# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' # Also see spec/graphql/features/authorization_spec.rb for # integration tests of AuthorizeFieldService RSpec.describe Gitlab::Graphql::Authorize::AuthorizeFieldService do def type(type_authorizations = []) Class.new(Types::BaseObject) do graphql_name 'TestType' authorize type_authorizations end end def type_with_field(field_type, field_authorizations = [], resolved_value = 'Resolved value', **options) Class.new(Types::BaseObject) do graphql_name 'TestTypeWithField' options.reverse_merge!(null: true) field :test_field, field_type, authorize: field_authorizations, **options define_method :test_field do resolved_value end end end def resolve service.authorized_resolve[type_instance, {}, context] end subject(:service) { described_class.new(field) } describe '#authorized_resolve' do let_it_be(:current_user) { build(:user) } let_it_be(:presented_object) { 'presented object' } let_it_be(:query_type) { GraphQL::ObjectType.new } let_it_be(:schema) { GitlabSchema } let_it_be(:query) { GraphQL::Query.new(schema, document: nil, context: {}, variables: {}) } let_it_be(:context) { GraphQL::Query::Context.new(query: query, values: { current_user: current_user }, object: nil) } let(:type_class) { type_with_field(custom_type, :read_field, presented_object) } let(:type_instance) { type_class.authorized_new(presented_object, context) } let(:field) { type_class.fields['testField'].to_graphql } subject(:resolved) { ::Gitlab::Graphql::Lazy.force(resolve) } context 'reading the field of a lazy value' do let(:ability) { :read_field } let(:presented_object) { lazy_upcase('a') } let(:type_class) { type_with_field(GraphQL::STRING_TYPE, ability) } let(:upcaser) do Module.new do def self.upcase(strs) strs.map(&:upcase) end end end def lazy_upcase(str) ::BatchLoader::GraphQL.for(str).batch do |strs, found| strs.zip(upcaser.upcase(strs)).each { |s, us| found[s, us] } end end it 'does not run authorizations until we force the resolved value' do expect(Ability).not_to receive(:allowed?) expect(resolve).to respond_to(:force) end it 'runs authorizations when we force the resolved value' do spy_ability_check_for(ability, 'A') expect(resolved).to eq('Resolved value') end it 'redacts values that fail the permissions check' do spy_ability_check_for(ability, 'A', passed: false) expect(resolved).to be_nil end context 'we batch two calls' do def resolve(value) instance = type_class.authorized_new(lazy_upcase(value), context) service.authorized_resolve[instance, {}, context] end it 'batches resolution, but authorizes each object separately' do expect(upcaser).to receive(:upcase).once.and_call_original spy_ability_check_for(:read_field, 'A', passed: true) spy_ability_check_for(:read_field, 'B', passed: false) spy_ability_check_for(:read_field, 'C', passed: true) a = resolve('a') b = resolve('b') c = resolve('c') expect(a.force).to be_present expect(b.force).to be_nil expect(c.force).to be_present end end end shared_examples 'authorizing fields' do context 'scalar types' do shared_examples 'checking permissions on the presented object' do it 'checks the abilities on the object being presented and returns the value' do expected_permissions.each do |permission| spy_ability_check_for(permission, presented_object, passed: true) end expect(resolved).to eq('Resolved value') end it 'returns nil if the value was not authorized' do allow(Ability).to receive(:allowed?).and_return false expect(resolved).to be_nil end end context 'when the field is a built-in scalar type' do let(:type_class) { type_with_field(GraphQL::STRING_TYPE, :read_field) } let(:expected_permissions) { [:read_field] } it_behaves_like 'checking permissions on the presented object' end context 'when the field is a list of scalar types' do let(:type_class) { type_with_field([GraphQL::STRING_TYPE], :read_field) } let(:expected_permissions) { [:read_field] } it_behaves_like 'checking permissions on the presented object' end context 'when the field is sub-classed scalar type' do let(:type_class) { type_with_field(Types::TimeType, :read_field) } let(:expected_permissions) { [:read_field] } it_behaves_like 'checking permissions on the presented object' end context 'when the field is a list of sub-classed scalar types' do let(:type_class) { type_with_field([Types::TimeType], :read_field) } let(:expected_permissions) { [:read_field] } it_behaves_like 'checking permissions on the presented object' end end context 'when the field is a connection' do context 'when it resolves to nil' do let(:type_class) { type_with_field(Types::QueryType.connection_type, :read_field, nil) } it 'does not fail when authorizing' do expect(resolved).to be_nil end end context 'when it returns values' do let(:objects) { [1, 2, 3] } let(:field_type) { type([:read_object]).connection_type } let(:type_class) { type_with_field(field_type, [], objects) } it 'filters out unauthorized values' do spy_ability_check_for(:read_object, 1, passed: true) spy_ability_check_for(:read_object, 2, passed: false) spy_ability_check_for(:read_object, 3, passed: true) expect(resolved.nodes).to eq [1, 3] end end end context 'when the field is a specific type' do let(:custom_type) { type(:read_type) } let(:object_in_field) { double('presented in field') } let(:type_class) { type_with_field(custom_type, :read_field, object_in_field) } let(:type_instance) { type_class.authorized_new(object_in_field, context) } it 'checks both field & type permissions' do spy_ability_check_for(:read_field, object_in_field, passed: true) spy_ability_check_for(:read_type, object_in_field, passed: true) expect(resolved).to eq(object_in_field) end it 'returns nil if viewing was not allowed' do spy_ability_check_for(:read_field, object_in_field, passed: false) spy_ability_check_for(:read_type, object_in_field, passed: true) expect(resolved).to be_nil end context 'when the field is not nullable' do let(:type_class) { type_with_field(custom_type, :read_field, object_in_field, null: false) } it 'returns nil when viewing is not allowed' do spy_ability_check_for(:read_type, object_in_field, passed: false) expect(resolved).to be_nil end end context 'when the field is a list' do let(:object_1) { double('presented in field 1') } let(:object_2) { double('presented in field 2') } let(:presented_types) { [double(object: object_1), double(object: object_2)] } let(:type_class) { type_with_field([custom_type], :read_field, presented_types) } let(:type_instance) { type_class.authorized_new(presented_types, context) } it 'checks all permissions' do allow(Ability).to receive(:allowed?) { true } spy_ability_check_for(:read_field, object_1, passed: true) spy_ability_check_for(:read_type, object_1, passed: true) spy_ability_check_for(:read_field, object_2, passed: true) spy_ability_check_for(:read_type, object_2, passed: true) expect(resolved).to eq(presented_types) end it 'filters out objects that the user cannot see' do allow(Ability).to receive(:allowed?) { true } spy_ability_check_for(:read_type, object_1, passed: false) expect(resolved).to contain_exactly(have_attributes(object: object_2)) end end end end it_behaves_like 'authorizing fields' end private def spy_ability_check_for(ability, object, passed: true) expect(Ability) .to receive(:allowed?) .with(current_user, ability, object) .and_return(passed) end end