# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Gitlab::Ci::Config do include StubRequests let_it_be(:user) { create(:user) } before do allow_next_instance_of(Gitlab::Ci::Config::External::Context) do |instance| allow(instance).to receive(:check_execution_time!) end end let(:config) do described_class.new(yml, project: nil, sha: nil, user: nil) end context 'when config is valid' do let(:yml) do <<-EOS image: ruby:2.7 rspec: script: - gem install rspec - rspec EOS end describe '#to_hash' do it 'returns hash created from string' do hash = { image: 'ruby:2.7', rspec: { script: ['gem install rspec', 'rspec'] } } expect(config.to_hash).to eq hash end describe '#valid?' do it 'is valid' do expect(config).to be_valid end it 'has no errors' do expect(config.errors).to be_empty end end end describe '#stages' do subject(:subject) { config.stages } context 'with default stages' do let(:default_stages) do %w[.pre build test deploy .post] end it { is_expected.to eq default_stages } end context 'with custom stages' do let(:yml) do <<-EOS stages: - stage1 - stage2 job1: stage: stage1 script: - ls EOS end it { is_expected.to eq %w[.pre stage1 stage2 .post] } end end end describe '#included_templates' do let(:yml) do <<-EOS include: - template: Jobs/Deploy.gitlab-ci.yml - template: Jobs/Build.gitlab-ci.yml - remote: https://example.com/gitlab-ci.yml EOS end before do stub_request(:get, 'https://example.com/gitlab-ci.yml').to_return(status: 200, body: <<-EOS) test: script: [ 'echo hello world' ] EOS end subject(:included_templates) do config.included_templates end it { is_expected.to contain_exactly('Jobs/Deploy.gitlab-ci.yml', 'Jobs/Build.gitlab-ci.yml') } end context 'when using extendable hash' do let(:yml) do <<-EOS image: ruby:2.7 rspec: script: rspec test: extends: rspec image: ruby:alpine EOS end it 'correctly extends the hash' do hash = { image: 'ruby:2.7', rspec: { script: 'rspec' }, test: { extends: 'rspec', image: 'ruby:alpine', script: 'rspec' } } expect(config).to be_valid expect(config.to_hash).to eq hash end end context 'when config is invalid' do context 'when yml is incorrect' do let(:yml) { '// invalid' } describe '.new' do it 'raises error' do expect { config }.to raise_error( described_class::ConfigError, /Invalid configuration format/ ) end end end context 'when yml is too big' do let(:yml) do <<~YAML --- &1 - hi - *1 YAML end describe '.new' do it 'raises error' do expect(Gitlab::ErrorTracking).to receive(:track_and_raise_for_dev_exception) expect { config }.to raise_error( described_class::ConfigError, /The parsed YAML is too big/ ) end end end context 'when config logic is incorrect' do let(:yml) { 'before_script: "ls"' } describe '#valid?' do it 'is not valid' do expect(config).not_to be_valid end it 'has errors' do expect(config.errors).not_to be_empty end end describe '#errors' do it 'returns an array of strings' do expect(config.errors).to all(be_an_instance_of(String)) end end end context 'when invalid extended hash has been provided' do let(:yml) do <<-EOS test: extends: test script: rspec EOS end it 'raises an error' do expect { config }.to raise_error( described_class::ConfigError, /circular dependency detected/ ) end end context 'when ports have been set' do context 'in the main image' do let(:yml) do <<-EOS image: name: ruby:2.7 ports: - 80 EOS end it 'raises an error' do expect(config.errors).to include("image config contains disallowed keys: ports") end end context 'in the job image' do let(:yml) do <<-EOS image: ruby:2.7 test: script: rspec image: name: ruby:2.7 ports: - 80 EOS end it 'raises an error' do expect(config.errors).to include("jobs:test:image config contains disallowed keys: ports") end end context 'in the services' do let(:yml) do <<-EOS image: ruby:2.7 test: script: rspec image: ruby:2.7 services: - name: test alias: test ports: - 80 EOS end it 'raises an error' do expect(config.errors).to include("jobs:test:services:service