# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe API::FeatureFlags do include FeatureFlagHelpers let_it_be(:project) { create(:project) } let_it_be(:developer) { create(:user) } let_it_be(:reporter) { create(:user) } let_it_be(:non_project_member) { create(:user) } let(:user) { developer } before_all do project.add_developer(developer) project.add_reporter(reporter) end shared_examples_for 'check user permission' do context 'when user is reporter' do let(:user) { reporter } it 'forbids the request' do subject expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:forbidden) end end end shared_examples_for 'not found' do it 'returns Not Found' do subject expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:not_found) end end describe 'GET /projects/:id/feature_flags' do subject { get api("/projects/#{project.id}/feature_flags", user) } context 'when there are two feature flags' do let!(:feature_flag_1) do create(:operations_feature_flag, project: project) end let!(:feature_flag_2) do create(:operations_feature_flag, project: project) end it 'returns feature flags ordered by name' do subject expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(response).to match_response_schema('public_api/v4/feature_flags') expect(json_response.count).to eq(2) expect(json_response.first['name']).to eq(feature_flag_1.name) expect(json_response.second['name']).to eq(feature_flag_2.name) end it 'returns the legacy flag version' do subject expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(response).to match_response_schema('public_api/v4/feature_flags') expect(json_response.map { |f| f['version'] }).to eq(%w[legacy_flag legacy_flag]) end it 'does not return the legacy flag version when the feature flag is disabled' do stub_feature_flags(feature_flags_new_version: false) subject expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(response).to match_response_schema('public_api/v4/feature_flags') expect(json_response.select { |f| f.key?('version') }).to eq([]) end it 'does not return strategies if the new flag is disabled' do stub_feature_flags(feature_flags_new_version: false) subject expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(response).to match_response_schema('public_api/v4/feature_flags') expect(json_response.select { |f| f.key?('strategies') }).to eq([]) end it 'does not have N+1 problem' do control_count = ActiveRecord::QueryRecorder.new { subject } create_list(:operations_feature_flag, 3, project: project) expect { get api("/projects/#{project.id}/feature_flags", user) } .not_to exceed_query_limit(control_count) end it_behaves_like 'check user permission' end context 'with version 2 feature flags' do let!(:feature_flag) do create(:operations_feature_flag, :new_version_flag, project: project, name: 'feature1') end let!(:strategy) do create(:operations_strategy, feature_flag: feature_flag, name: 'default', parameters: {}) end let!(:scope) do create(:operations_scope, strategy: strategy, environment_scope: 'production') end it 'returns the feature flags' do subject expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(response).to match_response_schema('public_api/v4/feature_flags') expect(json_response).to eq([{ 'name' => 'feature1', 'description' => nil, 'active' => true, 'version' => 'new_version_flag', 'updated_at' => feature_flag.updated_at.as_json, 'created_at' => feature_flag.created_at.as_json, 'scopes' => [], 'strategies' => [{ 'id' => strategy.id, 'name' => 'default', 'parameters' => {}, 'scopes' => [{ 'id' => scope.id, 'environment_scope' => 'production' }] }] }]) end it 'does not return a version 2 flag when the feature flag is disabled' do stub_feature_flags(feature_flags_new_version: false) subject expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(response).to match_response_schema('public_api/v4/feature_flags') expect(json_response).to eq([]) end end context 'with version 1 and 2 feature flags' do it 'returns both versions of flags ordered by name' do create(:operations_feature_flag, project: project, name: 'legacy_flag') feature_flag = create(:operations_feature_flag, :new_version_flag, project: project, name: 'new_version_flag') strategy = create(:operations_strategy, feature_flag: feature_flag, name: 'default', parameters: {}) create(:operations_scope, strategy: strategy, environment_scope: 'production') subject expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(response).to match_response_schema('public_api/v4/feature_flags') expect(json_response.map { |f| f['name'] }).to eq(%w[legacy_flag new_version_flag]) end it 'returns only version 1 flags when the feature flag is disabled' do stub_feature_flags(feature_flags_new_version: false) create(:operations_feature_flag, project: project, name: 'legacy_flag') feature_flag = create(:operations_feature_flag, :new_version_flag, project: project, name: 'new_version_flag') strategy = create(:operations_strategy, feature_flag: feature_flag, name: 'default', parameters: {}) create(:operations_scope, strategy: strategy, environment_scope: 'production') subject expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(response).to match_response_schema('public_api/v4/feature_flags') expect(json_response.map { |f| f['name'] }).to eq(['legacy_flag']) end end end describe 'GET /projects/:id/feature_flags/:name' do subject { get api("/projects/#{project.id}/feature_flags/#{feature_flag.name}", user) } context 'when there is a feature flag' do let!