import testAction from 'helpers/vuex_action_helper'; import { mockLists, mockListsById, mockIssue, mockIssue2, rawIssue, mockIssues, mockMilestone, labels, mockActiveIssue, mockGroupProjects, } from '../mock_data'; import actions, { gqlClient } from '~/boards/stores/actions'; import * as types from '~/boards/stores/mutation_types'; import { inactiveId } from '~/boards/constants'; import issueMoveListMutation from '~/boards/graphql/issue_move_list.mutation.graphql'; import destroyBoardListMutation from '~/boards/graphql/board_list_destroy.mutation.graphql'; import issueCreateMutation from '~/boards/graphql/issue_create.mutation.graphql'; import updateAssignees from '~/vue_shared/components/sidebar/queries/updateAssignees.mutation.graphql'; import { fullBoardId, formatListIssues, formatBoardLists, formatIssueInput, } from '~/boards/boards_util'; import createFlash from '~/flash'; jest.mock('~/flash'); const expectNotImplemented = (action) => { it('is not implemented', () => { expect(action).toThrow(new Error('Not implemented!')); }); }; // We need this helper to make sure projectPath is including // subgroups when the movIssue action is called. const getProjectPath = (path) => path.split('#')[0]; beforeEach(() => { window.gon = { features: {} }; }); describe('setInitialBoardData', () => { it('sets data object', () => { const mockData = { foo: 'bar', bar: 'baz', }; return testAction( actions.setInitialBoardData, mockData, {}, [{ type: types.SET_INITIAL_BOARD_DATA, payload: mockData }], [], ); }); }); describe('setFilters', () => { it('should commit mutation SET_FILTERS', (done) => { const state = { filters: {}, }; const filters = { labelName: 'label' }; testAction( actions.setFilters, filters, state, [{ type: types.SET_FILTERS, payload: filters }], [], done, ); }); }); describe('performSearch', () => { it('should dispatch setFilters action', (done) => { testAction(actions.performSearch, {}, {}, [], [{ type: 'setFilters', payload: {} }], done); }); it('should dispatch setFilters, fetchLists and resetIssues action when graphqlBoardLists FF is on', (done) => { window.gon = { features: { graphqlBoardLists: true } }; testAction( actions.performSearch, {}, {}, [], [{ type: 'setFilters', payload: {} }, { type: 'fetchLists' }, { type: 'resetIssues' }], done, ); }); }); describe('setActiveId', () => { it('should commit mutation SET_ACTIVE_ID', (done) => { const state = { activeId: inactiveId, }; testAction( actions.setActiveId, { id: 1, sidebarType: 'something' }, state, [{ type: types.SET_ACTIVE_ID, payload: { id: 1, sidebarType: 'something' } }], [], done, ); }); }); describe('fetchLists', () => { const state = { fullPath: 'gitlab-org', boardId: '1', filterParams: {}, boardType: 'group', }; let queryResponse = { data: { group: { board: { hideBacklogList: true, lists: { nodes: [mockLists[1]], }, }, }, }, }; const formattedLists = formatBoardLists(; it('should commit mutations RECEIVE_BOARD_LISTS_SUCCESS on success', (done) => { jest.spyOn(gqlClient, 'query').mockResolvedValue(queryResponse); testAction( actions.fetchLists, {}, state, [ { type: types.RECEIVE_BOARD_LISTS_SUCCESS, payload: formattedLists, }, ], [], done, ); }); it('dispatch createList action when backlog list does not exist and is not hidden', (done) => { queryResponse = { data: { group: { board: { hideBacklogList: false, lists: { nodes: [mockLists[1]], }, }, }, }, }; jest.spyOn(gqlClient, 'query').mockResolvedValue(queryResponse); testAction( actions.fetchLists, {}, state, [ { type: types.RECEIVE_BOARD_LISTS_SUCCESS, payload: formattedLists, }, ], [{ type: 'createList', payload: { backlog: true } }], done, ); }); }); describe('createList', () => { it('should dispatch addList action when creating backlog list', (done) => { const