config contains disallowed keys: ports") end end end end context "when using 'include' directive" do let(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } let(:remote_location) { 'https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-foss/blob/1234/.gitlab-ci-1.yml' } let(:local_location) { 'spec/fixtures/gitlab/ci/external_files/.gitlab-ci-template-1.yml' } let(:local_file_content) do File.read(Rails.root.join(local_location)) end let(:local_location_hash) do YAML.safe_load(local_file_content).deep_symbolize_keys end let(:remote_file_content) do <<~HEREDOC variables: POSTGRES_USER: user POSTGRES_PASSWORD: testing-password POSTGRES_ENABLED: "true" POSTGRES_DB: $CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG HEREDOC end let(:remote_file_hash) do YAML.safe_load(remote_file_content).deep_symbolize_keys end let(:gitlab_ci_yml) do <<~HEREDOC include: - #{local_location} - #{remote_location} image: ruby:2.7 HEREDOC end let(:config) do described_class.new(gitlab_ci_yml, project: project, sha: '12345', user: user) end before do stub_full_request(remote_location).to_return(body: remote_file_content) allow(project.repository) .to receive(:blob_data_at).and_return(local_file_content) end context "when gitlab_ci_yml has valid 'include' defined" do it 'returns a composed hash' do composed_hash = { before_script: local_location_hash[:before_script], image: "ruby:2.7", rspec: { script: ["bundle exec rspec"] }, variables: remote_file_hash[:variables] } expect(config.to_hash).to eq(composed_hash) end end context "when gitlab_ci.yml has invalid 'include' defined" do let(:gitlab_ci_yml) do <<~HEREDOC include: invalid HEREDOC end it 'raises ConfigError' do expect { config }.to raise_error( described_class::ConfigError, "Included file `invalid` does not have YAML extension!" ) end end context "when gitlab_ci.yml has ambigious 'include' defined" do let(:gitlab_ci_yml) do <<~HEREDOC include: remote: http://url local: /local/file.yml HEREDOC end it 'raises ConfigError' do expect { config }.to raise_error( described_class::ConfigError, 'Include `{"remote":"http://url","local":"/local/file.yml"}` needs to match exactly one accessor!' ) end end context "when it takes too long to evaluate includes" do before do allow_next_instance_of(Gitlab::Ci::Config::External::Context) do |instance| allow(instance).to receive(:check_execution_time!).and_call_original allow(instance).to receive(:set_deadline).with(described_class::TIMEOUT_SECONDS).and_call_original allow(instance).to receive(:execution_expired?).and_return(true) end end it 'raises error TimeoutError' do expect(Gitlab::ErrorTracking).to receive(:track_and_raise_for_dev_exception) expect { config }.to raise_error( described_class::ConfigError, 'Resolving config took longer than expected' ) end end describe 'external file version' do context 'when external local file SHA is defined' do it 'is using a defined value' do expect(project.repository).to receive(:blob_data_at) .with('eeff1122', local_location) described_class.new(gitlab_ci_yml, project: project, sha: 'eeff1122', user: user) end end context 'when external local file SHA is not defined' do it 'is using latest SHA on the default branch' do expect(project.repository).to receive(:root_ref_sha) described_class.new(gitlab_ci_yml, project: project, sha: nil, user: user) end end end context "when both external files and gitlab_ci.yml defined the same key" do let(:gitlab_ci_yml) do <<~HEREDOC include: - #{remote_location} image: ruby:2.7 HEREDOC end let(:remote_file_content) do <<~HEREDOC image: php:5-fpm-alpine HEREDOC end it 'takes precedence' do expect(config.to_hash).to eq({ image: 'ruby:2.7' }) end end context "when both external files and gitlab_ci.yml define a dictionary of distinct variables" do let(:remote_file_content) do <<~HEREDOC variables: A: 'alpha' B: 'beta' HEREDOC end let(:gitlab_ci_yml) do <<~HEREDOC include: - #{remote_location} variables: C: 'gamma' D: 