(:feature_flag) { create_flag(project, 'awesome-feature') } it 'returns a feature flag entry' do subject expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(response).to match_response_schema('public_api/v4/feature_flag') expect(json_response['name']).to eq(feature_flag.name) expect(json_response['description']).to eq(feature_flag.description) expect(json_response['version']).to eq('legacy_flag') end it_behaves_like 'check user permission' end context 'with a version 2 feature_flag' do it 'returns the feature flag' do feature_flag = create(:operations_feature_flag, :new_version_flag, project: project, name: 'feature1') strategy = create(:operations_strategy, feature_flag: feature_flag, name: 'default', parameters: {}) scope = create(:operations_scope, strategy: strategy, environment_scope: 'production') get api("/projects/#{project.id}/feature_flags/feature1", user) expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(response).to match_response_schema('public_api/v4/feature_flag') expect(json_response).to eq({ 'name' => 'feature1', 'description' => nil, 'active' => true, 'version' => 'new_version_flag', 'updated_at' => feature_flag.updated_at.as_json, 'created_at' => feature_flag.created_at.as_json, 'scopes' => [], 'strategies' => [{ 'id' => strategy.id, 'name' => 'default', 'parameters' => {}, 'scopes' => [{ 'id' => scope.id, 'environment_scope' => 'production' }] }] }) end it 'returns a 404 when the feature is disabled' do stub_feature_flags(feature_flags_new_version: false) feature_flag = create(:operations_feature_flag, :new_version_flag, project: project, name: 'feature1') strategy = create(:operations_strategy, feature_flag: feature_flag, name: 'default', parameters: {}) create(:operations_scope, strategy: strategy, environment_scope: 'production') get api("/projects/#{project.id}/feature_flags/feature1", user) expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:not_found) expect(json_response).to eq({ 'message' => '404 Not found' }) end end end describe 'POST /projects/:id/feature_flags' do def scope_default { environment_scope: '*', active: false, strategies: [{ name: 'default', parameters: {} }].to_json } end subject do post api("/projects/#{project.id}/feature_flags", user), params: params end let(:params) do { name: 'awesome-feature', scopes: [scope_default] } end it 'creates a new feature flag' do subject expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:created) expect(response).to match_response_schema('public_api/v4/feature_flag') feature_flag = project.operations_feature_flags.last expect(feature_flag.name).to eq(params[:name]) expect(feature_flag.description).to eq(params[:description]) end it 'defaults to a version 1 (legacy) feature flag' do subject expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:created) expect(response).to match_response_schema('public_api/v4/feature_flag') feature_flag = project.operations_feature_flags.last expect(feature_flag.version).to eq('legacy_flag') end it_behaves_like 'check user permission' it 'returns version' do subject expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:created) expect(response).to match_response_schema('public_api/v4/feature_flag') expect(json_response['version']).to eq('legacy_flag') end it 'does not return version when new version flags are disabled' do stub_feature_flags(feature_flags_new_version: false) subject expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:created) expect(response).to match_response_schema('public_api/v4/feature_flag') expect(json_response.key?('version')).to eq(false) end context 'with active set to false in the params for a legacy flag' do let(:params) do { name: 'awesome-feature', version: 'legacy_flag', active: 'false', scopes: [scope_default] } end it 'creates an inactive feature flag' do subject expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:created) expect(response).to match_response_schema('public_api/v4/feature_flag') expect(json_response['active']).to eq(false) end end context 'when no scopes passed in parameters' do let(:params) { { name: 'awesome-feature' } } it 'creates a new feature flag with active default scope' do subject expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:created) feature_flag = project.operations_feature_flags.last expect(feature_flag.default_scope).to