= gitlab_ui_form_for @application_setting, url: metrics_and_profiling_admin_application_settings_path(anchor: 'js-grafana-settings'), html: { class: 'fieldset-form' } do |f| = form_errors(@application_setting, pajamas_alert: true) %fieldset .form-group = f.gitlab_ui_checkbox_component :grafana_enabled, s_('ApplicationSettings|Add a link to Grafana'), help_text: s_('ApplicationSettings|A Metrics Dashboard menu item appears in the Monitoring section of the Admin Area.') .form-group = f.label :grafana_url, _('Grafana URL'), class: 'label-bold' = f.text_field :grafana_url, class: 'form-control gl-form-input', placeholder: '/-/grafana' %span.form-text.text-muted#support_help_block= _('URL of the Grafana instance to link to from the Metrics Dashboard menu item.') = f.submit _('Save changes'), class: "gl-button btn btn-confirm"