# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe PgFullTextSearchable do let(:project) { create(:project) } let(:model_class) do Class.new(ActiveRecord::Base) do include PgFullTextSearchable self.table_name = 'issues' belongs_to :project has_one :search_data, class_name: 'Issues::SearchData' before_validation -> { self.work_item_type_id = ::WorkItems::Type.default_issue_type.id } def persist_pg_full_text_search_vector(search_vector) Issues::SearchData.upsert({ project_id: project_id, issue_id: id, search_vector: search_vector }, unique_by: %i(project_id issue_id)) end def self.name 'Issue' end end end describe '.pg_full_text_searchable' do it 'sets pg_full_text_searchable_columns' do model_class.pg_full_text_searchable columns: [{ name: 'title', weight: 'A' }] expect(model_class.pg_full_text_searchable_columns).to eq({ 'title' => 'A' }) end it 'raises an error when called twice' do model_class.pg_full_text_searchable columns: [{ name: 'title', weight: 'A' }] expect { model_class.pg_full_text_searchable columns: [{ name: 'title', weight: 'A' }] }.to raise_error('Full text search columns already defined!') end end describe 'after commit hook' do let(:model) { model_class.create!(project: project) } before do model_class.pg_full_text_searchable columns: [{ name: 'title', weight: 'A' }] end context 'when specified columns are changed' do it 'calls update_search_data!' do expect(model).to receive(:update_search_data!) model.update!(title: 'A new title') end end context 'when specified columns are not changed' do it 'does not call update_search_data!' do expect(model).not_to receive(:update_search_data!) model.update!(description: 'A new description') end end context 'when model is updated twice within a transaction' do it 'calls update_search_data!' do expect(model).to receive(:update_search_data!) model.transaction do model.update!(title: 'A new title') model.update!(updated_at: Time.current) end end end end describe '.pg_full_text_search' do let(:english) { model_class.create!(project: project, title: 'title', description: 'something english') } let(:with_accent) { model_class.create!(project: project, title: 'Jürgen', description: 'Ærøskøbing') } let(:japanese) { model_class.create!(project: project, title: '日本語 title', description: 'another english description') } before do model_class.pg_full_text_searchable columns: [{ name: 'title', weight: 'A' }, { name: 'description', weight: 'B' }] [english, with_accent, japanese].each(&:update_search_data!) end it 'searches across all fields' do expect(model_class.pg_full_text_search('title english')).to contain_exactly(english, japanese) end it 'searches for exact term with quotes' do expect(model_class.pg_full_text_search('"something english"')).to contain_exactly(english) end it 'ignores accents' do expect(model_class.pg_full_text_search('jurgen')).to contain_exactly(with_accent) end it 'does not support searching by non-Latin characters' do expect(model_class.pg_full_text_search('日本')).to be_empty end context 'when search term has a URL' do let(:with_url) { model_class.create!(project: project, title: 'issue with url', description: 'sample url,https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab') } it 'allows searching by full URL, ignoring the scheme' do with_url.update_search_data! expect(model_class.pg_full_text_search('https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab')).to contain_exactly(with_url) expect(model_class.pg_full_text_search('gopher://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab')).to contain_exactly(with_url) end end end describe '#update_search_data!' do let(:model) { model_class.create!(project: project, title: 'title', description: 'description') } before do model_class.pg_full_text_searchable columns: [{ name: 'title', weight: 'A' }, { name: 'description', weight: 'B' }] end it 'sets the correct weights' do model.update_search_data! expect(model.search_data.search_vector).to match(/'titl':1A/) expect(model.search_data.search_vector).to match(/'descript':2B/) end context 'with accented and non-Latin characters' do let(:model) { model_class.create!(project: project, title: '日本語', description: 'Jürgen') } it 'transliterates accented characters and removes non-Latin ones' do model.update_search_data! expect(model.search_data.search_vector).not_to match(/日本語/) expect(model.search_data.search_vector).to match(/jurgen/) end end context 'with long words' do let(:model) { model_class.create!(project: project, title: 'title ' + 'long/sequence+1' * 4, description: 'description ' + '@user1' * 20) } it 'strips words that are 50 characters or longer' do model.update_search_data! expect(model.search_data.search_vector).to match(/'titl':1A/) expect(model.search_data.search_vector).not_to match(/long/) expect(model.search_data.search_vector).not_to match(/sequence/) expect(model.search_data.search_vector).to match(/'descript':2B/) expect(model.search_data.search_vector).not_to match(/@user1/) end end context 'when upsert times out' do it 're-raises the exception' do expect(Issues::SearchData).to receive(:upsert).once.and_raise(ActiveRecord::StatementTimeout) expect { model.update_search_data! }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::StatementTimeout) end end context 'with strings that go over tsvector limit', :delete do let(:long_string) { Array.new(30_000) { SecureRandom.hex }.join(' ') } let(:model) { model_class.create!(project: project, title: 'title', description: long_string) } it 'does not raise an exception' do expect(Gitlab::AppJsonLogger).to receive(:error).with( a_hash_including(class: model_class.name, model_id: model.id) ) expect { model.update_search_data! }.not_to raise_error expect(model.search_data).to eq(nil) end end context 'when model class does not implement persist_pg_full_text_search_vector' do let(:model_class) do Class.new(ActiveRecord::Base) do include PgFullTextSearchable self.table_name = 'issues' belongs_to :project has_one :search_data, class_name: 'Issues::SearchData' before_validation -> { self.work_item_type_id = ::WorkItems::Type.default_issue_type.id } def self.name 'Issue' end end end it 'raises an error' do expect { model.update_search_data! }.to raise_error(NotImplementedError) end end end end