be_active end end context 'when there is a feature flag with the same name already' do before do create_flag(project, 'awesome-feature') end it 'fails to create a new feature flag' do subject expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:bad_request) end end context 'when create a feature flag with two scopes' do let(:params) do { name: 'awesome-feature', description: 'this is awesome', scopes: [ scope_default, scope_with_user_with_id ] } end let(:scope_with_user_with_id) do { environment_scope: 'production', active: true, strategies: [{ name: 'userWithId', parameters: { userIds: 'user:1' } }].to_json } end it 'creates a new feature flag with two scopes' do subject expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:created) feature_flag = project.operations_feature_flags.last feature_flag.scopes.ordered.each_with_index do |scope, index| expect(scope.environment_scope).to eq(params[:scopes][index][:environment_scope]) expect(scope.active).to eq(params[:scopes][index][:active]) expect(scope.strategies).to eq(Gitlab::Json.parse(params[:scopes][index][:strategies])) end end end context 'when creating a version 2 feature flag' do it 'creates a new feature flag' do params = { name: 'new-feature', version: 'new_version_flag' } post api("/projects/#{project.id}/feature_flags", user), params: params expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:created) expect(response).to match_response_schema('public_api/v4/feature_flag') expect(json_response).to match(hash_including({ 'name' => 'new-feature', 'description' => nil, 'active' => true, 'version' => 'new_version_flag', 'scopes' => [], 'strategies' => [] })) feature_flag = project.operations_feature_flags.last expect(feature_flag.name).to eq(params[:name]) expect(feature_flag.version).to eq('new_version_flag') end it 'creates a new feature flag that is inactive' do params = { name: 'new-feature', version: 'new_version_flag', active: false } post api("/projects/#{project.id}/feature_flags", user), params: params expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:created) expect(response).to match_response_schema('public_api/v4/feature_flag') expect(json_response['active']).to eq(false) feature_flag = project.operations_feature_flags.last expect(feature_flag.active).to eq(false) end it 'creates a new feature flag with strategies' do params = { name: 'new-feature', version: 'new_version_flag', strategies: [{ name: 'userWithId', parameters: { 'userIds': 'user1' } }] } post api("/projects/#{project.id}/feature_flags", user), params: params expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:created) expect(response).to match_response_schema('public_api/v4/feature_flag') feature_flag = project.operations_feature_flags.last expect(feature_flag.name).to eq(params[:name]) expect(feature_flag.version).to eq('new_version_flag') expect(feature_flag.strategies.map { |s| s.slice(:name, :parameters).deep_symbolize_keys }).to eq([{ name: 'userWithId', parameters: { userIds: 'user1' } }]) end it 'creates a new feature flag with gradual rollout strategy with scopes' do params = { name: 'new-feature', version: 'new_version_flag', strategies: [{ name: 'gradualRolloutUserId', parameters: { groupId: 'default', percentage: '50' }, scopes: [{ environment_scope: 'staging' }] }] } post api("/projects/#{project.id}/feature_flags", user), params: params expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:created) expect(response).to match_response_schema('public_api/v4/feature_flag') feature_flag = project.operations_feature_flags.last expect(feature_flag.name).to eq(params[:name]) expect(feature_flag.version).to eq('new_version_flag') expect(feature_flag.strategies.map { |s| s.slice(:name, :parameters).deep_symbolize_keys }).to eq([{ name: 'gradualRolloutUserId', parameters: { groupId: 'default', percentage: '50' } }]) expect(feature_flag.strategies.first.scopes.map { |s| s.slice(:environment_scope).deep_symbolize_keys }).to eq([{ environment_scope: 'staging' }]) end it 'creates a new feature flag with flexible rollout strategy with scopes' do params = { name: 'new-feature', version: 'new_version_flag', strategies: [{ name: 'flexibleRollout', parameters: { groupId: 'default', rollout: '50', stickiness: 'DEFAULT' }, scopes: [{ environment_scope: 'staging' }] }] } post api("/projects/#{project.id}/feature_flags", user), params: params expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:created) expect(response).to match_response_schema('public_api/v4/feature_flag') feature_flag = project.operations_feature_flags.last expect(feature_flag.name).to eq(params[:name]) expect(feature_flag.version).to eq('new_version_flag') expect(feature_flag.strategies.map { |s| s.slice(:name, :parameters).deep_symbolize_keys }).to eq([{ name: 'flexibleRollout', parameters: { groupId: 'default', rollout: '50', stickiness: 