# frozen_string_literal: true module Gitlab module GithubImport def self.refmap [:heads, :tags, '+refs/pull/*/head:refs/merge-requests/*/head'] end def self.new_client_for(project, token: nil, host: nil, parallel: true) token_to_use = token || project.import_data&.credentials&.fetch(:user) Client.new( token_to_use, host: host.presence || self.formatted_import_url(project), parallel: parallel ) end # Returns the ID of the ghost user. def self.ghost_user_id key = 'github-import/ghost-user-id' Gitlab::Cache::Import::Caching.read_integer(key) || Gitlab::Cache::Import::Caching.write(key, User.select(:id).ghost.id) end # Get formatted GitHub import URL. If github.com is in the import URL, this will return nil and octokit will use the default github.com API URL def self.formatted_import_url(project) url = URI.parse(project.import_url) unless url.host == 'github.com' url.user = nil url.password = nil url.path = "/api/v3" url.to_s end end end end