import { mount } from '@vue/test-utils'; import katex from 'katex'; import { nextTick } from 'vue'; import markdownTableJson from 'test_fixtures/blob/notebook/markdown-table.json'; import basicJson from 'test_fixtures/blob/notebook/basic.json'; import mathJson from 'test_fixtures/blob/notebook/math.json'; import MarkdownComponent from '~/notebook/cells/markdown.vue'; import Prompt from '~/notebook/cells/prompt.vue'; window.katex = katex; function buildCellComponent(cell, relativePath = '', hidePrompt) { return mount(MarkdownComponent, { propsData: { cell, hidePrompt, }, provide: { relativeRawPath: relativePath, }, }); } function buildMarkdownComponent(markdownContent, relativePath = '') { return buildCellComponent( { cell_type: 'markdown', metadata: {}, source: markdownContent, }, relativePath, ); } describe('Markdown component', () => { let wrapper; let cell; let json; beforeEach(async () => { json = basicJson; // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-destructuring cell = json.cells[1]; wrapper = buildCellComponent(cell); await nextTick(); }); const findPrompt = () => wrapper.findComponent(Prompt); it('renders a prompt by default', () => { expect(findPrompt().exists()).toBe(true); }); it('does not render a prompt if hidePrompt is true', () => { wrapper = buildCellComponent(cell, '', true); expect(findPrompt().exists()).toBe(false); }); it('does not render the markdown text', () => { expect(wrapper.vm.$el.querySelector('.markdown').innerHTML.trim()).not.toEqual( cell.source.join(''), ); }); it('renders the markdown HTML', () => { expect(wrapper.vm.$el.querySelector('.markdown h1')).not.toBeNull(); }); it('sanitizes Markdown output', async () => { Object.assign(cell, { source: [ '[XSS](data:text/html;base64,PHNjcmlwdD5hbGVydChkb2N1bWVudC5kb21haW4pPC9zY3JpcHQ+Cg==)\n', ], }); await nextTick(); expect(wrapper.vm.$el.querySelector('a').getAttribute('href')).toBeNull(); }); it('sanitizes HTML', async () => { const findLink = () => wrapper.vm.$el.querySelector('.xss-link'); Object.assign(cell, { source: ['XSS\n'], }); await nextTick(); expect(findLink().dataset.remote).toBeUndefined(); expect(findLink().dataset.type).toBeUndefined(); }); describe('When parsing images', () => { it.each([ [ 'for relative images in root folder, it does', '![](local_image.png)\n', 'src="/raw/local_image', ], [ 'for relative images in child folders, it does', '![](data/local_image.png)\n', 'src="/raw/data', ], ["for embedded images, it doesn't", '![](data:image/jpeg;base64)\n', 'src="data:'], ["for images urls, it doesn't", '![](http://image.png)\n', 'src="http:'], ])('%s', async ([testMd, mustContain]) => { wrapper = buildMarkdownComponent([testMd], '/raw/'); await nextTick(); expect(wrapper.vm.$el.innerHTML).toContain(mustContain); }); }); describe('tables', () => { beforeEach(() => { json = markdownTableJson; }); it('renders images and text', async () => { wrapper = buildCellComponent(json.cells[0]); await nextTick(); const images = wrapper.vm.$el.querySelectorAll('img'); expect(images.length).toBe(5); const columns = wrapper.vm.$el.querySelectorAll('td'); expect(columns.length).toBe(6); expect(columns[0].textContent).toEqual('Hello '); expect(columns[1].textContent).toEqual('Test '); expect(columns[2].textContent).toEqual('World '); expect(columns[3].textContent).toEqual('Fake '); expect(columns[4].textContent).toEqual('External image: '); expect(columns[5].textContent).toEqual('Empty'); expect(columns[0].innerHTML).toContain(''); expect(columns[4].innerHTML).toContain(' { wrapper = buildMarkdownComponent([ "- list with inline $a=2$ inline formula $a' + b = c$\n", '\n', ]); await nextTick(); // expect one list with a katex formula in it expect(wrapper.vm.$el.querySelectorAll('li')).toHaveLength(1); expect(wrapper.vm.$el.querySelectorAll('li .katex')).toHaveLength(2); }); it('renders math formula with less-than-operator < in it', async () => { wrapper = buildMarkdownComponent([ '- list with inline $a=2$ inline formula $a + b < c$\n', '\n', ]); await nextTick(); // expect one list with a katex formula in it expect(wrapper.vm.$el.querySelectorAll('li')).toHaveLength(1); expect(wrapper.vm.$el.querySelectorAll('li .katex')).toHaveLength(2); }); it('renders math formula with greater-than-operator > in it', async () => { wrapper = buildMarkdownComponent([ '- list with inline $a=2$ inline formula $a + b > c$\n', '\n', ]); await nextTick(); // expect one list with a katex formula in it expect(wrapper.vm.$el.querySelectorAll('li')).toHaveLength(1); expect(wrapper.vm.$el.querySelectorAll('li .katex')).toHaveLength(2); }); }); });