import { languages } from 'monaco-editor'; import { flatten, isString } from 'lodash'; import { SIDE_LEFT, SIDE_RIGHT } from './constants'; import { performanceMarkAndMeasure } from '~/performance/utils'; const toLowerCase = x => x.toLowerCase(); const monacoLanguages = languages.getLanguages(); const monacoExtensions = new Set( flatten( => lang.extensions?.map(toLowerCase) || [])), ); const monacoMimetypes = new Set( flatten( => lang.mimetypes?.map(toLowerCase) || [])), ); const monacoFilenames = new Set( flatten( => lang.filenames?.map(toLowerCase) || [])), ); const KNOWN_TYPES = [ { isText: false, isMatch(mimeType) { return mimeType.toLowerCase().includes('image/'); }, }, { isText: true, isMatch(mimeType) { return mimeType.toLowerCase().includes('text/'); }, }, { isText: true, isMatch(mimeType, fileName) { const fileExtension = fileName.includes('.') ? `.${fileName.split('.').pop()}` : ''; return ( monacoExtensions.has(fileExtension.toLowerCase()) || monacoMimetypes.has(mimeType.toLowerCase()) || monacoFilenames.has(fileName.toLowerCase()) ); }, }, ]; export function isTextFile({ name, raw, content, mimeType = '' }) { const knownType = KNOWN_TYPES.find(type => type.isMatch(mimeType, name)); if (knownType) return knownType.isText; // does the string contain ascii characters only (ranges from space to tilde, tabs and new lines) const asciiRegex = /^[ -~\t\n\r]+$/; const fileContents = raw || content; // for unknown types, determine the type by evaluating the file contents return isString(fileContents) && (fileContents === '' || asciiRegex.test(fileContents)); } export const createPathWithExt = p => { const ext = p.lastIndexOf('.') >= 0 ? p.substring(p.lastIndexOf('.') + 1) : ''; return `${p.substring(1, p.lastIndexOf('.') + 1 || p.length)}${ext || '.js'}`; }; export const trimPathComponents = path => path .split('/') .map(s => s.trim()) .join('/'); export function registerLanguages(def, ...defs) { defs.forEach(lang => registerLanguages(lang)); const languageId =; languages.register(def); languages.setMonarchTokensProvider(languageId, def.language); languages.setLanguageConfiguration(languageId, def.conf); } export function registerSchema(schema) { const defaults = [languages.json.jsonDefaults, languages.yaml.yamlDefaults]; defaults.forEach(d => d.setDiagnosticsOptions({ validate: true, enableSchemaRequest: true, hover: true, completion: true, schemas: [schema], }), ); } export const otherSide = side => (side === SIDE_RIGHT ? SIDE_LEFT : SIDE_RIGHT); export function trimTrailingWhitespace(content) { return content.replace(/[^\S\r\n]+$/gm, ''); } export function getPathParents(path, maxDepth = Infinity) { const pathComponents = path.split('/'); const paths = []; let depth = 0; while (pathComponents.length && depth < maxDepth) { pathComponents.pop(); let parentPath = pathComponents.join('/'); if (parentPath.startsWith('/')) parentPath = parentPath.slice(1); if (parentPath) paths.push(parentPath); depth += 1; } return paths; } export function getPathParent(path) { return getPathParents(path, 1)[0]; } /** * Takes a file object and returns a data uri of its contents. * * @param {File} file */ export function readFileAsDataURL(file) { return new Promise(resolve => { const reader = new FileReader(); reader.addEventListener('load', e => resolve(, { once: true }); reader.readAsDataURL(file); }); } export function getFileEOL(content = '') { return content.includes('\r\n') ? 'CRLF' : 'LF'; } /** * Adds or increments the numeric suffix to a filename/branch name. * Retains underscore or dash before the numeric suffix if it already exists. * * Examples: * hello -> hello-1 * hello-2425 -> hello-2425 * -> * -> * hello_ -> hello_1 * master-patch-22432 -> master-patch-22433 * patch_332 -> patch_333 * * @param {string} filename File name or branch name * @param {number} [randomize] Should randomize the numeric suffix instead of auto-incrementing? */ export function addNumericSuffix(filename, randomize = false) { return filename.replace(/([ _-]?)(\d*)(\..+?$|$)/, (_, before, number, after) => { const n = randomize ? Math.random() .toString() .substring(2, 7) .slice(-5) : Number(number) + 1; return `${before || '-'}${n}${after}`; }); } export const measurePerformance = ( mark, measureName, measureStart = undefined, measureEnd = mark, ) => { performanceMarkAndMeasure({ mark, measures: [ { name: measureName, start: measureStart, end: measureEnd, }, ], }); };