# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' require "rack/test" RSpec.describe Gitlab::Middleware::HandleMalformedStrings do include GitHttpHelpers let(:null_byte) { "\u0000" } let(:escaped_null_byte) { "%00" } let(:invalid_string) { "mal\xC0formed" } let(:escaped_invalid_string) { "mal%c0formed" } let(:error_400) { [400, { 'Content-Type' => 'text/plain' }, ['Bad Request']] } let(:app) { double(:app) } subject { described_class.new(app) } before do allow(app).to receive(:call) do |args| args end end def env_for(params = {}) Rack::MockRequest.env_for('/', { params: params }) end context 'in the URL' do it 'rejects null bytes' do # We have to create the env separately or Rack::MockRequest complains about invalid URI env = env_for env['PATH_INFO'] = "/someplace/witha#{null_byte}nullbyte" expect(subject.call(env)).to eq error_400 end it 'rejects escaped null bytes' do # We have to create the env separately or Rack::MockRequest complains about invalid URI env = env_for env['PATH_INFO'] = "/someplace/withan#{escaped_null_byte}escaped nullbyte" expect(subject.call(env)).to eq error_400 end it 'rejects malformed strings' do # We have to create the env separately or Rack::MockRequest complains about invalid URI env = env_for env['PATH_INFO'] = "/someplace/with_an/#{invalid_string}" expect(subject.call(env)).to eq error_400 end it 'rejects escaped malformed strings' do # We have to create the env separately or Rack::MockRequest complains about invalid URI env = env_for env['PATH_INFO'] = "/someplace/with_an/#{escaped_invalid_string}" expect(subject.call(env)).to eq error_400 end end context 'in authorization headers' do let(:problematic_input) { null_byte } shared_examples 'rejecting invalid input' do it 'rejects problematic input in the password' do env = env_for.merge(auth_env("username", "password#{problematic_input}encoded", nil)) expect(subject.call(env)).to eq error_400 end it 'rejects problematic input in the username' do env = env_for.merge(auth_env("username#{problematic_input}", "passwordencoded", nil)) expect(subject.call(env)).to eq error_400 end it 'rejects problematic input in non-basic-auth tokens' do env = env_for.merge('HTTP_AUTHORIZATION' => "GL-Geo hello#{problematic_input}world") expect(subject.call(env)).to eq error_400 end end it_behaves_like 'rejecting invalid input' do let(:problematic_input) { null_byte } end it_behaves_like 'rejecting invalid input' do let(:problematic_input) { invalid_string } end it_behaves_like 'rejecting invalid input' do let(:problematic_input) { "\xC3" } end it 'does not reject correct non-basic-auth tokens' do # This token is known to include a null-byte when we were to try to decode it # as Base64, while it wasn't encoded at such. special_token = 'GL-Geo ta8KakZWpu0AcledQ6n0:eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJkYXRhIjoie1wic2NvcGVcIjpcImdlb19hcGlcIn0iLCJqdGkiOiIwYWFmNzVlYi1lNWRkLTRkZjEtODQzYi1lM2E5ODhhNDMwMzIiLCJpYXQiOjE2MDQ3MDI4NzUsIm5iZiI6MTYwNDcwMjg3MCwiZXhwIjoxNjA0NzAyOTM1fQ.NcgDipDyxSP5uSzxc01ylzH4GkTxJRflNNjT7U6fpg4' expect(Base64.decode64(special_token)).to include(null_byte) env = env_for.merge('HTTP_AUTHORIZATION' => special_token) expect(subject.call(env)).not_to eq error_400 end it 'does not reject correct encoded password with special characters' do env = env_for.merge(auth_env("username", "RçKszEwéC5kFnû∆f243fycGu§Gh9ftDj!U", nil)) expect(subject.call(env)).not_to eq error_400 end end context 'in params' do shared_examples_for 'checks params' do it 'rejects bad params in a top level param' do env = env_for(name: "null#{problematic_input}byte") expect(subject.call(env)).to eq error_400 end it "rejects bad params for hashes with strings" do env = env_for(name: { inner_key: "I am #{problematic_input} bad" }) expect(subject.call(env)).to eq error_400 end it "rejects bad params for arrays with strings" do env = env_for(name: ["I am #{problematic_input} bad"]) expect(subject.call(env)).to eq error_400 end it "rejects bad params for arrays containing hashes with string values" do env = env_for(name: [ { inner_key: "I am #{problematic_input} bad" } ]) expect(subject.call(env)).to eq error_400 end end context 'with null byte' do let(:problematic_input) { null_byte } it_behaves_like 'checks params' it "gives up and does not reject too deeply nested params" do env = env_for(name: [ { inner_key: { deeper_key: [{ hash_inside_array_key: "I am #{problematic_input} bad" }] } } ]) expect(subject.call(env)).not_to eq error_400 end end context 'with malformed strings' do it_behaves_like 'checks params' do let(:problematic_input) { invalid_string } end end end context 'without problematic input' do it "does not error for strings" do env = env_for(name: "safe name") expect(subject.call(env)).not_to eq error_400 end it "does not error with no params" do env = env_for expect(subject.call(env)).not_to eq error_400 end end it 'does not modify the env' do env = env_for expect { subject.call(env) }.not_to change { env } end end