'delta' HEREDOC end it 'merges the variables dictionaries' do expect(config.to_hash).to eq({ variables: { A: 'alpha', B: 'beta', C: 'gamma', D: 'delta' } }) end end context "when both external files and gitlab_ci.yml define a dictionary of overlapping variables" do let(:remote_file_content) do <<~HEREDOC variables: A: 'alpha' B: 'beta' C: 'omnicron' HEREDOC end let(:gitlab_ci_yml) do <<~HEREDOC include: - #{remote_location} variables: C: 'gamma' D: 'delta' HEREDOC end it 'later declarations should take precedence' do expect(config.to_hash).to eq({ variables: { A: 'alpha', B: 'beta', C: 'gamma', D: 'delta' } }) end end context 'when both external files and gitlab_ci.yml define a job' do let(:remote_file_content) do <<~HEREDOC job1: script: - echo 'hello from remote file' HEREDOC end let(:gitlab_ci_yml) do <<~HEREDOC include: - #{remote_location} job1: variables: VARIABLE_DEFINED_IN_MAIN_FILE: 'some value' HEREDOC end it 'merges the jobs' do expect(config.to_hash).to eq({ job1: { script: ["echo 'hello from remote file'"], variables: { VARIABLE_DEFINED_IN_MAIN_FILE: 'some value' } } }) end context 'when the script key is in both' do let(:gitlab_ci_yml) do <<~HEREDOC include: - #{remote_location} job1: script: - echo 'hello from main file' variables: VARIABLE_DEFINED_IN_MAIN_FILE: 'some value' HEREDOC end it 'uses the script from the gitlab_ci.yml' do expect(config.to_hash).to eq({ job1: { script: ["echo 'hello from main file'"], variables: { VARIABLE_DEFINED_IN_MAIN_FILE: 'some value' } } }) end end end context 'when including file from artifact' do let(:config) do described_class.new( gitlab_ci_yml, project: nil, sha: nil, user: nil, parent_pipeline: parent_pipeline) end let(:gitlab_ci_yml) do <<~HEREDOC include: - artifact: generated.yml job: rspec HEREDOC end let(:parent_pipeline) { nil } context 'when used in the context of a child pipeline' do # This job has ci_build_artifacts.zip artifact archive which # contains generated.yml let!(:job) { create(:ci_build, :artifacts, name: 'rspec', pipeline: parent_pipeline) } let(:parent_pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline) } it 'returns valid config' do expect(config).to be_valid end context 'when job key is missing' do let(:gitlab_ci_yml) do <<~HEREDOC include: - artifact: generated.yml HEREDOC end it 'raises an error' do expect { config }.to raise_error( described_class::ConfigError, 'Job must be provided when including configs from artifacts' ) end end context 'when artifact key is missing' do let(:gitlab_ci_yml) do <<~HEREDOC include: - job: rspec HEREDOC end it 'raises an error' do expect { config }.to raise_error( described_class::ConfigError, /needs to match exactly one accessor!/ ) end end end it 'disallows the use in parent pipelines' do expect { config }.to raise_error( described_class::ConfigError, 'Including configs from artifacts is only allowed when triggering child pipelines' ) end end context "when including multiple files from a project" do let(:other_file_location) { 'my_builds.yml' } let(:other_file_content) do <<~HEREDOC build: stage: build script: echo hello rspec: stage: test script: bundle exec rspec HEREDOC end let(:gitlab_ci_yml) do <<~HEREDOC include: - project: #{project.full_path} file: - #{local_location} - #{other_file_location} image: ruby:2.7 HEREDOC end before do project.add_developer(user) allow_next_instance_of(Repository) do |repository| allow(repository).to receive(:blob_data_at).with(an_instance_of(String), local_location) .and_return(local_file_content) allow(repository).to receive(:blob_data_at).with(an_instance_of(String), other_file_location) .and_return(other_file_content) end end it 'returns a composed hash' do composed_hash = { before_script: local_location_hash[:before_script], image: "ruby:2.7", build: { stage: "build", script: "echo hello" }, rspec: { stage: "test", script: "bundle exec rspec" } } expect(config.to_hash).to eq(composed_hash) end end end end