entity2, time: 2.days.ago) described_class.track_event('event1_slot', values: entity3, time: 2.days.ago) described_class.track_event('event2_slot', values: entity1, time: 2.days.ago) described_class.track_event('event2_slot', values: entity2, time: 3.days.ago) described_class.track_event('event2_slot', values: entity3, time: 3.days.ago) described_class.track_event('event3_slot', values: entity1, time: 3.days.ago) described_class.track_event('event3_slot', values: entity2, time: 3.days.ago) described_class.track_event('event5_slot', values: entity2, time: 3.days.ago) # events out of time scope described_class.track_event('event2_slot', values: entity3, time: 8.days.ago) # events in different slots described_class.track_event('event4', values: entity1, time: 2.days.ago) described_class.track_event('event4', values: entity2, time: 2.days.ago) described_class.track_event('event4', values: entity4, time: 2.days.ago) end it_behaves_like 'aggregated_metrics_data' end describe '.aggregated_metrics_monthly_data' do subject(:aggregated_metrics_data) { described_class.aggregated_metrics_monthly_data } it_behaves_like 'aggregated_metrics_data' do before do described_class.track_event('event1_slot', values: entity1, time: 2.days.ago) described_class.track_event('event1_slot', values: entity2, time: 2.days.ago) described_class.track_event('event1_slot', values: entity3, time: 2.days.ago) described_class.track_event('event2_slot', values: entity1, time: 2.days.ago) described_class.track_event('event2_slot', values: entity2, time: 3.days.ago) described_class.track_event('event2_slot', values: entity3, time: 3.days.ago) described_class.track_event('event3_slot', values: entity1, time: 3.days.ago) described_class.track_event('event3_slot', values: entity2, time: 10.days.ago) described_class.track_event('event5_slot', values: entity2, time: 4.weeks.ago.advance(days: 1)) # events out of time scope described_class.track_event('event5_slot', values: entity1, time: 4.weeks.ago.advance(days: -1)) # events in different slots described_class.track_event('event4', values: entity1, time: 2.days.ago) described_class.track_event('event4', values: entity2, time: 2.days.ago) described_class.track_event('event4', values: entity4, time: 2.days.ago) end end context 'Redis calls' do let(:aggregated_metrics) do [ { name: 'gmau_3', events: %w[event1_slot event2_slot event3_slot event5_slot], operator: "AND" } ].map(&:with_indifferent_access) end let(:known_events) do [ { name: 'event1_slot', redis_slot: "slot", category: 'category1', aggregation: "weekly" }, { name: 'event2_slot', redis_slot: "slot", category: 'category2', aggregation: "weekly" }, { name: 'event3_slot', redis_slot: "slot", category: 'category3', aggregation: "weekly" }, { name: 'event5_slot', redis_slot: "slot", category: 'category4', aggregation: "weekly" } ].map(&:with_indifferent_access) end it 'caches intermediate operations' do allow(described_class).to receive(:known_events).and_return(known_events) allow(described_class).to receive(:aggregated_metrics).and_return(aggregated_metrics) 4.downto(1) do |subset_size| known_events.combination(subset_size).each do |events| keys = described_class.send(:weekly_redis_keys, events: events, start_date: 4.weeks.ago.to_date, end_date: Date.current) expect(Gitlab::Redis::HLL).to receive(:count).with(keys: keys).once.and_return(0) end end subject end end end end end