backlogList = { id: 'gid://gitlab/List/1', listType: 'backlog', title: 'Open', position: 0, }; jest.spyOn(gqlClient, 'mutate').mockReturnValue( Promise.resolve({ data: { boardListCreate: { list: backlogList, errors: [], }, }, }), ); const state = { fullPath: 'gitlab-org', boardId: '1', boardType: 'group', disabled: false, boardLists: [{ type: 'closed' }], }; testAction( actions.createList, { backlog: true }, state, [], [{ type: 'addList', payload: backlogList }], done, ); }); it('should commit CREATE_LIST_FAILURE mutation when API returns an error', (done) => { jest.spyOn(gqlClient, 'mutate').mockReturnValue( Promise.resolve({ data: { boardListCreate: { list: {}, errors: [{ foo: 'bar' }], }, }, }), ); const state = { fullPath: 'gitlab-org', boardId: '1', boardType: 'group', disabled: false, boardLists: [{ type: 'closed' }], }; testAction( actions.createList, { backlog: true }, state, [{ type: types.CREATE_LIST_FAILURE }], [], done, ); }); }); describe('moveList', () => { it('should commit MOVE_LIST mutation and dispatch updateList action', (done) => { const initialBoardListsState = { 'gid://gitlab/List/1': mockLists[0], 'gid://gitlab/List/2': mockLists[1], }; const state = { fullPath: 'gitlab-org', boardId: '1', boardType: 'group', disabled: false, boardLists: initialBoardListsState, }; testAction( actions.moveList, { listId: 'gid://gitlab/List/1', replacedListId: 'gid://gitlab/List/2', newIndex: 1, adjustmentValue: 1, }, state, [ { type: types.MOVE_LIST, payload: { movedList: mockLists[0], listAtNewIndex: mockLists[1] }, }, ], [ { type: 'updateList', payload: { listId: 'gid://gitlab/List/1', position: 0, backupList: initialBoardListsState, }, }, ], done, ); }); it('should not commit MOVE_LIST or dispatch updateList if listId and replacedListId are the same', () => { const initialBoardListsState = { 'gid://gitlab/List/1': mockLists[0], 'gid://gitlab/List/2': mockLists[1], }; const state = { fullPath: 'gitlab-org', boardId: '1', boardType: 'group', disabled: false, boardLists: initialBoardListsState, }; testAction( actions.moveList, { listId: 'gid://gitlab/List/1', replacedListId: 'gid://gitlab/List/1', newIndex: 1, adjustmentValue: 1, }, state, [], [], ); }); }); describe('updateList', () => { it('should commit UPDATE_LIST_FAILURE mutation when API returns an error', (done) => { jest.spyOn(gqlClient, 'mutate').mockResolvedValue({ data: { updateBoardList: { list: {}, errors: [{ foo: 'bar' }], }, }, }); const state = { fullPath: 'gitlab-org', boardId: '1', boardType: 'group', disabled: false, boardLists: [{ type: 'closed' }], }; testAction( actions.updateList, { listId: 'gid://gitlab/List/1', position: 1 }, state, [{ type: types.UPDATE_LIST_FAILURE }], [], done, ); }); }); describe('removeList', () => { let state; const list = mockLists[0]; const listId =; const mutationVariables = { mutation: destroyBoardListMutation, variables: { listId, }, }; beforeEach(() => { state = { boardLists: mockListsById, }; }); afterEach(() => { state = null; }); it('optimistically deletes the list', () => { const commit = jest.fn(); actions.removeList({ commit, state }, listId); expect(commit.mock.calls).toEqual([[types.REMOVE_LIST, listId]]); }); it('keeps the updated list if remove succeeds', async () => { const commit = jest.fn(); jest.spyOn(gqlClient, 'mutate').mockResolvedValue({ data: { destroyBoardList: { errors: [], }, }, }); await actions.removeList({ commit, state }, listId); expect(gqlClient.mutate).toHaveBeenCalledWith(mutationVariables); expect(commit.mock.calls).toEqual([[types.REMOVE_LIST, listId]]); }); it('restores the list if update fails', async () => { const commit = jest.fn(); jest.spyOn(gqlClient, 'mutate').mockResolvedValue(Promise.reject()); await actions.removeList({ commit, state }, listId); expect(gqlClient.mutate).toHaveBeenCalledWith(mutationVariables); expect(commit.mock.calls).toEqual([ [types.REMOVE_LIST, listId], [types.REMOVE_LIST_FAILURE, mockListsById], ]); }); it('restores the list if update response has errors', async () => { const commit = jest.fn(); jest.spyOn(gqlClient, 'mutate').mockResolvedValue({ data: { destroyBoardList: { errors: ['update failed, ID invalid'], }, }, }); await actions.removeList({ commit, state }, listId); expect(gqlClient.mutate).toHaveBeenCalledWith(mutationVariables); expect(commit.mock.calls).toEqual([ [types.REMOVE_LIST, listId], [types.REMOVE_LIST_FAILURE, mockListsById], ]); }); }); describe('fetchIssuesForList', () => { const listId = mockLists[0].id; const state = { fullPath: 'gitlab-org', boardId: '1', filterParams: {}, boardType: 'group', }; const mockIssuesNodes = => ({ node: issue })); const pageInfo = { endCursor: '', hasNextPage: false, }; const queryResponse = { data: { group: { board: { lists: { nodes: [ { id: listId, issues: { edges: mockIssuesNodes, pageInfo, }, }, ], }, }, }, }, }; const formattedIssues = formatListIssues(; const listPageInfo = { [listId]: pageInfo, }; it('should commit mutations REQUEST_ISSUES_FOR_LIST and RECEIVE_ISSUES_FOR_LIST_SUCCESS on success', (done) => { jest.spyOn(gqlClient, 'query').mockResolvedValue(queryResponse); testAction( actions.fetchIssuesForList, { listId }, state, [ { type: types.REQUEST_ISSUES_FOR_LIST, payload: { listId, fetchNext: false }, }, { type: types.RECEIVE_ISSUES_FOR_LIST_SUCCESS, payload: { listIssues: formattedIssues, listPageInfo, listId }, }, ], [], done, ); }); it('should commit mutations REQUEST_ISSUES_FOR_LIST and RECEIVE_ISSUES_FOR_LIST_FAILURE on failure', (done) => { jest.spyOn(gqlClient, 'query').mockResolvedValue(Promise.reject()); testAction( actions.fetchIssuesForList, { listId }, state, [ { type: types.REQUEST_ISSUES_FOR_LIST, payload: { listId, fetchNext: false }, }, { type: types.RECEIVE_ISSUES_FOR_LIST_FAILURE, payload: listId }, ], [], done, ); }); }); describe('resetIssues', () => { it('commits RESET_ISSUES mutation', () => { return testAction(actions.resetIssues, {}, {}, [{ type: types.RESET_ISSUES }], []); }); }); describe('moveIssue', () => { const listIssues = { 'gid://gitlab/List/1': [436, 437], 'gid://gitlab/List/2': [], }; const issues = { 436: mockIssue, 437: mockIssue2, }; const state = { fullPath: 'gitlab-org', boardId: '1', boardType: 'group', disabled: false, boardLists: mockLists, issuesByListId: listIssues, issues, }; it('should commit MOVE_ISSUE mutation and MOVE_ISSUE_SUCCESS mutation when successful', (done) => { jest.spyOn(gqlClient, 'mutate').mockResolvedValue({ data: { issueMoveList: { issue: rawIssue, errors: [], }, }, }); testAction( actions.moveIssue, { issueId: '436', issueIid: mockIssue.iid, issuePath: mockIssue.referencePath, fromListId: 'gid://gitlab/List/1', toListId: 'gid://gitlab/List/2', }, state, [ { type: types.MOVE_ISSUE, payload: { originalIssue: mockIssue, fromListId: 'gid://gitlab/List/1', toListId: 'gid://gitlab/List/2', }, }, { type: types.MOVE_ISSUE_SUCCESS, payload: { issue: rawIssue }, }, ], [], done, ); }); it('calls mutate with the correct variables', () => { const mutationVariables = { mutation: issueMoveListMutation, variables: { projectPath: getProjectPath(mockIssue.referencePath), boardId: fullBoardId(state.boardId), iid: mockIssue.iid, fromListId: 1, toListId: 2, moveBeforeId: undefined, moveAfterId: undefined, }, }; jest.spyOn(gqlClient, 'mutate').mockResolvedValue({ data: { issueMoveList: { issue: rawIssue, errors: [], }, }, }); actions.moveIssue( { state, commit: () => {} }, { issueId:, issueIid: mockIssue.iid, issuePath: mockIssue.referencePath, fromListId: 'gid://gitlab/List/1', toListId: 