import Vue from 'vue'; import jobComponent from '~/pipelines/components/graph/job_component.vue'; import mountComponent from 'spec/helpers/vue_mount_component_helper'; describe('pipeline graph job component', () => { let JobComponent; let component; const mockJob = { id: 4256, name: 'test', status: { icon: 'icon_status_success', text: 'passed', label: 'passed', tooltip: 'passed', group: 'success', details_path: '/root/ci-mock/builds/4256', has_details: true, action: { icon: 'retry', title: 'Retry', path: '/root/ci-mock/builds/4256/retry', method: 'post', }, }, }; beforeEach(() => { JobComponent = Vue.extend(jobComponent); }); afterEach(() => { component.$destroy(); }); describe('name with link', () => { it('should render the job name and status with a link', (done) => { component = mountComponent(JobComponent, { job: mockJob }); Vue.nextTick(() => { const link = component.$el.querySelector('a'); expect(link.getAttribute('href')).toEqual(mockJob.status.details_path); expect( link.getAttribute('data-original-title'), ).toEqual(`${} - ${mockJob.status.label}`); expect(component.$el.querySelector('.js-status-icon-success')).toBeDefined(); expect( component.$el.querySelector('.ci-status-text').textContent.trim(), ).toEqual(; done(); }); }); }); describe('name without link', () => { it('it should render status and name', () => { component = mountComponent(JobComponent, { job: { id: 4257, name: 'test', status: { icon: 'icon_status_success', text: 'passed', label: 'passed', group: 'success', details_path: '/root/ci-mock/builds/4257', has_details: false, }, }, }); expect(component.$el.querySelector('.js-status-icon-success')).toBeDefined(); expect(component.$el.querySelector('a')).toBeNull(); expect( component.$el.querySelector('.ci-status-text').textContent.trim(), ).toEqual(; }); }); describe('action icon', () => { it('it should render the action icon', () => { component = mountComponent(JobComponent, { job: mockJob }); expect(component.$el.querySelector('')).toBeDefined(); expect(component.$el.querySelector('')).toBeDefined(); }); }); describe('dropdown', () => { it('should render the dropdown action icon', () => { component = mountComponent(JobComponent, { job: mockJob, isDropdown: true, }); expect(component.$el.querySelector('')).toBeDefined(); }); }); it('should render provided class name', () => { component = mountComponent(JobComponent, { job: mockJob, cssClassJobName: 'css-class-job-name', }); expect( component.$el.querySelector('a').classList.contains('css-class-job-name'), ).toBe(true); }); describe('status label', () => { it('should not render status label when it is not provided', () => { component = mountComponent(JobComponent, { job: { id: 4258, name: 'test', status: { icon: 'icon_status_success', }, }, }); expect(component.$el.querySelector('.js-job-component-tooltip').getAttribute('data-original-title')).toEqual('test'); }); it('should not render status label when it is provided', () => { component = mountComponent(JobComponent, { job: { id: 4259, name: 'test', status: { icon: 'icon_status_success', label: 'success', tooltip: 'success', }, }, }); expect(component.$el.querySelector('.js-job-component-tooltip').getAttribute('data-original-title')).toEqual('test - success'); }); }); });