'DEFAULT' } }]) expect(feature_flag.strategies.first.scopes.map { |s| s.slice(:environment_scope).deep_symbolize_keys }).to eq([{ environment_scope: 'staging' }]) end it 'returns a 422 when the feature flag is disabled' do stub_feature_flags(feature_flags_new_version: false) params = { name: 'new-feature', version: 'new_version_flag' } post api("/projects/#{project.id}/feature_flags", user), params: params expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:unprocessable_entity) expect(json_response).to eq({ 'message' => 'Version 2 flags are not enabled for this project' }) expect(project.operations_feature_flags.count).to eq(0) end end context 'when given invalid parameters' do it 'responds with a 400 when given an invalid version' do params = { name: 'new-feature', version: 'bad_value' } post api("/projects/#{project.id}/feature_flags", user), params: params expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:bad_request) expect(json_response).to eq({ 'message' => 'Version is invalid' }) end end end describe 'POST /projects/:id/feature_flags/:name/enable' do subject do post api("/projects/#{project.id}/feature_flags/#{params[:name]}/enable", user), params: params end let(:params) do { name: 'awesome-feature', environment_scope: 'production', strategy: { name: 'userWithId', parameters: { userIds: 'Project:1' } }.to_json } end context 'when feature flag does not exist yet' do it 'creates a new feature flag with the specified scope and strategy' do subject feature_flag = project.operations_feature_flags.last scope = feature_flag.scopes.find_by_environment_scope(params[:environment_scope]) expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(response).to match_response_schema('public_api/v4/feature_flag') expect(feature_flag.name).to eq(params[:name]) expect(scope.strategies).to eq([Gitlab::Json.parse(params[:strategy])]) expect(feature_flag.version).to eq('legacy_flag') end it 'returns the flag version and strategies in the json response' do subject expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(response).to match_response_schema('public_api/v4/feature_flag') expect(json_response.slice('version', 'strategies')).to eq({ 'version' => 'legacy_flag', 'strategies' => [] }) end it_behaves_like 'check user permission' end context 'when feature flag exists already' do let!(:feature_flag) { create_flag(project, params[:name]) } context 'when feature flag scope does not exist yet' do it 'creates a new scope with the specified strategy' do subject scope = feature_flag.scopes.find_by_environment_scope(params[:environment_scope]) expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(scope.strategies).to eq([Gitlab::Json.parse(params[:strategy])]) end it_behaves_like 'check user permission' end context 'when feature flag scope exists already' do let(:defined_strategy) { { name: 'userWithId', parameters: { userIds: 'Project:2' } } } before do create_scope(feature_flag, params[:environment_scope], true, [defined_strategy]) end it 'adds an additional strategy to the scope' do subject scope = feature_flag.scopes.find_by_environment_scope(params[:environment_scope]) expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(scope.strategies).to eq([defined_strategy.deep_stringify_keys, Gitlab::Json.parse(params[:strategy])]) end context 'when the specified strategy exists already' do let(:defined_strategy) { Gitlab::Json.parse(params[:strategy]) } it 'does not add a duplicate strategy' do subject scope = feature_flag.scopes.find_by_environment_scope(params[:environment_scope]) strategy_count = scope.strategies.count { |strategy| strategy['name'] == 'userWithId' } expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(strategy_count).to eq(1) end end end end context 'with a version 2 flag' do let!(:feature_flag) { create(:operations_feature_flag, :new_version_flag, project: project, name: params[:name]) } it 'does not change the flag and returns an unprocessable_entity response' do subject expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:unprocessable_entity) expect(json_response).to eq({ 'message' => 'Version 2 flags not supported' }) feature_flag.reload expect(feature_flag.scopes).to eq([]) expect(feature_flag.strategies).to eq([]) end end end describe 'POST /projects/:id/feature_flags/:name/disable' do subject do post api("/projects/#{project.id}/feature_flags/#{params[:name]}/disable", user), params: params end let(:params) do { name: 'awesome-feature', environment_scope: 'production', strategy: { name: 'userWithId', parameters: { userIds: 'Project:1' } }.to_json } end context 'when feature flag does not exist yet' do it_behaves_like 'not found' end context 'when feature flag exists already' do let!