'gid://gitlab/List/2', }, ); expect(gqlClient.mutate).toHaveBeenCalledWith(mutationVariables); }); it('should commit MOVE_ISSUE mutation and MOVE_ISSUE_FAILURE mutation when unsuccessful', (done) => { jest.spyOn(gqlClient, 'mutate').mockResolvedValue({ data: { issueMoveList: { issue: {}, errors: [{ foo: 'bar' }], }, }, }); testAction( actions.moveIssue, { issueId: '436', issueIid: mockIssue.iid, issuePath: mockIssue.referencePath, fromListId: 'gid://gitlab/List/1', toListId: 'gid://gitlab/List/2', }, state, [ { type: types.MOVE_ISSUE, payload: { originalIssue: mockIssue, fromListId: 'gid://gitlab/List/1', toListId: 'gid://gitlab/List/2', }, }, { type: types.MOVE_ISSUE_FAILURE, payload: { originalIssue: mockIssue, fromListId: 'gid://gitlab/List/1', toListId: 'gid://gitlab/List/2', originalIndex: 0, }, }, ], [], done, ); }); }); describe('setAssignees', () => { const node = { username: 'name' }; const name = 'username'; const projectPath = 'h/h'; const refPath = `${projectPath}#3`; const iid = '1'; describe('when succeeds', () => { beforeEach(() => { jest.spyOn(gqlClient, 'mutate').mockResolvedValue({ data: { issueSetAssignees: { issue: { assignees: { nodes: [{ ...node }] } } } }, }); }); it('calls mutate with the correct values', async () => { await actions.setAssignees( { commit: () => {}, getters: { activeIssue: { iid, referencePath: refPath } } }, [name], ); expect(gqlClient.mutate).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ mutation: updateAssignees, variables: { iid, assigneeUsernames: [name], projectPath }, }); }); it('calls the correct mutation with the correct values', (done) => { testAction( actions.setAssignees, {}, { activeIssue: { iid, referencePath: refPath }, commit: () => {} }, [ { type: types.SET_ASSIGNEE_LOADING, payload: true }, { type: 'UPDATE_ISSUE_BY_ID', payload: { prop: 'assignees', issueId: undefined, value: [node] }, }, { type: types.SET_ASSIGNEE_LOADING, payload: false }, ], [], done, ); }); }); describe('when fails', () => { beforeEach(() => { jest.spyOn(gqlClient, 'mutate').mockRejectedValue(); }); it('calls createFlash', async () => { await actions.setAssignees({ commit: () => {}, getters: { activeIssue: { iid, referencePath: refPath } }, }); expect(createFlash).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ message: 'An error occurred while updating assignees.', }); }); }); }); describe('createNewIssue', () => { const state = { boardType: 'group', fullPath: 'gitlab-org/gitlab', boardConfig: { labelIds: [], assigneeId: null, milestoneId: -1, }, }; const stateWithBoardConfig = { boardConfig: { labels: [ { id: 5, title: 'Test', color: '#ff0000', description: 'testing;', textColor: 'white', }, ], assigneeId: 2, milestoneId: 3, }, }; it('should return issue from API on success', async () => { jest.spyOn(gqlClient, 'mutate').mockResolvedValue({ data: { createIssue: { issue: mockIssue, errors: [], }, }, }); const result = await actions.createNewIssue({ state }, mockIssue); expect(result).toEqual(mockIssue); }); it('should add board scope to the issue being created', async () => { jest.spyOn(gqlClient, 'mutate').mockResolvedValue({ data: { createIssue: { issue: mockIssue, errors: [], }, }, }); await actions.createNewIssue({ state: stateWithBoardConfig }, mockIssue); expect(gqlClient.mutate).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ mutation: issueCreateMutation, variables: { input: formatIssueInput(mockIssue, stateWithBoardConfig.boardConfig), }, }); }); it('should add board scope by merging attributes to the issue being created', async () => { const issue = { ...mockIssue, assigneeIds: ['gid://gitlab/User/1'], labelIds: ['gid://gitlab/GroupLabel/4'], }; jest.spyOn(gqlClient, 'mutate').mockResolvedValue({ data: { createIssue: { issue, errors: [], }, }, }); const payload = formatIssueInput(issue, stateWithBoardConfig.boardConfig); await actions.createNewIssue({ state: stateWithBoardConfig }, issue); expect(gqlClient.mutate).