import { mount } from '@vue/test-utils'; import stubChildren from 'helpers/stub_children'; import TimeAgoTooltip from '~/vue_shared/components/time_ago_tooltip.vue'; import FileIcon from '~/vue_shared/components/file_icon.vue'; import component from '~/packages/details/components/package_files.vue'; import { npmFiles, mavenFiles } from '../../mock_data'; describe('Package Files', () => { let wrapper; const findAllRows = () => wrapper.findAll('[data-testid="file-row"'); const findFirstRow = () => findAllRows().at(0); const findFirstRowDownloadLink = () => findFirstRow().find('[data-testid="download-link"'); const findFirstRowCommitLink = () => findFirstRow().find('[data-testid="commit-link"'); const findFirstRowFileIcon = () => findFirstRow().find(FileIcon); const findFirstRowCreatedAt = () => findFirstRow().find(TimeAgoTooltip); const createComponent = (packageFiles = npmFiles) => { wrapper = mount(component, { propsData: { packageFiles, }, stubs: { ...stubChildren(component), GlTable: false, }, }); }; afterEach(() => { wrapper.destroy(); wrapper = null; }); describe('rows', () => { it('renders a single file for an npm package', () => { createComponent(); expect(findAllRows()).toHaveLength(1); }); it('renders multiple files for a package that contains more than one file', () => { createComponent(mavenFiles); expect(findAllRows()).toHaveLength(2); }); }); describe('link', () => { it('exists', () => { createComponent(); expect(findFirstRowDownloadLink().exists()).toBe(true); }); it('has the correct attrs bound', () => { createComponent(); expect(findFirstRowDownloadLink().attributes('href')).toBe(npmFiles[0].download_path); }); it('emits "download-file" event on click', () => { createComponent(); findFirstRowDownloadLink().vm.$emit('click'); expect(wrapper.emitted('download-file')).toEqual([[]]); }); }); describe('file-icon', () => { it('exists', () => { createComponent(); expect(findFirstRowFileIcon().exists()).toBe(true); }); it('has the correct props bound', () => { createComponent(); expect(findFirstRowFileIcon().props('fileName')).toBe(npmFiles[0].file_name); }); }); describe('time-ago tooltip', () => { it('exists', () => { createComponent(); expect(findFirstRowCreatedAt().exists()).toBe(true); }); it('has the correct props bound', () => { createComponent(); expect(findFirstRowCreatedAt().props('time')).toBe(npmFiles[0].created_at); }); }); describe('commit', () => { describe('when package file has a pipeline associated', () => { it('exists', () => { createComponent(); expect(findFirstRowCommitLink().exists()).toBe(true); }); it('the link points to the commit url', () => { createComponent(); expect(findFirstRowCommitLink().attributes('href')).toBe( npmFiles[0].pipelines[0].project.commit_url, ); }); it('the text is git_commit_message', () => { createComponent(); expect(findFirstRowCommitLink().text()).toBe(npmFiles[0].pipelines[0].git_commit_message); }); }); describe('when package file has no pipeline associated', () => { it('does not exist', () => { createComponent(mavenFiles); expect(findFirstRowCommitLink().exists()).toBe(false); }); }); }); });