- user_email = "(#{params[:email]})" if Devise.email_regexp.match?(params[:email])
- request_link_start = ''.html_safe % { new_user_confirmation_path: new_user_confirmation_path }
- registration_link_start = ''.html_safe % { new_user_registration_path: new_user_registration_path }
- link_end = ''.html_safe
- content_for :page_specific_javascripts do
= render "layouts/google_tag_manager_head"
= render "layouts/one_trust"
= render "layouts/bizible"
= render "layouts/google_tag_manager_body"
= _("Almost there...")
%p{ class: 'gl-mb-6 gl-font-lg!' }
= _('Please check your email %{email} to confirm your account') % { email: user_email }
= _('If the email address is incorrect, you can %{registration_link_start}register again with a different email%{registration_link_end}.').html_safe % { registration_link_start: registration_link_start, registration_link_end: link_end }
- if Gitlab::CurrentSettings.after_sign_up_text.present?
= markdown_field(Gitlab::CurrentSettings, :after_sign_up_text)
= _("No confirmation email received? Check your spam folder or %{request_link_start}request new confirmation email%{request_link_end}.").html_safe % { request_link_start: request_link_start, request_link_end: link_end }