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ mutation: issueCreateMutation, variables: { input: formatIssueInput(issue, stateWithBoardConfig.boardConfig), }, }); expect(payload.labelIds).toEqual(['gid://gitlab/GroupLabel/4', 'gid://gitlab/GroupLabel/5']); expect(payload.assigneeIds).toEqual(['gid://gitlab/User/1', 'gid://gitlab/User/2']); }); it('should commit CREATE_ISSUE_FAILURE mutation when API returns an error', (done) => { jest.spyOn(gqlClient, 'mutate').mockResolvedValue({ data: { createIssue: { issue: mockIssue, errors: [{ foo: 'bar' }], }, }, }); const payload = mockIssue; testAction( actions.createNewIssue, payload, state, [{ type: types.CREATE_ISSUE_FAILURE }], [], done, ); }); }); describe('addListIssue', () => { it('should commit ADD_ISSUE_TO_LIST mutation', (done) => { const payload = { list: mockLists[0], issue: mockIssue, position: 0, }; testAction( actions.addListIssue, payload, {}, [{ type: types.ADD_ISSUE_TO_LIST, payload }], [], done, ); }); }); describe('setActiveIssueLabels', () => { const state = { issues: { []: mockIssue } }; const getters = { activeIssue: mockIssue }; const testLabelIds = =>; const input = { addLabelIds: testLabelIds, removeLabelIds: [], projectPath: 'h/b', }; it('should assign labels on success', (done) => { jest .spyOn(gqlClient, 'mutate') .mockResolvedValue({ data: { updateIssue: { issue: { labels: { nodes: labels } } } } }); const payload = { issueId:, prop: 'labels', value: labels, }; testAction( actions.setActiveIssueLabels, input, { ...state, ...getters }, [ { type: types.UPDATE_ISSUE_BY_ID, payload, }, ], [], done, ); }); it('throws error if fails', async () => { jest .spyOn(gqlClient, 'mutate') .mockResolvedValue({ data: { updateIssue: { errors: ['failed mutation'] } } }); await expect(actions.setActiveIssueLabels({ getters }, input)).rejects.toThrow(Error); }); }); describe('setActiveIssueDueDate', () => { const state = { issues: { []: mockIssue } }; const getters = { activeIssue: mockIssue }; const testDueDate = '2020-02-20'; const input = { dueDate: testDueDate, projectPath: 'h/b', }; it('should commit due date after setting the issue', (done) => { jest.spyOn(gqlClient, 'mutate').mockResolvedValue({ data: { updateIssue: { issue: { dueDate: testDueDate, }, errors: [], }, }, }); const payload = { issueId:, prop: 'dueDate', value: testDueDate, }; testAction( actions.setActiveIssueDueDate, input, { ...state, ...getters }, [ { type: types.UPDATE_ISSUE_BY_ID, payload, }, ], [], done, ); }); it('throws error if fails', async () => { jest .spyOn(gqlClient, 'mutate') .mockResolvedValue({ data: { updateIssue: { errors: ['failed mutation'] } } }); await expect(actions.setActiveIssueDueDate({ getters }, input)).rejects.toThrow(Error); }); }); describe('setActiveIssueSubscribed', () => { const state = { issues: { []: mockActiveIssue } }; const getters = { activeIssue: mockActiveIssue }; const subscribedState = true; const input = { subscribedState, projectPath: 'gitlab-org/gitlab-test', }; it('should commit subscribed status', (done) => { jest.spyOn(gqlClient, 'mutate').mockResolvedValue({ data: { issueSetSubscription: { issue: { subscribed: subscribedState, }, errors: [], }, }, }); const payload = { issueId:, prop: 'subscribed', value: subscribedState, }; testAction( actions.setActiveIssueSubscribed, input, { ...state, ...getters }, [ { type: types.UPDATE_ISSUE_BY_ID, payload, }, ], [], done, ); }); it('throws error if fails', async () => { jest .spyOn(gqlClient, 'mutate') .mockResolvedValue({ data: { issueSetSubscription: { errors: ['failed