import Jed from 'jed'; import sprintf from './sprintf'; const languageCode = () => document.querySelector('html').getAttribute('lang') || 'en'; const locale = new Jed(window.translations || {}); delete window.translations; /** Translates `text` @param text The text to be translated @returns {String} The translated text */ const gettext = locale.gettext.bind(locale); /** Translate the text with a number if the number is more than 1 it will use the `pluralText` translation. This method allows for contexts, see below re. contexts @param text Singular text to translate (eg. '%d day') @param pluralText Plural text to translate (eg. '%d days') @param count Number to decide which translation to use (eg. 2) @returns {String} Translated text with the number replaced (eg. '2 days') */ const ngettext = (text, pluralText, count) => { const translated = locale.ngettext(text, pluralText, count).replace(/%d/g, count).split('|'); return translated[translated.length - 1]; }; /** Translate context based text Either pass in the context translation like `Context|Text to translate` or allow for dynamic text by doing passing in the context first & then the text to translate @param keyOrContext Can be either the key to translate including the context (eg. 'Context|Text') or just the context for the translation (eg. 'Context') @param key Is the dynamic variable you want to be translated @returns {String} Translated context based text */ const pgettext = (keyOrContext, key) => { const normalizedKey = key ? `${keyOrContext}|${key}` : keyOrContext; const translated = gettext(normalizedKey).split('|'); return translated[translated.length - 1]; }; /** Creates an instance of Intl.DateTimeFormat for the current locale. @param formatOptions for available options, please see @returns {Intl.DateTimeFormat} */ const createDateTimeFormat = formatOptions => Intl.DateTimeFormat(languageCode(), formatOptions); export { languageCode }; export { gettext as __ }; export { ngettext as n__ }; export { pgettext as s__ }; export { sprintf }; export { createDateTimeFormat }; export default locale;