import { GlSearchBoxByType } from '@gitlab/ui'; import { shallowMount } from '@vue/test-utils'; import SearchSettings from '~/search_settings/components/search_settings.vue'; import { HIGHLIGHT_CLASS, HIDE_CLASS } from '~/search_settings/constants'; describe('search_settings/components/search_settings.vue', () => { const ROOT_ID = 'content-body'; const SECTION_SELECTOR = 'section.settings'; const SEARCH_TERM = 'Delete project'; const GENERAL_SETTINGS_ID = 'js-general-settings'; const ADVANCED_SETTINGS_ID = 'js-advanced-settings'; let wrapper; const buildWrapper = () => { wrapper = shallowMount(SearchSettings, { propsData: { searchRoot: document.querySelector(`#${ROOT_ID}`), sectionSelector: SECTION_SELECTOR, }, }); }; const sections = () => Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(SECTION_SELECTOR)); const sectionsCount = () => sections().length; const visibleSectionsCount = () => document.querySelectorAll(`${SECTION_SELECTOR}:not(.${HIDE_CLASS})`).length; const highlightedElementsCount = () => document.querySelectorAll(`.${HIGHLIGHT_CLASS}`).length; const findSearchBox = () => wrapper.find(GlSearchBoxByType); const search = (term) => { findSearchBox().vm.$emit('input', term); }; const clearSearch = () => search(''); beforeEach(() => { setFixtures(`
`); buildWrapper(); }); afterEach(() => { wrapper.destroy(); }); it('expands first section and collapses the rest', () => { clearSearch(); const [firstSection, ...otherSections] = sections(); expect(wrapper.emitted()).toEqual({ expand: [[firstSection]], collapse: => [x]), }); }); it('hides sections that do not match the search term', () => { const hiddenSection = document.querySelector(`#${GENERAL_SETTINGS_ID}`); search(SEARCH_TERM); expect(visibleSectionsCount()).toBe(1); expect(hiddenSection.classList).toContain(HIDE_CLASS); }); it('expands section that matches the search term', () => { const section = document.querySelector(`#${ADVANCED_SETTINGS_ID}`); search(SEARCH_TERM); // Last called because expand is always called once to reset the page state expect(wrapper.emitted().expand[1][0]).toBe(section); }); it('highlight elements that match the search term', () => { search(SEARCH_TERM); expect(highlightedElementsCount()).toBe(1); }); describe('when search term is cleared', () => { beforeEach(() => { search(SEARCH_TERM); }); it('displays all sections', () => { expect(visibleSectionsCount()).toBe(1); clearSearch(); expect(visibleSectionsCount()).toBe(sectionsCount()); }); it('removes the highlight from all elements', () => { expect(highlightedElementsCount()).toBe(1); clearSearch(); expect(highlightedElementsCount()).toBe(0); }); }); });