mutation'] } } }); await expect(actions.setActiveIssueSubscribed({ getters }, input)).rejects.toThrow(Error); }); }); describe('setActiveIssueMilestone', () => { const state = { issues: { []: mockIssue } }; const getters = { activeIssue: mockIssue }; const testMilestone = { ...mockMilestone, id: 'gid://gitlab/Milestone/1', }; const input = { milestoneId:, projectPath: 'h/b', }; it('should commit milestone after setting the issue', (done) => { jest.spyOn(gqlClient, 'mutate').mockResolvedValue({ data: { updateIssue: { issue: { milestone: testMilestone, }, errors: [], }, }, }); const payload = { issueId:, prop: 'milestone', value: testMilestone, }; testAction( actions.setActiveIssueMilestone, input, { ...state, ...getters }, [ { type: types.UPDATE_ISSUE_BY_ID, payload, }, ], [], done, ); }); it('throws error if fails', async () => { jest .spyOn(gqlClient, 'mutate') .mockResolvedValue({ data: { updateIssue: { errors: ['failed mutation'] } } }); await expect(actions.setActiveIssueMilestone({ getters }, input)).rejects.toThrow(Error); }); }); describe('setActiveIssueTitle', () => { const state = { issues: { []: mockIssue } }; const getters = { activeIssue: mockIssue }; const testTitle = 'Test Title'; const input = { title: testTitle, projectPath: 'h/b', }; it('should commit title after setting the issue', (done) => { jest.spyOn(gqlClient, 'mutate').mockResolvedValue({ data: { updateIssue: { issue: { title: testTitle, }, errors: [], }, }, }); const payload = { issueId:, prop: 'title', value: testTitle, }; testAction( actions.setActiveIssueTitle, input, { ...state, ...getters }, [ { type: types.UPDATE_ISSUE_BY_ID, payload, }, ], [], done, ); }); it('throws error if fails', async () => { jest .spyOn(gqlClient, 'mutate') .mockResolvedValue({ data: { updateIssue: { errors: ['failed mutation'] } } }); await expect(actions.setActiveIssueTitle({ getters }, input)).rejects.toThrow(Error); }); }); describe('fetchGroupProjects', () => { const state = { fullPath: 'gitlab-org', }; const pageInfo = { endCursor: '', hasNextPage: false, }; const queryResponse = { data: { group: { projects: { nodes: mockGroupProjects, pageInfo: { endCursor: '', hasNextPage: false, }, }, }, }, }; it('should commit mutations REQUEST_GROUP_PROJECTS and RECEIVE_GROUP_PROJECTS_SUCCESS on success', (done) => { jest.spyOn(gqlClient, 'query').mockResolvedValue(queryResponse); testAction( actions.fetchGroupProjects, {}, state, [ { type: types.REQUEST_GROUP_PROJECTS, payload: false, }, { type: types.RECEIVE_GROUP_PROJECTS_SUCCESS, payload: { projects: mockGroupProjects, pageInfo, fetchNext: false }, }, ], [], done, ); }); it('should commit mutations REQUEST_GROUP_PROJECTS and RECEIVE_GROUP_PROJECTS_FAILURE on failure', (done) => { jest.spyOn(gqlClient, 'query').mockRejectedValue(); testAction( actions.fetchGroupProjects, {}, state, [ { type: types.REQUEST_GROUP_PROJECTS, payload: false, }, { type: types.RECEIVE_GROUP_PROJECTS_FAILURE, }, ], [], done, ); }); }); describe('setSelectedProject', () => { it('should commit mutation SET_SELECTED_PROJECT', (done) => { const project = mockGroupProjects[0]; testAction( actions.setSelectedProject, project, {}, [ { type: types.SET_SELECTED_PROJECT, payload: project, }, ], [], done, ); }); }); describe('fetchBacklog', () => { expectNotImplemented(actions.fetchBacklog); }); describe('bulkUpdateIssues', () => { expectNotImplemented(actions.bulkUpdateIssues); }); describe('fetchIssue', () => { expectNotImplemented(actions.fetchIssue); }); describe('toggleIssueSubscription', () => { expectNotImplemented(actions.toggleIssueSubscription); }); describe('showPage', () => { expectNotImplemented(actions.showPage); }); describe('toggleEmptyState', () => { expectNotImplemented(actions.toggleEmptyState); });