(:feature_flag) { create_flag(project, params[:name]) } context 'when feature flag scope does not exist yet' do it_behaves_like 'not found' end context 'when feature flag scope exists already and has the specified strategy' do let(:defined_strategies) do [ { name: 'userWithId', parameters: { userIds: 'Project:1' } }, { name: 'userWithId', parameters: { userIds: 'Project:2' } } ] end before do create_scope(feature_flag, params[:environment_scope], true, defined_strategies) end it 'removes the strategy from the scope' do subject scope = feature_flag.scopes.find_by_environment_scope(params[:environment_scope]) expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(response).to match_response_schema('public_api/v4/feature_flag') expect(scope.strategies) .to eq([{ name: 'userWithId', parameters: { userIds: 'Project:2' } }.deep_stringify_keys]) end it 'returns the flag version and strategies in the json response' do subject expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(response).to match_response_schema('public_api/v4/feature_flag') expect(json_response.slice('version', 'strategies')).to eq({ 'version' => 'legacy_flag', 'strategies' => [] }) end it_behaves_like 'check user permission' context 'when strategies become empty array after the removal' do let(:defined_strategies) do [{ name: 'userWithId', parameters: { userIds: 'Project:1' } }] end it 'destroys the scope' do subject scope = feature_flag.scopes.find_by_environment_scope(params[:environment_scope]) expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(scope).to be_nil end it_behaves_like 'check user permission' end end context 'when scope exists already but cannot find the corresponding strategy' do let(:defined_strategy) { { name: 'userWithId', parameters: { userIds: 'Project:2' } } } before do create_scope(feature_flag, params[:environment_scope], true, [defined_strategy]) end it_behaves_like 'not found' end end context 'with a version 2 feature flag' do let!(:feature_flag) { create(:operations_feature_flag, :new_version_flag, project: project, name: params[:name]) } it 'does not change the flag and returns an unprocessable_entity response' do subject expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:unprocessable_entity) expect(json_response).to eq({ 'message' => 'Version 2 flags not supported' }) feature_flag.reload expect(feature_flag.scopes).to eq([]) expect(feature_flag.strategies).to eq([]) end end end describe 'PUT /projects/:id/feature_flags/:name' do context 'with a legacy feature flag' do let!(:feature_flag) do create(:operations_feature_flag, :legacy_flag, project: project, name: 'feature1', description: 'old description') end it 'returns a 404 if the feature is disabled' do stub_feature_flags(feature_flags_new_version: false) params = { description: 'new description' } put api("/projects/#{project.id}/feature_flags/feature1", user), params: params expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:not_found) expect(feature_flag.reload.description).to eq('old description') end it 'returns a 422' do params = { description: 'new description' } put api("/projects/#{project.id}/feature_flags/feature1", user), params: params expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:unprocessable_entity) expect(json_response).to eq({ 'message' => 'PUT operations are not supported for legacy feature flags' }) expect(feature_flag.reload.description).to eq('old description') end end context 'with a version 2 feature flag' do let!(:feature_flag) do create(:operations_feature_flag, :new_version_flag, project: project, active: true, name: 'feature1', description: 'old description') end it 'returns a 404 if the feature is disabled' do stub_feature_flags(feature_flags_new_version: false) params = { description: 'new description' } put api("/projects/#{project.id}/feature_flags/feature1", user), params: params expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:not_found) expect(feature_flag.reload.description).to eq('old description') end it 'returns a 404 if the feature flag does not exist' do params = { description: 'new description' } put api("/projects/#{project.id}/feature_flags/other_flag_name", user), params: params expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:not_found) expect(feature_flag.reload.description).to eq('old description') end it 'forbids a request for a reporter' do params = { description: 'new description' } put api("/projects/#{project.id}/feature_flags/feature1", reporter), params: params expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:forbidden) expect(feature_flag.reload.description).to eq('old description') end it 'returns an error for an invalid update of gradual rollout' do strategy = create(:operations_strategy, feature_flag: feature_flag, name: 'default', parameters: {}) params = { strategies: [{ id: strategy.id, name: 'gradualRolloutUserId', parameters: { bad: 'params' } }] } put api("/projects/#{project.id}/feature_flags/feature1", user), params: params expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:bad_request) expect(json_response['message']).not_to