import { shallowMount } from '@vue/test-utils'; import CodeBlock from '~/vue_shared/components/code_block.vue'; describe('Code Block', () => { let wrapper; const code = 'test-code'; const createComponent = (propsData, slots = {}) => { wrapper = shallowMount(CodeBlock, { slots, propsData, }); }; it('overwrites the default slot', () => { createComponent({}, { default: 'DEFAULT SLOT' }); expect(wrapper.element).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
          DEFAULT SLOT
`); }); it('renders with empty code prop', () => { createComponent({}); expect(wrapper.element).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
`); }); it('renders code prop when provided', () => { createComponent({ code }); expect(wrapper.element).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
`); }); it('sets maxHeight properly when provided', () => { createComponent({ code, maxHeight: '200px' }); expect(wrapper.element).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
`); }); });