package main import ( "context" "errors" "flag" "fmt" "io" "os" zip "" "" "" ) const progName = "gitlab-zip-cat" var Version = "unknown" var printVersion = flag.Bool("version", false, "Print version and exit") func main() { flag.Parse() version := fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", progName, Version) if *printVersion { fmt.Println(version) os.Exit(0) } archivePath := os.Getenv("ARCHIVE_PATH") encodedFileName := os.Getenv("ENCODED_FILE_NAME") if len(os.Args) != 1 || archivePath == "" || encodedFileName == "" { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Usage: %s\n", progName) fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Env: ARCHIVE_PATH= or /path/to/\n") fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Env: ENCODED_FILE_NAME=base64-encoded-file-name\n") os.Exit(1) } scrubbedArchivePath := mask.URL(archivePath) fileName, err := zipartifacts.DecodeFileEntry(encodedFileName) if err != nil { fatalError(fmt.Errorf("decode entry %q", encodedFileName), err) } ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) defer cancel() archive, err := zipartifacts.OpenArchive(ctx, archivePath) if err != nil { fatalError(errors.New("open archive"), err) } file := findFileInZip(fileName, archive) if file == nil { fatalError(fmt.Errorf("find %q in %q: not found", fileName, scrubbedArchivePath), zipartifacts.ErrorCode[zipartifacts.CodeEntryNotFound]) } // Start decompressing the file reader, err := file.Open() if err != nil { fatalError(fmt.Errorf("open %q in %q", fileName, scrubbedArchivePath), err) } defer reader.Close() if _, err := fmt.Printf("%d\n", file.UncompressedSize64); err != nil { fatalError(fmt.Errorf("write file size invalid"), err) } if _, err := io.Copy(os.Stdout, reader); err != nil { fatalError(fmt.Errorf("write %q from %q to stdout", fileName, scrubbedArchivePath), err) } } func findFileInZip(fileName string, archive *zip.Reader) *zip.File { for _, file := range archive.File { if file.Name == fileName { return file } } return nil } func fatalError(contextErr error, statusErr error) { code := zipartifacts.ExitCodeByError(statusErr) fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s error: %v - %v, code: %d\n", progName, statusErr, contextErr, code) if code > 0 { os.Exit(code) } else { os.Exit(1) } }