be_nil result = feature_flag.reload.strategies.map { |s| s.slice(:id, :name, :parameters).deep_symbolize_keys } expect(result).to eq([{ id: strategy.id, name: 'default', parameters: {} }]) end it 'returns an error for an invalid update of flexible rollout' do strategy = create(:operations_strategy, feature_flag: feature_flag, name: 'default', parameters: {}) params = { strategies: [{ id: strategy.id, name: 'flexibleRollout', parameters: { bad: 'params' } }] } put api("/projects/#{project.id}/feature_flags/feature1", user), params: params expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:bad_request) expect(json_response['message']).not_to be_nil result = feature_flag.reload.strategies.map { |s| s.slice(:id, :name, :parameters).deep_symbolize_keys } expect(result).to eq([{ id: strategy.id, name: 'default', parameters: {} }]) end it 'updates the feature flag' do params = { description: 'new description' } put api("/projects/#{project.id}/feature_flags/feature1", user), params: params expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(response).to match_response_schema('public_api/v4/feature_flag') expect(feature_flag.reload.description).to eq('new description') end it 'updates the flag active value' do params = { active: false } put api("/projects/#{project.id}/feature_flags/feature1", user), params: params expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(response).to match_response_schema('public_api/v4/feature_flag') expect(json_response['active']).to eq(false) expect(feature_flag.reload.active).to eq(false) end it 'updates the feature flag name' do params = { name: 'new-name' } put api("/projects/#{project.id}/feature_flags/feature1", user), params: params expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(response).to match_response_schema('public_api/v4/feature_flag') expect(json_response['name']).to eq('new-name') expect(feature_flag.reload.name).to eq('new-name') end it 'ignores a provided version parameter' do params = { description: 'other description', version: 'bad_value' } put api("/projects/#{project.id}/feature_flags/feature1", user), params: params expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(response).to match_response_schema('public_api/v4/feature_flag') expect(feature_flag.reload.description).to eq('other description') end it 'returns the feature flag json' do params = { description: 'new description' } put api("/projects/#{project.id}/feature_flags/feature1", user), params: params expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(response).to match_response_schema('public_api/v4/feature_flag') feature_flag.reload expect(json_response).to eq({ 'name' => 'feature1', 'description' => 'new description', 'active' => true, 'created_at' => feature_flag.created_at.as_json, 'updated_at' => feature_flag.updated_at.as_json, 'scopes' => [], 'strategies' => [], 'version' => 'new_version_flag' }) end it 'updates an existing feature flag strategy to be gradual rollout strategy' do strategy = create(:operations_strategy, feature_flag: feature_flag, name: 'default', parameters: {}) params = { strategies: [{ id: strategy.id, name: 'gradualRolloutUserId', parameters: { groupId: 'default', percentage: '10' } }] } put api("/projects/#{project.id}/feature_flags/feature1", user), params: params expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(response).to match_response_schema('public_api/v4/feature_flag') result = feature_flag.reload.strategies.map { |s| s.slice(:id, :name, :parameters).deep_symbolize_keys } expect(result).to eq([{ id: strategy.id, name: 'gradualRolloutUserId', parameters: { groupId: 'default', percentage: '10' } }]) end it 'updates an existing feature flag strategy to be flexible rollout strategy' do strategy = create(:operations_strategy, feature_flag: feature_flag, name: 'default', parameters: {}) params = { strategies: [{ id: strategy.id, name: 'flexibleRollout', parameters: { groupId: 'default', rollout: '10', stickiness: 'DEFAULT' } }] } put api("/projects/#{project.id}/feature_flags/feature1", user), params: params expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(response).to match_response_schema('public_api/v4/feature_flag') result = feature_flag.reload.strategies.map { |s| s.slice(:id, :name, :parameters).deep_symbolize_keys } expect(result).to eq([{ id: strategy.id, name: 'flexibleRollout', parameters: { groupId: 'default', rollout: '10', stickiness: 'DEFAULT' } }]) end it 'adds a new gradual rollout strategy to a feature flag' do strategy = create(:operations_strategy, feature_flag: feature_flag, name: 'default', parameters: {}) params = { strategies: [{ name: 'gradualRolloutUserId', parameters: { groupId: 'default', percentage: '10' } }] } put api("/projects/#{project.id}/feature_flags/feature1", user), params: params expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(response).to