import { GlTabs, GlButton } from '@gitlab/ui'; import Vue, { nextTick } from 'vue'; import Vuex from 'vuex'; import setWindowLocation from 'helpers/set_window_location_helper'; import { mountExtended } from 'helpers/vue_test_utils_helper'; import MembersApp from '~/members/components/app.vue'; import MembersTabs from '~/members/components/members_tabs.vue'; import { MEMBER_TYPES, TAB_QUERY_PARAM_VALUES, ACTIVE_TAB_QUERY_PARAM_NAME, FILTERED_SEARCH_TOKEN_GROUPS_WITH_INHERITED_PERMISSIONS, } from '~/members/constants'; import { pagination } from '../mock_data'; describe('MembersTabs', () => { Vue.use(Vuex); let wrapper; const createComponent = ({ totalItems = 10, provide = {} } = {}) => { const store = new Vuex.Store({ modules: { [MEMBER_TYPES.user]: { namespaced: true, state: { pagination: { ...pagination, totalItems, }, filteredSearchBar: { searchParam: 'search', }, }, }, []: { namespaced: true, state: { pagination: { ...pagination, totalItems, paramName: 'groups_page', }, filteredSearchBar: { searchParam: 'search_groups', tokens: [FILTERED_SEARCH_TOKEN_GROUPS_WITH_INHERITED_PERMISSIONS.type], }, }, }, [MEMBER_TYPES.invite]: { namespaced: true, state: { pagination: { ...pagination, totalItems, paramName: 'invited_page', }, filteredSearchBar: { searchParam: 'search_invited', }, }, }, [MEMBER_TYPES.accessRequest]: { namespaced: true, state: { pagination: { ...pagination, totalItems, paramName: 'access_requests_page', }, filteredSearchBar: { searchParam: 'search_access_requests', }, }, }, }, }); wrapper = mountExtended(MembersTabs, { store, stubs: ['members-app'], provide: { canManageMembers: true, canManageAccessRequests: true, canExportMembers: true, exportCsvPath: '', ...provide, }, }); return nextTick(); }; const findTabs = () => wrapper.findAllByRole('tab').wrappers; const findTabByText = (text) => findTabs().find((tab) => tab.text().includes(text)); const findActiveTab = () => wrapper.findByRole('tab', { selected: true }); const findExportButton = () => wrapper.findComponent(GlButton); beforeEach(() => { setWindowLocation('https://localhost'); }); it('renders `GlTabs` with `syncActiveTabWithQueryParams` and `queryParamName` props set', async () => { await createComponent(); const glTabsComponent = wrapper.findComponent(GlTabs); expect(glTabsComponent.exists()).toBe(true); expect(glTabsComponent.props()).toMatchObject({ syncActiveTabWithQueryParams: true, queryParamName: ACTIVE_TAB_QUERY_PARAM_NAME, }); }); describe('when tabs have a count', () => { it('renders tabs with count', async () => { await createComponent(); const tabs = findTabs(); expect(tabs[0].text()).toBe('Members 10'); expect(tabs[1].text()).toBe('Groups 10'); expect(tabs[2].text()).toBe('Invited 10'); expect(tabs[3].text()).toBe('Access requests 10'); expect(findActiveTab().text()).toContain('Members'); }); it('renders `MembersApp` and passes `namespace` and `tabQueryParamValue` props', async () => { await createComponent(); const membersApps = wrapper.findAllComponents(MembersApp).wrappers; expect(membersApps[0].props('namespace')).toBe(MEMBER_TYPES.user); expect(membersApps[1].props('namespace')).toBe(; expect(membersApps[2].props('namespace')).toBe(MEMBER_TYPES.invite); expect(membersApps[3].props('namespace')).toBe(MEMBER_TYPES.accessRequest); expect(membersApps[1].props('tabQueryParamValue')).toBe(; expect(membersApps[2].props('tabQueryParamValue')).toBe(TAB_QUERY_PARAM_VALUES.invite); expect(membersApps[3].props('tabQueryParamValue')).toBe(TAB_QUERY_PARAM_VALUES.accessRequest); }); }); describe('when tabs do not have a count', () => { it('only renders `Members` tab', async () => { await createComponent({ totalItems: 0 }); expect(findTabByText('Members')).not.toBeUndefined(); expect(findTabByText('Groups')).toBeUndefined(); expect(findTabByText('Invited')).toBeUndefined(); expect(findTabByText('Access requests')).toBeUndefined(); }); describe('when url param matches `filteredSearchBar.searchParam`', () => { beforeEach(() => { setWindowLocation('?search_groups=foo+bar'); }); it('shows tab that corresponds to search param', async () => { await createComponent({ totalItems: 0 }); expect(findTabByText('Groups')).not.toBeUndefined(); }); }); describe('when url param matches `filteredSearchBar.tokens`', () => { beforeEach(() => { setWindowLocation('?groups_with_inherited_permissions=exclude'); }); it('shows tab that corresponds to filtered search token', async () => { await createComponent({ totalItems: 0 }); expect(findTabByText('Groups')).not.toBeUndefined(); }); }); }); describe('when `canManageMembers` is `false`', () => { it('shows all tabs except `Invited` and `Access requests`', async () => { await createComponent({ provide: { canManageMembers: false, canManageAccessRequests: false }, }); expect(findTabByText('Members')).not.toBeUndefined(); expect(findTabByText('Groups')).not.toBeUndefined(); expect(findTabByText('Invited')).toBeUndefined(); expect(findTabByText('Access requests')).toBeUndefined(); }); }); describe('when `canExportMembers` is true', () => { it('shows the CSV export button with export path', async () => { await createComponent({ provide: { canExportMembers: true, exportCsvPath: 'foo' } }); expect(findExportButton().attributes('href')).toBe('foo'); }); }); describe('when `canExportMembers` is false', () => { it('does not show the CSV export button', async () => { await createComponent({ provide: { canExportMembers: false } }); expect(findExportButton().exists()).toBe(false); }); }); });