match_response_schema('public_api/v4/feature_flag') result = feature_flag.reload.strategies .map { |s| s.slice(:id, :name, :parameters).deep_symbolize_keys } .sort_by { |s| s[:name] } expect(result.first[:id]).to eq(strategy.id) expect(result.map { |s| s.slice(:name, :parameters) }).to eq([{ name: 'default', parameters: {} }, { name: 'gradualRolloutUserId', parameters: { groupId: 'default', percentage: '10' } }]) end it 'adds a new gradual flexible strategy to a feature flag' do strategy = create(:operations_strategy, feature_flag: feature_flag, name: 'default', parameters: {}) params = { strategies: [{ name: 'flexibleRollout', parameters: { groupId: 'default', rollout: '10', stickiness: 'DEFAULT' } }] } put api("/projects/#{project.id}/feature_flags/feature1", user), params: params expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(response).to match_response_schema('public_api/v4/feature_flag') result = feature_flag.reload.strategies .map { |s| s.slice(:id, :name, :parameters).deep_symbolize_keys } .sort_by { |s| s[:name] } expect(result.first[:id]).to eq(strategy.id) expect(result.map { |s| s.slice(:name, :parameters) }).to eq([{ name: 'default', parameters: {} }, { name: 'flexibleRollout', parameters: { groupId: 'default', rollout: '10', stickiness: 'DEFAULT' } }]) end it 'deletes a feature flag strategy' do strategy_a = create(:operations_strategy, feature_flag: feature_flag, name: 'default', parameters: {}) strategy_b = create(:operations_strategy, feature_flag: feature_flag, name: 'userWithId', parameters: { userIds: 'userA,userB' }) params = { strategies: [{ id: strategy_a.id, name: 'default', parameters: {}, _destroy: true }, { id: strategy_b.id, name: 'userWithId', parameters: { userIds: 'userB' } }] } put api("/projects/#{project.id}/feature_flags/feature1", user), params: params expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(response).to match_response_schema('public_api/v4/feature_flag') result = feature_flag.reload.strategies .map { |s| s.slice(:id, :name, :parameters).deep_symbolize_keys } .sort_by { |s| s[:name] } expect(result).to eq([{ id: strategy_b.id, name: 'userWithId', parameters: { userIds: 'userB' } }]) end it 'updates an existing feature flag scope' do strategy = create(:operations_strategy, feature_flag: feature_flag, name: 'default', parameters: {}) scope = create(:operations_scope, strategy: strategy, environment_scope: '*') params = { strategies: [{ id: strategy.id, scopes: [{ id: scope.id, environment_scope: 'production' }] }] } put api("/projects/#{project.id}/feature_flags/feature1", user), params: params expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(response).to match_response_schema('public_api/v4/feature_flag') result = feature_flag.reload.strategies.first.scopes.map { |s| s.slice(:id, :environment_scope).deep_symbolize_keys } expect(result).to eq([{ id: scope.id, environment_scope: 'production' }]) end it 'deletes an existing feature flag scope' do strategy = create(:operations_strategy, feature_flag: feature_flag, name: 'default', parameters: {}) scope = create(:operations_scope, strategy: strategy, environment_scope: '*') params = { strategies: [{ id: strategy.id, scopes: [{ id: scope.id, _destroy: true }] }] } put api("/projects/#{project.id}/feature_flags/feature1", user), params: params expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(response).to match_response_schema('public_api/v4/feature_flag') expect(feature_flag.reload.strategies.first.scopes.count).to eq(0) end end end describe 'DELETE /projects/:id/feature_flags/:name' do subject do delete api("/projects/#{project.id}/feature_flags/#{feature_flag.name}", user), params: params end let!(:feature_flag) { create(:operations_feature_flag, project: project) } let(:params) { {} } it 'destroys the feature flag' do expect { subject }.to change { Operations::FeatureFlag.count }.by(-1) expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) end it 'returns version' do subject expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(json_response['version']).to eq('legacy_flag') end it 'does not return version when new version flags are disabled' do stub_feature_flags(feature_flags_new_version: false) subject expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(json_response.key?('version')).to eq(false) end context 'with a version 2 feature flag' do let!(:feature_flag) { create(:operations_feature_flag, :new_version_flag, project: project) } it 'destroys the flag' do expect { subject }.to change { Operations::FeatureFlag.count }.by(-1) expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) end it 'returns a 404 if the feature is disabled' do stub_feature_flags(feature_flags_new_version: false) expect { subject }.not_to change { Operations::FeatureFlag.count } expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:not_found) end end end end